Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Wake Forest University,
1. Today is a TWO day; 11/11=11th month, 11th day; and as usual the WSTA city bus; route 11 or route "1" was late; had to call "barnes" at WSTA; told them bus did not come last week and today it was not going to be to be on time going back to town, because it was so late; and strangely before WSTA bus got to the CRB library-white male [old] held the bus up for about 10 minutes; which made WSTA city bus even later; it looked planned; uopon getting off of the WSTA city bus at Lansing and Carver Road-there was AT&T white truck[license #EP9805], driven by white male= harassment:
[ Email sent-Tuesday, November 11, 2014 2:38 PM]
[Picture taken:11/11/14;1:53pm];
2.Posted blog on [] about the fact that the Belews Street Neighborhood ceremony was an illusion and was really a celebration of the new system of destruction for African American neighborhood:
In the Winston-Salem Chronicle; 11/6/14 paper; the "Belews" Street Neighborhood is in the Winston-Salem Chronicle once again; on the 6th [which the number 6 is code for MONEY];

And in the article all of the white male establishments blogged about that are associated with "ethnic intimidation"[which includes robbery, stealing, killing and seperationing of African American[s] from their wealth in all areas] were mentioned in the article:
"In the years to come, the WAKE FOREST Innovation Quarter will develop the area that was the Belews Street community, making it fertile for bio-tech firms and high-tech startups."
"Decades ago, the African-American denizens of Belews (pronounced Blues) bucked expectations and the iniquity of segregation to start sucessful businesses and institutions of their own."[the statement is a pun; form of a joke; picking at AFrican American[s]; why they announced the "Belews" is pronounced "BLUES followed by the word BUCKed[Like: 4 b (1) : dollar 3b (2) : a sum of money especially to be gained <make a quick buck>; also : money —usually used in plural];
Posted on blog that while on the front end[white side/ white take over of African American neighborhood after systematically destroying]:
[Watching the completion of the robbery of one African American neighborhood ["Belews"] by white males and the beginning of the stealing of another African American neighborhood [using the "blue recycle bin as code]by white males];
While on the back end[black/African American side]white males are and paying hispanics to try and take over African American neighborhood [using City of Winston-Salem royal BLUE
"RECYCLE" bins [code-recycle the wealth that is suppose to go into the African American neighborhood- OUT of the AFrican American neighborhood-so that the color "BLUE" became the [CODE] color] to communicate what is taking place in the "robbery" "recycling of African American[s] "MONEY"];
The words in the picture are :"BLUE" LINE[code- for white males killing African American[s] and what belongs to African Americans connected to the recycle "B LUE" in the Carver Road area; why the white males were [digging] while African American[s] were in line to vote-[on the back end in the AFrican American neighborhood] to send subliminal message to "to follow instructions and be prepared to die" of which the local Carver Road branch library [managed by Melissa Williams-in full agreement with white males]is carrying through on instructions to communicate to local African American[s] to die; and to do so quickly:
1. Today is a TWO day; 11/11=11th month, 11th day; and as usual the WSTA city bus; route 11 or route "1" was late; had to call "barnes" at WSTA; told them bus did not come last week and today it was not going to be to be on time going back to town, because it was so late; and strangely before WSTA bus got to the CRB library-white male [old] held the bus up for about 10 minutes; which made WSTA city bus even later; it looked planned; uopon getting off of the WSTA city bus at Lansing and Carver Road-there was AT&T white truck[license #EP9805], driven by white male= harassment:
[ Email sent-Tuesday, November 11, 2014 2:38 PM]
[Picture taken:11/11/14;1:53pm];
"Harassment from white male driver of a,t and t truck-ep9805-parked at carver and lansing drive at telephone box where they use to mess with my land line-which figured out was to force on to cell phone because landline laws do not allow for illegal ease dropping,. a,t and t trucks harassment created by white males to harass black parents of graduates of a,t university"
2.Posted blog on [] about the fact that the Belews Street Neighborhood ceremony was an illusion and was really a celebration of the new system of destruction for African American neighborhood:
In the Winston-Salem Chronicle; 11/6/14 paper; the "Belews" Street Neighborhood is in the Winston-Salem Chronicle once again; on the 6th [which the number 6 is code for MONEY];
"At the Intersection of Yesterday & Tomorrow"
[Kevin Walker November 6, 2014;
And in the article all of the white male establishments blogged about that are associated with "ethnic intimidation"[which includes robbery, stealing, killing and seperationing of African American[s] from their wealth in all areas] were mentioned in the article:
"In the years to come, the WAKE FOREST Innovation Quarter will develop the area that was the Belews Street community, making it fertile for bio-tech firms and high-tech startups."
