60-llw-Pad-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
[Note: will be updating for 6/28/16 because did not complete posting for 6/27/16];
1. Road the WSTA to CRB library, same bastard black male driver[who is paid not to drive the bus; but to harass certain African American bus patrons; then went to make a call and a dog that has pit bull in them was chained to bike rack outside the CRB library;
2. Went to wedding of which posted that the marriage is connected to the ROYAL BLUE 'RECYCLE" bin the city of winston-salem, nc put out as message to recycle the AFrican American wealth associated with the guy who wears royal blue who wanted to date me; and I am right; first the brides name is suppose to be ROBERTS, after the grooms father, not "powell';then the dancer at the reception was 'GAY" black male-I walked out; and as soon as I did, TWO WHITE people-white male and white female met me going around the corner, said they had just been called in for the bride for an emergency- which was the TWO WHITE people had to "serve"; the WHITE male went around putting as he said it, an "EXTRA" drink on every table, in which he put one in front of me, I did not drink it; then the WHITE female waited till it was time for me to get into the serving line and immediately went behind the table to serve the "BREAD"-with "bread" being code for "MONEY"; which when I got to the WHITE female in ROYAL BLUE dress who was suppose to serve me "BREAD"; I reached over and got my own"BREAD"; shortly after the WHITE female left the serving table;[think I posted the last time that the wedding is suppose to represent the robbery of relationship between the guy who wears royal blue and me-with switch being symbolic of Andrew [male]being taken off the TWENTY Dollar bill and being replaced with Harriet TubMAN[code for black females being made "gay" or being forced to live as "gay" if they want to make MONEY in white male[s] system[s]];
3. Stupid a-- people will never wake up; the Peacemaker newspaper Vol.L,No.14, June 23, 2016, headline-"Civil rights and labor groups join forces to protect the "VOTE"; If people have right[s] like to "VOTE" and they keep saying they[white male[s] system[s]] are going to take the rights away-evidently the people don't have the "rights"; and the article on the bottom of the paper- "FINANCIAL barriers stop latino students from attending college"; REALLY! there might as well be a bunch of klans on the front of the page saying Laws are barriers to stop klans from killing; both of the groups are classified as illegal, yet the illegal hispanics have their face all over the newspaper, basically telling Americans that they are wrong for uphold the United States laws; and sad to say, most American[s] are not going to say one word;
4. On the June 16,2016 Winston-Salem Chronicle newspapers front page the 2nd headline reads,
"Funeral directors group lead 'Stop the Violence' rally"-REALLY-what is wrong with that picture-that is like McDonalds having a march to have people stop buying 'fast food'; why is that ONLY the funeral directors and morticians association of north carolina [fdMANc] allowed to interject in the public media to stop the violence-something is not right and a part of it is in the initials [fdMANc for the funeral directors and morticians association of north carolina withthe code word being "MAN"; and being that the article right of the [fdMANc] article is "forsyth split on EUGENICS compensation"-code possible related to black man and eugenics, specifically the secret payment system of funeral directors killing black people in secret of which the lead article on the front page is abount "BOND" Marshall[black board member];[note with Marshall being the person who was appauled at the Carver Road Branch library putting me out of the CRB library for no reason who all of a sudden (after a meeting identifying person involved as "PAULA" the same name as his wife) was not at all appauled;
Of which last week of before saw where the WIFE of a Dustin JOHNSON a golfer who had just won the US Open for his first career major title; but instead of talking about "JOHNSON"[code word]; the media's focus was on his wife's but:
The media kept talking about how short his wife's paula's dress was-which is code AGAIN to the bastards in Winston-Salem, NC to raise up the"JOHNSON/ "PAULA" [secret prostitution] system, where the prostitutes in secret who work for white male[s] attack AFrican American female[s] who are not working as prostitutes in secrets for white male[s]; which means there are going to be a lot of AFrican American female[s] who are going to be classified as "MAD" about having their man stolen from them, with "MAD" being a form of medical for MENTAL health;
5. The Winston-Salem Chroncile 6/23/16 headline reads:
"Ministers: END code of silence"
Of which something is "UP" ; meaning or asking why is it NOW that the ministers are asking that the code of silence stops and there is an end to the "no snitching" policy, of which it would be nice if the authorities could set an example and start with themselves and stop the code of silence and put an end to the element of "no snitching" policy that exists between them; and just based on the code system used by the newspaper[s][using headline] the fact that 'MO' lucas[last name of the Lucas who were in charge of the city of winston-salem,nc personnel dept.[one of the reasons that I couldn't get a job] and a couple of the other major corportations in the city of winston-salem,nc] called the LEGEND Moses, 'MO' lucas died[s][leader passes away TWO days after annual Father's day event":
On Tuesday, June 21, just 48 hours after the annual Father’s Day parade and cookout dedicated to him, Moses “Mo” Lucas, 89, passed away.
