Social Understandings

Saturday, March 15, 2014

WS MUtural insurance

Last Wensday had a discussion with sibling Rick appx. 2:30pm sent some emails in response to Rick trying to attack me psychologically; then went to the Carver Recreation Center; while there a man came in and announced to Ben Pickett,"Good News, "RICK" just bought the "WINSTON- MUTUAL INSURANCE Building"=with the Key word being "MUTUAL"-just how quickly they communicate;
After getting off the phone with Rick who was making all kinds of threats, insults to me to communicate to those operating the secret system that they have back up concerning whoever is not cooperating with white male system; RICK ? hurried up and bought the Winston-"MUTUAL" "INSURANCE" Building; which communicated to the local people black and white who are operating their secret system that they have "INSURANCE" against the person who is not cooperationg="MUTUAL" is the concept of

UPDATED: Group making another effort to revive Winston Mutual Building
The businesses/groups that move into the Winston-MUTUAL INSURANCE  Building will be the African American people working in secret with white males to hinder and to block the economical growth of the  African American neighborhood in Winston-Salem, NC; same system; difference in the new system will include the hispanics that help the African Americans who work in secret for white males to rob/block other African Americans not working for white males;
The new "MOTOR ROAD" OPENED at the END of Carver Road at the opposite end of 311[kkk]Highway [where DOLLAR GENERAL store was just built]=code=  to signal the START of the end of the African American economic growth and the START of the hispanic being put in the place of African American[s] who should/would be the ones rising economically; but not allowed or blocked because they do not serve white males;
The NEW "MOTOR ROAD" opens a path directely into the tiny hispanic area-thus whoever approved the new "MOTOR ROAD" to be built/place/named/ are participants of  financial ethnic intimidation of African Americans; the name "MOTOR" says it all; a motor  is: indispensable part or player that moves a process or system along
10.informal  ( intr ) to move fast; make good progress

 3. person or thing that imparts motion, especially a contrivance, as a steam engine, that receives and modifies energy from some natural source in order to utilize the energy;
The New "MOTOR Road" is the part of the "PROCESS"-same old process of robbing African Americans economically; this time the robbers are to be converted into hispanics; they will eventually remove the African American[s] who are serving as a barrier between white males and African Americans who are not working in secret for white males; the African Americans who are working in secret right now; probably think that they will be there a life time; but not, eventually white males will think they are in the way-like they do most of the African Americans that they use;
Thier goal is to decrease the African American population in the Carver School Road area in Winston-Salem, NC which would not be so bad if the African Americans were going to something better on the earth; but based on prior evidence of white males systems=look at the Indian population; where did they all go?
so the  man that  came into the Carl Russell Recreation Center and  announced to Ben Pickett,"Good News, "RICK" just bought the "WINSTON- MUTUAL IINSURANCE Building"=with the Key words being "BOUGHT" and "MUTUAL"-just how quickly they communicate;
"BOUGHT" means that my sibling "Rick"[ who white males view is that of being like a dummy/robot who can be manipulated any way they want][DVD-Aliens in the Attack] bought the plan given to the African American females working in secret for white males-either force me to be gay or have mental problems=and I say no thank you to all negative while I live and declare the glory of the devine God;and "MUTUAL" means that my sibling "Rick" is in agreement with the plan; [which is either being gay is right or the issue is mental[ which have blogged about Dr. Mndez at  ? church who is being paid to direct African American males to they are the ones with problems[which are mentally related] instead of acknowledging that white males operate secret systems that attack black males sometimes even before the black male is born]; with "mutual" meaning:
1.experienced or expressed by each of two or more people or groups about the other; reciprocal: mutual distrust
2.common to or shared by both or all of two or more parties

