Social Understandings

Friday, February 03, 2017

60-llw-Pan-e-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis


1. Road wsta rte 89 to Office Depot; white Hispanic male got off at Goodwill; white male got off at Cherry street in front of prison;

2.Called 700 country and asked for prayer concerning CINTAS/"Stivender"[german name by marriage]not having to participate in white males building a NEW shopping Center-sure it will have something associate with "DICK" as code to CINTAS in which the entire area from "Fairlawn and Reynolda to Fairlawn and North Point Blvd-which is the corner where the NEW shopping center is to be located-which really should be built in the African American neighborhood; but CINTAS helping white males to rob African American[s] in which baby "ROYAL" to be used to raise system and baby Royal's brother who is eight is named "KING"; in which through the tody show-CINTAS was apologized to by why males for having to fire her from B-b-COCK Reynolds foundation; and sent message that now her JOB begins where CINTAS closed the curtains[as code to white males-that with her being the MONEY person in the family-if anybody gets in trouble that she will not be responding to helping and that white males can do what ever they want; in which when got to house; there was as item on door that had name but NO ADDRESS and the name of the SHERIFF was "MARTIN"[name of Devita Martin-who helped child molester]=same dam system, with ELLEN givens waiting to hear the news about all the abuse made by white males concerning the "Van" character;

3.Found article about Donald Trump and voter fraud in which everything was mentioned except African American's being intimidated by authority to keep African American[s] from voting:

Trump considers executive order on voter fraud

Which have posted about experience at Mazzie Woodruff Forysth Tech Center, where was put off of the campus without being given a reason; then told could come and vote and authority showed up with weapon on hip;



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