Michael Brown, Ray Rice,winstonsd-salem, north carolina, wake forest univeristy
Today is the 13th day of September; and today is SATURADAY [which is the day that Melissa Williams and other directors of the Winston Salem Forsyth County Public library directors are given instructions concerning the persons life whoever is of focus by their secret system]and today Melissa Williams and Constance[old African American female-recently hired at Carver Road Library] are the only TWO workers=code-All females in Carver Road area-suppose to be old females=which if you have not lived life is not good;
And for Melissa Williams and Constance[because she knows her job as well] to send message put up books; by the reference computer[which is where I usually use]; the name of one book in particular is 'Mother Eternal ANN Everlasting's DEAD' by Pat G'orge Walker:
in the article to the far RIGHT= "Seventh case of disease found'-code-kill African Americans who are not working in secret to white males;AND code="READY TO RIP"=telling members of the secret club to get started NOW!!!!

[winston-salem journal]
National speech given in the CROSS Hall-code to local secret group to : use the cross system; like double cross; which means to block/hinder/steal/rob/kill whatever a normal person would expect and increase the intimidation, abuse, threats, and harassments to all not working in secret to advance the white male system[s];[cross-11b : dishonest or illegal practices ;4: a security transaction in which a broker acts for both buyer and seller (as in the placing of a large lot of common stock) —called also cross-trade ;5a (1) : to run counter to : oppose (2) : to deny the validity of : contradict b : to confront in a troublesome manner : obstruct; (1) : to spoil completely : disrupt —(2) : to turn against : betray <crossed me up on the deal> 6a : to extend across or over : traverse; [http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cross][prefer to use Dictiionary.com but bastards have blocked access=part of TAKING AWAY process;
[First Known Use of CROSS-14th century;Related to CROSS-Synonyms-backstab, betray, double-cross, sell (out), two-time];
The man in the picture above is NOT AN AFRICAN AMERICAN- he was born through a white female in America [United States] and has an African father; which is not the same as being an AFRICAN AMERICAN born through an African American female and an African American male in America[United States]; In fact he is one of the biggest jokes played on white American[s] borned in the United States because they thought they were electing a real African American male to deal with real African American issues as the head person of the United States; and the man in th above picture can't do that because he doesn't and hasn't been allowed to encounter what real African American[s] encounter; and thus his solution is always going to be "CROSS"; [think TYLER Perry did movie titled,"Alex CROSS";[which was about the time he made the cross from doing plays to doing movies; which was also used to communicate that he[TYler Perry] was crossing from helping African American[s] to helping white males to commit ethnic intimidation [to be allowed to get that money][IMPEDE-is the word=eventually it[impeding] will be revealed to TYler Perry, with impede being to SLOW PROGRESS; TYler Perry was progressing making plays for a predominatelyAFrican American audience; but to make the BIG MONEY;so he thinks; he crossed to the white side-to be allowed to make the movies-where white people go[larger audience][like Oprah Winfrey];

Coincidently, there was a lot of killing;[http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/rally-around-the-flag-events-are-rare/][with TYler Perry being a close associate of Oprah WINfrey who is/was close associate of MIAH ANGELOU [who was an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males who helped [as Oprah and the man in the above picture are presently doing]white males to steal from African Americans borned and rasied in the United States; if they don't like the United States and don't want to help African Americans to fight for their rights as citizens; then they should leave and stop selling out the United States]
And CONFIRMATION of the PATTERNSON/ TYler Perry connection is:

Tyler Perry And James Patterson Finalizing Alex Cross Film Sequel
James PATTERSON was front page news in theWinston-salem journal last week;
It is amazing to set and watch all the white people with their money/intelligence watch their country the United States be sold down the drain[guess they think the black part of the United States that belongs to African American[s] is only what is going down the drain;
Note: Ad for "SAMS CLUB" - "It is better in the CLUB" on 1340 where the African American female Anita Dean Arenette[called BOSS LADY](like she speaks for African Americans-she does not)is a radio talk show commentator;
[Patrick Douthit, also known as 9th Wonder, is a Grammy Award-winning producer from Winston-Salem.]
Patrick Douthit is being used to communicate to local secret group of black male wonder; which is not good to white males; it is like a joke-the people [Wake Forest University]who are central to operating/teaching ethnic intimidation[who were charged with letting monkey escape-warning ticket]; now the monkey may have to be treated like a person= a wonder; [also representative and symbolic of who they say is making headway in overseas issues];
The article in the Winston-Salem Journal has "TO PROTECT AND SERVE over the picture of the TWO WHITE AUTHORITY; and "POL-CE TRAINING OVER, LEARNING BEGINS"
over the picture of the African American authority[which is not on webpage for WSJournal and could not locate on internet];

