Deference system in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Computer #2[Out of Order sign; assigned to computer #9; in front of comuter #10 Bedi=white male; did not sign up went to computer #2; they had put out of order sign on computer #2 to stop any body from getting on computer; after got on computer #2 white female in lime green hat got on computer #5 after I signed into computer #2;
Of the fact that issues posted on blogs are society's and that society should be the one to address issues;
[Introduction to Social Problems; sixth edition; Thomas J. Sullivan;page 326; "Victim Restitution"] :
"Once the many social sources of crime are recognized, it should be clear that society has some responsibility to the victims who unwittingly suffer as a consequence of society's failings."
With the Key Words being "Society's Failings";meaning that society is failing at addressing a social problem which is a source of a crime;
For example; The other day a person got an amber alert when someone's child had been stolen; but that was not possible in 1983; when Dr. Charles Kennedy and staff at Forsyth Hospital-Gwyndolyn Gwyn help steal twin child; there was no amber alert for the twin child stolen; and [local Winston-Salem society/authority do not want to address the issue being that there was participation on local authorities part;
A. [GOOGLE] movie "Clean Slate" writer ROBERT KING"; 1994; Where
Where in the middle of the movie [channel 540/disk]all of the terms associated with the STEALING Of twin [baby];PAULA; POLICE and JOHN in Carver Road area in Winston-Salem were in one screen; Police Academy/John D.A.;
2.MONK [CODE-CHRISTIAN]was the star in the picture; movie was advertized on TV all day the day before;
3.[Paula and Baby[DOG name] and BLACK patch over dog's eye=codes];
4.CJ on hat of character called "Pogue"[ML Pogue=Maurice Pogue= Investigations: Civil and Criminal;
5.[lot of Wilmington[Wilma-cousins name];
6.Judge GEORGE G. BLOCK-code-"BLOCK"GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE"-CODE= Gov.Chris Christy TWO lanes Blocked/New Jersey;
7.City Hall[Ity ALL]; LAPD T-shirt;
8. 1195 SPEEDWAY-CODE=SPEED [name of black male who bought NC Mutual -black enterprise magazine[april, 2014];WAY-code-WAYmon Monroe= code=speed way for NC Mutual to use African Americans to make money off of;
9a.Scene #1:In court room -"You were with a woman";
b.Scene #2 :Camera shot of White male head and then sign on right side "AN";
c.Scence #3:"Lets talk about about "CYNTHIA"-slut";
10.Cornell-[crooked BUSINESSMAN;
11.BET-name of female; SARAH NOVAK [name of female];
B. WSJournal;4/12/14; Aritcle "New UNCSA chancellor to bring creative skills to post" by Lynn Felder; where at the top of the article over "EYE ON THE FUTURE" IS "He is an exceptional business man with the SOUL of an ARTist" and under he above state: ROB KING [BUSINSESSMAN who chaired the search committte for the new chancellor];also article about Melissa Harris Perry re-joing Wake Forest University/bribe ;
With movie "Clean Slate" dog "Baby" had on the coin worth a lot of money=code-World Trade Center/TWIN TOWERS [worth lot of money connected to stolen twin child]=verification through movie, "clean slate" and codes within movie;
note: Democrats told to attack the 1%[African Americans who are suppose to be reach on Black Wall Street]during midterm elections/use same class warfare as in 2012;[thus will be attacking B-bCOCK R. Foundation who is telling CINTAS to and to tell other family members to attack/abuse/threaten other family members;
note: I have tried to send an email to five different locations for the Salvation Army including in London and when click on "SEND" nothing happens;[blocking email];
note: blogged in 2013 or before about Melissa Harris Perry and how in order to have a husband/sex had to "DEFER" to white males;
a. Message to Melissa Harris-Perry from Wake Forest Univeristy[where she graduated from] and those who operate the WS Journal Newspapers;
