60-llw-Pan-g-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
1. Road the WSTA route 96 tot he CRB library; robin driver; while seeking information to verify that all types of attacks [even through black people-ethnic intimidtation] if from the [two-white male system]; located a pictures that says it all; have blogged about the fact that white male[s] authority think of African's male and female as animals, espcially dogs and deers:

Chicago PD Cops Posed for Photo Standing Over Black Man Dressed in Antlers
Believed to have been taken in a West Side police station between 1999 and 2003...
It’s a racially charged photo the Chicago Police Department didn’t want the public to see: two white cops posing with rifles as they stand over a black man lying on his belly with deer antlers on his head.
Believed to have been taken in a West Side police station between 1999 and 2003, the Polaroid photo was given to the city by the feds in 2013 and resulted in McDermott, a clout-heavy cop, being fired last year by the police board in a 5-to-4 vote. The four dissenters said McDermott should only have been suspended. But a majority of the board wrote that “appearing to treat an African-American man not as a human being but as a hunted animal is disgraceful and shocks the conscience.”Godnepst
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