60-llw-Pn-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
1. Caught ride to the CR branch library; Shey[rebellion] on desk; zack in back; m----y in back;
2. Asked Shey if CRB library had replaced the law and health books melissa williams took off of the shelves during the downtown transition; Shey said, No! except for TWO medical books:

Notice the ROYAL BLUE book cover;
1. Caught ride to the CR branch library; Shey[rebellion] on desk; zack in back; m----y in back;
2. Asked Shey if CRB library had replaced the law and health books melissa williams took off of the shelves during the downtown transition; Shey said, No! except for TWO medical books:

Notice the ROYAL BLUE book cover;
Two medical books; not about healing but diseases[coincidence][?]and NO LAW BOOKS[?];
Which lines up with the other elements that have been taken out of my life and have not been put back by the bastards:
Of which am posting the [computer clitch][?] Affidavit that wrote on April 26, 2015:
Being of sound mind, this is a true statement:
That I am concerned for my mental/social/physical health and safety; beingthat
1. Cintas got a NEW bass/GREENE at REYNOLDS;
2. Cintas favorite singer pried[PRINCE]; family members called and asked Cintas if she were okay/like Cintas and PRINCE were dating[white males used "prince" to control CINTAS]; and "PRINCE" died like by brother "Charles"-nobody was around is that the V. A. hospital stated;
3. Prince got sick in TWIN city and died a week later;
4. Have been systematically had elements in/of my life removed/closed/shut down in the City of Winston-Salem, NC/forsyth county that have shown up in Cintas[sibling] life, such as:
a.-Legal and Medical Books removed from CRB library by malissa williams;
b. Closed the main public library on 5th street and it was torn down;
c. Closed the TWO main churches that I attended; they were closed because of the members and the pastors being attacked at Living Waters Nondenominational church and Pastor Melvin Rip Wilkins church; and the threat of being made crazy[mentally] if go back to the third church that I visited at
Carver Christian church on Carver Road where Ellen Givens[ made pack with whitemale authority] and white male authority put in "hospital JAIL" with room mate by the name of "Ellen Sides";
d. Closed the YWCA on Glade Street downtown;
e. Closed off WSTA bus Route 1 evening route and switched to route 1717 [through the drug route=subtraction];
f. Closed the Bell Brothers resturant which where could get a meal cheap; it was the ONLY resturant in the neighborhood;
5. Cintas kept food from me TWICE-which lead to my being in the ICU unit at hospital;
6. The proper diagnosis should have been, "MALNUTRITION" ; specifically it should have been a magnisium deficiency instead of "mental" which is code to white male authority to put people in "JAIL";
7. Closed the Food Lion grocery store on Hanes Mall Blvd. when I started to work at SAM'S CLUB;
8. CINTAS has been giving away a lot of stuff/acting strange/based onthemedia information/copntrol; especially the killing of family members of eight in the media-which is code to all of the people working in secret and recieve code through the media;
9.And am concerned about attending an exam where the ONLY doctor to make a decision[?] has been primed and pumped to recieve media code being that they have a daughter name "ANN" and live on a street with "ANN" in the name of the street; and who have had TWO of their closest relatives, a husband and mother to die recently, especially after no response[3rd week] from request made to "long"[fnp] to tell the doctor that I do not have to go to the exam because of the STRESS-which is allowed;
Sincerely, Signed Name;
And am concerned about attending an exam where the ONLY doctor to make a decision[?] has been primed and pumped to recieve media code being that they have a daughter name "ANN" and live on a street with "ANN" in the name of the street; and who have had TWO of their closest relatives, a husband and mother to die recently, especially after no response[3rd week] from request made to "long"[fnp] to tell the doctor that I do not have to go to the exam because of the STRESS-which is allowed;
Which one of the things that is in a medical magazine, that "long" [fnp] office offers to patients, it states that one of the main steps to healing is to AVOID STRESS!:
which since cannot avoid stress in PUBLIC because cannot stop white male authority tactics in PUBLIC and can't even stay at home to avoid the stress of white male authority when I don't go in public because if I don't go in PUBLIC, white male authority park in front of house for whatever reason;
Or even avoid STRESS when white male authority sending black male looking like authority[ethnic intimidation] when trying to vote:
black male authority that showed up when I went to vote; and then was gone when I did not vote;
[note this is the second time posting-the first disappeared]-which should never happen because there is a meganism that saves what a person writes almost every ten minutes, so a person should never lose no more that 5 to ten minutes of writing; I have been on the computer for close to TWO hours; with over half the pictures disappearing also];
Which think one of the SECRETS that white male authority is using is what the medical books that "long" office gives to patients concerning "health" ,"The SECRET is, the MORE DAYS YOU DO IT, the MORE of a HABIT it BECOMES"; which is why when an African American stays inside out of white authorities way-white male authority becomes upset, because that means that mental pattern of the African American is broken and the African American is moving away from being used as a commodity to make MONEY [keep a job] off of; which is based upon the United States Supreme court cases been deemed "ILLEGAL";and to KEEP the momentum going, the role of the white male authority is to make sure that the AFrican American see[s] the white male authority cars/white male authority fully dressed with weapon in uniform-it is a type of mental conditioning;
Eric Garner stated on video, "I AM TIRED OF YOU BOTHERING ME":
Which concern includes that since being forced into "hospital JAIL" by white male authority BOB Freeman, etc. at hospital who told me, "I am just following DOCTORS ORDERS; I am HELPING the DOCTORS; which is kind of scary based following statement:
"Medical involvement
Throughout this process doctors were involved from the earliest stage in reporting, selection, authorisation, execution, certification and research. They were not ordered, but rather empowered to participate. Leo Alexander, a psychiatrist with the Office of the Chief of Counsel for War Crimes at Nuremberg, described the process:‘The beginnings at first were merely a subtle shift in emphasis in the basic attitude of the physicians. It started with the attitude, basic in the euthanasia movement that there is such a thing as a life not worthy to be lived. This attitude in its early stages concerned itself merely with the severely and chronically sick. Gradually the sphere of those to be included in this category was enlarged to encompass the socially unproductive, the ideologically unwanted, the racially unwanted and finally all non-Germans.’ "The Nazi holocaust arose from small beginnings. Such a progression initially required only four factors; favourable public opinion, a handful of willing physicians, ECONOMIC PRESSURE and NO PROSECUTION FOR THOSE INVOLVED . The remaining ingredients were a eugenic social policy and war
Which all African American females have to deal with white male authority; especially after they take their husbands from them and give them to AFrican American female prostitutes working in secret for white males:
560-llu-0u Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library ;12/29/15
560-llu1- Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library, Richland School District, Richland County, 10/27/15;
Or the video of the [https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=WcKnfXaNXo8]
white male authority throwing an African American girl:
white male and AFrican American female[girl]-potentioal to grow up and marry and AFrican American male who would be competitor to white male;with the emphasis being on "In November 2014, Karen Beaman, the principal of Lonnie B. Nelson Elementary School, presented Fields with the Richland School District "TWO CULTURE of Excellence Award."; which have documented the TWO culture system operated by white male[s]; and the principal of the school is aware of the TWO CULTURE system, which is basically, white[s] and black students whose parents do as white male[s] tell them are allowed to live, unbothered/or a normal life; all other African American students basically in prison/jail/or slaves;
3. Upon coming to the CRB library; parked in Gwyndolyn Gwyns driveway was a white van, and acting like they were working, were TWO white males in [black t-shirts][?]:
The other white male was doing something behind the tree; and it looks like the white screen door is off=code= know they use the screen doors to being off or on as code;
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