"Decades ago, the African-American denizens of Belews (pronounced Blues) bucked expectations and the iniquity of segregation to start sucessful businesses and institutions of their own."[the statement is a pun; form of a joke; picking at AFrican American[s]; why they announced the "Belews" is pronounced "BLUES followed by the word BUCKed[Like: 4 b (1) : dollar 3b (2) : a sum of money especially to be gained <make a quick buck>; also : money —usually used in plural];
Posted on blog that while on the front end[white side/ white take over of African American neighborhood after systematically destroying]:
[Watching the completion of the robbery of one African American neighborhood ["Belews"] by white males and the beginning of the stealing of another African American neighborhood [using the "blue recycle bin as code]by white males];
While on the back end[black/African American side]white males are and paying hispanics to try and take over African American neighborhood [using City of Winston-Salem royal BLUE
"RECYCLE" bins [code-recycle the wealth that is suppose to go into the African American neighborhood- OUT of the AFrican American neighborhood-so that the color "BLUE" became the [CODE] color] to communicate what is taking place in the "robbery" "recycling of African American[s] "MONEY"];
In case the words are difficult:
The words in the picture are :"BLUE" LINE[code- for white males killing African American[s] and what belongs to African Americans connected to the recycle "B LUE" in the Carver Road area; why the white males were [digging] while African American[s] were in line to vote-[on the back end in the AFrican American neighborhood] to send subliminal message to "to follow instructions and be prepared to die" of which the local Carver Road branch library [managed by Melissa Williams-in full agreement with white males]is carrying through on instructions to communicate to local African American[s] to die; and to do so quickly:
While on the front end[white side] the white males protray the "CLEAN" "upstanding, moral citizen image" of "BLUE":
Who is spokesman for ""BLUE" line":
Of which white males [WORKING] in African American neighborhoods are aware and trained about the JOKE:
"Decades ago, the African-American denizens of Belews (pronounced Blues) bucked expectations and the iniquity of segregation to start sucessful businesses and institutions of their own."
Futher CONFIRMATION[that white males are aware [because they have been trained to rob and to steal and to kill African American[s] before the public[s] eyes] that they are stealing and who they are stealing from:
"Parmon is among the many leaders who were reared in Belews. Though even the smallest remnants of the community disappeared more than 50 years ago, Parmon can still picture the old neighborhood.
“Camel City Cab Company and Safe Bus were over there,” she said, using a hand to point. “D.W. Andrews … our first black plumber … was there.”"
With the emphasis on the name "Andrews" to communicate the name of the person [that white males and their AFrican American female prostitutes working in secret for white males] that the MONEY, is being stolen from;
If white males and their secret clubs are stealing, robbing and killing-the "MONEY, life, etc." has to belong to a person;
Including the communication to steal their sex life and their marriage;
Note:Posted on blog that secret club that work to destoy african americans for white males and that they are mt allowed to make money unless they attack or help to make africans suffer:
[ Email sent-Monday, November 10, 2014 2:33 PM]
[Picture taken:11/9/14; appx.4:15pm];
Picture inside Ebony Magzine which confirms past blog posts of secret club of Opra Winfrey/TYler Perry and STEVE [code for Steve Whiteheart at Goodyear tire company in Winston-Salem, NC]Harvey;[code to white males=the secret group is in agreement to help white males to rob, steal, and to kill African Americans and to be subservent and slaves to white males to make money];they say a picture is work a thousand words:[TYra BANKS is in picture];
[Email sent-Monday, November 10, 2014 2:33 PM]
[Picture taken:
note: new securty guard at CRB library just walked pass computer; then tried to walk a circle around me;
note: Again pictures not going through to email; sent picture of books put up by research computer by the Carver Road Branch library:
1."GIFT" of Faith:
2. ALEX" Haley David "STEVENS"[Mamma Lora's Family];
4. Tomorrow we die:
&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_77701qf8h9_b];It is called using "Print Media" to communicate "DEATH THREATS"-which is illegal and a part of the system of "stalking"-but in Winston-Salem it is called "WORK";
[Email sent-Tuesday, November 11, 2014 5:01 PM]
[Picture taken:11/11/14; 4:49pm];
note: Looked up Definition[memrrium webster, 11th ed.; for "art"; which lead to word ""ARD"[also art n suffix[Me, fr, AF of Gmc origin, akin to OHG- hart[ in personal names such as gerhart gerald]]; one that is characterized by performing some action, possessing some quality or being associated with something esp. conspicuously or excessisvely; which lead to word "ARDENT"[FIERY HOT]- long story short-"ARD" is associated with"burning" and killing[technically] and interestingly Winston-Salem, North Carolina baptist hospital[Wake Forest] is connected/partnership with "ARDmore"-more Killing or buring- in which know people who have kept going back because something went wrong with an operation performed by a white male on an AFrican American[not working for white males]; technically a legal means to commit murder on African Americans
[note: remember the picture in the paper of the all the white nurses who were graduating; and there were no African American[s]; and again it was a "JOKE"-so much so they called it the "WHITE" coat ceremony;["ARDOR"-me,ADOUR, FR, aF &l;aF,FR l ADOR BURNIGN, HEAT, ORDOR, FR, ARIDUS DRY-MORE AT "ARID"]-POINT is that the word "ART" is assocated to the word "ARD" which is ""fiery hot; burning heat" and who is in charge of the new Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center[where all of the door lock -so it would be easy to trap and gas a person]which is technically assoicated with [heat/gas/during [naz-]days];but "ART" Blevins[note:lot of the pictures in the Winston-salem chronicle show art blevins with white people/children; usually African American children are at the wreck when "ART" Blevins is at Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center]:
Center Supervisor Art Blevins
501 Reynolds Blvd.
All of the above sponsored by the City of Winston-Salem[and with B--cock REYNOLDS ---------n];
Every thing posted on this blog is known by a lot of African American[s] with noone to tell and nowhere to go; which is why white males continue to come up with the country is up under great danger-the danger is the systems of [ethnic intimidation] created by white males;[based upon the neighborhood that African American[s] live in];different town/same game;
And it is as white male said concerning UNC football players cheating scandal-"THERE ARE SO MANY INVOLVED"; starting with Gwyndolyn Gwyn and her son, and Edward, Edwina, bostons, ben pickett and his uncle; all those name and listed on blog posts:
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