Winston-salelm, north carolina, wake forest Univeristy, city of winston salem
A.Went to ask for help at Salvation Army again; and on the WSTA confirmation of Leona Monroe's system of secrecy of killing AFrican American wives[who do not serve white males] through medicial was confirmed;
1. When on route #20 of WSTA bus turns at corner of [?] and there is a cleansers on the right hand side that has a marquee where advertising for the cleaners is posted; so when on the WSTA route #20 bus; can't help but see the ad; which for today coincided with Leona Monroe[Solid Rock MISSIONARY Baptist church] sermon-mission-to help white males kill AFrican American wives that do not work for white males in secret;
[Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:55 PM
[Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:56 PM]
Not in right order but first person sees sign about wedding where they get off of the WSTA there is a garbage can after the wsta makes the right turn off of oakwood
The Winston-Salem Journal code messages=
1. Anthropoligist-verifying the abusive system of white males[upper fight hand corner-"Anthropologist from WFU names lippy animal after Mick Jagger";
2. Article [lead] front Page three people pictures=Marshall/young/alston-code=serve marshall for all to be young[note-suggestion to thsoe who will be commenting/going to the local meetings about who the next DSS person will be-it would be nice if it were someone who were a normal human being verses those such as "MARSHALL" whose name is PAULETTE [which is the name of the guy who wears royal blue who wants to date me]and can't handle business because white males threaten the African American female that lives with him and as a results agree with anything white males do to innocent African American females who do not work for white males;
3. There are THREE pictures of TWO white male boy babies and One white female girl baby-code= the names of the babies[?];[have blogged about the names];
A. Again of Leona Monroe's and white males secret system=article-"Darryl Hunt's wife files for restraining ORDER;-with the code word[s] being to African American males[not werving white males[ORDER AND WIFE BY Michael Hewlett[Michael like in Michael Brown[Fergerson, Mo] and Hewlett like in HEw LETT-code for white male let];
[Darryl Hunt]
5.To get information to respond to City of Winston-Salem employee[s] email that stated:
Please understand the relationship between the City ofWinston-Salem and its employees is considered proprietary thereby not allowing me to provide you our employee's name. Any questions concerning a Sanitation department employee's behavior or performance should be forwarded to me and I will thoroughly investigate and address any issues or inappropriate behavior.
I have completed an investigation into the incident you described and addressed as needed with the employee.
Thank you.
----y ------n
Called City of Winston City link and documented call[s];
On 9/16/14 called City Link for the city of Winston-Salem at 727-8000;
[Was on the phone speaking with City Link employee [Linds-y] when phone just cut off; all the addresses that gave to Linds-y for Carver road, they said that no such addresses existed, came up; of which I know that there are addresses on Carver road with those number[s]; Linds-y also stated that a person has the right to know the name and title of any city employee and that all of the identification information is on the city website; which put in "sanitation dept." and some of the employees came up;[];
But before Linds-y] could help me futher; the phone just cut off; called right back less than 10 seconds and phone call went to TOD-WHITE MALE who was loud, nice, and nasty[knows his role]to interfere with whatever the problem is=to hide information from person- Tod asked in a very nasty manner=what is the problem? did not respond to question; but instead asked to speak to Linds-y[who is an African American female[not working for white males];Tod said that Linds-y was not there; that he did not see Linds-y and that I could keep calling back till I got them; I asked him if he was looking at Linds-y now; he did not respond;
Thus called back-still trying to get question of who is the sanitation inspector for Carver road area and Ken[black male]-answereed and put me on hold and said that his computer was not coming up like it was suppose to;phone hung up; thus called back for the forth time and Ronda said that she would try and get that information [who is the inspector for the Carver School road area]; please hold on[another hold];Terry M----- is the inspector for the Carver road area724-1492;Steve -------- 734-1488 is the other inspector in the sanitation dept.; Ronda gave me a reference #------; But first Ronda gave the name of Vernon ----- as the second sanitation inspector; then apologized and said that Vernon works with dead dogs.734-1453;
In which to get better respond to ---y ------n, City of Winston-Salem employee, looked up the definition to the word -proprietary:
"one that possesses, owns, or holds exclusive right to something;"
of or like that of an owner
: used, made, or sold only by the particular person or company that has the legal right to do so
privately owned and managed and run as a profit-making organization
Note- took picture of new security guard on 9/15/14; who walked around the Carver road branch library so that could see him:
DVD's watched=one had the concept of the one who is the "trouble maker"
would appreciate bastard not bothering harassing me;of which he has already walked passed/around the reference computer about four to five times and nobody is hardly in the CBR library;
A.Went to ask for help at Salvation Army again; and on the WSTA confirmation of Leona Monroe's system of secrecy of killing AFrican American wives[who do not serve white males] through medicial was confirmed;
1. When on route #20 of WSTA bus turns at corner of [?] and there is a cleansers on the right hand side that has a marquee where advertising for the cleaners is posted; so when on the WSTA route #20 bus; can't help but see the ad; which for today coincided with Leona Monroe[Solid Rock MISSIONARY Baptist church] sermon-mission-to help white males kill AFrican American wives that do not work for white males in secret;
[Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:55 PM
[Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:56 PM]
Not in right order but first person sees sign about wedding where they get off of the WSTA there is a garbage can after the wsta makes the right turn off of oakwood
The Winston-Salem Journal code messages=
1. Anthropoligist-verifying the abusive system of white males[upper fight hand corner-"Anthropologist from WFU names lippy animal after Mick Jagger";
2. Article [lead] front Page three people pictures=Marshall/young/alston-code=serve marshall for all to be young[note-suggestion to thsoe who will be commenting/going to the local meetings about who the next DSS person will be-it would be nice if it were someone who were a normal human being verses those such as "MARSHALL" whose name is PAULETTE [which is the name of the guy who wears royal blue who wants to date me]and can't handle business because white males threaten the African American female that lives with him and as a results agree with anything white males do to innocent African American females who do not work for white males;

3. There are THREE pictures of TWO white male boy babies and One white female girl baby-code= the names of the babies[?];[have blogged about the names];
A. Again of Leona Monroe's and white males secret system=article-"Darryl Hunt's wife files for restraining ORDER;-with the code word[s] being to African American males[not werving white males[ORDER AND WIFE BY Michael Hewlett[Michael like in Michael Brown[Fergerson, Mo] and Hewlett like in HEw LETT-code for white male let];
[Darryl Hunt]
Darryl Hunt’s wife files for domestic violence restraining order
Posted: Monday, September 15, 2014 8:30 pm
5.To get information to respond to City of Winston-Salem employee[s] email that stated:
Please understand the relationship between the City of
I have completed an investigation into the incident you described and addressed as needed with the employee.
