560-llw-Pa; Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. Caught ride from relative who switces from the use of "ROBINSON" to "POWELL" according tohow white males want to use them-who said they forgot to check on me in the snow storm of the century; thanked them for offering me a ride-to CRB library;asked them if they could help with food next week=being that lot of food eaten up because of staying in because of the snow;
2. Got to the CRB library and greeting at the exit door-which usually go in were the great big words on the CITY BEAT magazine, "BAIT & SWITCH"; get it; the bait and switch is of switch what belongs to African americans to hispanics; and on the back page is the ad for HIGH POINT university=seth GODin=code=that black church leaders[veterians] are in with whatever white males want to switch in the AFrican American culture=which based on obersation -lot of hispanics will be attacked to take back what belongs to AFrican Americans;
And CONFIRMATION is the hispanics children every where from across the street from Quality Education Acadamy from accross the street; and in order for everything to go as plan; poeple/systems are already in place- on the cover of the Winston-SalemJournal Newspaper is the lead article; "CITY: Allen needs fewer names to get on ballot" Officials conclude tht state law TRUMPS city ordiance[note: the name TRUMP will be used a lot as code=the "Trump system];by Wesley YOUNG=code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn group and recently found out the name they call the old man at 3713-they call him POP: and as was I walking up the street;Chris Hayes[judge rolland hayes son] proudly stated- "POP going to get them[referring to me not joining their crooked group]; you don't mess with POP" and the other males in the group echoed a, "right man" to show they were in agreement with POP and GWyndolyn Gwyn who are both about the same age ['79];
Based on observation[s]-POP works for the WSFC plo-ce;has been for a LONGGGGGGGG time-which is based under the same system where they set up my earthly father and other AFrican American males, put them in confinement and robbed them of their constitutional rights [like a GAME]; of which the Gwyndolyn Gwyn/POP group has been helping white males to rob from African American[s] a longtime in which the secret groups have been given instructions through the media of what to do or what not to do; and in the case of the Carver Road Branch Melissa Williams/ Carver School Road issues , when the police killed Mellissa williams in Cleveland Ohio; that was a coded messsage for the local secret groups to STOP what they were doing; because person who the secret groups had been assigned attacked had contacted somebody who could cause the secret groups problems; but when things had cooled off or rather when the white males had intimidated/abused/robbed or killed somebody who was not working for secret group; then the procedures could continue, ie.-
"Malissa Williams arrested dozens of times before she was killed after car chase"
Of which found that the most interesting thing is that Melissa Williams [who was killed] had been arrested dozen of times put into all kinds of confinement in CLEVELAND, Ohio -- while the Melissa Williams in Winston-Salem, NC that works at Carver Road Branch Library who had many complaints filed about abuse of power/intimidting local African Americans and nothing was/has been done about it; and that CLEVELAND is the same name in "Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian church [where Sheldon McCarter is the pastor]which is located just down the street- on the same street as the entrance to Carver Road branch library, where originally the Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian church[http://www.gcacc.org/]; was located on CLEVELAND AVE[in an all black neighborhood];[Coincidence?][note: it is almost like Melissa Williams in Cleveland, Ohio was put through situations to communicate to secret groups about how to hyde the abuse that Melissa Williams was doing to the local African American neighborhood; [note: Sheldon Mccarter is the only black minister from Winston-Salem,NC that went to Greensboro, NC [because I wasa member at that time] to meet with Obama;
Point is that the 13 officers were charged with the killing of Melissa Williams=is no accident; just like when Melissa Williams in Cleveland Ohio was killed is no accident;The 13 officers in Cleveland , Ohio ws charged to sdend message to local secret gwyndolyn Gwyn/POP group to continue helping the white male system the robbery/abuse/intimidation of African American[s];p while atthe same time helping the hispanics to take what belongs to AFrican American cities;
Of which person being put in place [to harass another person[ann] who did not join ALLEN JOINES secret group] is Jo- ANNE ALLEN = TWO ALLENS[two system]:

Jo"ANNE" ALLEN http://www.journalnow.com/
