Winston-Salem, North Carolina,Michael Brown, Wake Forest University;
note-a. looked out window and city of winston-salem white car with two white males were riding on street towards street hispanic lives on very slowly[?];b. Smith Reynolds Airport airshow on Liberty Street was on 9/13/4 and 9/14/14=how planes fly is code to local secret group on Carver Road which is located a street over from Liberty Street;
Yesterday was a TWO day; in which Leona Monroe, female that lives with WAYmon Monroe, stood before the public and spoke; it was suppose to be a trial surmon, but in acutality it was communication to the white male system of obediance;that she will go where ever they send her to kill off the wife of an hetero[sp] sexual African American male-which is that every church that Leona Monroe speaks at and the wife of an African American male whose wife that is not serving white males-will be killed; specifically through the medical system of murder[which local white boy network REDI confirmed on 9/14/14] when one of them stated that "people were upset when Sara PAYlin said oboma care would create all kinds of panels of death, but now everybody knows that it is true"]-which is why Leona Monroe went back/finished her nursing-to recieve instructions to carry a spirit to kill; then she got instructions from the white male system of who to kill-Godly African Americasn females who are serving the DEVINE GOD[meaning the one who established the earth, stars, universe,etc.,];
After Leona Monroe's daughter -LEXUS[-[code for Let US= let us kill blacks in secret=African American female who is a prostitute [in secret] and white males][Leona called LEXUS her TWIN]-22yrs. of age-introduce the female that birth her; then Leona Monroe had everybody to stand in which she told a story about a man she had been in contact with for a while whose wife was in the hospital; and he just could not let go; Leona said that she wanted to be at the funeral for [male][?]at Solid Rock MISSIONARY Baptist Church on 9/14/14; but God directed her to go to the hospital where the man's wife was sick; and she talked to the man; and that God told her to give the man some scriptures; and after he read the scriptures, Leona said that the man said that "he was ready to let his wife die"=code-to white male-anywhere she Leona] goes to speak and a wife of an AFrican American male who does not serve white males is in the hospital=kill the wife;[Note-Leona has officially been a prostitute in secret for white males=22years; and Lexus is the name of a CAR];
Then Leona asked everybody to sit down; which they did; then Leona said, "yall, I apologize, please stand back up. I did not read the scripture,etc."; which she had the people to stand TWICE intentionally-as code to white males she is participating in the TWIN system; in which Leona and those who spoke yesterday continually mentionedTWIN; must have something to do with the fact that WAYmon Monroe's grandmother is a TWIN; Thus Leona Monroe's ministry [Solid Rock MISSIONARY Baptist Church] is to have the heterosexual AFrican American females who are not serving white males killed through various medical system[s];
Leona Monroe also gave testimony that after talking to the man whose wife was sick; that she did not think that she could bear to see WAYmon Monroe lying in the hospital with all those tubes[which is what she thinks she is avoiding white males doing to him-joke-that is how he will end up anyway];
Thus as "confirmation"=FOUR items this weekend, one with a car and the other with a public marriage:
1. Where the same weekend that Leona gave coded speech to white males; CAR was parked on corner where a relative would go on a regular basis to access transportation to church;with the message that after closing Harvey store[=STOPPING ECONOMIC PROSPERITY/CASH FLOW-since African American female not working for white males won't turn the corner into prostitution corner; but a corner to get rides to church-white males[authority] had black males working for them in secet to put CAR on corner as code:that blacks are not to progess honest-turn corner to something illegal;
The CAR is code to local secret group to change- take over African American area=killing for white males; hispanic is in house where suppose to be an "African American male-not working for white males-therefore would stop any types of attacks on innocent people;[black male working for white males was at corner today when walking to Carver Road Branch Library-then sat at Ricky Oake[s]/Debra turner[s] house on corner in a threatening manner[like not allowed to walk on street];
[email sent-Monday, September 15, 2014 3:38 PM]
[Picture taken-9/14/14;12:39pm]
[Email sent-September 15, 2014 3:41 PM];
[Picture taken-9/14/14;12:40pm]
2.Part of Code system to local people in secret group connected to Gwyndolyn Gwyn son who pulled a weapon on me is for the royal blue CARs/vehicles to come and park:
[Email sent-Monday, September 15, 2014 4:03 PM]
[Picture taken-9/14/14;3:49pm]
[Email sent-Monday, September 15, 2014 4:03 PM]
[Picture taken-9/14/14;3:15pm]
