60-llw-Pae-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
1. Raod the WSTA route 1 to CRB library; black male driver that drove past the bus stop on 6/28/16 who informed me that he decides where the bus stop is, did the same thing again-drove past the bust stop; again I called-talked to Gloria who was told that will call every time he drives pass the bus stop or until somebody tells me he can put the bus stop anywhere he wants; and again I told him that he drove pass the bus stop; this time, he did not yell-he could put the bus stop anywhere he wanted; did tell Gloria that until he stops driving pass the bus stop, I will be calling to file a complaint;
2. AT the CRB library,Carl the security guard present; met me at the front door-he saw me coming- so I went to the other door; of which on 6/28/16 Carl the communist security guard came to the computer beside me [on the right] and was doing nothing; after I took out phone to put him on camera, he walked behind me-still took picture of him in area;[also TWO white male[s] walking around in the children[s] section of the library[?];
3. The articles/headlines in the Winston-Salem Chronicle are historic=because it is the "END" of something; headlines for 6/23/16, "Ministers: END code of silence" and 6/30/16, "END" oF an era"; of which think the details are in coding of the articles inside the hard copy of each paper; where the 6/30/16 paper the Ebony and Jet magazine empire to be taken over by clear view group in Austin, TEXAS, which means that the little bit of prosperity and space in the white male[s] culture will be deminished="JOHNson" was the owner; the black male who is trying to live right will not allowed to live right and be WHOLE[article, Rejected whole man ministries continues to raise funds]; with Larry Little on page A3 requesting that "MO" lucas have the Winston-Lake YMCA named after him, while same time article sending message there will be no "MO"[code for more] mr. nice guy from the white male[s]-obama made sure of that by setting the tone to rob/steal/kill African American[s] and what belongs to them;article[hard copy]Nearly 100 help honor communicty leaders; page A 4, there is a pciture of black female prostitute in secret by the name of PAULA mccoy who is called the executive DIRECTOR if tge abbyak "We got ROOTS" org. that met at File GOODWIN center at Mr. zion church for an event that honored community leaders/robbers[?];
Nearly 100 help honor community leaders
"Executive Director Paula McCoy said, “We’ve Got Roots” is their opportunity to celebrate the community and showcase individuals who are going over and above, leading efforts to organize, revitalize, and transform their neighborhoods."
[no picture of Paula mccoy on the WS Chronicle website];
In which the entire system is rob/steal/kill the African American[s] and what belongs to them one more time:
Recent Carver High School graduate Kywun Roberts and Winston-Salem Preparatory (WSPA) Academy rising junior Daysi Sanchez were presented with the 2016 Youth Leader Awards during the celebration as well.
Roberts helped to found the Cleveland Avenue Transformation Team and has been active in helping to organize and transform the Cleveland Avenue community.[code for the "same old thang";[http://www.wschronicle.com/2016/06/nearly-100-help-honor-community-leaders/];
3a. Article, "Young pilots take flight in aviation camp"; page A5;With Jim SHAW[had his name and white male that looked just like him in a DVD] leading the pack with robbing AFrican Americans and Shaw's payment from white male[s] is his picture never gets old; and he gets to see a young black male[probably will end up being gay punk to white white male[s] systems;also code that jim SHAW gets to remain "YOUNG"[http://www.wschronicle.com/category/top-stories/];
"Young pilots take flight in aviation camp"
[BY TODD LUCK;THE CHRONICLE];[http://www.wschronicle.com/2016/06/young-pilots-take-flight-aviation-camp/];
Marquan Williams with a plane he just finished piloting during the ACE Academy at Smith Reynolds Airport.

[note:There is no picture of Jim shaw in the article on the WS Chronicle website; but there is a picture of jim shaw in the article in the hard copy of the WS Chronicle];
4. And the favorite article was from a guest colomnist in the "forum", titled, "ONe can see straight through BET";page A7; WS Chronicle [hard copy] of which the author BILL TURNER stated "that all of the AFrican American female[s] actresses/singers ALL were bascially naked so that Jesse Williams acceptance speech for the BET Humanitarian Award seemed alsmost out of place.":
Commentary: One can see straight through BET
[Bill Turner;Guest Columnist;http://www.wschronicle.com/2016/06/commentary-one-can-see-straight-bet/];
Basically what BILL TURNER was saying is that they[Black female stars] have all of the characterics of a high call prostitute; of which he is right, they are secret prostitutes for white male[s] and the objective of the white male[s] is to get all African American female[s] to do as all of the high call prostitute[s] do-work for the advancement of white male[s] culture only=slaves-All DRESSED UP;
[note: thought is was strange to have the topic in the bought and paid for newspaper by white male[s] about black people; but the name BILL and TURNER have a lot to do with it; use his name as code to secret prostitutes in Winston-Salem, NC and those connected that they are suppose to TURN around the DOLLAR BILL of wealthy AFrican Americans to create poverty];wonder when African American[s] are going to start attacking the secret group because they are not as secret as they think;
5. Of which on page A8 of the WS Chroncile the explicit codes of the details is in the four articles about new officers/and New PRINCIPALS, bascially through the names of the schools and names of the people assigned to be prinicipals, ie. CASH; and lot of WHITE prinipals at black schools; AFrican American parents would do better to take their child out of the public school system and teach them at home or find someone who can teach them at home-word to the wise;
6. If get a chance get ahard coy and you can see all of the local secret prostitute writers pictures; of which, "Chronicle wins at 2016 NNPA Merit Awards" where each of their pictures is posted in the WS Chronicle papers [hard copy] page A9;[http://www.wschronicle.com/2016/06/chronicle-wins-2016-nnpa-merit-awards/];[CHRONICLE STAFF REPORT];
7. In the City BEAT paper for June 29 to July 5, 2016 onpage 31 there is an Ad the confirms and verifies the rise of threats of PIT BULLS. with the ad being for merit pit bull foundation:
With the webpage looking every bit questionable=looks quite shady=part of start up system to use pit bulls to kill people; and every time a pit bull kills a person the merit pit bull foundation will do an ad or put something in the media to down play the incidence; where meida will be used to force society to see pit bulls as pets, not killer dogs, in the process a lot of people will be killed;
In the movie person/place is called "WINSTON" and at the end of the movie john "WICK" takes a "PIT BULL" as a pet=code to start using pit bull dogs for Winston-Salem,NC group and the result is two pit bulls at Tereasa and Carver Road[took pictures]; four pit bulls in front of st. STEVENS church on Carver Road; pit bull in house beside me[not trained]; lose pit bull that gets lose from some body that people look at as friendly=bull=its still a pit bull; and lose pit bull who had gotten away from two hispanic females walking up street who were chasing the pit pulls; somebody told me to keep and carry a gun;
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