It means the "end" of something to the point that the article under "LUCAS" dying article is "City passes BUDGET focusing on PAY and crime"; by todd LUCK
"City passes budget focusing on pay and crime"
[note: which is probably code to focue paying all those working in secret for authority that commit any type of crime against African American[s] not working as secret prostitutes for white male[s], such as Cintas-why the threat to "terror" [female's name that married Cintas son] or should say to "terrorize" Cintas son if [?][she don't commit what crime[?];
By Tevin Stinson; Winston-Saslem Chronicle
"The Ministers’ Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity (MCWSV) is taking a stand against the code of silence and to put an end to the “no snitching” policy that exists in the African- American community.
During a press conference held at Emmanuel Baptist Church on Tuesday, June 21, faith leaders met with members of the Winston-Salem Pol-ce Department (WSPD) and other community leaders to discuss the increase in violent crimes, and to ask those in the community with any information in the homicides to come forward."
6. As confirmation of post about the media's focus was on Dustin JOHNSON'S spouse paulina's "but"; in the Winston-Salem Journal on the front page in the UPPER RIGHT[means the secret group can bank on it happening or it is happening] corner is article "SEXTON: HELP arrives for TWO [code for secret group]families who needed a hand"=code all those following and serving the "dick" god can relax for the white male[s] system[s] have found them or some bastard that will do the lying/blocking/cheating/stealing that will help the secret prostitutes not be found out; wonder who could it be?;
7. Bottom headline in the Winston Salem Journal front page is headling "Nathan "Clark" killed in shooting at hotel in November 2014" by Mclatchy regional news=code="clan";
8. Relative that the bastard white male[s] system[s] intimidated out of the city of winston-salem, nc who went to school at a&t STATE university came to visit to be in [terror's] wedding to cintas son; of which when went to eat on 6/27/16 authority vehicle number 1138 drove behind and beside relative[s] car coming and going; and on the day of the wedding when relative was taking home an authority vehicle [white red and blue stripes] was parked at the beauty shop of old black male who came from New York who was intimidated to stop doing business as usual and do it the way white males said, which was to intimidate black female[s] who were not secret prostitutes who went to his hair shop to have their hair done; the authority vehicle [white male driver] did not have their lights on and it was "dark"; all the other cars had their lights on at the corner of [KKK] 311 and Carver School Road;
[issues such as those above are why an entire culture[black and white] is being develope that authorities call "terr-rist];
[Note: will be updating for 6/28/16 because did not complete posting for 6/27/16];
1. Road the WSTA to CRB library, same bastard black male driver[who is paid not to drive the bus; but to harass certain African American bus patrons; then went to make a call and a dog that has pit bull in them was chained to bike rack outside the CRB library;
2. Went to wedding of which posted that the marriage is connected to the ROYAL BLUE 'RECYCLE" bin the city of winston-salem, nc put out as message to recycle the AFrican American wealth associated with the guy who wears royal blue who wanted to date me; and I am right; first the brides name is suppose to be ROBERTS, after the grooms father, not "powell';then the dancer at the reception was 'GAY" black male-I walked out; and as soon as I did, TWO WHITE people-white male and white female met me going around the corner, said they had just been called in for the bride for an emergency- which was the TWO WHITE people had to "serve"; the WHITE male went around putting as he said it, an "EXTRA" drink on every table, in which he put one in front of me, I did not drink it; then the WHITE female waited till it was time for me to get into the serving line and immediately went behind the table to serve the "BREAD"-with "bread" being code for "MONEY"; which when I got to the WHITE female in ROYAL BLUE dress who was suppose to serve me "BREAD"; I reached over and got my own"BREAD"; shortly after the WHITE female left the serving table;[think I posted the last time that the wedding is suppose to represent the robbery of relationship between the guy who wears royal blue and me-with switch being symbolic of Andrew [male]being taken off the TWENTY Dollar bill and being replaced with Harriet TubMAN[code for black females being made "gay" or being forced to live as "gay" if they want to make MONEY in white male[s] system[s]];
3. Stupid a-- people will never wake up; the Peacemaker newspaper Vol.L,No.14, June 23, 2016, headline-"Civil rights and labor groups join forces to protect the "VOTE"; If people have right[s] like to "VOTE" and they keep saying they[white male[s] system[s]] are going to take the rights away-evidently the people don't have the "rights"; and the article on the bottom of the paper- "FINANCIAL barriers stop latino students from attending college"; REALLY! there might as well be a bunch of klans on the front of the page saying Laws are barriers to stop klans from killing; both of the groups are classified as illegal, yet the illegal hispanics have their face all over the newspaper, basically telling Americans that they are wrong for uphold the United States laws; and sad to say, most American[s] are not going to say one word;
4. On the June 16,2016 Winston-Salem Chronicle newspapers front page the 2nd headline reads,