"But the would-be candidate, JoAnne Allen, said she will continue to call for a federal investigation" and pursue an ethics complaint against City Attorney Angela Carmon [note: Carman is code name ofr prostitution]; and being that have called the DOJ/other gov. agencies for a long time=with no results-Jo"Anne ALLEN has been TRAINED by white males to work for white males in secret; of which one of the names that Joanne Allen will pay close attention to is the name of "Powell"=CONFIRMATION= Article in the WSJournal, "Former Triad ECONOMIC [means issue is about MONEY] official "Powell" faces charges; of which all the other articles on the front page of the Winston-salem Journal Newspapers lines up with futher instructions to Joanne Allen [if white male system can put her[J. Allen] in over ALLEN JOINES=code to [ann] if will not join the secret ALLEN joines group; then white males will create a special system to attack [ann] to keep [ann] from the MONEY and wealth based upon Black Wallstreet before white male[s] attacked and tore down the Black Wallstreet; of which in upper right hand corner-the message from the articlein the WS Journal newspapers is ="KEEP SAME VIBE" which is to keep attacking[ann];
Note: Rush Limbough working on the white male TWO system also-but he does not say two systems; Rush Limbough always says, I'm doing thi1/2 my brain tied behind my back= 1/2 + 1/2= TWO halfs; but Rush Limbough only says 1/2 and most people don't think of 1/2 as one; they think of 1/2 as 1/2; but 1/2 is one part of two halfs=system of TWO;[lets see if hear that on the Rush LImbough Show?:
1. Caught ride from relative who switces from the use of "ROBINSON" to "POWELL" according tohow white males want to use them-who said they forgot to check on me in the snow storm of the century; thanked them for offering me a ride-to CRB library;asked them if they could help with food next week=being that lot of food eaten up because of staying in because of the snow;
2. Got to the CRB library and greeting at the exit door-which usually go in were the great big words on the CITY BEAT magazine, "BAIT & SWITCH"; get it; the bait and switch is of switch what belongs to African americans to hispanics; and on the back page is the ad for HIGH POINT university=seth GODin=code=that black church leaders[veterians] are in with whatever white males want to switch in the AFrican American culture=which based on obersation -lot of hispanics will be attacked to take back what belongs to AFrican Americans;
And CONFIRMATION is the hispanics children every where from across the street from Quality Education Acadamy from accross the street; and in order for everything to go as plan; poeple/systems are already in place- on the cover of the Winston-SalemJournal Newspaper is the lead article; "CITY: Allen needs fewer names to get on ballot" Officials conclude tht state law TRUMPS city ordiance[note: the name TRUMP will be used a lot as code=the "Trump system];by Wesley YOUNG=code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn group and recently found out the name they call the old man at 3713-they call him POP: and as was I walking up the street;Chris Hayes[judge rolland hayes son] proudly stated- "POP going to get them[referring to me not joining their crooked group]; you don't mess with POP" and the other males in the group echoed a, "right man" to show they were in agreement with POP and GWyndolyn Gwyn who are both about the same age ['79];
Based on observation[s]-POP works for the WSFC plo-ce;has been for a LONGGGGGGGG time-which is based under the same system where they set up my earthly father and other AFrican American males, put them in confinement and robbed them of their constitutional rights [like a GAME]; of which the Gwyndolyn Gwyn/POP group has been helping white males to rob from African American[s] a longtime in which the secret groups have been given instructions through the media of what to do or what not to do; and in the case of the Carver Road Branch Melissa Williams/ Carver School Road issues , when the police killed Mellissa williams in Cleveland Ohio; that was a coded messsage for the local secret groups to STOP what they were doing; because person who the secret groups had been assigned attacked had contacted somebody who could cause the secret groups problems; but when things had cooled off or rather when the white males had intimidated/abused/robbed or killed somebody who was not working for secret group; then the procedures could continue, ie.-
"Malissa Williams arrested dozens of times before she was killed after car chase"
