560-llw-0w Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. Road WSTA to the CRB library; white female who is paid to help white males to harass African Americans was the bus driver; whispered [so no one else could hear her]as I got in the bus that Iwas not allowed to ride the bus; I whispered back that she had been shot about three months ago therefore she was dead to me;and ALL AFrican American males were on the WSTA route 1 when I got on the bus; white female being using to send message to black males that they can choose a white female prostitute, but they better not get a black female not working for white males:
Took enlarged picture to try and get picture of white female in rear view windowl
All passengers were AFrican American males except one who looked hispanic in light blue, which is NOT a coincidence-white males control every aspect of AFrican American culture;
2. On the way to the CRB library; again white male[s] pimps and prostitutes seeking to take over AFrican American culture/business; signs had been put out for black male who owns Kingtz downtown store to run for city council if it is the same store KING is an African by birth, which is code to keep AFrican Ameicans in subserviant to white male[s]:
Maybe some kin to Ella KING Givens at Carver Road Christian church on Carver School Road:
The signs are posted in 3 key yards and no where else on Carver Road;
3. Posted on:
That-[Note: Janet Jackson KNOWS that they killed Michael JACKSON to communicate to some of the secret group[s], Janet Jackson maynot know the exact group];and as confirmation that Melissa WIlLIAMS isone of the leaders of one of the local white males secret group and/Gwyndolyn Gwyn and the Carver School Road area/ are participants and Winston-Salem, NC is where one of the secret groups is located, Melissa Williams put up display case to communicate to AFrican American females and men a book with a picture of "JANET JACKSON" and put up a book, "BLACK MANS GUIDE TO GOOD HEALTH" as code/threat to African American[s], male and female, that if they do not follow Janet Jackson's lead and become MUSL-m; they may end up in a box [case=code for box]:
Only Mellisa Williams who is ALL for anything that white male[s] want to do negative against/to African Americans as long as they provide Melissa Williams with a "dick"/john that she can call a husband;[would not be suprised if White female GERMAN got attack; lot of African American[s] aware of what they are doing/have done to African Americans];
5. Minature headlines in the January 7, 2016 WS Chronicle, "Obama takes on GUNS"[see opionon/forum pates on A6&7]-which I did not read; but did read article on Bobby Rush- [

["Bobby" is the name of skinny relative that 4great BIG white males dropped on head and he died and "RUSH" is the name of the head white male radio talk show host-"RUSH" Limbough];
The title of the article is "Illinois'1st congressional district election, 2000-Wikipedia, which is an article that verifies everything stated about Obama concerning what Obama is being paid by white male[s] to do to the AFrican American neighborhood;
Rush was involved in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. He was a member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and a former member and founder of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party.[1]
Obama entered the race in late September 1999, six months before the primary, stating Rush represented "a politics that is rooted in the past, a reactive politics that isn’t good at coming up with concrete solutions," while promising to build consensus and lead coalitions involving people outside of the black community to reduce crime, improve health care coverage, promote economic development and expand educational opportunities.[1]
Early polling showed Rush's name recognition started off at 90 percent, with Obama's at 11 percent.[1] Rush had 70 percent approval, while Obama had 8 percent approval. In the head to head matchup, forty-seven percent of the people polled favored Rush, 10 percent favored Obama, and 5 percent supported Trotter, who is also African American. Most of Obama's support came from Caucasians.[1
"In mid-October, Rush’s son, Huey, was murdered, leading Obama to put his campaign on hold.[1] Governor George Ryan called the Illinois Legislature to a special session to re-enact a package of gun-safety bills, a pet issue of Rush'"; which CONFIRMS some of the things posted about Obmama:
1. Obama working for white male[s], "Most of Obama's support came from Caucasians."
2. GUN-safety bills, a pet issue of Rush[African American male who was born of an African Americn female and an African American male]=It is no coinicdence that Obama pet issue is the same as Bobby Rush-just confirms the robbery of African American[s] and Obama's concepts concerning GUNS to keep African American[s] safe is differentthat what Bobby Rushes concepts would be; Obama's goal is to get AFrican American[s] GUNS from them to make it harder for AFrican American[s] to get GUNS so it will be easier for the people OUTSIDE the AFrican American neighborhoods [white male[s]/Russians/ISIS killers to control/kill AFrican American[s] who are not subserviant to white male[s];[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois%27_1st_congressional_district_election,_2000];
Which the article in the Winston-Salem Journal also CONFIRMS the extent of expansion of the white male[s] system of control=
The statement: "As Obama lived in Hyde Park, a more affluent neighborhood with a higher percentage of White voters than the rest of the district, the narrative of the race became "the Black Panther against the professor"[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois%27_1st_congressional_district_election,_2000]"CONFIRMS again that Obama is not AFrican American-everybody KNOWS that the REAL Black Panthers were REAL AFRICAN AMERICANS;Obama was named as recognized in 1990's as working for white male[s] against what is good and right for AFrican Americans;
The statement: "Trotter said "Barack is viewed in part to be the white man in blackface in our community."[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois%27_1st_congressional_district_election,_2000]
confirms that Obama has never been accepted as African American among REAL African Americans.
