60-llw-Po-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
note: this is the second time posting-part of the first posting disappeared-of which I will NOT redo;but the point is that the fed.gov.[white male[s]] and the state gov.[white male[s] system[s] are fighting over who get the MONEY that belongs in the AFrican American neighborhood through African American males like Mr. Harvery, where [habitant]white male system put a "JOHN" in Mr. Harvery's front yard, "van" with "I am woman" on the side of the store and a "royal BLUE" cover on the side of the store as communication to black people on Carver Road that white male[s] controlling/robbing African American[s] of their wealth that is associated with the color of the Royal BLUE bins that the city of Winston-Salem produced:
1. Today is a TWO day; 5th month and 5th day; road WSTA city bus[blue and white] to CRB library-all males on bus;zack[white male] who opened the CRB building; shey, mayhand[happy], and volunteer on desk at CRB library;
While waiting for the CRB library; white male in white truck with words "UTILITY LOCATOR" and a TEXAS license plate[which turned on street where Pookie-Gwyndolyn Gwys son that pulled a weapon on me lives][?];
2.In reference to "HARVEY's" house where white male[s] have taken over using a - "DIFFERENT METHOD-SAME RESULTS" where Habitat had three signs out in front of "HARVEY'S" house and a "JOHN" in the front yard as CODE to local African American[s] that are conscious and those that are unconscious of the white male system, where a ROYAL BLUE cover had been placed on the side of the store:
to communicate a symbolic death of a free African American male and that Mr. Harvey is NOT ALLOWED to open, rent, or MAKE MONEY of any type if he wants MEDICAL care
and where white males [habitat]parked a white "van" with the words "I AM WOMAN" on the side of Mr. Havey's house:
Why the DIFFERENCE in the "TITLES"= CODE= different communication to different people;
Title of the hard copy of the Winston-Salem Journal for "habitat' article:

Notices the two article under the lead article and over the lead article of the "habitat" article;
B. "REASONS" UNCLEAR for SCHOOL struggles [where at least 90% of the students are African American] by Arika HERron[subtitle-DIFFERENCES in measuring METHODS don't tell the whole story][note: The reasons that the reasons are unclear is because people like Mr. Harvey [who helped black students at Carver High to stop failing and showed them how to get on the HONOR ROLE ]
are forced to close their store[place of communication] and white male[s] system[s] keeps "certain" African American[s] out of the WSSU SHCOOL OF EDUCATION so that they can not be "certified"[through the hiring of AFRICANS who are paid to secretly develop systems to keep AMERICAN BORN African Americans out of the WSSU school of Education];
"Project Impact will direct $45 million to Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools"
Posted: Thursday, May 5, 2016 12:15 am
C. "FEELING THE RIPPLES" by RICHard Craver; [subtitle-House BILL 2 casts shadow over local tourism, future sports events]= code:
"House Bill 2 casts shadow over Winston-Salem tourism, future sports events"
Posted: Saturday, April 30, 2016 11:45 pm;
ALL WHITE PEOPLE-making DECISIONS of what is to happen to African American[s]-just like they did the INDIANS-where all African American[s] not doing what white male system says will be classified as psychotic/on the verge of VIOLENCE =system of identification for white male[s] system of authority to put AFrican Americans that refuse to be a slave in "JAIL";
That is why little black boys like TYLIERM [tie] BLUE are on the front pages of articles because their mother/fathers have been block/robbed from accessing their MONEY based on their AFrican American heritage by white male[s] system[s] fed.gov./state gov.:
"Shoes for Cook Elementary"

Cook Elementary School fourth grader Tylier Blue checks out his new pair of athletic shoes, Tuesday. All 218 students at the school received a new pair of shoes courtesy of the Chris Paul Family Foundation and Shoes That Fit. This is the second school where the foundation has donated shoes. The Pauls gave shoes to Easton Elementary students in December and will give shoes Petree and Ashley elementary schools on May 11. About 1000 pairs of shoes will be given in all.
