Social Understandings

Monday, September 22, 2014

Wake forest university; Michael Brown; Fergerson, Mo. Winston-salsem, North Carolina


1. Johnnie Taylor spoke at Carver Road Christian Church/Johnnie Taylor is the name a that Shantell -----s gave to ------ ----s to give to me to call about Randy -----n;  Johnnie Taylor[[CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM STAFF PAGE]; is Randy ------n's boss; which is kind of scrary=TWO element, which is part of the code system; Thus if Carver Road Christian Church had an African American male to throw food in my face[of which I was suppose to call local authroity who was suppose to attack me for calling the authorities on a christian instead of forgiving(which I did not call the authorities because I knew that they were not going to protect and serve me; but they would protect and serve whoever [Ella Givens, W. E. Johnson and Deacon Murden, etc. told them to serve and protect); then am sure that the 2nd Johnnie Taylor has or is being given the same instructions[throw any and everything except protect and serve as a citizen of the United STates-makes the person invisiable) in terms of helping me;

2.When posted about the article in the Winston-Salem Chronicle about TRUST; that it is a MATTER Of TRUST and the local authorities were reassuring the local communities about the FERGERSON, MO[ race riot]issues; kept  illusion in mind based on article: then while watching DVD - "Masquarade"

In which there was a scene in the movie where the head person in charge told the person under him after some people question his authority,etc; "I'll have to kill someone to GAIN their TRUST";

                        "A Matter of Trust"

                                       A Matter of TrustT. Kevin Walker September 17, 2014]

Local law enforcers reassure community in wake of Ferguson, Mo. crisis

pictured above:  (From left) City Council Member Jeff MacIntosh with Human Relations Director Wanda Allen-Abraha, Sheriff Bill Schatzman, Chief Barry Rountree, Human Relations Commissioner Chanthini Palmer, Assistant City Attorney Lori Sykes, DA James O’Neill, City Manager Lee Garrity and Human Relations Commissioner Michael Clinton.)


 "Hands, baton, pepper spray, taser.
Winston-Salem Police Chief Barry Rountree said Tuesday evening that officers have an array of tools at their disposal and only use the most lethal one – the gun – when absolutely necessary.
[ A Matter of TrustT. Kevin Walker September 17, 2014];

WHEN ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY - is confirmation of post on blog that statement is true;which means that if the TWO pit bulls put at the corner of Tereasa and Carver School Road [by them accidently being let lose]do not get the job done; then When ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY -the gun-is to be used;

The article put in the Winston-Salem Chronice was put there because the COMMUNITY BEING REASSURED IS THE WHITE  MALE COMMUNITY;  that someone will be killed to GAIN the white male[s] trust in the white community; NOT THE AFRICAN AMERICAN NEIGHBORHOODS;[note-Matter of Trust-code-to kill];

 2a.Confirmation of type of possible system that is in use-is list of  term[s] that was in[A Hollister Kids Newspaper suppliment from "The Chronicle; page 13; "Underground Railroad CODE words and definitions]; one of the words being STATION: A safe place where FUGITIVES could be sheltered; which is what the WSTA bus STATION is;  place to put AFrican American[s] who have been charged [IN SECRET] and are considered by white male[s] system to be FUGITIVES [NOTE:the AFrican Americans do not know that they have been charged];

In the Winston-Salem Chronicle; page A8; in the article,"A Matter of TRUST" by T. Kevin Walker it was stated:
"If city voters approve an upcoming bond referendum, Rountree will open community-based sub stations, one in each of the city’s three patrol districts"

Which is code- that more STATIONS [places to house FUGITIVES[African Americans who have been secretly charged ] will be built to ensure that white male[s] society  feel safe; which is also way to have a closer watch on African American[s] not working for white males in secret;

a. The Front page of the Winston-Salem Journal:

1.Upper Right Hand Corner code- Article wWnston-Salem Journal=" A look BACK  at the damage wrought by HUGO" -code for big;

2. Main Article 9/22/14 in Winston-Salem Journal="ANGEL  EARNS his wings" [Teenager flies 11 planes solo on his 16th birthday]; by Meghann Evans;-code for

"16-year-old pilot celebrates birthday with 11 solo flights "

                                        [Wyatt Angel prepares to fly a 150 Cessna on his 16th birthday]

 Posted: Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:30 pm[on the internet][article in hardcopy 9/22/14];

3.Article to the FAR RIGHT side  Winston-Salem Journal="BOARDS  problems causing concern"[forsyth, ROCKingham commissionsers have CENTERpoint worries];by RICHard Craver-code for

"Forsyth, Rockingham commissioners have CenterPoint worries "
Posted: Sunday, September 21, 2014 6:30 pm


4. Article at bottom of Winston Salem Journal front page="Questions raised about APPEARANCE  COMMISSION" [some asking about what the board aims to accomplish]; by Meghann Evans;

"Questions raised about purpose of appearance commission "

Posted: Sunday, September 21, 2014 10:00 pm; [note in WSJ hardcopy 9/22/14]; 

Note A: WHITE MALE who made movies for major film company in the United States who was guest on a talk show where he stated that he made movies where he coded to communicate with millions in the United states;  [documented];

"There's a mysterious code hidden in an increasing number of films, shows, and videogames out there. The code is the key to a secret society limited to a selected few."[];

The codes are in just about all movies; with specific messages directed toward specific SECRET GROUPS;

Note B: Winston-Salem Journal; News[local and state briefs]; page A3; article "Pol-ce practice of recording protests questioned"; where it is stated in last paragraph, "Mike Meno, a spokesmand for the American Civil Liberties Union in North carolina, said the recording could have a chilling effect on legal protests, allowing pol-ce TO KEEP TRACK OF PEOPLE'S  politics orWHAT TYPE OF  rallies or EVENTS THEY LIKE TO GO TO;[ note: which is what how they have tracked certain AFrican American[s] not working for white males in secret];


Note: local white males have been putting wiring so that anybody can access?;

scene from movie that verifies that white males intentionally block African American males from a normal life;


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