TWO royal blue CARS parked on TWIN [two day] as code/instructions to local people of how to treat=as old person not allowed dating;
3. The start of Leona Monroe's[Solid RockMISSIONARY Baptist Church] and white males system of killing and attacking the wives [who do not serve white males]-thus attacking the African American male social, financial, emotional, sex life;notification of the start of the attack system is the article on the Winston-Salem Journal website:
Daryl Hunt []
There is not an article in the hardcopy of the Winston-Salem Journal; but a BIG posting of article on the website[one of the biggest I have ever seen-code=BIG-issue is big[dealing with AFrican American males and their wifes]=if the African American wife does not leave her husband; then the next step is kill medically[most people go to the doctor to get better if health issue and to stay healthy; not tonote-a. looked out window and city of winston-salem white car with two white males were riding on street towards street hispanic lives on very slowly[?];b. Smith Reynolds Airport airshow on Liberty Street was on 9/13/4 and 9/14/14=how planes fly is code to local secret group on Carver Road which is located a street over from Liberty Street;
Yesterday was a TWO day; in which Leona Monroe, female that lives with WAYmon Monroe, stood before the public and spoke; it was suppose to be a trial surmon, but in acutality it was communication to the white male system of obediance;that she will go where ever they send her to kill off the wife of an hetero[sp] sexual African American male-which is that every church that Leona Monroe speaks at and the wife of an African American male whose wife that is not serving white males-will be killed; specifically through the medical system of murder[which local white boy network REDI confirmed on 9/14/14] when one of them stated that "people were upset when Sara PAYlin said oboma care would create all kinds of panels of death, but now everybody knows that it is true"]-which is why Leona Monroe went back/finished her nursing-to recieve instructions to carry a spirit to kill; then she got instructions from the white male system of who to kill-Godly African Americasn females who are serving the DEVINE GOD[meaning the one who established the earth, stars, universe,etc.,];
After Leona Monroe's daughter -LEXUS[-[code for Let US= let us kill blacks in secret=African American female who is a prostitute [in secret] and white males][Leona called LEXUS her TWIN]-22yrs. of age-introduce the female that birth her; then Leona Monroe had everybody to stand in which she told a story about a man she had been in contact with for a while whose wife was in the hospital; and he just could not let go; Leona said that she wanted to be at the funeral for [male][?]at Solid Rock MISSIONARY Baptist Church on 9/14/14; but God directed her to go to the hospital where the man's wife was sick; and she talked to the man; and that God told her to give the man some scriptures; and after he read the scriptures, Leona said that the man said that "he was ready to let his wife die"=code-to white male-anywhere she Leona] goes to speak and a wife of an AFrican American male who does not serve white males is in the hospital=kill the wife;[Note-Leona has officially been a prostitute in secret for white males=22years; and Lexus is the name of a CAR];
Then Leona asked everybody to sit down; which they did; then Leona said, "yall, I apologize, please stand back up. I did not read the scripture,etc."; which she had the people to stand TWICE intentionally-as code to white males she is participating in the TWIN system; in which Leona and those who spoke yesterday continually mentionedTWIN; must have something to do with the fact that WAYmon Monroe's grandmother is a TWIN; Thus Leona Monroe's ministry [Solid Rock MISSIONARY Baptist Church] is to have the heterosexual AFrican American females who are not serving white males killed through various medical system[s];
Leona Monroe also gave testimony that after talking to the man whose wife was sick; that she did not think that she could bear to see WAYmon Monroe lying in the hospital with all those tubes[which is what she thinks she is avoiding white males doing to him-joke-that is how he will end up anyway];
Thus as "confirmation"=FOUR items this weekend, one with a car and the other with a public marriage:
1. Where the same weekend that Leona gave coded speech to white males; CAR was parked on corner where a relative would go on a regular basis to access transportation to church;with the message that after closing Harvey store[=STOPPING ECONOMIC PROSPERITY/CASH FLOW-since African American female not working for white males won't turn the corner into prostitution corner; but a corner to get rides to church-white males[authority] had black males working for them in secet to put CAR on corner as code:that blacks are not to progess honest-turn corner to something illegal;
The CAR is code to local secret group to change- take over African American area=killing for white males; hispanic is in house where suppose to be an "African American male-not working for white males-therefore would stop any types of attacks on innocent people;[black male working for white males was at corner today when walking to Carver Road Branch Library-then sat at Ricky Oake[s]/Debra turner[s] house on corner in a threatening manner[like not allowed to walk on street];