1. The back of the Triad City Beat magazine of 'hispanic" male[s] with "guns"=code that "hispanic" gangs are to be allowed to kill AFrican American[s] and the Carver Road Branch library/area are to side with the "hispanics"="TRUMP"
[Posted on 5/6/16 because could not get picture from phone on 5/5/16]
[note: D. Trump held news conference where he ate out of a "taco" bowl to show that he likes "hispanics' as code; and TWO of houses to be used by "hispanics" in Carver School Road area is 3120 and 3194 Airport Road-Owner[s] [participating]
Notice that nothing was said about the "water issue in Flint, Michigan" or nothing said or done about the economic plight or public abuse of AFrican Americans in the United States; but all of a sudden the issue is do not stop any[African American] person who is not heteroxsexual and is doing things that are illegal/immoral with sexual issues that are probably being given to them by the white male[s] system[s]; because that person who is not hertosexual is a key person who is to help white males to destroy the economic prosperity and the birth rate of AFrican American[s]through being raised up by white male[s] media systems; The REAL ISSUE is not about the BATHROOM; it is about African American[s] MONEY-one bastard African American who is not hertosexaul who is being paid to help white males to try and block/hinder a whole race of AFrican American[s] economically and socially from accessing their wealth based on AFrican American heritage/or REAL BLACK WALL STREET-that white males copied white wall street off of:
Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3. "Helping people beat their addiction to sugar/C1= code;
What are the Top 10 events in the arts for May and June?=code;[note:
[note-summation of code in three articles=white males part/system in ripping African American[s] from their wealth is known];
Confirmation is in Winston-Salem, N.C. front page article, "Feds SET RULES to ensure mental health parity";with the issue not being the BATHROOM; but AFrican American's MONEY; which is about which white male system will get the MONEY that belongs in the AFrican American neighborhoods; the state gov. or the fed. gov.so that any African American that does not agree to be subserviant to white males who is a genius will be classified as mentally unstable; while an AFrican American who is committing illmoral/illegal activities to help white males rob/block/steal from African American[s]based on BLACK WALL STREET-[that white male[s] system[s] copied off of]
will rewared by/through the laws the feds pass as reward to make them think they are normal; There was nothing said about the years of the "water issue in FLINT, Michagan" or other economic issues in the African American neighborhoods; nothing ever said about the abuse/threats/etc. of other African American "CIVIL RIGHTS" will will help African American[s] not be abused/robbed/or threaten; yet the whole country is talking about why a person [AFrican American] who that society/bible both say is not normal should be rewared for not being normal, which at the same time ensures that a segment of the African American[s] race will be eliminated because through births being decreased.
4. To show how devious the white male[s] system is the SAME [who took a drink of water from the faucet in FLINT, Michagan] is the SAME person who could have intervened in about 2009[to give them time to know exactly what white male[s] had did to AFrican American neighborhoods]; but did not because he was not given PERMISSION to intervene:
[notice the look in the eyes=fear for having to drink questionable "water" that is just from one drink];[http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/obama-drinks-filtered-city-water-in-flint-to-show-its-safe/];
5. The front cover of Triad City Beat Magazaine of AFrican American[s] who have no change of heart-think they are/have the rights of real citizens and will not be subserviant to white male[s];
notice the ONE white male in the center; there is ALWAYS going to be one white male in the center or working their way to the CENTER of whatever AFrican American[s] are doing and Black Lives Matter is one of those systems being raised by white male[s];
note: this is the second time posting-part of the first posting disappeared-of which I will NOT redo;but the point is that the fed.gov.[white male[s]] and the state gov.[white male[s] system[s] are fighting over who get the MONEY that belongs in the AFrican American neighborhood through African American males like Mr. Harvery, where [habitant]white male system put a "JOHN" in Mr. Harvery's front yard, "van" with "I am woman" on the side of the store and a "royal BLUE" cover on the side of the store as communication to black people on Carver Road that white male[s] controlling/robbing African American[s] of their wealth that is associated with the color of the Royal BLUE bins that the city of Winston-Salem produced:
