60-llw-Pan-haaaaaaaa-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis, Wesley Tugman
1. Road the wsta route 96 to the CRB library; robbin-secret AfricanAmerican prostitute was the driver; the wsta sign was put back up on a pole with a BIG HOLE at the bus stop;melissa williams in the children's section with a hispanic male;presently fourt to five hispanics at Carver Road Branch library; no African Americans children/ one African American male,etc.;
"DMV notifying thousands personal info may have been released"
[By: Kate Nemarich;Submitted:
"RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) – The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles is in the process of notifying up to 24,000 customers after discovering their personal information may have been disclosed."[note: "personal info may have been released"=was intentionally released=
"Kellyanne Conway coming to Wilmington for NCGOP convention" [note: WILMA is the name of the cousin of Anne that the white male[s] system trying to force to be a "con"vict];
[By: WWAY News; Submitted:
"She’s an integral piece of the Republican Party as a whole, and we thank her greatly for her willingness to support our state party,” said NCGOP Chairman Robin Hayes in a news release"
[note: Kellyanne Conway changed her name from / to be used by white male[s] system[s] to rob African Americans; that is why kelly anne conway was on the chair:Kellyanne Conway on chair
to keep from being connected to anything associated with "Blacks"
Kellyanne Conway on chair:
to keep from being connected to anything associated with "Blacks"
"Kellyanne Conway's South Jersey Roots Includes Mob Family Associate, Report Says"
[note: why Kellyanne conway changed her name to conway and is so familar with the term, "con"-she grew up in a "criminal" enviroment;
Thus why the Today show has a new segment, "CULTS and CRIMES";[http://videos.vidible.tv/prod/2017-04/04/58e397cc9efa894bc164b10c_640x360_v1.mp4?C9Yg7xWikm8OCu25UOqgvYRYT2qjzxtyLvyk3Jyak83IWGXU-KZIRocdE184GNY0]
-which is code to Donald Trump[kelly anne CON way] that the issue is "criminal"=where millions of people, especially African American[s[common knowledge-over two and half million African American[s] are incarcirated by white male[s]are being forced into criminal activity[jobs for white male[s] system[s];
[Videos of today show cults and crimes series;
"NBC’s Joe Fryer reports the second installment of TODAY’s “Cults & Crimes” series. ... Revisiting the cult that ended with the deaths of 900 NBC News";
note: WILMA is the name of the cousin of Anne that the white male[s] system trying to force to be a "con"vict and the Today's show-CULTS AND CRIMES series is code that to allow African American[s] who white male[s] trying to rob of their wealth would mean the equivalent of the
"Jonestown mass suicide: Revisiting the cult that ended ...";
YET the bastards have no problems attacking/robbing/ stealing/abusing the African American[s] who the wealth belongs to[?]; lets see who Donald Trump really is;on CHARLIE Rose show one of his white female guest made the statement-Donald Trump is confused because he knows that he won, so he cannot understand what the hold up is=and now the white male system is telling Donald Trump what the holdup is through media[which Donald Trump was raised up on the "media" world-which he calls "FAKE NEWS"-except for one thing half of the United States uses the "FAKE" news to make major decisions and a lot of them get their instructions on who to kill or who not to kill; for example in the city of Winston-Salem, NC;after called member of "tugman's family"- black female was killed on "RICH" street as code to kill all African American[s]females that's trying to keep their wealth [note-specific message to "Wesley Tugman's family member-female-do not return call]; but then code in media documented]=do not kill black female trying to keep their wealth=people watching; after typed a document on crb library computers about the picture of two white male[s] authority holding weapons standing over African American male that they had put antlers-like they were hunting an "ANIMAL";:
Saturday, February 18, 2017
"60-llw-Pan-h-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis "

Two white male authority who put antlers on African American male to express that black male[s] to be hunted like an animal;
The next day "Wesley Tugman" was killed at a mall in broad daylight; and nobody saw nothing; but to the people who [all of a sudden-like in a "HURRY"]sent documents to intimidate through judicial system; the message was do not "TUG"="TUGMAN KILLED";
"Greensboro police identify man who was shot, killed outside Four Seasons Town Centre"
"Westley Tyler Tugman, 33, of Lenoir, N.C., has been identified as the victim in the homicide in the parking lot of the Four Seasons Town Centre." [note: and Wesley "TYLER" TUGMAN middle name was "TYLER"=code for "TY"=killing of "TYLER" TUGMAN=kill the "TIE" tugging with man concerning the "documents to intimidate through judicial system"];
Donald Trump keeps saying stop the "LEAK"=the "LEAK" is not a "LEAK" ; it is a cry for help to stop white male[s] from killing/stealing/robbing/abusing African American[s] ;in which on "The VIEW" it was stated that over 80% of the households in the United States are headed by "females"; which means that 80% of the male[s] who are suppose to be head of the house; are not allowed to be head of the house[which have posted on blog[s] before];saw a young African American[s] female girl[approx. 10 years of age]-crying because her faimly is disappearing in broad daylight and a white male authority figure says; it is not that bad; just that it is posted on public media[?]];