[email sent-Monday, September 15, 2014 3:38 PM]
[Picture taken-9/14/14;12:39pm]

[Email sent-September 15, 2014 3:41 PM];
[Picture taken-9/14/14;12:40pm]
2.Part of Code system to local people in secret group connected to Gwyndolyn Gwyn son who pulled a weapon on me is for the royal blue CARs/vehicles to come and park:

[Email sent-Monday, September 15, 2014 4:03 PM]
[Picture taken-9/14/14;3:49pm]
[Email sent-
TWO royal blue CARS parked on TWIN [two day] as code/instructions to local people of how to treat=as old person not allowed dating;
3. The start of Leona Monroe's[Solid RockMISSIONARY Baptist Church] and white males system of killing and attacking the wives [who do not serve white males]-thus attacking the African American male social, financial, emotional, sex life;notification of the start of the attack system is the article on the Winston-Salem Journal website:
Darryl Hunt’s wife files for domestic violence restraining order
be killed]; note: Darly Hunt, presently only black male with public recognition to send message;
Do know that their system is to attack the husband in public through society who in turns goes home to his wife and attacks her=divorce;
4. Watched DVD -"CURRUPTOR" [];[made in New York City, 1999(TWO years before 911)]:
[where the SECOND frame [#2]of picture was of the WORLD Trade Center; TWIN Towers:
[email sent-
[picture taken-9/15/14;1:31pm];
where there was a lot of violence in which CAR that was parked on the corner on 9/14/14 in local area as code to those in secret group to start the conrrupt process of local neighborhood coinicides with Leona Monroe's message to attack African American male's wife who is not working for white males-to start the currupt process:

Coincidently noticed that in the movie, "The CURRUPTOR" that the same type CAR that was parked on the quiet corner of local street was in the movie, "The CURRUPTOR"; of which tried to capture a picture off of the television screen; it looked almost exactly alike:
[Picture taken- 9/15/14;1:27pm];
In other words the car parked on the quiet corner is suppose to be taken over to create violence in the local neighborhood;
5. To CONFIRM THAT THE dvd "CURRUPTOR" is code to currupt the neighborhoods of African American[s] where the use of CARS is used as codes to local secret group which is designed for only for the purpose to help the white males to BLOCK JOBS from African Americans=kind of hard to live; if always having to fight[curruption]
The pictures above are of scenes from the movie, "The CURRUPTOR-tell the purpose of starting the curruption process to BLOCK JOBS -to keep people[s] time focused on fighting created systems of curruption rather than spending time focused on being prosperous [system designed by white males]Note- the dvd 'THE CURRUPTER was made 1999 which was two years prior to September 11, 2011 which gave instructions in the DVD to knock down World Trade Center=TWIN towers=which was and still is about JOBS in African American neighborhoods;in the DVD they used a chineese/japaneese with a WHITE MALE AUTHORITY and both were currupt[both covered the other one-which message of car parked on quiet corner in quiet neighborhood is to send message of curruption]=which is where hispanic[s] come in to help crooked white authority who as in movie
The article on the front page of the Winston-Salem Chronicle says it all to the local secret group working for white males in secret it is "STOMPING TIME""; title of the article=
A stomping good time" by;Meghann Evans, which cannot locate the article on line; as "A stomping good time; but it is listed as] "
John Cowan, John McFee close out 40th Stokes Stomp
Posted: Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:00 pm
with picture of white male and white female dancing with a little WHITE BOY looking;
Note-again a different message to local people=STOMPing GOOD TIME of somebody-where there will be OVERSIGHT =article to far right-"OVERSIGHT panels are nothing new" by RICHard M. Barron;McCory said he wouldn't sign BILL because of concerns about commissioner's power[picture of Gov. McCory];[reference Winston-salem journal newpaper front page above];
Note-1. Christine MAYhand playing LOUD bongo drums=harassment;[relative that was intimidated out of city/state played drums];
Note-2. bunch of black male security guards were outside by only table to sit at CRB library; now black male security guard is in library and came and position self so that I could see him;
Note-anything happen to me or my family, friends, associates, acquaintances=local authority and Melissa Williams, Leona and Waymon monroe of Solid rock missionary bastist church involved;
Picutre of Melissa Williams and CONSTANCE on 9/13/14 at CRB library-code to Melissa Williams that code names sent for 13th are to be constant for African American female=death and/or forced by white males to be old;
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