The statement: "Obama entered the race in late September 1999-while promising to build consensus and lead coalitions involving people outside of the black community to reduce crime, improve health care coverage, promote economic development and expand educational opportunities. CONFIRMS Obama's partnership with outside people/races/countries like-white male[s]/"RUSSIA"/ "ISIS" to increase the violence to rob AFrican American[s] of their wealth based on Black Wallstreet;
7. Sent email to CDC who studies violence and asked for help:
Thus would appreciate investigation into why email above
does not receive or allowed to send
Deanna [com. Name]
1. Road WSTA to the CRB library; white female who is paid to help white males to harass African Americans was the bus driver; whispered [so no one else could hear her]as I got in the bus that Iwas not allowed to ride the bus; I whispered back that she had been shot about three months ago therefore she was dead to me;and ALL AFrican American males were on the WSTA route 1 when I got on the bus; white female being using to send message to black males that they can choose a white female prostitute, but they better not get a black female not working for white males:
Took enlarged picture to try and get picture of white female in rear view windowl
2. On the way to the CRB library; again white male[s] pimps and prostitutes seeking to take over AFrican American culture/business; signs had been put out for black male who owns Kingtz downtown store to run for city council if it is the same store KING is an African by birth, which is code to keep AFrican Ameicans in subserviant to white male[s]:
Maybe some kin to Ella KING Givens at Carver Road Christian church on Carver School Road:

The signs are posted in 3 key yards and no where else on Carver Road;
3. Posted on:
Saturday, January 02, 2016
That-[Note: Janet Jackson KNOWS that they killed Michael JACKSON to communicate to some of the secret group[s], Janet Jackson maynot know the exact group];and as confirmation that Melissa WIlLIAMS isone of the leaders of one of the local white males secret group and/Gwyndolyn Gwyn and the Carver School Road area/ are participants and Winston-Salem, NC is where one of the secret groups is located, Melissa Williams put up display case to communicate to AFrican American females and men a book with a picture of "JANET JACKSON" and put up a book, "BLACK MANS GUIDE TO GOOD HEALTH" as code/threat to African American[s], male and female, that if they do not follow Janet Jackson's lead and become MUSL-m; they may end up in a box [case=code for box]:
located, Melissa Williams put up display case:
to communicate to AFrican American females and men a book with a picture of "JANET JACKSON"
and put up a book, "BLACK MANS GUIDE TO GOOD HEALTH" as code/threat to African American[s], male and female, that if they do not follow Janet Jackson's lead and become MUSL-m; they may end up in a box [case=code for box]:
4. Picture of GERMAN white female-white male is probably white also-white female GERMAN CRB employee watched the white male to time it so that she checked the white male[s] books out of the CRB library-code for white[s] GERMAN to attack/block AFrican American[s] at/through the CRB library:
5. Minature headlines in the January 7, 2016 WS Chronicle, "Obama takes on GUNS"[see opionon/forum pates on A6&7]-which I did not read; but did read article on Bobby Rush- [

["Bobby" is the name of skinny relative that 4great BIG white males dropped on head and he died and "RUSH" is the name of the head white male radio talk show host-"RUSH" Limbough];
The title of the article is "Illinois'1st congressional district election, 2000-Wikipedia, which is an article that verifies everything stated about Obama concerning what Obama is being paid by white male[s] to do to the AFrican American neighborhood;
Rush was involved in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. He was a member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and a former member and founder of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party.[1]
Obama entered the race in late September 1999, six months before the primary, stating Rush represented "a politics that is rooted in the past, a reactive politics that isn’t good at coming up with concrete solutions," while promising to build consensus and lead coalitions involving people outside of the black community to reduce crime, improve health care coverage, promote economic development and expand educational opportunities.[1]
Early polling showed Rush's name recognition started off at 90 percent, with Obama's at 11 percent.[1] Rush had 70 percent approval, while Obama had 8 percent approval. In the head to head matchup, forty-seven percent of the people polled favored Rush, 10 percent favored Obama, and 5 percent supported Trotter, who is also African American. Most of Obama's support came from Caucasians.[1
"In mid-October, Rush’s son, Huey, was murdered, leading Obama to put his campaign on hold.[1] Governor George Ryan called the Illinois Legislature to a special session to re-enact a package of gun-safety bills, a pet issue of Rush'"; which CONFIRMS some of the things posted about Obmama:
