560-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., CRB library, Winston-Salem, NC, Wake Forest University
1a. The WSTA city buses did not come to Carver Road/Jackie? [clerk stated she could not get anybody on the phone[supervisor] so she did not know why the bus did not come=harassment; so caught a ride with a person to the CRB library; where immediately Carl the security guard got ms. mayhand to ignore me while was waiting at the counter; thus so sent a letter to James TAYLOR, Jr.-public safety committee:

and to Johnnie TAYLOR -sanitation dept.[whose suppose to be handling the royal blue bin issue]:
Johnnie Taylor, Sanitation Director, 747-6986
Winston-Salem , N.C.
Love Crossling, Executive Director

"Love is responsible for providing executive oversight to the Human Relations Department. She is a dedicated proponent of human rights, social justice, and advocacy, and has a background in communication, relational conflict management, and cultural studies"[http://www.greensboro-nc.gov/index.aspx?page=4700];
[The African american female prostitute working for white males in secret who was used as the intimidation to stop Ms. Davis in the human relations dept. in greensboro, nc from helping to stop white male harassment-[reference-Fergurson, Mo.];
2. For allof those who read this letter can you please call the numbers above concerning the CRB library;and can you please send it to Fox 8 News:
email address will not go through
Thank You,
3. while the new articles in the Winston-Salem Chronicles are all about the NEW systems being designed and put in place to stop abuse of AFrican American[s] on page A9 is the real article, "Forsyth county
fire and ems receive distinguished sharp awards from NC,[special to the crhonicle=code] with a picture
=of the truth=ALL whites:
Posted on 3/13/2015 by Barbara Cassidy
Couldn't locate picture on the WS Chronicle website=code=white[s] male[s] still the sharp ones; let the in house nigger[s] trick the other blacks for us;
1a. The WSTA city buses did not come to Carver Road/Jackie? [clerk stated she could not get anybody on the phone[supervisor] so she did not know why the bus did not come=harassment; so caught a ride with a person to the CRB library; where immediately Carl the security guard got ms. mayhand to ignore me while was waiting at the counter; thus so sent a letter to James TAYLOR, Jr.-public safety committee:

and to Johnnie TAYLOR -sanitation dept.[whose suppose to be handling the royal blue bin issue]:
Johnnie Taylor, Sanitation Director, 747-6986
Am posting because can't get the CRB library staff/security guard, etc. to stop harassing me, which the stress has already put me in ICU dept. at local the hospital recently; have sent letters, called, emailed and no one seems to do anything including the local/national news media[s];posted on blog"Deanna" at [https://friendseeeee.wordpress.com/2014/01/22/637/] about stress and how WS community had been keeping food/resources from me; heard local radio announcer [Rush Limbough]state sometimes there is no solution other than violent if people will not stop intimidation/abuse, etc., which I do not want to do; for all of you who want to respond if this posts please call James TAYLOR, Jr. at 336) 757-2110 (mobile); and Johnnie TAYLOR, Sanitation Director, 747-6986[mention royal blue bin]
To: James Taylor
Council Member
Democrat, Southeast Ward
Democrat, Southeast Ward
(336) 757-2110 (mobile)
Re: Harassment from WSFC library Carver School road staff and security guard
targeting certain African American[s] to promote white males making money off
African Americans
This is to request an inquiry of the “ WSFC library Carver School road staff and security guard targeting certain African American[s] to promote white males making money off
African Americans” such as in the Fergurson, Mo. Situations where blacks were targeted to make money off of; in which Carl the security guard has been at CRB library since about latter part of 2014; but since he has been at CRB library EVERY TIME entrance is made to the library he constantly interrupts my conversation with library staff-Ms. Mayhand, Shey, Ms. Williams,etc. as a form of intimidation; and can tell his intimidation is working on CRB library staff because a few minutes ago, Ms. Mayhand completely ignored me twice-knowing that I was next to be served, but guess when Carl the security guard rudely interrupted Ms. Mayhand talking to me, that was Ms. Mayhand’s cue to disrespect me[first time]; thus Ms. Mayhand’s attitude was not one of apology; but one of accepting Carl the security guard[s] cue that I have no right to expect to even receive service[s];
