Social Understandings

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

60-llw-Pj Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis


1. Road the WSTA to CR Branch library and ROBIN was the driver; thus based on the van that had WHITE written on the side before Robin [the African American secret prositute working for white males] had driven the WSTA bus to the bus stop and white male on the wsta bus=Robin is robbing white males;

2. At the CRB library Melody, ZACK[]white male] and melissa williams working; zack was on desk when walked in; while looking at the newspapers; AFrican American female[in early 20's][looked like she was a student from Mazzie Woodruff Forsyth Tech] came in an empty library and immediately ignored all the other places that offered privacy and went and sat in the chair beside the ONLY other white male in the library:

[note:can't locate photo on computer; now can only get to photo through numbers and have to guess which one is the right picture; will have to post later] 

3. Posted on blog last week []; that the Triad CITY Beat magazine had white male in royal blue on front cover and African American male[muscular on back cover] as code; but could not get picture to post from cell phone; which did today after asked one of CRB library staff to inquire as to why my pictures all of sudden stop posting; but anyway, the picture of the African American male[muscular] on the back of the Triad city beat magazine is as follows:



5. The SUNDAY Winston-Salem Journal; lead  code story was about "PAULA" Wilkins[last name of the African American pastor that did not sell out African Americans [Melvin Rip Wilkins] who is the NEW porinicipal at COOK elementary school=JOKE=why is it Blacks always fall for the same thing over and over again; BECAUSE they keep getting NEW African American prostitutes to work for them; again CONFIRMATION that PAULA Wilkins working for white male[s] for a "DICK" is the article under it: "RESILIENCE", written by scott SEXton; not to mention that did speak to Burr's office last month-and the article is by a person with hispanic name=coincidence=NO!;

The title in the  hard copy of the Winston-Salem Journal is

"Burr, Ross divided on suit"

and on the Winston-Salem Journal's webpage  the title is:

"Immigration policy splits U.S. Senate candidates Burr and Ross"

Posted: Saturday, April 9, 2016 11:00 pm


Which did see movie/dvd titled, NOAH!=were the mother of TWINS was name LILA and in the movie, the grandfather-NOAH said he was going to kill the TWINS for GOD; but in the end; NOAH did not kill the TWINS=CODE-in real life; the TWINS belonging to LILA has a lot to do with the TWO concept[?] and the real messsage is LILA said NO! to the mother of the real TWINS having access to the both  of the TWINS; which did communicate to Burr's office; along with some other things;

6. Also when went to Clemmons Food Pantry[feeding the white man's hope]; people say they can't locate the illegal hispanics-it is easy; Clemmons Food Pantry put out a listing of  at least 34 organizations that are serving the illegal hispanics in the TRIAD area; [note: took a picture of the pamplet but can't locate because of the numbers and the picture is not posted on the computer in sequence];



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