560-llu-0w Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. Road the WSTA city bus route 1 to CRB library-white female with big grin bus driver; and "m" and german white female at desk; both white females =harassment=2;
2. Saw on the internet proof of white males systems use of Musl-ms to attack AFrican Americans by using Janet JACKSONwho was forced to marry a Muls-m [which posted on blog] so that white males secret groups will be more receptive to Musl-ms[Farakan]; with the goal of creating more conflict to put African American[s] male and female into a catagory of an enemy so that is will be more acceptable for white male[s] system[s] to attack African American Christian[s] because white male[s] Christaians will not accept AFrican American[s][and AFricanAmerican culture and heritage as equal to white male[s]-which Obama knows and is/will be getting rich off of; MOst AFricanAmerican males put in prison are forced to joing the Musl-ms in jail or get killed-and the entire system was/is designed by white male[s];
Which the marriage of Janet JACKSON to the Musl-m also sent message to African American females [who white males have in prisoned/killed their African American husband/mate]to become a Musl-m/marry a Muslim man to have a man/work for Musl-m men-that is why the SUDDEN announcement by white male authority- that female are NOW allowed to seek/work in ALL positions of/in/for "combat" positions in the "militar-y"[good/legal way to kill African American females and stop the birth of AFrican American baby's and to block African American female with reproduction potential from being accessible to Musl-m men]; and because of the Musl-m men in the equation, it takes away the white male[s] power to separate women and men of color and it takes away the white male[s] power to stop AFrican Americans[heterosexual] from having "sex" and making babies; which means white male[s] and their system[s] will not be controlling the African American popuolation or the reproduction of the African American population;[and while the
Musl-m men are being pushed towards controlling African American females, saw news segment on local TV that the Musl-ms females are being left to fight the white male[s] systems themselves=which means that a lot of Musl-m females are being forced into white male[s] secret prostitution system[s] and will be informants against Muslmen,etc.:
Heard on local radioi News station year in review abut Charlie in Paris that was attacked by the Musl-ms because of the cartoons agains the Musl-ms=which is all tied together=code=it is no coincidence that the newpaper "CHARLIE"? was attacked by Musl-m; then Janet JACKSON married and became a Musl-m; and then Janet JACKSON booked a WORLD tour=code to communicte specifics to secret groups all around the WORLD;
Janet Jackson was on the "TODAY"show on Sept. 1,2015 doing an interview with Meridith and ANN Curry[who they ran off of the Today show:
"Janet Jackson interview with Meredith Vieira and Anne Curry"
[note: could not locate the video of Janet Jackson [on the CRB library internet[?]] being interviewed by Meridith Vieira; do not think it is a coincidence-CRB library have African American[s] on the intronet instead of the internetl; used somebody elses internet and located both video's of Janet JACKSON:Janet JACKSON interview with Meredith Vieira and Anne Curry" and Janet JACKSON converts to Isl-m video"];
[note: The fact that Meridith Vieira name has VIE in it is no coincidence that Samual "JACKSON's" name is Vie in the DVD- Kingmen The "Secret Service"[http://www.gopeachy.com/Kingsman-Secret-Service-Condition-VERY-GOOD_p_295822.html?gdftrk=gdfV29259_a_7c2925_a_7c10588_a_7cmon0000204008&gclid=CjwKEAiAh560BRDu-aD93r-J_zoSJACrxZG2ytXRoynaIQwb4DHtRZ0IRDqrbz9pKcU4iha_SUoaMxoCKnLw_wcB]
Kingsman: The Secret Service DVD
[Note- the DVD Kingsman: The Secret Service is also code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn secret group[s]];
Along with the DVD "Miniority Report starring Tom Cruise:
[Note: Minority Report is Confirmation of exactly what they are trying to do to my life along with
Kingsman: The Secret Service DVD];
"Janet Jackson converts to Islam video":
1. Road the WSTA city bus route 1 to CRB library-white female with big grin bus driver; and "m" and german white female at desk; both white females =harassment=2;
2. Saw on the internet proof of white males systems use of Musl-ms to attack AFrican Americans by using Janet JACKSONwho was forced to marry a Muls-m [which posted on blog] so that white males secret groups will be more receptive to Musl-ms[Farakan]; with the goal of creating more conflict to put African American[s] male and female into a catagory of an enemy so that is will be more acceptable for white male[s] system[s] to attack African American Christian[s] because white male[s] Christaians will not accept AFrican American[s][and AFricanAmerican culture and heritage as equal to white male[s]-which Obama knows and is/will be getting rich off of; MOst AFricanAmerican males put in prison are forced to joing the Musl-ms in jail or get killed-and the entire system was/is designed by white male[s];
Which the marriage of Janet JACKSON to the Musl-m also sent message to African American females [who white males have in prisoned/killed their African American husband/mate]to become a Musl-m/marry a Muslim man to have a man/work for Musl-m men-that is why the SUDDEN announcement by white male authority- that female are NOW allowed to seek/work in ALL positions of/in/for "combat" positions in the "militar-y"[good/legal way to kill African American females and stop the birth of AFrican American baby's and to block African American female with reproduction potential from being accessible to Musl-m men]; and because of the Musl-m men in the equation, it takes away the white male[s] power to separate women and men of color and it takes away the white male[s] power to stop AFrican Americans[heterosexual] from having "sex" and making babies; which means white male[s] and their system[s] will not be controlling the African American popuolation or the reproduction of the African American population;[and while the
