Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Wake Forest University, Carver Road Branch Library,
1. Person who was pastor for over 10years is being intimidated out of City of Winston-Salem, N.C.; they were already forced to divorce their spouse and get a white spouse [to protect their African American spouse];
2. Posted on blog approx one to two months ago about the city of Winston-Salem, NC getting a grant to make improvements in water system; which posted on blog that have not had water problems and that the City of Winston-Salem workers had been making markings in front of house on "curb"-which could also be a code; In the WS Chronicle, November 13, 2014[13th code for 13th Amendment=African American freedom]; there is article, "
Randall Lindsay stands outside of his New Hope Manor apartment.
"NEW HOPE"manor apartments are just like "Cleveland Avenue Homes"[controlled by white male system[s]] which is a system designed to block/hinder/abuse/use/and kill anything connected to African American[s];
[Nathan Tabor]
Nathan Tabor, co-owner of New Hope Manor, a complex off North Cleveland Avenue;note: "TaBor" is pronounced similar to "TAYLOR":
Which is why it was neccessary to put "TWO" white males in the same article:
[Anthony Baker]
"Anthony BAKER, handles RISK management in the City Attorney’s Office.
Baker contradicted Tabor’s claim. He said city workers have visited the property twice to check the meter box and look for leaks.[Code-NEW system to rob/steal/kill/abuse/ African American[s] is in the "baker"; [code-white males "new system" to rob/steal/kill African American[s] and their neighborhoods is in the process of being developed];
Note: N1-Picture of Denzel WASHINGTON and PAULETTE on the cover of a black magazine [Ebony] as code to African American[s] in the secret club that "WEALTH" for members of the secret club are an "issue" before those in "Washington";
Randall Lindsay looks like he can do some kind of "work"; but if he does "work" and he has not agreed to be subservent to white males, he will really be "DISABLED";[note: African American[s] are forced into category of "DISABLED"; while white males and those connected can be crimped over, no hands, feet,can't speak, see, hear, but as long as they are white, subservent to white male; they are allowed to "work"-because all of the work that is done advances white male culture; have seen two males about the same age; one African American and one white; the African American male discouraged from seeking better work and forced to work before the public; the white male-high school education or a certificate-worked in an "office" and encouraged to seek better work;
3. The article on " Randall Lindsay" is code that the "water" situation is as the reporter's name-"CHANEL"[
A. SOLE "MISSION"[ like Solid Rock "MISSIONARY" baptist church] of white male system[s] is to "KILL"[Winston-Salem Journal ; Nov.16, 2014, front page/hard copy]:

And to encourage on 11/17/14 the article:" KEEPING the BEAT ALIVE";by Arika HERron;front page/hard copy of the Winston-Salem Journal iscode-even though things don't look good white males; KEEP the BEAT[like beating someone/winning] ALIVE=don't stop killing "HER"[African American female who is not a prostitute or subservent to white male system[s] MAN; [Notice the "royal blue" -WS [in circle]WORKS]-code- to secret group[circle] that white male system[s] WORK];
[who knows what they are getting ready to do is not good]
1. Youth soccer player "killed"; by Rand Daniel and Lisa O'Donnel;
a. Nathan "ANDREW" Clark was KILLED [
b. RANDALL Louis Vater of "KNIGHTdale" was charged;[note: RANDALL [second name on front page of the 11/16/14 Winston-Salem Journal and RANDALL [Lindsey] is first name on the front page of the Winston-Salem Chronicle];= TWO "RANDALL'S"-one an African American and the other a white male];
The Winston-Salem Journal [hard copy] front page title is "SOLE MISSION"; but the title of the article on the Winston-Salem Journal's website is:
"75-year-old machine’s sole mission bolsters business"

[notice the ROYAL BLUE "CAN" in the picture];
"Modern shoe sole stitching machines are essentially designed and built the same as this WWII era shoe stitching machine owned by Brent Ring as seen at his shop, Brent's Shoe Repair in the Reynolda Manor Shopping Center in Winston-Salem, N.C., Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014"];
Also sign : ONE shoe "CAN" CHANGE your life!