[Saturday, September 13, 2014 3:46 PM]
Today is the 13th day of September; and today is SATURADAY [which is the day that Melissa Williams and other directors of the Winston Salem Forsyth County Public library directors are given instructions concerning the persons life whoever is of focus by their secret system]and today Melissa Williams and Constance[old African American female-recently hired at Carver Road Library] are the only TWO workers=code-All females in Carver Road area-suppose to be old females=which if you have not lived life is not good;
And for Melissa Williams and Constance[because she knows her job as well] to send message put up books; by the reference computer[which is where I usually use]; the name of one book in particular is 'Mother Eternal ANN Everlasting's DEAD' by Pat G'orge Walker:
This is what is suppose to be CONSTANT for Afrcian American females that go to the Carver Road Branch Library with Melissa Williams and CONSTANCE working together to bring about the last word in the title, "Mother Eternal Ann Everlastin's DEAD'
Book where usually get books out of teen section; they have more information;
Melissa Williams/Constance put up book in section:
Can you Relate?
ANNIE Fox, M.Ed*
Heard a statement on 88fm radio 12:48pm; 9/13/14; This American Life;-spoken by a male at a school board meeting [which the recording was being played over the radio] that, "Have been through this before, it is like the same old thing all over again; a race of people should be allowed to live, but not prosper"-which is what I have been suffering from because of all the constant attacks by bastards whom have no business in my life; thus since they want to be in my life, I am going to kill them; word up; get ready; [and you better understand kill];
2. On the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal , Melisssa Williams and Constance; and other Winston-Salem forsyth county library directors and other city and county personnel[and those in the secret club[Sam's club] have been given their orders:

in the article to the far RIGHT= "Seventh case of disease found'-code-kill African Americans who are not working in secret to white males;AND code="READY TO RIP"=telling members of the secret club to get started NOW!!!!
They were already given their coded start orders through the national speech-the fact that the national speech was given from the CROSS Hall[negotiable[1758]-transferable=transfer from one to another with or without ENDORSEMENT[if one [who it belongs to] wont get in line give it to the other[cynthia];traverse-to move back and forth from side to side; to ascend, descend or CROSS at an angle;

[winston-salem journal]
National speech given in the CROSS Hall-code to local secret group to : use the cross system; like double cross; which means to block/hinder/steal/rob/kill whatever a normal person would expect and increase the intimidation, abuse, threats, and harassments to all not working in secret to advance the white male system[s];[cross-11b : dishonest or illegal practices ;4: a security transaction in which a broker acts for both buyer and seller (as in the placing of a large lot of common stock) —called also cross-trade ;5a (1) : to run counter to : oppose (2) : to deny the validity of : contradict b : to confront in a troublesome manner : obstruct; (1) : to spoil completely : disrupt —(2) : to turn against : betray <crossed me up on the deal> 6a : to extend across or over : traverse; [http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cross][prefer to use Dictiionary.com but bastards have blocked access=part of TAKING AWAY process;
[First Known Use of CROSS-14th century;Related to CROSS-Synonyms-backstab, betray, double-cross, sell (out), two-time];
The man in the picture above is NOT AN AFRICAN AMERICAN- he was born through a white female in America [United States] and has an African father; which is not the same as being an AFRICAN AMERICAN born through an African American female and an African American male in America[United States]; In fact he is one of the biggest jokes played on white American[s] borned in the United States because they thought they were electing a real African American male to deal with real African American issues as the head person of the United States; and the man in th above picture can't do that because he doesn't and hasn't been allowed to encounter what real African American[s] encounter; and thus his solution is always going to be "CROSS"; [think TYLER Perry did movie titled,"Alex CROSS";[which was about the time he made the cross from doing plays to doing movies; which was also used to communicate that he[TYler Perry] was crossing from helping African American[s] to helping white males to commit ethnic intimidation [to be allowed to get that money][IMPEDE-is the word=eventually it[impeding] will be revealed to TYler Perry, with impede being to SLOW PROGRESS; TYler Perry was progressing making plays for a predominatelyAFrican American audience; but to make the BIG MONEY;so he thinks; he crossed to the white side-to be allowed to make the movies-where white people go[larger audience][like Oprah Winfrey];