Musl-m men are being pushed towards controlling African American females, saw news segment on local TV that the Musl-ms females are being left to fight the white male[s] systems themselves=which means that a lot of Musl-m females are being forced into white male[s] secret prostitution system[s] and will be informants against Muslmen,etc.:
Heard on local radioi News station year in review abut Charlie in Paris that was attacked by the Musl-ms because of the cartoons agains the Musl-ms=which is all tied together=code=it is no coincidence that the newpaper "CHARLIE"? was attacked by Musl-m; then Janet JACKSON married and became a Musl-m; and then Janet JACKSON booked a WORLD tour=code to communicte specifics to secret groups all around the WORLD;
Janet Jackson was on the "TODAY"show on Sept. 1,2015 doing an interview with Meridith and ANN Curry[who they ran off of the Today show:
"Janet Jackson interview with Meredith Vieira and Anne Curry"
[note: could not locate the video of Janet Jackson [on the CRB library internet[?]] being interviewed by Meridith Vieira; do not think it is a coincidence-CRB library have African American[s] on the intronet instead of the internetl; used somebody elses internet and located both video's of Janet JACKSON:Janet JACKSON interview with Meredith Vieira and Anne Curry" and Janet JACKSON converts to Isl-m video"];
[note: The fact that Meridith Vieira name has VIE in it is no coincidence that Samual "JACKSON's" name is Vie in the DVD- Kingmen The "Secret Service"[http://www.gopeachy.com/Kingsman-Secret-Service-Condition-VERY-GOOD_p_295822.html?gdftrk=gdfV29259_a_7c2925_a_7c10588_a_7cmon0000204008&gclid=CjwKEAiAh560BRDu-aD93r-J_zoSJACrxZG2ytXRoynaIQwb4DHtRZ0IRDqrbz9pKcU4iha_SUoaMxoCKnLw_wcB]
Kingsman: The Secret Service DVD
[Note- the DVD Kingsman: The Secret Service is also code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn secret group[s]];
Along with the DVD "Miniority Report starring Tom Cruise:
[may not have had the same cover]
[Note: Minority Report is Confirmation of exactly what they are trying to do to my life along with
Kingsman: The Secret Service DVD];
"Janet Jackson converts to Islam video":
Janet Jackson Has to Have Surgery, Postpones Tour: "Pray for Me"

/ By
"Hey you guys, Happy Holidays to each and every one of you,” the 49-year-old music icon tweeted. “I need you to know, I learned today, from my doctors that I must have surgery soon. It breaks my heart to tell you that I am forced to postpone the Unbreakable tour until the spring.”Janet Jackson
[http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/janet-jackson-has-to-have-surgery-postpones-tour-w160376];[Note: Janet Jackson KNOWS that the killed Michael JACKSON to communicate to some of the secret group[s], Janet Jackson maynot know the exact group; but she knows that if the white male system will kill Michael JACKSON and no pulbic outcry, she knows that the same white male system will kill her: Which Janet Jackson's surgery is code to Gwyndlyn Gwyn secret group that the Gwyndolyn Gwyn secret group,etc. and others need to stop doing what they are doing till white male systems clear the paths[either through intimidation or killing somebody]that is hindering white male[s] system of robbery and killing; and Janet Jackson prayer request=is a PUBLIC notification that something is wrong to all concerned and especially those that monitor and know of white male doctors who use health care system[s]of African "Americans [even those with money-to contol the celebrity as well as use the celerity's negative situation] to communicate to secret groups in the United States and around the world and in Janet Jacksoin's case-hopefully the results will not be as sibling Curtis who white male authority said that they counld not locate person who murdered Curtis off of "JACKSON" Street in Winston-Salem, NC];
3. CONFIRMATION of posts on blog about the name "STACY"[Sam's club, Hanes Mall Blvd in Winston-ssalem, NC who helped white male authority to try and intimidate me] andhowit is used in the white male system[s] and that the same controlling/intimidating white male system[s] are being operating in the white culture as well as African American culture:
A. During the later part of Christmas holidays apprx. 2:05pm, on channel 12 or local radio station, Merideth [local news anchor] did segment: WHAT'S HOT NOW-Dating Issue;
B. There was a white male discussing that he had married a female with his sisters name, so that both his wife and his sister both had the same name-"STACY" ; where the comment by the panel on the raido station was, "That has to be really weird to call your wife, your sister's name while in bed; in which they topic of the fact that a man in Russia married a pizzxa pie and a woman in PARIS married the Ifal TOWER; and Meridith stated, it is sad that "objects" can get married before me"[because the white male[s] sysbems of rearranging/blocking couples who want to marry in oirder toi control their relatioinships like during slavery time;
4. Spoke to Human Relations dept. in Greensboro, NC and communicated concern for safety, etc., not allowed by CRB library to send emails;
5. Not being alolowed to communicate with close relatives of cousin KANDY to keep from identifying the bastards that helped to kill KANDY;
6. Update:When took the WSTA back to house, white female bus driver that always has a nasty grin would not let me offo fthe bus because she want to scold me about salavia; told her Ispeech impediment and let me off of the bus; and while white female bus driver was scolding me-white authority vehicle with red and blue strips drove around bus=harassment-close tracking=tired of the harassment;
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