1. White male[s] sending message to those in secret system that white male[s] have MUTUAL insurance:

"STATE STARTS NEW PUSH"=with all the words in the title "KEY" words:
a. New "MOTOR" Road=built in Winston-Salem, NC by city/state?;
b. New "MOTOR" Road= "OPENED by city/state?=START;
c. "NEW" Motor Road=code="NEW" system;
d. "PUSH"=the "NEW" SYSTEM;
With the article, "STATE STARTS NEW PUSH" focus on "DUKE" ash[black] spill=code=Somebody connected to "Duke"[Royal Blue recycle bin in Winston-Salem] group caused;=code-Make the person who caused the DUKE ash spill[revealed what white males were doing to African Americans not working for white males in Winston-Salem to pay]; purpose of the article is to START the PUSH; especially since  RICK bought the Winston MUTUAL INSURANCE Building; move forward and quickly, which means that white males have insurance on the black side of Winston-Salem that the person who was the major support for the African American person who cause the "DUKE" ash spill;
2. Officials nudge apartment managers to ban smoking[by Lala Garm]=

pictured above: County Health Director Marlon Hunter addresses attendees.)[]
With the code in the picture being OFFICIAL and HUNTER being the code word:
a. Offical= code=white male[s]
b. Hunter=code= African American male who has a little business at the flea market [located at the back end] at the "Market Place" on Peterscreek Parkway who was disrected to opened his shop at the Market Place Mall as part of plan of white males to steal from  African American economically [because of an African American overcoming white male system BUT African American not allowed to access or have the rewards of anything that an AFrican American overcame in white male system[s]; so white males need an African American who is working for them in secret-which would be [Johnell /T. /Hunter, Jr.]to raise up economic robbery of African American[s] by an African American-which is why CINTAS is directed to the Market Place Mall[where guy [ who wears Royal Blue and is a "Duke"fan] and myself went to];

Martin Hernandez, president of the local TRU (Tobacco Reality Unfiltered)
Article about Tobacco has hispanic=code to those operating secret system to include hispanics in REYNOLDS=CINTAS is due to get new hispanic co-worker?B-bcock R. Foundation;use of term  OFFICIAL=from officials use hispanics instead of African American[s];
3. To use hispanics over African Americans:
a. Beside the article about Officials and Hunter; is the article about "hispanic HOPEFULS in the running"[by lala Garms];
Hispanic hopefuls in the running
White male[s] have some hispanics [Garcia and Vanquez] that they are in the process of educating/trainging to obey instructions from white males;
Code=Rick bought Winston-Mutual INSURANCE[?] Building;new "MOTOR ROAD" OPENED at the END of Carver Road at the opposite end of 311[kkk]Highway [where DOLLAR GENERAL store was just built;"STATE STARTS NEW PUSH of hispanics into AFrican American[s] neighborhoods;hispanic HOPEFULS [Garcia and Vanquez];in the running who will follow instructions given by white males=code:
note: thoughts are posted because of no privacy[anything I write the bastards have a camera in my eye; therefore since I have no privacy all thought written; if possible are posted on line;MESSAGE:
 Since Deanna's brother Rick has agreed to join white males in harassment, intimidation, threat plan proceed with a push of robbing African Americans economically and with replacing African Americans with hispanic people by putting hispanic people into African American[neighborhoods];use the DOLLAR General method by 311[kkk] way;
note: All people currently around Deanna-work/have worked/ with military/or hispanic/or authority; presently either Deanna not around them or Deanna does not eat;[which is not a coincidence-part of system design to force people into specific areas of their system; have stated, nicely; that I have no desire to work in secret or otherwise for their system; don't trust them];
1. Military-p. B2, Winston-Salem Chronicle -Article,"MILitARY Notes"- in "Community" Section; [but can't locate article online at the WS Chronicle];

If everybody giving the opinons work for the people-you never get true opinions because everybody kissing up to keep the work; which usually lead to an extremely unbalanced situation; not matter what it is;

That is why an African American[s] not working for white males in secret are needed-to tell them the truth; because African Americans and hispanics working in secret for them are not telling them the truth and hope one day; the truth will knock them flat on their white as-es;
Note: Page A10 of 3/13/14 has a big picture of a G-N for the city of WS g-n buy-back-part of system of de-arming so houses will have no form of resistence to silent house invasion=when crooked lock smith makes a key to persons door so other crooks can enter without forced entry;
Note: Proof-Everybody on the "Health and WELLNESS" pageA5; 3/13/14 of the Winston-Salem Chronicle=not African American;
Note: WS Chronicle; page A7=  picture of Burke and Taylor=scary; because Burke is the same age as Sylvia Hamlin;

yet her picture shows her as the same age as "Taylor"


"History of the Winston-Mutual Insurance Building"-History of the Winston-Mutual Insurance Building"-Biggest building  on the African American side of Winston-Salem across the dividing line highway 52


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