60-llw-Pi Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
1. Today is a TWO day; and first of all, the bastards took all my pictures off of my phone and sd card?]; then put symbolic cloths/cover-royal blue as form of harassment as code that city has already killed African American male-royal blue;
where two white females[from a church] went and got me food from grocery store; one driving a blue car; wearing all royal blue clothes; and today-there are no pictures on phone[?];
CONFIRMATION of above-black male and royal blue=Triad City BEAT magazine:
Front cover is posted by the exit door that I ususally enter through and on the back cover is a picture of a masculine African American male[my pictures will not post]:
[update:-did get picture to upload on 4/12/16]
Could not locate picture of illustration of black male by Jorage Maturino[sounds hispanic]; but did google:illustration of black male by Jorge[code for george=money] Maturino and there were two links associated with Jorge Maturino; 3 Becoming a Pol-ce Off-cer;2 Levels of Law Enforcement;
And confirmation about CLEMMONS[which disappeared on blog last week-like the pictures] which had posted that Clemmons is [WHITE]- where posted on blog appx. 2012, that the white males in Clemmons was connected with working to set up black males with local black ministers;where when went to the Clemmons food pantry white male-JOHN stood at entrance to get get food; and had posted bet you they have a person name victoria,etc.; Of which am posting that the bread turned into mold about three days after they gave the bread:
[note: They can put whatever they want in food/BREAD=code for MONEY and the bastards took all my pictures off of my phone and sd card? as punishment for the two white females bring me food and the two white females were well aware]; ;
And that all the people in the picture of pamhlet waiting to recieve food were African American;
where posted on blog appx. 2012, that the white males in Clemmons was connected with working to set up black males with local black ministers;

Pictured left to right:Mike Combest - Rotarian and
Clemmons Councilman,Ron Davis - Rotarian,Rick Sylvester - Rotarian and
co-owner Sylvester and
Cockrum,Rebecca Howorka - Rotarian
and co-owner Express Oil
Change,Dan Greer - President Rotary
Club of Clemmons,Scott Smith - President
Clemmons Food Pantry
[note: They can put whatever they want in food/BREAD=code for MONEY];
Howorka = CODE-for African American females seeking food or help [because of white male[s] secret system[s] of seperating black husband[jail] and wives[threaten and intimidated]] to be put into prostitute category, automatically, which means white male[s] think they can do whatever they want to the African American females and children and nothing will ever be done about it;
1. Today is a TWO day; and first of all, the bastards took all my pictures off of my phone and sd card?]; then put symbolic cloths/cover-royal blue as form of harassment as code that city has already killed African American male-royal blue;
where two white females[from a church] went and got me food from grocery store; one driving a blue car; wearing all royal blue clothes; and today-there are no pictures on phone[?];
CONFIRMATION of above-black male and royal blue=Triad City BEAT magazine:
Front cover is posted by the exit door that I ususally enter through and on the back cover is a picture of a masculine African American male[my pictures will not post]:
[update:-did get picture to upload on 4/12/16]
Could not locate picture of illustration of black male by Jorage Maturino[sounds hispanic]; but did google:illustration of black male by Jorge[code for george=money] Maturino and there were two links associated with Jorge Maturino; 3 Becoming a Pol-ce Off-cer;2 Levels of Law Enforcement;
And confirmation about CLEMMONS[which disappeared on blog last week-like the pictures] which had posted that Clemmons is [WHITE]- where posted on blog appx. 2012, that the white males in Clemmons was connected with working to set up black males with local black ministers;where when went to the Clemmons food pantry white male-JOHN stood at entrance to get get food; and had posted bet you they have a person name victoria,etc.; Of which am posting that the bread turned into mold about three days after they gave the bread:
[note: They can put whatever they want in food/BREAD=code for MONEY and the bastards took all my pictures off of my phone and sd card? as punishment for the two white females bring me food and the two white females were well aware]; ;
And that all the people in the picture of pamhlet waiting to recieve food were African American;
where posted on blog appx. 2012, that the white males in Clemmons was connected with working to set up black males with local black ministers;

Pictured left to right:Mike Combest - Rotarian and
Clemmons Councilman,Ron Davis - Rotarian,Rick Sylvester - Rotarian and
co-owner Sylvester and
Cockrum,Rebecca Howorka - Rotarian
and co-owner Express Oil
Change,Dan Greer - President Rotary
Club of Clemmons,Scott Smith - President
Clemmons Food Pantry
[note: They can put whatever they want in food/BREAD=code for MONEY];
Howorka = CODE-for African American females seeking food or help [because of white male[s] secret system[s] of seperating black husband[jail] and wives[threaten and intimidated]] to be put into prostitute category, automatically, which means white male[s] think they can do whatever they want to the African American females and children and nothing will ever be done about it;
2.There is only one copy of the Winston-Salem Cronicle-March 24, 2016= just like the clothes being placed-think that they removed/hiding copies of the WS Chronicle- to interfere with access to information[because of limited schedule and income=not hard to figure person[s] schedule;
3. Heard something on the radio this week of 4/2/16 that the EFFECT of some medications don't appear until MUCH LATER- where am concerned because when went to the emergency room to get help with high glucose level, the bastards [Steven Sands and Erica HERman] used their medical positions to perform psychological abuse by forcing into a psychiatric ward, where was placed at the end of a hall beside a locked door-which also was a way for people to slip in and out during the night and do not know what they did to my body; of which if anybody reading this cares-if there starts to be changes in thought pattern[s] it is because of something they put in my system to cause behavior; of which just paying attention-knowing that there is nothing wrong with my mind=do know am angry [which exercise to deflect effects]=do know that they can give a person something to cause their body to react as if they are diabetic-cause a high glucose leve and do know that there are synthetic drugs that they can have a person touch without the person knowing that they are touching it-like putting it on a door knob or keep board or any public place to make the person act psychotic;thus the concern; along with concern for MUCH LATER side effects were a lot of people would not make the connection; for the most part have been healthy just about all my life-till healthy food was intentionlly kept from me;
4. [Note:Was forced to sign out and back in again[twice];
Which the WARNING came up :