Of which found that the most interesting thing is that Melissa Williams [who was killed] had been arrested dozen of times put into all kinds of confinement in CLEVELAND, Ohio -- while the Melissa Williams in Winston-Salem, NC that works at Carver Road Branch Library who had many complaints filed about abuse of power/intimidting local African Americans and nothing was/has been done about it; and that CLEVELAND is the same name in "Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian church [where Sheldon McCarter is the pastor]which is located just down the street- on the same street as the entrance to Carver Road branch library, where originally the Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian church[http://www.gcacc.org/]; was located on CLEVELAND AVE[in an all black neighborhood];[Coincidence?][note: it is almost like Melissa Williams in Cleveland, Ohio was put through situations to communicate to secret groups about how to hyde the abuse that Melissa Williams was doing to the local African American neighborhood; [note: Sheldon Mccarter is the only black minister from Winston-Salem,NC that went to Greensboro, NC [because I wasa member at that time] to meet with Obama;
Point is that the 13 officers were charged with the killing of Melissa Williams=is no accident; just like when Melissa Williams in Cleveland Ohio was killed is no accident;The 13 officers in Cleveland , Ohio ws charged to sdend message to local secret gwyndolyn Gwyn/POP group to continue helping the white male system the robbery/abuse/intimidation of African American[s];p while atthe same time helping the hispanics to take what belongs to AFrican American cities;
Of which person being put in place [to harass another person[ann] who did not join ALLEN JOINES secret group] is Jo- ANNE ALLEN = TWO ALLENS[two system]:

Jo"ANNE" ALLEN http://www.journalnow.com/
"But the would-be candidate, JoAnne Allen, said she will continue to call for a federal investigation" and pursue an ethics complaint against City Attorney Angela Carmon [note: Carman is code name ofr prostitution]; and being that have called the DOJ/other gov. agencies for a long time=with no results-Jo"Anne ALLEN has been TRAINED by white males to work for white males in secret; of which one of the names that Joanne Allen will pay close attention to is the name of "Powell"=CONFIRMATION= Article in the WSJournal, "Former Triad ECONOMIC [means issue is about MONEY] official "Powell" faces charges; of which all the other articles on the front page of the Winston-salem Journal Newspapers lines up with futher instructions to Joanne Allen [if white male system can put her[J. Allen] in over ALLEN JOINES=code to [ann] if will not join the secret ALLEN joines group; then white males will create a special system to attack [ann] to keep [ann] from the MONEY and wealth based upon Black Wallstreet before white male[s] attacked and tore down the Black Wallstreet; of which in upper right hand corner-the message from the articlein the WS Journal newspapers is ="KEEP SAME VIBE" which is to keep attacking[ann];
Thus [ann] heard over the media in a commerical where people were being attacked in an Oregon standoff andthe officials/authority told the people who were hiding and trying not to be a victim to run/hide/fight; [ann has already ran/hid/only thing left is to "FIGHT"]; which is where hispanic[s] come in [SACTUARY CITY] to do white male[s] illegal attacks on innocent African American[s] and where Joanne ALLEN comes in as "front" to hide white male[s] abuse of African Americans like Obama has done=where whiteboy network is talking about how Obama just flim flammed African Americans and they are still to ignorant to recognize what Obama has done to them; which posted on blog before Obama was elected that he was not good for the United States/ America or AFrican American[s]-however Obama has been very good for white male[s] system[s] of robbery/intimidation/killing of AFrican American[s] in every every-may Obama at some point and time SOON in his life recieve the benefits of what he has doneto African American[s]=have his rights oppressed/stolen from him-bastard;
Former Triad ECONOMIC [means issue is about MONEY] official "Powell" faces charges=code that local "Powell" faces charges which based on fact have caled to other states Denver,
Colorado; North Dakota; etc. and asked their Human Rights depts. for help because of concern for safety where the WSDP [Pam Peoples] has yet to respond; but hispanics seem to be everywhere-it is like the WSPD is working for hispanics, not citizens born inside the United States; and did express again concern for my safety]; [note could not locate article on "POWELL" on the internet];
Colorado; North Dakota; etc. and asked their Human Rights depts. for help because of concern for safety where the WSDP [Pam Peoples] has yet to respond; but hispanics seem to be everywhere-it is like the WSPD is working for hispanics, not citizens born inside the United States; and did express again concern for my safety]; [note could not locate article on "POWELL" on the internet];
[Note: Of which do not know how it is transfered/ or transpires;p but local gov. which is associated with the word "ACCESS-means rental; NOT OWNERSHIP" is somehow stealing/blocking citizens born inside the United States from accessing Ownership of their wealth; and African Americans that go after their wealth are singled out to be intimidated/put in confinement or worse by white male authority];
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