"Funeral directors group lead 'Stop the Violence' rally"-REALLY-what is wrong with that picture-that is like McDonalds having a march to have people stop buying 'fast food'; why is that ONLY the funeral directors and morticians association of north carolina [fdMANc] allowed to interject in the public media to stop the violence-something is not right and a part of it is in the initials [fdMANc for the funeral directors and morticians association of north carolina withthe code word being "MAN"; and being that the article right of the [fdMANc] article is "forsyth split on EUGENICS compensation"-code possible related to black man and eugenics, specifically the secret payment system of funeral directors killing black people in secret of which the lead article on the front page is abount "BOND" Marshall[black board member];[note with Marshall being the person who was appauled at the Carver Road Branch library putting me out of the CRB library for no reason who all of a sudden (after a meeting identifying person involved as "PAULA" the same name as his wife) was not at all appauled;
Of which last week of before saw where the WIFE of a Dustin JOHNSON a golfer who had just won the US Open for his first career major title; but instead of talking about "JOHNSON"[code word]; the media's focus was on his wife's but:
The media kept talking about how short his wife's paula's dress was-which is code AGAIN to the bastards in Winston-Salem, NC to raise up the"JOHNSON/ "PAULA" [secret prostitution] system, where the prostitutes in secret who work for white male[s] attack AFrican American female[s] who are not working as prostitutes in secrets for white male[s]; which means there are going to be a lot of AFrican American female[s] who are going to be classified as "MAD" about having their man stolen from them, with "MAD" being a form of medical for MENTAL health;
5. The Winston-Salem Chroncile 6/23/16 headline reads:
"Ministers: END code of silence"
Of which something is "UP" ; meaning or asking why is it NOW that the ministers are asking that the code of silence stops and there is an end to the "no snitching" policy, of which it would be nice if the authorities could set an example and start with themselves and stop the code of silence and put an end to the element of "no snitching" policy that exists between them; and just based on the code system used by the newspaper[s][using headline] the fact that 'MO' lucas[last name of the Lucas who were in charge of the city of winston-salem,nc personnel dept.[one of the reasons that I couldn't get a job] and a couple of the other major corportations in the city of winston-salem,nc] called the LEGEND Moses, 'MO' lucas died[s][leader passes away TWO days after annual Father's day event":
On Tuesday, June 21, just 48 hours after the annual Father’s Day parade and cookout dedicated to him, Moses “Mo” Lucas, 89, passed away.
It means the "end" of something to the point that the article under "LUCAS" dying article is "City passes BUDGET focusing on PAY and crime"; by todd LUCK
"City passes budget focusing on pay and crime"
[note: which is probably code to focue paying all those working in secret for authority that commit any type of crime against African American[s] not working as secret prostitutes for white male[s], such as Cintas-why the threat to "terror" [female's name that married Cintas son] or should say to "terrorize" Cintas son if [?][she don't commit what crime[?];
The Rev. Alvin Carlisle, third vice-president
of the Minsters’ Conference of Winston-Salem and
Vicinity, speaks during a press conference held at Emmanuel Baptist
Church .[can't post picture]
"Faith leaders take stance against ‘no snitching’ policy in the community"By Tevin Stinson; Winston-Saslem Chronicle
"The Ministers’ Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity (MCWSV) is taking a stand against the code of silence and to put an end to the “no snitching” policy that exists in the African- American community.
During a press conference held at Emmanuel Baptist Church on Tuesday, June 21, faith leaders met with members of the Winston-Salem Pol-ce Department (WSPD) and other community leaders to discuss the increase in violent crimes, and to ask those in the community with any information in the homicides to come forward."
6. As confirmation of post about the media's focus was on Dustin JOHNSON'S spouse paulina's "but"; in the Winston-Salem Journal on the front page in the UPPER RIGHT[means the secret group can bank on it happening or it is happening] corner is article "SEXTON: HELP arrives for TWO [code for secret group]families who needed a hand"=code all those following and serving the "dick" god can relax for the white male[s] system[s] have found them or some bastard that will do the lying/blocking/cheating/stealing that will help the secret prostitutes not be found out; wonder who could it be?;
7. Bottom headline in the Winston Salem Journal front page is headling "Nathan "Clark" killed in shooting at hotel in November 2014" by Mclatchy regional news=code="clan";
8. Relative that the bastard white male[s] system[s] intimidated out of the city of winston-salem, nc who went to school at a&t STATE university came to visit to be in [terror's] wedding to cintas son; of which when went to eat on 6/27/16 authority vehicle number 1138 drove behind and beside relative[s] car coming and going; and on the day of the wedding when relative was taking home an authority vehicle [white red and blue stripes] was parked at the beauty shop of old black male who came from New York who was intimidated to stop doing business as usual and do it the way white males said, which was to intimidate black female[s] who were not secret prostitutes who went to his hair shop to have their hair done; the authority vehicle [white male driver] did not have their lights on and it was "dark"; all the other cars had their lights on at the corner of [KKK] 311 and Carver School Road;
[issues such as those above are why an entire culture[black and white] is being develope that authorities call "terr-rist];
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