1. Article, "MSNBC host RE-turning to Wake"[Melissa Harris-Perry to joing falculty;show will continue;by Michael HEwLETT;[]
Melissa Harris-Perry
2.Harris-Perry a 1994 Wake Forest Graduate, will join the schools POLITICS and "INTERNATIONAL" affairs dept. this summer;
3. Page A9; 4/12/14; Harris Perry[far left]SEXTON-RIGHT;seg-"Building a legacy"-code= as long as Melissa Harris-Perry turn head-sex will in in future and can build a legacy;
4. Beltway-code-"NOT all of the 800 property owners/code/white males owning African Americans; have the same property interest and expectations;
5. Inmade charged in kidnapping[code-twin child] of D. A.'s father-MELTON is accused in the Saturday kidnapping of Frank AUTHOR Janssen of Wake Forrest=code-kidnapping/Wake Forest and D.A. involved in what to turn head away from;
6.Dalton's Crossing isn't just a place to shop; its an experience=[code-to get instructions got to Dalton's crossings];like shopping at Goodwill[where lot of cameras and white males walk around/Marshall's;
7. Ad-Floor Sample" "Meg Brown";little white boy painting[white side of Melissa HARRIS-Perry;
8. Ad-Little black boy that looks white-WALLburg mulch, sand and gravel-message-Its my 3rd birthday; but the "Specials" are for you;
9. Ad-Buena Vista-country CLUB estates EXCEPTIONAL convience and style-code-join the club[secret];
With INTERNATIONAL [being notable]=ARTS and LIFE style-Winston-Salem Chronicle; page A6;by Chronicle Staff Report; "High Hopes for New ICRCM Leader"[INTERNATIONAL Civil Rights Center and Museum in Greensboro; Lacy WARD Jr. mnamed executive DIRECTOR coming from ROBert Russa Moton Museum in FARMville,Va.;[];

-CODE- WARD in charge of children/4/27;"UNLEASHED ART Center-code to rob children and create WARD INTERNATIONALLY;[Contest for Student Artist"[by SPECIAL to Chronicle];
"Challenge GRANT to help ARTS Council to meet GOAL";PAGE A6;
NOVANT HEALTH FORSYTH and REYNOLDS American FOUNDATION=code-Novant Health=[where Leola Monroe[wife of WAYmon Monroe works]; FORSYTH [where twin was stolen];Reynolds American Foundation[Where Cintas works];
Computer #2[Out of Order sign; assigned to computer #9; in front of comuter #10 Bedi=white male; did not sign up went to computer #2; they had put out of order sign on computer #2 to stop any body from getting on computer; after got on computer #2 white female in lime green hat got on computer #5 after I signed into computer #2;
Of the fact that issues posted on blogs are society's and that society should be the one to address issues;
[Introduction to Social Problems; sixth edition; Thomas J. Sullivan;page 326; "Victim Restitution"] :
"Once the many social sources of crime are recognized, it should be clear that society has some responsibility to the victims who unwittingly suffer as a consequence of society's failings."
With the Key Words being "Society's Failings";meaning that society is failing at addressing a social problem which is a source of a crime;
For example; The other day a person got an amber alert when someone's child had been stolen; but that was not possible in 1983; when Dr. Charles Kennedy and staff at Forsyth Hospital-Gwyndolyn Gwyn help steal twin child; there was no amber alert for the twin child stolen; and [local Winston-Salem society/authority do not want to address the issue being that there was participation on local authorities part;
A. [GOOGLE] movie "Clean Slate" writer ROBERT KING"; 1994; Where
Where in the middle of the movie [channel 540/disk]all of the terms associated with the STEALING Of twin [baby];PAULA; POLICE and JOHN in Carver Road area in Winston-Salem were in one screen; Police Academy/John D.A.;
2.MONK [CODE-CHRISTIAN]was the star in the picture; movie was advertized on TV all day the day before;
3.[Paula and Baby[DOG name] and BLACK patch over dog's eye=codes];
4.CJ on hat of character called "Pogue"[ML Pogue=Maurice Pogue= Investigations: Civil and Criminal;
5.[lot of Wilmington[Wilma-cousins name];
6.Judge GEORGE G. BLOCK-code-"BLOCK"GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE"-CODE= Gov.Chris Christy TWO lanes Blocked/New Jersey;