1. Obama working for white male[s], "Most of Obama's support came from Caucasians."
2. GUN-safety bills, a pet issue of Rush[African American male who was born of an African Americn female and an African American male]=It is no coinicdence that Obama pet issue is the same as Bobby Rush-just confirms the robbery of African American[s] and Obama's concepts concerning GUNS to keep African American[s] safe is differentthat what Bobby Rushes concepts would be; Obama's goal is to get AFrican American[s] GUNS from them to make it harder for AFrican American[s] to get GUNS so it will be easier for the people OUTSIDE the AFrican American neighborhoods [white male[s]/Russians/ISIS killers to control/kill AFrican American[s] who are not subserviant to white male[s];[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois%27_1st_congressional_district_election,_2000];
Which the article in the Winston-Salem Journal also CONFIRMS the extent of expansion of the white male[s] system of control=
The statement: "As Obama lived in Hyde Park, a more affluent neighborhood with a higher percentage of White voters than the rest of the district, the narrative of the race became "the Black Panther against the professor"[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois%27_1st_congressional_district_election,_2000]"CONFIRMS again that Obama is not AFrican American-everybody KNOWS that the REAL Black Panthers were REAL AFRICAN AMERICANS;Obama was named as recognized in 1990's as working for white male[s] against what is good and right for AFrican Americans;
The statement: "Trotter said "Barack is viewed in part to be the white man in blackface in our community."[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois%27_1st_congressional_district_election,_2000]
confirms that Obama has never been accepted as African American among REAL African Americans.
The statement: "Obama entered the race in late September 1999-while promising to build consensus and lead coalitions involving people outside of the black community to reduce crime, improve health care coverage, promote economic development and expand educational opportunities. CONFIRMS Obama's partnership with outside people/races/countries like-white male[s]/"RUSSIA"/ "ISIS" to increase the violence to rob AFrican American[s] of their wealth based on Black Wallstreet;
7. Sent email to CDC who studies violence and asked for help:
Called the CDC Injury Prevention and Control/Division of
Violence phone number 800-232-4636 and spoke to Jayla at the
Information Line who said that she could not escalate the situation, but could
send the information as “Be informed of situation/complaint”; which Jayla said
that she had submitted the complaint[while I was on phone] and said that after
she [Jayla] submitted the complaint, it stated, “This form has been submitted;
Jaykla’s time as 3:24pm; my correct time was 5:24pm[although phone had changed
time to 5:24am];
Thus Jayla suggested that I send in info my self; which will
be the same information that Jayla was given over the phone; starting with
first hopefully this will get to the right person who can help;
The information given to Jayla on the phone at the CDC was
that doing research located link to CDC on “violence” [the CDC Injury
Prevention and Control/Division of Violence ] where there were 3 steps that
were given with number 3 being “Develop Prevention Strategies”-which told Jayla
that had been studying/aware of “violence” since 1991 when my baby brother was murdered and the white male authority[that’s
who came around] said that they could not find anything and that since I had
been studying/monitoring/and avoiding the issue of “violence” since 1991 that maybe
the CDC could offer some solutions and that I wanted to ask a question; which
Jayla said the question could be converted into a complaint; which the question
was as follows:
Being that have already had a brother murdered; just had a
cousin Kanzenner W[a nurse] who was killed and who recently retired from working
at WSFC jail-[where white male authority was encountered everyday at work and
where white male authority lived beside Kanzenner]; within the last six months
or less all of the public authority vehicles have been given new license plates
that end with “V”[my first name initial] or a “T” [my nephews first name
initial-who has been jumped on twice by at five or more authority[secret group
operated by authority] within the last year or two];along with the fact hat
presently waiting for a response for the WSPD concerning my coincerns for my
safety to prevent me from being the victim of violence from the guy[Pookie-Gwyndolyn
Gwyn’s son] who lives across the street from me [who pulled a weapon on me] and
from the other people who stay in houses around me on the street that I live on
and from the recent hispanics who have just moved into the Carver School Road
area; the question is what am I or any person[national issue-based on authority
attacks on blacks] suppose to do to protect themselves from violence from
authority who are suppose to protect the person or to protect themselves from
violence from those who work in secret for authorit?; what do I need to do in
order to protect mty self from being put behind bars or being put into confinement
for protecting my self-specifically for doing hones work to earn an honest
living [of which the threat of
confinement has been communicated that if I
use my education/two Bachelor of Arts Degrees-Business/Sociology]of
which has led to the ICU unit at Forsyth Hospital because of the stress/food
being kept from me;etc.;
Gave Jayla the reference number 8450 –where called into City
of Winston-Salem City Link
[727-8000] and note was made on 1/8/16 stating:
The concern about my safety,
intimidation from local people and Hispanics; that a complaint was filed about
the first of September, 2015 with the WSPD, mayors office and the mayors city
council assistant Pam Peopole Joyner who has not give response from last hone
call made to CCAssistant; then called back and Lily ast city link gave
reference number 8512 to conrim thast
she had added “
Also gave email address of deanna9deann@yahoo.com and the name of
Deanna[com.name]=communication name;
Thank you
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