Johnnie Taylor, Michael Brown, Winston-Salem, North Carolinal, Wake Forrest University
1.Workers at the CRB library are CONSTANCE-code for [constant]; and SHEY-code for[rebellion]=
"Constant rebellion"=?; Note: have no desire to attack or be attacked; and wanting to work, live a lifestyle of good quality should not be deemed rebellion unless people are trying to force in a lifestyle that is negative= good rebellion;
2. Posted on 9/19/14 that person who works at Winston-Salem City link was informed of the nasty attitude of ----y ------n [city of winston-salem employee] in which the person informed sent the message that
----y ------n boss Johnnie Taylor should be contacted concerning the issue;[note: called and based on voice mail for Johnie Taylor ,he is an African American male];
3. Then riding past the Carver Road Branch Church on their marquee they were advertising that a Johnnie Taylor is to speak at Carver Road Branch Church this Sunday 9/24/14;which is coinicendital, yet not=because a code system is being operated; thus the delimma is that unless the person operating within code system has MORALS; it is just one block after another, which leaves person going in a continuous circle with those who are controlling working to block person laughing at person because those who are working for the code system KNOW that it is like the person is invisible-which is why the nice person who doesn't bother anybody all of a sudden attacks for no apparent reason;
4. Posted also on 9/19/14 that went to the Salvation Army [where correctional female almost bursed into a laugh]and asked for intervention because of the partnership system operating in Winston-Salem, NC.-such as the fact that the Salvation army and ex-employer[Sam's Club[secret club members] are partners ;
Salvation Army gave info packet for TOP PRIORITY which is connected to "CENTER POINT" the local illusion of help for mentally ill;
The message is the Salvation will not help to advocate for you; however we will help the local agencies who partner to harass, intimidate, abuse and block you from accessing your money and good quality lifestyle:
1.Workers at the CRB library are CONSTANCE-code for [constant]; and SHEY-code for[rebellion]=
"Constant rebellion"=?; Note: have no desire to attack or be attacked; and wanting to work, live a lifestyle of good quality should not be deemed rebellion unless people are trying to force in a lifestyle that is negative= good rebellion;
2. Posted on 9/19/14 that person who works at Winston-Salem City link was informed of the nasty attitude of ----y ------n [city of winston-salem employee] in which the person informed sent the message that
----y ------n boss Johnnie Taylor should be contacted concerning the issue;[note: called and based on voice mail for Johnie Taylor ,he is an African American male];
1. That the brown man put in the house that is white was stated by the white male on the Reddi radio program [980 am]; that African Americans are being attacked on every side, economically, socially and especially financially;
To show the delima[sp] dealing with;
Sent an email to local City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina employee concerning white male Randy Britton[s] negative attitude and that he can't recogonize African American[s]-even in writing[in which he sent a bunch of white males to put marking in front of my house[?]];
posted 9/19/14:
The response came back to call a Johnny Taylor;and Johnny Taylor is to speak at Carver Road Branch Church this sunday for a two fold purpose-to get instructions of not to treat person seeking an advocate or an African American in the Carver School Road area as a human; and to continue to particpate in the secret group that keeps the masses of African American[s] in bondage through the secret system that William E. Johnson and local white males created to rob African Americans;
From: S------- Davis []
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 9:14 AM
To: -----, -----n
Subject: RE: Deanna: Questions-Environmental Factors
Good Morning -----n,
I understand you dilemma, however if I were you I would direct her to continue to communicate with Mr. Britton because he is the one who can answer her questions. I would not have that information. Mr. Britton is the Assistant Director of Sanitation. Her other alternative is to speak with the Director, Johnny Taylor at (336)747-6986.
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 9:14 AM
To: -----, -----n
Subject: RE: Deanna: Questions-Environmental Factors
Good Morning -----n,
I understand you dilemma, however if I were you I would direct her to continue to communicate with Mr. Britton because he is the one who can answer her questions. I would not have that information. Mr. Britton is the Assistant Director of Sanitation. Her other alternative is to speak with the Director, Johnny Taylor at (336)747-6986.
