60-llw-Pl-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
1. Contacted the Justice and Accountability Center;Mr. HARVEY getting NEW makeover-by the white male[s] habitat for humanity who has a "JOHN" out in front of Mr. Harvey's house and a royal blue cover beside Mr. HARVEY's store=code for Mr. HARVEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE ADVANTAGES OF THE VICTORIES THAT have been obtained in the United States through the publicity of "Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University black students protest over being targeted for ID[identification harassment], Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis where a whole city of African American[s] have been forced to drink defiled water":
A.Evidently in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Mr. HARVEY must be the leader of African Americans citizens born in the United States, which is why white males are making the white male[s] system[s] dominance evident to their black slaves in the Carver School Road area-code white male[s] controlling/robbing head black male[using HEALTH needs to do it]:
picture taken 4/16/17
[note: posted after I wrote the above about picture not posting]
Picture taken 4/17/16
Picture taken to show that after I left the first isle at Aldi's that the white male authroity moved off of the isle;
C. And today[4/17/16] TWO white male[s] showed up and took something out of the fire hydrian; then walked up the street;
D. Picture of hispanic male[new to area] who came in with a big fat black prostitute in secret and thought he saw another victim; informed the library staff that am not interested in hispanice males;
E. AS CONFIRMATION of the constant robbery/intimidation by white males[systems] is the posting of specific messages that appear to be to the general public, which they are; but if certain people have messages that say that the doors or computers that they usually use are closed of not allowed to do what all the other computers do;those become direct specific messages; such as the research computer that usually use; It had stopped working, now it is working BUT there is NO FREE printing, which ensures that the person will have to use TWO computers; one to post and have to go to another to print
Cars and black truck parked as CODE- at Gwyndolyn Gwyns
Picture inside WSTA city bus[4/2016]
1. Contacted the Justice and Accountability Center;Mr. HARVEY getting NEW makeover-by the white male[s] habitat for humanity who has a "JOHN" out in front of Mr. Harvey's house and a royal blue cover beside Mr. HARVEY's store=code for Mr. HARVEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE ADVANTAGES OF THE VICTORIES THAT have been obtained in the United States through the publicity of "Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University black students protest over being targeted for ID[identification harassment], Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis where a whole city of African American[s] have been forced to drink defiled water":
A.Evidently in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Mr. HARVEY must be the leader of African Americans citizens born in the United States, which is why white males are making the white male[s] system[s] dominance evident to their black slaves in the Carver School Road area-code white male[s] controlling/robbing head black male[using HEALTH needs to do it]:
[Picture taken 4/18/16]
Picture of writing put on the side of the store when white males put the royal blue blanket on the other side of the [empty] store building;
There are at least three to four other pictures that cannot locate on the phone; one is a picture of the brown john outside Mr. HARVEY"S front door[even though the white males from habitant humanity are working on the back of the house];
[note: posted after I wrote the above about picture not posting]
one is picture of three signs out in front of the yard on the sidewalk[so African Americans can't walk on the sidewalk-white male[s] way of saying they are taking a over; blacks can't walk on the sidewalk-the first race riot in Winston-Salem was over a black man not moving out of the way on a sidewalk so a white woman cold walk past
Picture taken 4/16/16
and the 3d picture is of the royal blue cover that looks like a BODY [not moving];
Picture taken 4/16/17
[note: posted after I wrote the above about picture not posting]
the picture of the royal blue blanket is symbolic of the KILLING of the AFrican American male of which evidently based upon how white male[s]/white people constantly in MR. HARVEY"S yard where MR. HARVEY is the one who was responsible for AFrican American children who went to Carver High School who got off of the failure grade list and started getting on the dean's list and granduating with honors; now the store is closed[?] and nobody else is allowed to use the building to make MONEY;
However another VERIFICATION/PROOF of robbery of AFrican American[s] is the front cover story for the Winston-Salem Chronicle, "WINSTON LAKE PROTEST YMCA $400,000 IN DEBT" by Tevin Stinson, April 14, 2016
Winston Lake protest; YMCA $400,000 in debt
Notice the advanced years of those who are angry=because the are the VERY ONES that have been helping white male[s] to rob from those other black people; and their reward is that the white male system[s] is now going to rob from them [close place/less stress to travel to EXERCISE and stay healthy] and then recycle[royal blue recycle bin infront of Mr. HARVEY's yard];
Which the other articles about the CDC and the HB2 headline titles basically are codes to knocked down heterosexual AFrican American[s] give them diseases/force them to be gay in order to WORK or live in white male culture/system;
THUS the Hospital JAIL; those that the white male system[s] can't stop; are set up or eventually will be set up and classified as have "Psychological" "MENTAL" problems[ which white male authority will use as the foundation to attack AFrican American[s] ] to KEEP A JOB; which is why the stealing of the AFrican American culture "YMCA" is occuring when all of the ANGRY people can do nothing BUT speak loud; not get in the street or get VIOLENT like the DONALD TRUMP followers who are basically white males; what the DONALD TRUMP followers are doing/threating violence is what AFRICAN American[s] should have been doing when Obama was elected office; but Obama is not AFrican American-He is an African who was allowed to stay in the United STates with a white woman-those he helped his people-AFRICANS and WHITES, not AFrican American[s]; and again the ignorant BLACKS sold out the AFrican American culture by not crying FILE!!!
B. And VERIFICATION of the hospital JAIL system used to rob African American[s] of wealth is the NEW "COMMITTED" sign as a person enters the ALDI's store off of University Parkway in Winston-Salem, North Carolina where there is always an authority vehicle parked out in front beside the entrance to the ALDI's store:
Picture taken 4/17/16
Where EVERYTIME I go into the Aldi's store off of Univeristy Parkway;EVERYTIME a fully dressed/armed white male authority make an obvious effort to make their presence known;
Picture taken 4/17/16
Where in the picture above the white male authority had just walked past grocery cart, and at the time no one else was on the isle; Aldi's does have camera[s]; usually the white male authority follows me around the store in an harassing manner and if I go to the bathroom, whenever I come out the white male authority has moved my grocery cart and is standing within the parimeter of the bathroom door;
Picture taken 4/17/16
Picture taken to show that after I left the first isle at Aldi's that the white male authroity moved off of the isle;
Picture taken 4/17/16
Picture taken 4/17/16
City TRUCK parked in front of house; while that truck was parked in front of the house, a white city samll truck was going down the street;D. Picture of hispanic male[new to area] who came in with a big fat black prostitute in secret and thought he saw another victim; informed the library staff that am not interested in hispanice males;

Picture taken 4/17/16
People saying they can't locate hispanics-all they have to do is get a copy of the CLEMMONS food pantry list; that list all the organizations participaing with illegal hispanics;
Picture taken 4/16/17
The ONLY computer in the library that DOES NOT PRINT-the one I ususally use;
just like the BOTH of the DOORS at the WSTA that I usually use, has been closed and signs posted "DO NOT USE"; reminds me of all of ST. Petersburg church 8 to 10 doors being shut, and their telling me that I could only go through one door, the door that they choose; which is a CONTROL issue; white male[s] system of CONTROL- so do not go in the bus station;
Picture taken 4-2016
Gurantee that African American[s] are encountering a LOT of DOORS CLOSED and DO NOT USE,etc. and it is NOT coincidental;
F. Even while waiting for the WSTA white male drove his dump truck[EXTREMELY LOUD NOISE]and parked where I was standing; the entire parking lot was empty:
Picture taken 4/16
Picture inside WSTA city bus[4/2016]
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