When Carl the security guard first came to CRB library, wrote to and spoke some people and other security guards to ask how to handle situation and explained to them that the first encounter with CARL the security guard was at the WSFC 5th street main public library before it was torn down and that I stopped going to the downtown 5th street library because of Carl the security guard[did not know his name at the time] who would go out of his way to do something to approach or be in the area I was in; do know that it is about time for Carl the security guard to retire and that it was no coincidence and part of the reason he was assigned to CRB library is to do exactly what he is doing; trying to intimidate me; and his reward will be him or one of his relatives getting special treatment/money/grant for school,job, boyfriend for female relative, etc. for harassing/intimidating me; and evidently there seems to be a rush, because of new Hispanic volunteers at the CRB library-which must be code to hurry up and stop the African American[s] from coming to the CRB library-so hispanics can occupy[hispanics were used to harass me in prior years; file charged with appropriate agencies];
Know that in the Fergurson, Mo. Situation where the blacks are targeted to make money off of; that the specific situations were not discussed; thus please let it be known that the staff members at CRB library along with the WSTA city bus drivers do/have targeted blacks that are not a part of their secret club[which kills/steals from blacks for white males];of which have filed complaints, etc. for close to decade as some of the African American[s] in Fergurson, Mo., but with the same results as the blacks in Fergurson, Mo., which was nothing till they started rioting;
Would appreciate your informing the employees at the CRB library that all African American[s] have a right to use the CRB library and specifically the computer[s] without being harassed and without being selected to be targeted; it is just a matter of time before someone gets them on video camera;
Thank you
Library Patron
Please CC “Citizens Review Board[s]”,Molly Leight, WSFC Council Member South Ward,
Sent the email to various people who are suppose to address such issues;
1b.Love Crossling, Executive Director

"Love is responsible for providing executive oversight to the Human Relations Department. She is a dedicated proponent of human rights, social justice, and advocacy, and has a background in communication, relational conflict management, and cultural studies"[http://www.greensboro-nc.gov/index.aspx?page=4700];
[The African american female prostitute working for white males in secret who was used as the intimidation to stop Ms. Davis in the human relations dept. in greensboro, nc from helping to stop white male harassment-[reference-Fergurson, Mo.];
2. For allof those who read this letter can you please call the numbers above concerning the CRB library;and can you please send it to Fox 8 News:
email address will not go through
Thank You,
3. while the new articles in the Winston-Salem Chronicles are all about the NEW systems being designed and put in place to stop abuse of AFrican American[s] on page A9 is the real article, "Forsyth county
fire and ems receive distinguished sharp awards from NC,[special to the crhonicle=code] with a picture
=of the truth=ALL whites:
Posted on 3/13/2015 by Barbara Cassidy
Couldn't locate picture on the WS Chronicle website=code=white[s] male[s] still the sharp ones; let the in house nigger[s] trick the other blacks for us;
Re: Help with nutrional food;
Today at 4:55 PM
To:Staton, Lee
Marion Davis
Mr. Lee Staton:
Thank you for your response and understand about your job elements, which is why I asked if there was a supervisor who may be more readily available to help when you are out of the office;
Also thank you for the Greensboro Human Relations staff participation in seeking churches and organizations to help regarding the request for healthy foods.