3. Then riding past the Carver Road Branch Church on their marquee they were advertising that a Johnnie Taylor is to speak at Carver Road Branch Church this Sunday 9/24/14;which is coinicendital, yet not=because a code system is being operated; thus the delimma is that unless the person operating within code system has MORALS; it is just one block after another, which leaves person going in a continuous circle with those who are controlling working to block person laughing at person because those who are working for the code system KNOW that it is like the person is invisible-which is why the nice person who doesn't bother anybody all of a sudden attacks for no apparent reason;

Thus there are two JOHNNIE TAYLOR[S];
4. Posted also on 9/19/14 that went to the Salvation Army [where correctional female almost bursed into a laugh]and asked for intervention because of the partnership system operating in Winston-Salem, NC.-such as the fact that the Salvation army and ex-employer[Sam's Club[secret club members] are partners ;
Salvation Army gave info packet for TOP PRIORITY which is connected to "CENTER POINT" the local illusion of help for mentally ill;
The message is the Salvation will not help to advocate for you; however we will help the local agencies who partner to harass, intimidate, abuse and block you from accessing your money and good quality lifestyle:
A. Message the system designed to attack and degrade African American[s] who want their money[WHY all the DOLLAR STORES having bids, etc. to see who is going to buy what dollar store and it is why a man jumped over the fence and ran and got through the door before he could be captured] by the brown man in the house that is white] is not allowed because one of them got through the door; so will have to claim they are mentally ill;
"Why the Secret Service didn’t shoot the White House fence-jumper"
"Uniformed Secret Service officers walk along the lawn on the North side of the White House in Washington, Saturday, Sept. 20, 2014. The Secret Service is coming under intense scrutiny after a man who hopped the White House fence made it all the way through the front door before being apprehended. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) "[];
The reason all of the security at the house that is white that the brown man lives in did not stop the man who jumped over the fence and got through the doors before all that security could stop him is because they were given instructions through code -"do not interfere/stop the man that jumped over the fence"; they were following orders; and the man jumping over the fence and getting through the door of the house that is white that the brown man lives in was to send the message; one of the bastards has gotten through and is in the door; so will have to put them in category of mentally ill; and can't attack them;
B. Article On the FRONT PAGE of the Winston-Salem Chronicle: "HARRIS-PERRY links MENTAL HEALTH with bias and other inequities"-code- for the local secret group to use mental illness as path to hinder/block African American[s] to access to their wealth or/and use mental illness before they can access their wealth in white males system[s];as one white male caller told Jim Bohannan on the Jim Bohannan show-"Obama is not a real black man"; neither does MELISSA HARRIS-PERRY fit the category of a real black woman; she was engineered to appear African American and to speak for African Americans when in actuality most of her experiences have been the watered down version of being an African American; one of her parents is white; which is her shield to recieving the full bunt of being an African American;
[pictured above: W. Randy Eaddy, a partner at Kilpatrick Stockton, introduces Melissa Harris-Perry]
See the whiteness in MELISSA HARRIS-PERRY; she looks like a white woman -compared to RANDY which is code to contact name that is to help Melissa Harris Perry [RANDY ------n-who has very nasty attitude towards AFrican Americans not working in secret for white males]
The reason all of the security at the house that is white that the brown man lives in did not stop the man who jumped over the fence and got through the doors before all that security could stop him is because they were given instructions through code -"do not interfere/stop the man that jumped over the fence"; they were following orders; and the man jumping over the fence and getting through the door of the house that is white that the brown man lives in was to send the message; one of the bastards has gotten through and is in the door; so will have to put them in category of mentally ill; and can't attack them;
B. Article On the FRONT PAGE of the Winston-Salem Chronicle: "HARRIS-PERRY links MENTAL HEALTH with bias and other inequities"-code- for the local secret group to use mental illness as path to hinder/block African American[s] to access to their wealth or/and use mental illness before they can access their wealth in white males system[s];as one white male caller told Jim Bohannan on the Jim Bohannan show-"Obama is not a real black man"; neither does MELISSA HARRIS-PERRY fit the category of a real black woman; she was engineered to appear African American and to speak for African Americans when in actuality most of her experiences have been the watered down version of being an African American; one of her parents is white; which is her shield to recieving the full bunt of being an African American;
[pictured above: W. Randy Eaddy, a partner at Kilpatrick Stockton, introduces Melissa Harris-Perry]
See the whiteness in MELISSA HARRIS-PERRY; she looks like a white woman -compared to RANDY which is code to contact name that is to help Melissa Harris Perry [RANDY ------n-who has very nasty attitude towards AFrican Americans not working in secret for white males]

2. Lower right corner article, "HUNT:WIFE STRUCK HIM , SLASHED ARM:" there was another article with HUNT looking normal; helping somebody[?]=TWO hunt articles;
D. Am concerned about safety [they came in house and used hammer and make mark over window to let me know that they had been there;
"A Matter of Trust"
September 17, 2014Local law enforcers reassure community in wake of Ferguson, Mo. crisis
"(pictured above: (From left) City Council Member Jeff MacIntosh with Human Relations Director Wanda Allen-Abraha, Sheriff Bill Schatzman, Chief Barry Rountree, Human Relations Commissioner Chanthini Palmer, Assistant City Attorney Lori Sykes, DA James O’Neill, City Manager Lee Garrity and Human Relations Commissioner Michael Clinton.)[]
WANDA -Allen-Abraha is centered and is the name that is associated with murder of sibling Curtis-code that local authorities in process of TAYLORING a WANDA situation=killing like they did to sibling Curtis;[thus anything that happens is not an accident and those [99% ]in picture above are involved and aware;[ have blogged about WANDA and the name of WANDA being the name of the female who use to be with brother that was murdered;
"Hands, baton, pepper spray, taser.
