Social Understandings

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

60-llw-Pan-haaaa-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis


1. Road the WSTA rte 96 to the CRB library; Robin [the AfricanAmerican secret prostitute] was the driver;

2. Saw the Today Show and for the first time could recognize Matt and crew[minus Al] sending threats to the President of the United States[Donald Trump] using the segment[where the back ground was Royal Blue] SECRETS FO THE CAPITAL;, which included MEMBERS ONLY; where Matt [WHITE MALE]the host stood on a Dome- with VIEW HIGHER than house that is white; along with fact that the issue can walk[away from white male's control];

3. And on CBS This Morning "V.D." seemed to be the message; though segment: Viola Desman who was a black female living in CANanda whose sister was featured as representative to CANanda givng recognition to black female who was wronged by Canada almost fourty/fifty years ago; which is interesting bieng that Viola Davis has been winning so many AWARDS for acting=TWO=To Viola Davis-white males say that she can live as herself in white man's culture; however the cost is the  both black female's initials -V. D.-to the Balck race of coars with VD being a sex disease;



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