1. Today is a TWO day; 5th month and 5th day; road WSTA city bus[blue and white] to CRB library-all males on bus;zack[white male] who opened the CRB building; shey, mayhand[happy], and volunteer on desk at CRB library;
While waiting for the CRB library; white male in white truck with words "UTILITY LOCATOR" and a TEXAS license plate[which turned on street where Pookie-Gwyndolyn Gwys son that pulled a weapon on me lives][?];
2.In reference to "HARVEY's" house where white male[s] have taken over using a - "DIFFERENT METHOD-SAME RESULTS" where Habitat had three signs out in front of "HARVEY'S" house and a "JOHN" in the front yard as CODE to local African American[s] that are conscious and those that are unconscious of the white male system, where a ROYAL BLUE cover had been placed on the side of the store:
to communicate a symbolic death of a free African American male and that Mr. Harvey is NOT ALLOWED to open, rent, or MAKE MONEY of any type if he wants MEDICAL care
and where white males [habitat]parked a white "van" with the words "I AM WOMAN" on the side of Mr. Havey's house:
which blogged about the fact that "habitat" taking over Mr. Harvey's yard was not a coincidence-but part of a system of communication- to communicate to local African American[s] that white males take over/CONTROL whatever belongs to AFrican American[s] including "RELATIONSHIPS"-that is why the image of a BODY wrapped in ROYAL BLUE in the front of the STORE=represents the AFrican American[s] man's WEALTH and prosperity while the white "van" with "I AM WOMAN" is at the back of the store on the side of Mr. Harvey's house with a "JOHN" in the Mr. Harvey's front yard:
With the CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM WHITE vehicle/car parked in Mr. Harvey's driveway=code=white male[s] in gov. taking control of wealth and RELATIONSHIPS that belongs to AFrican American[s] male;[note: read on 88.5fm radio last week by white male commentator who asked, "Where does the fed. gov. get all of its MONEY, it is like it just appears out of nowhere",; the MONEY is the result of AFrican Americans like Mr. Havery,who was forced to close his store[leagally of coarse], and African American who are being blocked by white male systems from making MONEY!;
A. Article on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal newspaper, "Retiring Habitat director built hope, not just houses" by wesley "YOUNG";which a DIFFERENT title of the article reads on the Winston-Salem Journal website reads:
Retiring Habitat director built community hope" Posted: Sunday, May 1, 2016 12:15 am
Why the DIFFERENCE in the "TITLES"= CODE= different communication to different people;
Title of the hard copy of the Winston-Salem Journal for "habitat' article:

Notices the two article under the lead article and over the lead article of the "habitat" article;
B. "REASONS" UNCLEAR for SCHOOL struggles [where at least 90% of the students are African American] by Arika HERron[subtitle-DIFFERENCES in measuring METHODS don't tell the whole story][note: The reasons that the reasons are unclear is because people like Mr. Harvey [who helped black students at Carver High to stop failing and showed them how to get on the HONOR ROLE ]
are forced to close their store[place of communication] and white male[s] system[s] keeps "certain" African American[s] out of the WSSU SHCOOL OF EDUCATION so that they can not be "certified"[through the hiring of AFRICANS who are paid to secretly develop systems to keep AMERICAN BORN African Americans out of the WSSU school of Education];
"Project Impact will direct $45 million to Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools"
Posted: Thursday, May 5, 2016 12:15 am
C. "FEELING THE RIPPLES" by RICHard Craver; [subtitle-House BILL 2 casts shadow over local tourism, future sports events]= code:
"House Bill 2 casts shadow over Winston-Salem tourism, future sports events"
Posted: Saturday, April 30, 2016 11:45 pm;
ALL WHITE PEOPLE-making DECISIONS of what is to happen to African American[s]-just like they did the INDIANS-where all African American[s] not doing what white male system says will be classified as psychotic/on the verge of VIOLENCE =system of identification for white male[s] system of authority to put AFrican Americans that refuse to be a slave in "JAIL";
That is why little black boys like TYLIERM [tie] BLUE are on the front pages of articles because their mother/fathers have been block/robbed from accessing their MONEY based on their AFrican American heritage by white male[s] system[s] fed.gov./state gov.:
"Shoes for Cook Elementary"

Cook Elementary School fourth grader Tylier Blue checks out his new pair of athletic shoes, Tuesday. All 218 students at the school received a new pair of shoes courtesy of the Chris Paul Family Foundation and Shoes That Fit. This is the second school where the foundation has donated shoes. The Pauls gave shoes to Easton Elementary students in December and will give shoes Petree and Ashley elementary schools on May 11. About 1000 pairs of shoes will be given in all.
