Social Understandings

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

After the Superbowl


After superbowl=They cut Willie's cell phone off=punishment=because I went to see himtwo days befire=also in spirit realm=spirits were hight=by them cutting off Willie's phone =they're way of communicating to him negative messages about me=???????=Also another way for them to block my sending prayers to Willie every day=God tells me to leave prayer messages on his phone=but can't since they have his phone blocked.=sort of like what I heard over the radio=about computer systems=if you mess up the operating system=everything else changes=that is why they have moved Willie at work=where he met me, and took away his bowling=where he invited me=put me off the bus=Willie rides the bus=why would a system be so involved in a relationship=in which Willie nor I know what kind it is=?????=What did God say=they're Greatest Fear has come true=bless all my enemies=It's been four days now and still Willie's phone is not own=but I do know this=eveidently because of the feedback from the demons and what they do=Willie must really like me=because they keep trying to make him say that he does not like me in the spirit realm=and he hasn't=Pray God strengthens Willie and gives him victory over the demonic system in North Carolina.



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