Being that the request was made in November of 2013 [the end of the year] and this is January, 2014[the beginning of the year] maybe the churches and organizations can find it in their heart and some of the funds to share some of the funds so that they can be used to help those in need that are citizens that live within the local area/city;
As stated in previous conversations and on 11/15/13 that technically I could be considered to be another Michelle Knight [http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/06/justice/michelle-knight-dr-phil/] minus being locked behind doors, which from my perspective would have been the next step if I had not contacted help outside of Winston-Salem, N. C. when Gwendolyn Gwyn’s son pulled a weapon on me when I was trying to put back up the mailbox he took down; just as Michelle Knight’s identity and life were stolen and taken from her and she will never be able to get back; portions of my life have been stolen which has lead me to a point of gridlock based on the “pipeline to prison” system being operated in Winston-Salem, NC so that eating is a major issue;
The fact that since 2008[last employment] I have met the requirements listed for various organizations and churches who eventually direct me to “Crisis Control” or the “Salvation Army”[the two largest social agencies in Winston-Salem, NC] who because of their limited funds direct me back to local churches who in turn direct me back to “Crisis Control” or the “Salvation Army” which becomes a circle and is why the request for outside intervention; it is as if the community resources are being withheld as punishment for not yielding to becoming a Michelle Knight and joining Gwyndolyn Gwyn’s group; ex employer has threaten to put into confinement if honest work is obtain to earn income;
It is as if the resources within the Winston-Salem, NC area are being used to punish people who do not join Gwendolyn Gwyn’s [group in Winston-Salem, N. C.] whose son pulled a weapon on me when I trying to put back up the mailbox he took down; Gwyndolyn Gwyn’s son pulling the weapon on me was to force me into a position such as Michelle Knight [who was held in captivity for years]; and the local social agencies actions of blocking me from community resources/help support Gwyndolyn Gwyn’s son pulling the weapon on me;
As I told Ms. Davis, when Gwyndolyn Gwyn’s son pulled the weapon on me; that if there is no outside intervention then the intimidation, harassment will not stop[and that includes from/through the food stamp system also];Gwyndolyn Gwyn participated in stealing a twin child which through Paul Ragsdale at the Reynolda Branch library and others within the Gwynodolyn Gwyn group have decided regardless of what I do; is my child [reference email:the two books Paul Ragsdale ran to put in front of me when walking in the Reynolda Branch library]; so regardless of what I say; they say that the twin child is a part of my identity to them and will not stop the harassment, etc..
Tavis Smiley state, “The internet has become as easy to use as a phone, and it takes DAYS to get a response.”[p.62]; yet I have been waiting for a response from the Winston Salem Forsyth County Library[where Paul Ragsdale is a volunteer and works closely with the manager Jennifer Barrett Boneno[sp]] since 2005/an email sent in 2009 asking why they gave me “Community Work Service”; an email asking what charges they had dropped;etc. up to the email sent to you last week about not being able to copy or print an email to send to you because the Reynolda Branch Library had stop the public printer to the computers; which are just some of the things they have done and It is not a question of “IF” there will be another negative situation; But “when”; and it is not just related the the WS Forsyth County Public Library;
It is about an “Identity Theft” being committed by the local community, which includes my ex-employer, Gwyndolyn Gwyn and why Gwyndolyn Gwyn’s son pulled the weapon on me to steal my identity and then send to prison through the pipeline to prison system;
Tavis Smiley stated, “You don’t repeat the past if you take the time to learn about it.”[p.71] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juvenile_delinquency_in_the_United_Stateswhich after being intimidated and shown how easy the pipeline to prison system]worked; the better part of my observation has been avoiding the circle of pre-designed pitfalls that are designed to lead a person to confinement; If honest work equal confinements; and the local social agencies that are to help when there is no income what is a person to do?
When a member of a community is denied access to community resources, based upon local talk news commentators program, is some type of violation to withhold public funding, especially if the resources are being with held because the person wont do what somebody wants; and based on the George Washington Bridge closing of the two “access lanes” on a New Jersey Highway, surely there is somebody in North Carolina who is responsible to investigate when a member of a community is denied access to community resources to the point it affects their eating;
So the question is why is a community helping Gwyndolyn Gwyn group and her son that pulled a weapon on me for putting back up the mailbox that he knocked down by denying me access to the community resources. A community that denies me access to public funding to eat,along with the threat of confinement for doing honest work puts me in a gridlock; which are issues that are not for me to address; butfor those who have been given the resources and the credentials to investigate abuse, intimidation, harassment and threats for years.
MLK said, “We must create full employment or we must create income” [which I know how to earn honest income; I do not know how to stop from being put in confinement for earn honest money];” Economic equality is still a goal that has not been achieved”[Chris Hayes]; I have a couple of Degrees, numerous certificates and have gotten the education to earn an honest income and;
My goal has and is to not be Michelle Knight or Jaycee Lee Dugard and to live while not causing harm to any of my siblings, family members or anyone else; being constantly threaten, harassed, intimidated is not normal and it is for those who operate the local Winston-Salem, NC community to intervene at the top; and if they can’t; then outside intervention is necessary;
Being that presently I have no income and am limited in various manners would you, the agency you work for, the churches, social agencies who have income and are not as limited please help; Would be very grateful and thankful for any type of help given.
Respectfully fair treatment is not being allowed access to community food and resources and being that the stealing of a twin child is involved jurisdiction should be no issue and to contact the City of Winston Salem Human Relations Department with all my issues is like Michelle Knight going to her abuser.
Thank You,
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