7.City Hall[Ity ALL]; LAPD T-shirt;
8. 1195 SPEEDWAY-CODE=SPEED [name of black male who bought NC Mutual -black enterprise magazine[april, 2014];WAY-code-WAYmon Monroe= code=speed way for NC Mutual to use African Americans to make money off of;
9a.Scene #1:In court room -"You were with a woman";
b.Scene #2 :Camera shot of White male head and then sign on right side "AN";
c.Scence #3:"Lets talk about about "CYNTHIA"-slut";
10.Cornell-[crooked BUSINESSMAN;
11.BET-name of female; SARAH NOVAK [name of female];
B. WSJournal;4/12/14; Aritcle "New UNCSA chancellor to bring creative skills to post" by Lynn Felder; where at the top of the article over "EYE ON THE FUTURE" IS "He is an exceptional business man with the SOUL of an ARTist" and under he above state: ROB KING [BUSINSESSMAN who chaired the search committte for the new chancellor];also article about Melissa Harris Perry re-joing Wake Forest University/bribe ;
With movie "Clean Slate" dog "Baby" had on the coin worth a lot of money=code-World Trade Center/TWIN TOWERS [worth lot of money connected to stolen twin child]=verification through movie, "clean slate" and codes within movie;
note: Democrats told to attack the 1%[African Americans who are suppose to be reach on Black Wall Street]during midterm elections/use same class warfare as in 2012;[thus will be attacking B-bCOCK R. Foundation who is telling CINTAS to and to tell other family members to attack/abuse/threaten other family members;
note: I have tried to send an email to five different locations for the Salvation Army including in London and when click on "SEND" nothing happens;[blocking email];
note: blogged in 2013 or before about Melissa Harris Perry and how in order to have a husband/sex had to "DEFER" to white males;
a. Message to Melissa Harris-Perry from Wake Forest Univeristy[where she graduated from] and those who operate the WS Journal Newspapers;
1. Article, "MSNBC host RE-turning to Wake"[Melissa Harris-Perry to joing falculty;show will continue;by Michael HEwLETT;[]
Melissa Harris-Perry
2.Harris-Perry a 1994 Wake Forest Graduate, will join the schools POLITICS and "INTERNATIONAL" affairs dept. this summer;
3. Page A9; 4/12/14; Harris Perry[far left]SEXTON-RIGHT;seg-"Building a legacy"-code= as long as Melissa Harris-Perry turn head-sex will in in future and can build a legacy;
4. Beltway-code-"NOT all of the 800 property owners/code/white males owning African Americans; have the same property interest and expectations;
5. Inmade charged in kidnapping[code-twin child] of D. A.'s father-MELTON is accused in the Saturday kidnapping of Frank AUTHOR Janssen of Wake Forrest=code-kidnapping/Wake Forest and D.A. involved in what to turn head away from;
6.Dalton's Crossing isn't just a place to shop; its an experience=[code-to get instructions got to Dalton's crossings];like shopping at Goodwill[where lot of cameras and white males walk around/Marshall's;
7. Ad-Floor Sample" "Meg Brown";little white boy painting[white side of Melissa HARRIS-Perry;
8. Ad-Little black boy that looks white-WALLburg mulch, sand and gravel-message-Its my 3rd birthday; but the "Specials" are for you;
9. Ad-Buena Vista-country CLUB estates EXCEPTIONAL convience and style-code-join the club[secret];
With INTERNATIONAL [being notable]=ARTS and LIFE style-Winston-Salem Chronicle; page A6;by Chronicle Staff Report; "High Hopes for New ICRCM Leader"[INTERNATIONAL Civil Rights Center and Museum in Greensboro; Lacy WARD Jr. mnamed executive DIRECTOR coming from ROBert Russa Moton Museum in FARMville,Va.;[];

-CODE- WARD in charge of children/4/27;"UNLEASHED ART Center-code to rob children and create WARD INTERNATIONALLY;[Contest for Student Artist"[by SPECIAL to Chronicle];
"Challenge GRANT to help ARTS Council to meet GOAL";PAGE A6;
NOVANT HEALTH FORSYTH and REYNOLDS American FOUNDATION=code-Novant Health=[where Leola Monroe[wife of WAYmon Monroe works]; FORSYTH [where twin was stolen];Reynolds American Foundation[Where Cintas works];
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