Of which the "WATER" issue has already been used:
"People say "the city" is trying to push through a PRIVATE [white male] takeover of its water system at the expense of basic rights. We speak to M. TAYLOR of the MI. Welfare Rights Organization and M.K. water campaigner for the "BLUE" Planet PROJECT[connected with the city of Winston-Salem ROYAL BLUE recycle bin; sanitation dept;
The United Nations has already stated that access to "WATER" is a basic human right;
Posted: Monday, November 17, 2014 5:20 am
"Korner's Folly Renovation"-"
KERNERSVILLE"; have blogged about "K"ernerville is code for the local "KKK"; and the artile is about "ROSE"[like "rising"] ROOM for white males;
4. Saw on the Winston-Salem Journal website:
The picture above was in 2013 [maybe African American[s] not as dumb as some people think];being that there is only ONE African American in the picture of shoppers or MAYBE it is because the white male system[s] kicked a large majority of AFrican American[s] out of the white male[s] jobs and therefore the AFrican American[s] do not have the MONEY to shop since the white male system[s] gave the JOBS to hispanics or the white male system[s] have killed the AFrican American[s] that are suppose to be in line shopping instead of having to deal with population of African American[s] who resist being abused,etc.;
Note:N5- "Any and all accidental wrong addresses.situations by any person,dept. or organization are associated with people who control washington that help the secret gwndolyn gwyn and paulette group-with opra winfrey visits to winston salem,north carolina as one of key codes."
[Email sent- Monday, November 10, 2014 3:02 PM]
[Email sent-Monday, November 17, 2014 3:11 PM]
[picture Taken:
1. Person who was pastor for over 10years is being intimidated out of City of Winston-Salem, N.C.; they were already forced to divorce their spouse and get a white spouse [to protect their African American spouse];
2. Posted on blog approx one to two months ago about the city of Winston-Salem, NC getting a grant to make improvements in water system; which posted on blog that have not had water problems and that the City of Winston-Salem workers had been making markings in front of house on "curb"-which could also be a code; In the WS Chronicle, November 13, 2014[13th code for 13th Amendment=African American freedom]; there is article, "
Disabled man losing water as city, landlord squabble
November 12, 2014];Randall Lindsay stands outside of his New Hope Manor apartment.
"NEW HOPE"manor apartments are just like "Cleveland Avenue Homes"[controlled by white male system[s]] which is a system designed to block/hinder/abuse/use/and kill anything connected to African American[s];
[Nathan Tabor]
Nathan Tabor, co-owner of New Hope Manor, a complex off North Cleveland Avenue;note: "TaBor" is pronounced similar to "TAYLOR":
Which is why it was neccessary to put "TWO" white males in the same article:
[Anthony Baker]
"Anthony BAKER, handles RISK management in the City Attorney’s Office.
Baker contradicted Tabor’s claim. He said city workers have visited the property twice to check the meter box and look for leaks.[Code-NEW system to rob/steal/kill/abuse/ African American[s] is in the "baker"; [code-white males "new system" to rob/steal/kill African American[s] and their neighborhoods is in the process of being developed];
Note: N1-Picture of Denzel WASHINGTON and PAULETTE on the cover of a black magazine [Ebony] as code to African American[s] in the secret club that "WEALTH" for members of the secret club are an "issue" before those in "Washington";
[Email sent-Monday, November 10, 2014 2:45 PM]
[The picture of denzel washington and paulette is code to secret group that the secret groups money extends to washington]; Inside of the "Ebony" [black"] magazine is coded picture of message to white males that the blacks in the secret club:
[Email sent-Monday, November 10, 2014 2:33 PM]
Posted on blog about African American secret club that works to destoy african american[s] and their neighborhoods for white males and that their reward is that they allowed to make "MONEY" without being "attacked" and that they have to help attack or help to make africans suffer in order to earn "an income" ;
A. Randall Lindsay [PROCESS]
[Randall Lindsay]
1. You can tell Randall Lindsay is already stressed; he is living in the "NEW HOPE" MANor apartments;
2. Everyday without of having to deal with "water" issues stresses Randall Lindsay even more;[note: RANDALL is name of African American female [prostitute working in secret for white male]who is in charge of the "BROWN" division of a sority at WSSU]; which would eventually cause Randall Lindsay all kinds of "health" problems; which would force Randall Lindsay into the "white coat" [code-for whites to do whatever they want to African American[s] who are not subservent to white males]path for help;
Randall Lindsay stands outside of his New Hope Manor apartment
[New Hope manor apartments located beside apartment complex named after local "BURKE"];
[Randall Lindsay stands "outside"];
Looking at Randall Lindsay-does he look:
The article is titled "DISABLED" man losing water as city, landlord squabble"