5. Of which heard on the radio the statement on 8.5 fm radio[news] that Harnet[?] was in the process or had been accused of "CRASHING" an old website and REPLACING it wit a NEW sit; in which have sat and watched for at least a year now of having added posts and the number of posts NEVER change; have been posting on blog since 2005 almost daily-that is eleven years=365 days x 11years equals 4,015 daily posts=probably not 4,015; cause of going to church, etc. but at least 3,000 or more; do KNOW that it is more than 557 or 604
Picture taken 4/6/16
6. Posted on blog about the fact that AFrican Americans not allowed to be outside in neighborhoods= epecially concerning growing food heard n the radio 88.5 fm; Diane Rehm show where guest were talking about the importance of being outside-which is when a lot of the current issues dealing with started- when Chris Hayes [car wash business in a residental area=illegal]customers started calling me "bitch" and telling me NOT TO COME OUTSIDE along with the garden suddenly to stop growing; Diane Rehm guest stated:
"People are dying because of not going outside";
"Being outside if good for a persons HEALTH"
"Solution to helping with Diabetes ,etc.[all health conditions is wending more time outside"
one of them wrote a book titled, ""The vitamin "N" deficiency"; googled the title of the book and there were =no results;
Then went to Diane Rehm website:
Diane Rehm
And the show was titled:
Wednesday, Apr 06 • 11 a.m. (ET)
Environmental Outlook: New Reasons To Get Kids Outdoors
Black BOYS in the BACKOf which a person can go to http://thedianerehmshow.org/ and listen to the show;picture-
To verify and confirm that blog post from Diane Rehm show is not coincidental; on the front of the website for the Winston-Salem Forsyth County LIBRARY-which is where coded instructions for African American who work as secret prostitutes for white males is posted are TWO pictures of "children"[BOYS]:

And just like in the picture posted on Diane Rehm show is a black boy and a white girl; so there is a black boy with a white girl;
And the hispanic boy in picture with future or present hispanic prostitute working in secret for white males;
And to really CONFIRM is that the Carver Road Branch Library today 4/6/16 is holding it's Girls with a PURPOSE program and SHEY[rebellionion is in charge]:
7. And coded instructions for the abused adults by white males to be heard on:
Monday, Apr 11 • 11 a.m. (ET)
David Kessler: “Capture: Unraveling The Mystery of Mental Suffering”
David Kessler, a former commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, argues that there is a neurological process underlying all mental suffering, from depression to addiction. A conversation about his new theory on the root cause of behavioral and emotional problems and what can be done about it.[http://thedianerehmshow.org/]
8. Of which concerning being able to go outside without harassment and intimidation- Gwydolyn Gwyn's son who pulled the weapon on me is still trying to intimidate me to stop coming outside:
taken 4/5/16
The car in the above picture[silver grey] stayed parked in the middle o street in front of house for about six to 10 minutes vs being parked in front of Gwyndolyn Gwyns house, like someone was trying to look through my windows;after about 10 minutes "Pookie"[Gwyndolyn Gwyn's son
got out of the car and walked up the hill to Gwyndolyn Gwyn's house-form of intimidation;9. Called t-moblile and hispanic female and white male answered and tried to give the run-around[?];
10. One of the reasons for the blockage of African American[s] prosperity-having to be subserviant to white males is the PAYOFF[such as what is in the process of being developed]=
State lawmaker Evelyn Terry is engaging preservation experts to push forward a plan to restore the house and brickyard where her distinguished grandfather operated a successful brickmaking business in Winston-Salem’s Dreamland Park neighborhood
the big payoff=have to have an AVENUE=relative who went to AFrica to teach African[s] how to make bricks; especially if person has sat on just about every BOARD in Winston-Salem, usually as the only AFrican American and also was one of Earline Parman's [who was just killed] running partners.11. The guy who drives the silver grey station wagon that goes to gwyndolyn gwyn son's house, to where chris hayes stays and to 3713 name is "ART"=code for ART BARNES=BARN=blacks still in the BARN like in slavery=why ART is constantly on street; one would think that he lived on the street-he is code to the black bastards that they are still white male[s] slaves; and this week on phone took picture of ART being parked at "Pookie"s"; of which ART has tried to intimidate by calling me by name; of which I did not respond-because he does not know me;
12. However since pictures will not post; will post names of one of the public safety white males[of which there were five of them in all that excorted me to the psyhic ward; one was name BOB FREEMAN=bob-code for clansman BOB CLARK[grand drangon of the "KKK"]=suppose to be code that that "KKK" free cause of white male authority illegal hospital arrest; if they had hoods and and was dragging an African American female off without her permission-people would cry file; but policies are/have been developed so that society okays such abuse;
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