Coincidently, there was a lot of killing;[http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/rally-around-the-flag-events-are-rare/][with TYler Perry being a close associate of Oprah WINfrey who is/was close associate of MIAH ANGELOU [who was an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males who helped [as Oprah and the man in the above picture are presently doing]white males to steal from African Americans borned and rasied in the United States; if they don't like the United States and don't want to help African Americans to fight for their rights as citizens; then they should leave and stop selling out the United States]
And CONFIRMATION of the PATTERNSON/ TYler Perry connection is:

Tyler Perry And James Patterson Finalizing Alex Cross Film Sequel
James PATTERSON was front page news in theWinston-salem journal last week;
It is amazing to set and watch all the white people with their money/intelligence watch their country the United States be sold down the drain[guess they think the black part of the United States that belongs to African American[s] is only what is going down the drain;
Note: Ad for "SAMS CLUB" - "It is better in the CLUB" on 1340 where the African American female Anita Dean Arenette[called BOSS LADY](like she speaks for African Americans-she does not)is a radio talk show commentator;
Article to the far left: "9TH WONDER comes to WAKE-code- Killing the African American who has overcome all of the white males system[s] set up= the black wonder has left; African American female who is not serving white males who has overcome white male system[s] set up[s] provides a door for African american males to access equality in basic terms;"9th Wonder comes to Wake Forest for a day"
Posted: Friday, September 12, 2014 7:15 pm
Patrick Douthit is being used to communicate to local secret group of black male wonder; which is not good to white males; it is like a joke-the people [Wake Forest University]who are central to operating/teaching ethnic intimidation[who were charged with letting monkey escape-warning ticket]; now the monkey may have to be treated like a person= a wonder; [also representative and symbolic of who they say is making headway in overseas issues];
The article in the Winston-Salem Journal has "TO PROTECT AND SERVE over the picture of the TWO WHITE AUTHORITY; and "POL-CE TRAINING OVER, LEARNING BEGINS"
over the picture of the African American authority[which is not on webpage for WSJournal and could not locate on internet];

Both white and black are graduating but each are being given different instructions; white males and black male graduates=black males are the target[article above the=
1st article[above];"CHASE suspects face robbery charges"
3d article[to the right];"DOG biting CASE may be muzzled"
And 4th article[lower right]"MCCory say he won't call special session"-code for McCory
will not call off white male authority attacking [coal ash]African American males;
On the internet the Winston-Salem Journal have the titles rearranged differently[?];
Thus code= white male authority called to PROTECT and SERVE [white people]and CHASE dogs[African American people]; and all African American authority[who want their JOB-had better LEARN to read the code=Black males are dogs to be chased;
Listen to lot of christian radio and everybody say "Forgive:, "Forgive", "Forgive"-Yet have yet to hear anybody on the radio say forgive the people overseas who cut off the heads of two journalist; why are people[white people] not saying forgive; NO! What they are saying is send some physical responses; greater physical responses so they feel greater pain";Yet African Americans are suppost to turn the other cheek and forgive abuse, threats, intimidation [but that is not as bad as cutting somebody's head off];really [will not take time out to say explain that it is] but the harassment, threats, intimidation, abuse are just as bad; in fact the person who got their head chopped off; don't have to sit and wonder, what's next; what kind of harassment, intimidation, abuse, threats will be next; neither are they running around living in the concept of hope for something that should be human; by the day to day abuse of threats, intimidation, harassment it has already been scientifically proven[documented] that all of it causes stress and stress is just another name for slow killer; which do you think is more merciful; killing fast or keeping the person hoping for a breakthrough that never comes; just a see saw [traverse]of well maybe today the harassment will stop; it would be better at least healthier for the person to attack the harasser-at least they can have some release and move on to the next stage-whatever it may be;It is cruel and inhumane treatment to be give person false illusions;
note-will not be dealing with the bastards attack[s];killing
note-African American[s] as a general rule want no more, nor no less than white people;
note-killing all double crossers;
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