After Wesley "TUGMAN" was killed and the people who [all of a sudden-like in a "HURRY"]sent documents to intimidate through judicial system got the message was do not "TUG" with the man who was they sent intimidating documents="TUGMAN KILLED"=then the person who was originally sent an intimidating docuement by the city;was then sent an even more intimidating document by the United States Attorney's office concerning the same situation-almost like they are "working together" or "partners" is a better word; which there is that word again-is a "coincidence" considering that the intimidation/abuse/threats have been documented day by day,which includes the filing of complaints to the EEOC concerning white males and hispanics intimidation at employers[where white male authority vehicles [5 to 7] to this day remained parked in front of building]and where filed complaint with EEOC where white male[authority][secret club members of "SAM's CLUB" threaten confinement if honest work [based on education-academic degrees] is obtained; where 2nd documents to intimidate through judicial system from the United States Attorney General's office appears to coincidentally to have taken the same path-when filed the documents using the letter to sue from the EEOC[where complained that people at the EEOC who were handling the case-were "hispanic"-never got a response from EEOC]in Winston-Salem, NC; the issue was transfered to a higher court- the "fed" court in Greensboro, North Carolina; and again the issue that was in Winston-Salem, North Carolina- an intimidating/threatening letter came from "fed" court in Greensboro, North Carolina concerning the "same" issue;
Whereby "Donald Trump/ Ivanka/german Ivanka married/etc. make their MONEY off of REAl estate-which is issue of the threatening/intimidating/abusing letter from city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina and the United States Attorney Gereral's office[appears that the trumps are using the office of the gov. to harass/threaten/abuse African American[s] not compliant with white male[s] issues;
Where as example gov. being used to attack African American citizens is an article in the Winston-Salem Journal/BUSINESS/NEWS on mARCH 30,2017, "Data: Forsyth housing affordable" by RICHard Craver:
"Forsyth housing ranks high in affordability"
Stating that there the HOUSING is very AFFORDABLE; yet on the African American[s] side of town[which falls in line with book written="Backward Life"[filed in Court system]; African American[s] are being intimidated/treaten out of their houses by the city of Winston-Salem and thier back up the United States Attorney General's office after African American[s] have been threaten with "CONFINEMENT" if they earn an honest living and don't become "criminal" and the "TODAY SHOW" gave a perfect example=Patty Hearst who was used as one of their first experiments=a rich white girl-turned into a"criminal"; I am sure Patty Hearst did not wake up one morning and say, I think I'll be a "Criminal" and If Paty Hearst who was raised in the best could be intimidated into being a "criminal"- imagine having an entire culture threatening do or be something illegal or go six feet under;[note: and the sad part is the circle is uplifted over and over again; infact the white male system is promoting a new movie "Circle" to ensure the process continues-which is all illegal based on the United States Supreme Court ruling that African American[s] have the same rights as white male[s]:
[note: Backward Life is what white male[s] system[s] designed to do=take from African American[s] and take from the African American culture]
White female killed black male because he was not "COMPLIANT"-"He did not do what I told him to do; all he had to do was do what I told him to do"-PRISONERS AND SLAVES have to be "COMPLIANT";the white female was interviewed on 60 minutes-"Shots fired":
Police shooting in Tulsa: Was the man threatening or was he compliant?
April 2, 2017, 6:30 PM|Terence Crutcher was doing what his
father had taught him about interactions with police, says his sister. But the
officer who shot Crutcher tells a different story
"white officer Betty Shelby used deadly force in shooting death of unarmed black man Terence Crutcher"
[note: those are the system[s] being operated in the African American neighborhood[s];It is sort of like "FAKE" news=FAKE judicial system; "FAKE' authority system [they had an African American female secret prostitute[looked like she was a hundred] on the news[local] as the "MAYOR" of Clevenland Avenue [African American neighborhood]-which means that a lot of the illegal things that take place is to keep the secret prostitute for white male[s] authority], FAKE JOBS;etc.-why it is so easy to take down the African American[s] in anything because they were never allowed inside[MAIN STREET-think that is what white people call it]in the first place; and are only allowed to EXIST if they are killing or doing something to kill their own kind=[ETHNIC INTIMIDATION-is what it is called] AND after the "ETHNIC INTIMIDATION"-the next white male[s] system is already being put in place[?]-which is where "PUTIN" and Russia associated-white male[s] have/trying to sell African American[s] to Russians since the AFrican American[s] have no right[s] that white male[s] recognize except to kill them[African American[s]];
Clarification of the "FAKE= FAKE would be "FAKE" to white people in the white people culture; "FAKE"=not "FAKE" to abused/threaten/intimidated African American[s]; to white people[which Donald Trumps knows]-what exists in the African American culture is not supposed to exist=because it is against the LAW;and eventually Donald Trump will know; if he does not already know-that the issue is Weathly AFrican American[s] right to help their [AFrican American] culture to progress and prosper in a good manner as white male[s][without the illegal/intimidation/abuse and killing]];
[note: called and reported;on April 1, 2017 that hispanic was buring trash/lot of smoke in area; that Chris hayes was using back path to go to hispanics and using dogs to transfer mind altering items through the use of a pitbull; that chris hayes had walked the pitbull down the street; then released the pit bull who came back with no leash by itself; the city link female-told me to call the authorities and if I did not want to that she would put me on hold, while she called; I said no thank you, that is why I called city link; approximately one to two hours later African American male comes to street and announces "LOUDLY"-this is "MY STREET"[meaning ILLEGAL activity] and no one is taking it over"=means someone at city link/city authority=connected;also called city link about TWO lose pitbull dogs; a reddish pit bill[mean] and a black, white and grey pitbull;-to locals=dealing with a mean dog];
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