Randall Lindsay looks like he can do some kind of "work"; but if he does "work" and he has not agreed to be subservent to white males, he will really be "DISABLED";[note: African American[s] are forced into category of "DISABLED"; while white males and those connected can be crimped over, no hands, feet,can't speak, see, hear, but as long as they are white, subservent to white male; they are allowed to "work"-because all of the work that is done advances white male culture; have seen two males about the same age; one African American and one white; the African American male discouraged from seeking better work and forced to work before the public; the white male-high school education or a certificate-worked in an "office" and encouraged to seek better work;
3. The article on " Randall Lindsay" is code that the "water" situation is as the reporter's name-"CHANEL"[
A. SOLE "MISSION"[ like Solid Rock "MISSIONARY" baptist church] of white male system[s] is to "KILL"[Winston-Salem Journal ; Nov.16, 2014, front page/hard copy]:

And to encourage on 11/17/14 the article:" KEEPING the BEAT ALIVE";by Arika HERron;front page/hard copy of the Winston-Salem Journal iscode-even though things don't look good white males; KEEP the BEAT[like beating someone/winning] ALIVE=don't stop killing "HER"[African American female who is not a prostitute or subservent to white male system[s] MAN; [Notice the "royal blue" -WS [in circle]WORKS]-code- to secret group[circle] that white male system[s] WORK];
"KEEPING THE BEAT ALIVE"proposal would honor 3 longtime band directors
[Posted: Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:00 pm[who knows what they are getting ready to do is not good]
1. Youth soccer player "killed"; by Rand Daniel and Lisa O'Donnel;
a. Nathan "ANDREW" Clark was KILLED [
b. RANDALL Louis Vater of "KNIGHTdale" was charged;[note: RANDALL [second name on front page of the 11/16/14 Winston-Salem Journal and RANDALL [Lindsey] is first name on the front page of the Winston-Salem Chronicle];= TWO "RANDALL'S"-one an African American and the other a white male];
The Winston-Salem Journal [hard copy] front page title is "SOLE MISSION"; but the title of the article on the Winston-Salem Journal's website is:
"75-year-old machine’s sole mission bolsters business"
Posted: Saturday, November 15, 2014 11:00 pm

[notice the ROYAL BLUE "CAN" in the picture];
"Modern shoe sole stitching machines are essentially designed and built the same as this WWII era shoe stitching machine owned by Brent Ring as seen at his shop, Brent's Shoe Repair in the Reynolda Manor Shopping Center in Winston-Salem, N.C., Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014"];
Also sign : ONE shoe "CAN" CHANGE your life!
Of which the "WATER" issue has already been used:
"Water is a Human Right: Detroit Residents Seek U.N. Intervention as City Shuts Off Taps to Thousands"
"Activists in Detroit have appealed to the United Nations over the city’s move to shut off the water of thousands of residents""People say "the city" is trying to push through a PRIVATE [white male] takeover of its water system at the expense of basic rights. We speak to M. TAYLOR of the MI. Welfare Rights Organization and M.K. water campaigner for the "BLUE" Planet PROJECT[connected with the city of Winston-Salem ROYAL BLUE recycle bin; sanitation dept;
The United Nations has already stated that access to "WATER" is a basic human right;
Restoring the Rose Room
Work underway on big makeover of historic house
Posted: Monday, November 17, 2014 5:20 am
"Korner's Folly Renovation"-"
KERNERSVILLE"; have blogged about "K"ernerville is code for the local "KKK"; and the artile is about "ROSE"[like "rising"] ROOM for white males;
4. Saw on the Winston-Salem Journal website:
Black Friday still tops for shopping
Notice that the ratio of whites and hispanics to one African American;
Tradition holds even as retailers try to entice customers with early deals, online offerings
Shoppers lined up outside Hollister in Hanes Mall on Thanksgiving night Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013.The picture above was in 2013 [maybe African American[s] not as dumb as some people think];being that there is only ONE African American in the picture of shoppers or MAYBE it is because the white male system[s] kicked a large majority of AFrican American[s] out of the white male[s] jobs and therefore the AFrican American[s] do not have the MONEY to shop since the white male system[s] gave the JOBS to hispanics or the white male system[s] have killed the AFrican American[s] that are suppose to be in line shopping instead of having to deal with population of African American[s] who resist being abused,etc.;
Note:N5- "Any and all accidental wrong addresses.situations by any person,dept. or organization are associated with people who control washington that help the secret gwndolyn gwyn and paulette group-with opra winfrey visits to winston salem,north carolina as one of key codes."
[Email sent- Monday, November 10, 2014 3:02 PM]
Note:N6 -Cannot get pictures to go to "yahoo" email-all of a sudden a lot of messages:
Note:N7-Full page picture of the prison-group[opray winfrey/steve harvey/tyler perry/tara banks];
[email sent- Monday, November 10, 2014 1:50 PM]
[picture Taken:
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