Social Understandings

Thursday, March 02, 2017

60-llw-Pan-haaaaaa-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis

To show how connected thecrooked partnerships are=Wal-mart put a Michael Moore at the greeter as form of robbery;  Michael moore is the name of the boy that I had to take to court for breaking out all my windows on the north side of the house




To:  Wal-mart

        C/O Claims Management, Inc.

        P. O. Box 14731

        Lexington, Ky



Re: Claim ########


Spoke to Penny Caruthers/Case Manager level-4 a couple of time and on 2/7/16 informed that would write about the steel metal rod that tripped on at Wal-mart store ######

Was taking items purchased from Wal-mart store ###### out of the Wal-mart cart, on July 22, 2016 , when tripped on a metal steel rod [approx. ½ inch wide]that was sticking about one and a half inches out of the ground in the parking lot of Wal-mart store ######;


When realized that the force of the trip had torned my right shoe over big toe, immediately went back into Wal-mart store ######, informed Michael [not Michael Moore] of the torn shoe and showed Michael[not Michael Moore]the greeter where the incidence took place;


Michael [the original greeter] then wrote the name of Lee/store manager on the back of a Wal-mart smiley face and said get in contract with store about tripping over the steel metal rod;


Went back into the Wal-mart store ###### about a week after the incident and informed  white female of the my name, the incidence and that Michael the greeter had been told on the day that it occurred;


Have gone back into the Wal-mart store ###### and called numerous times concerning  the tripping on the steel metal rod; dates of contact with Wal-mart store ###### or  representatives are 7/22/16, 8/29/16,8/29/16,10/31/16,11/11/16,11/15/16,12/15/16,

2/3/17, 2/7/17 and 3/2/17;


[note: The original Michael [the greeter] at Wal-mart store###### was an African American male, about 5 “9”, with a medium build; there is a new African American male greeter by the name of Michael that is very short and has a tiny build];

[update at 5:18 pm-sent mail[motion to dismiss] to one of the bastards that is trying to do a rob of house;[reponse before I could get out of the post office[know why people attack the elements of the post office] was a CINTAS truck-know why people are going to start attacking those driving the CINTAS truck]; Melinda at forsyth county tax office told me when I went to pay money on taxes that my name was not on the list and I could not pay=that is why they put the deed office on chestnut street; so that means African Americans getting letters telling them to pay their taxes and when they go to pay their taxes they are told their name is not listed on the property;

Spoke to one of the clerks-FISHER-like you fishing for something who stated that the guy who is working for the city and the county has done thousands and thousands of closures on houses-without even looking- 99.99% of them have been of African American[s] houses, to force them into being homeless to decrease and rob African Americans; word to African Americans-stop believing their  s-h-I-t; and if you are a true African American you know the rest of the sentence;




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