Winston-Salem Police Chief Barry Rountree said Tuesday evening that officers have an array of tools at their disposal and only use the most lethal one – the gun – when absolutely necessary"
And that is aTRUE STATEMENT because lot of the victims leave the face of the earth without any type of "WARNING"; lot of them in the AFrican American neighborhoods leave in the sleep; the locksmiths make a key in two minutes or less and give access to bastards; so basically none of the weapons above are used; and force is usually used on the person who has escaped their normal systems of removing African American[s]-In the Carver School Road area by the air port this summer a lot of African American[s] have disappeared/the family member who is to raise questions have been paid off; thus lot of hispanics have moved into houses on the back side of Carver School Road that should have AFrican American[s] in them; so the statement:
"Hands, baton, pepper spray, taser.
Winston-Salem Police Chief Barry Rountree said Tuesday evening that officers have an array of tools at their disposal and only use the most lethal one – the gun – when absolutely necessary"
Is TRUE, which is why asked the Salvation Army to advocate
The name of the article in the Winston-Salem Chronicle is "A Matter or Trust"; and it was casually mention that the race thing is an issue concerning, " The department is 79 percent white";
Note a: blogged that the sky over the Carver School Road Area turned pink after the Smith Reynolds Airport followed instructions given by the brown man in the house that is white and used AIR POWER [think it is some kind of chemical that forces people to be in a sedate form(based on talk show documented]; and verification of the pink color of sky associated with air planes is the following picture:
Posted on 9/17/14:
"Carver road Branch Library, Fergerson, Mo., Michael Brown, Wake Forest University"
[email sent-Wednesday, September 17, 2014 6:33 PM]
[picture taken-9/16/14;7:33pm];
This is a picture taken on 9/16/14 at 7:33pm of the Sky over Carver School Road area; TWO days after the Smith Reynolds Airport AIR show; after the national speech from the brown man in the house that is white; question is what was put in air from/through planes and air show that caused the sky to turn pink;
Note c: Confirmation of Shey and Constance=Constant Rebellion=at the Carver School Road Branch library at one end of Carver School Road/[lansing and Carver] and at the other end two white male[s] [have only seen one] and two white pit bulls[that look like the kind that do dog fights]at Teresa and Carver Road[where WSTA bus stop is located after get off of Route 1 bus from 311[3k's] and Carver Road to WSTA route 1717[where two white pit bulls tied up and can easily get lose and attack somebody[?] ; where the house belongs to relatives friends Ravon Jefferson[who has a lawn care business],[which have blogged about the fact that Jefferson had a white male with him that broke something in my yard, etc. every time he came], in which Jefferson stopped cutting grass because he had to keep replacing what white male kept breaking;and everytime see Jefferson see him with WHITE PEOPLE-code-if he wants to make money -he has to do what white males say;
Note d; Confirmation of the fact that 99% of all media programs are used to communicate to people what is takeing place; like this morning 9/20/14 on 88fm radio on the "Wait, Wait, don't tell me" program where the co host is BILL CURTIS- code- Dollar bill and Curtis[sibling name who was murdered]; had a segment of program with guest STEVE RICKS where person had to select Three things that people name STEVE RICKS does for a living; one was a Taylor [TAYLOR family reunion at Carl Russell Recreation Center today; Johnnie TAYLOR speak at Carver Road Christian Church;one wrote a book called The Mammoth book of killers still at large[ ]; and Paula was one of guest name[s]; show was held in SEAattle, Washington;name of BURKE mention on program also-code Rick[siblings name] is in agreement with STEVE -code for WHITEheart's dollar system [dollar bills] where sibling Curtis was killed;[basically the Wait, Wait don't tell me show communicated that the system design to do the killing of people[where book Killer still at large] suppose to taylor killingconnected to Curtis and Rick is with white male STEVE WHITEHEART [MAKE SURE HE MAKES THAT MONEY]-white males have cut his money becuase of his helping me;
Note e: Gwyndolyn Gwyn and relatives had red car with black in front parked off to side in the driveway like something may have happen to it; all of the relatives were at house yesterday; this morning car was gone;
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