[http://www.journalnow.com/gallery/news/shoes-for-cook-elementary/collection_c096486c-1196-11e6-8214-9716bb059558.html][note: deal made with the bastard so called black leaders of Winston-Salem, NC-help white males to kill AFrican American male[s] who are suppose to gain access to their wealth based on their African American heritage and white male[s] will fix it so that the African American little boys will have "TENNIS SHOES"-which is a code for being in "JAIL" or code for being in a "GANG" developed through "prison system"]:
1. The back of the Triad City Beat magazine of 'hispanic" male[s] with "guns"=code that "hispanic" gangs are to be allowed to kill AFrican American[s] and the Carver Road Branch library/area are to side with the "hispanics"="TRUMP"
[Posted on 5/6/16 because could not get picture from phone on 5/5/16]
[note: D. Trump held news conference where he ate out of a "taco" bowl to show that he likes "hispanics' as code; and TWO of houses to be used by "hispanics" in Carver School Road area is 3120 and 3194 Airport Road-Owner[s] [participating]
2.Where the lead article on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal, "Feds: HB2 VIOLATES civil rights" by the associated press[http://newsbout.com/id/16231730826/Feds-Law-violates-civil-rights]; makes it PLAIN and CLEAR[ like when wake forrest university was charged with abusing a "MONKEY" by letting it escape]the Fed. gov. [HB2]decided that African American[s] working in secret for white males can go to any bathroom they want as a REWARD for serving white male[s] [who control the fed.gov.] in secret=because there is an African American person who is not heterosexual who agreed to help white males rob little black BOYS of their wealth based on their AFrican American heritage; the message of punishement to all white male[s] systems who stand in the way of [HB2] the African American who is not hertosexual will be punished by the feds.[gov.] through taking away BIG MONEY!!!! [because that African American person who is not hertosexual is key to white male[s] system destroying segments of the AFrican American population/wealth/birth rate]
Notice that nothing was said about the "water issue in Flint, Michigan" or nothing said or done about the economic plight or public abuse of AFrican Americans in the United States; but all of a sudden the issue is do not stop any[African American] person who is not heteroxsexual and is doing things that are illegal/immoral with sexual issues that are probably being given to them by the white male[s] system[s]; because that person who is not hertosexual is a key person who is to help white males to destroy the economic prosperity and the birth rate of AFrican American[s]through being raised up by white male[s] media systems; The REAL ISSUE is not about the BATHROOM; it is about African American[s] MONEY-one bastard African American who is not hertosexaul who is being paid to help white males to try and block/hinder a whole race of AFrican American[s] economically and socially from accessing their wealth based on AFrican American heritage/or REAL BLACK WALL STREET-that white males copied white wall street off of:
Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Tulsa race riot was a large-scale, racially motivated conflict on May 31 and
June 1, 1921, in which a group of whites attacked the black community of Tulsa,
Oklahoma. The Greenwood District, the wealthiest black community in the United
States, .... "the Negro Wall Street" (now commonly referred to as "the Black Wall
Street") ...
June 1, 1921, in which a group of whites attacked the black community of Tulsa,
Oklahoma. The Greenwood District, the wealthiest black community in the United
States, .... "the Negro Wall Street" (now commonly referred to as "the Black Wall
Street") ...
3. "Helping people beat their addiction to sugar/C1= code;
What are the Top 10 events in the arts for May and June?=code;[note:
[note-summation of code in three articles=white males part/system in ripping African American[s] from their wealth is known];
Confirmation is in Winston-Salem, N.C. front page article, "Feds SET RULES to ensure mental health parity";with the issue not being the BATHROOM; but AFrican American's MONEY; which is about which white male system will get the MONEY that belongs in the AFrican American neighborhoods; the state gov. or the fed. gov.so that any African American that does not agree to be subserviant to white males who is a genius will be classified as mentally unstable; while an AFrican American who is committing illmoral/illegal activities to help white males rob/block/steal from African American[s]based on BLACK WALL STREET-[that white male[s] system[s] copied off of]
will rewared by/through the laws the feds pass as reward to make them think they are normal; There was nothing said about the years of the "water issue in FLINT, Michagan" or other economic issues in the African American neighborhoods; nothing ever said about the abuse/threats/etc. of other African American "CIVIL RIGHTS" will will help African American[s] not be abused/robbed/or threaten; yet the whole country is talking about why a person [AFrican American] who that society/bible both say is not normal should be rewared for not being normal, which at the same time ensures that a segment of the African American[s] race will be eliminated because through births being decreased.
4. To show how devious the white male[s] system is the SAME [who took a drink of water from the faucet in FLINT, Michagan] is the SAME person who could have intervened in about 2009[to give them time to know exactly what white male[s] had did to AFrican American neighborhoods]; but did not because he was not given PERMISSION to intervene:
"President Obama drinks the water in Flint"
5. The front cover of Triad City Beat Magazaine of AFrican American[s] who have no change of heart-think they are/have the rights of real citizens and will not be subserviant to white male[s];
notice the ONE white male in the center; there is ALWAYS going to be one white male in the center or working their way to the CENTER of whatever AFrican American[s] are doing and Black Lives Matter is one of those systems being raised by white male[s];
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