Thank you.
----y ------n
Called City of Winston City link and documented call[s];
On 9/16/14 called City Link for the city of Winston-Salem at 727-8000;
[Was on the phone speaking with City Link employee [Linds-y] when phone just cut off; all the addresses that gave to Linds-y for Carver road, they said that no such addresses existed, came up; of which I know that there are addresses on Carver road with those number[s]; Linds-y also stated that a person has the right to know the name and title of any city employee and that all of the identification information is on the city website; which put in "sanitation dept." and some of the employees came up;[];
But before Linds-y] could help me futher; the phone just cut off; called right back less than 10 seconds and phone call went to TOD-WHITE MALE who was loud, nice, and nasty[knows his role]to interfere with whatever the problem is=to hide information from person- Tod asked in a very nasty manner=what is the problem? did not respond to question; but instead asked to speak to Linds-y[who is an African American female[not working for white males];Tod said that Linds-y was not there; that he did not see Linds-y and that I could keep calling back till I got them; I asked him if he was looking at Linds-y now; he did not respond;
Thus called back-still trying to get question of who is the sanitation inspector for Carver road area and Ken[black male]-answereed and put me on hold and said that his computer was not coming up like it was suppose to;phone hung up; thus called back for the forth time and Ronda said that she would try and get that information [who is the inspector for the Carver School road area]; please hold on[another hold];Terry M----- is the inspector for the Carver road area724-1492;Steve -------- 734-1488 is the other inspector in the sanitation dept.; Ronda gave me a reference #------; But first Ronda gave the name of Vernon ----- as the second sanitation inspector; then apologized and said that Vernon works with dead dogs.734-1453;
In which to get better respond to ---y ------n, City of Winston-Salem employee, looked up the definition to the word -proprietary:
"one that possesses, owns, or holds exclusive right to something;"
of or like that of an owner
: used, made, or sold only by the particular person or company that has the legal right to do so
privately owned and managed and run as a profit-making organization
To: Randy Britton
Deputy Director
Sanitation Department
336-727-2699 (office)
Deputy Director
Sanitation Department
336-727-2699 (office)
Re: Subject: FW: Questions-Environmental Factors
Do not understand how the proprietary relationship between the City of Winston-Salem and its employees should interfere with the right of a citizen to know the name and title of an employee who has done work as a representative of a department of the City of Winston-Salem; when through a phone call on 9/16/14 was informed that citizens have the right to know the name and title of a any city employee which is posted on the City of Winston-Salem website;
The following questions were forwarded to you:
1. Please provide the name and schedule
of theWinston-Salem Sanitation Compliance Officer assigned to the Carver School Road area during May 2014.
(asking for specific time frame in case that person has changed).
2. Considering the fact that the royal
blue bin has been stationary in front of the house for two and a half years, I would like to know specifically what other assignments prevented the Compliance Officer from detecting and issuing the warning ticket earlier.
of the
(asking for specific time frame in case that person has changed).
2. Considering the fact that the royal
blue bin has been stationary in front of the house for two and a half years, I would like to know specifically what other assignments prevented the Compliance Officer from detecting and issuing the warning ticket earlier.
In order that the completed investigation into the incident [why the warning ticket on 5/8/14-two and half years[or more] after the royal blue recycle bin had been stationary]could be answered
Thank You,
Thank You,
Hello Deanna,
Please understand the relationship between the City ofWinston-Salem and its employees is considered proprietary thereby not allowing me to provide you our employee's name. Any questions concerning a Sanitation department employee's behavior or performance should be forwarded to me and I will thoroughly investigate and address any issues or inappropriate behavior.
I have completed an investigation into the incident you described and addressed as needed with the employee.
Thank you.
Randy Britton
Please understand the relationship between the City of
I have completed an investigation into the incident you described and addressed as needed with the employee.
Thank you.
Randy Britton
Note- took picture of new security guard on 9/15/14; who walked around the Carver road branch library so that could see him:
[Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:03 PM]
[Picture taken 9/15/14;5:38pm]
Who 'CONSTANCE'[new employee at CRB library]-code for "constant just walked on my left side 9/16/14 while the new security guard walked on my right side-which was code to the new security guard=pointing out the one who white males/melissa Williams/shey/etc. call the trouble maker for not working for white males;DVD's watched=one had the concept of the one who is the "trouble maker"
would appreciate bastard not bothering harassing me;of which he has already walked passed/around the reference computer about four to five times and nobody is hardly in the CBR library;
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