560b-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Winston-salem, NC, Wake Forest University, CRB library
1. Today is a TWO day;and sure enough the WSTA have the supervisor buses out on route-forcing African American[s] [that have been targeted by WSTA secret club] to ride on the supervisor bus-if they want to get to where they are going on time or wait for the next bus-if it comes;Melissa Williams/security guard-Carl[the communist] and Shey working at front desk; the research computer had been set up so that staff only from the CRB library could turn the computer on[control] before getting on the internet;
2. Heard Rush Limbough[http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/stations] today[4/22/15] at @:25pm on 94.5 fm radio state that David Letterman told one of his guest-"Treat a lady like a whore and treat a whore like a lady" after the guest had asked David Letterman for advice;which is an extension of the prostitution system that white males operate in the AFrican American neighborhoods and churches and the answer that David Letterman gave will extend into the next generation of the white female culture[just like in the African American culture] because all the good white male[s] and female[s] look at AFrican American[s] who complain about the crooked system[s] of white male[s] like it is the African American[s] problem-which they are right-in actuality if there were any real men in the African American[s] neighborhoods-white males would not be getting away with forcing their mother, sisters, aunts, neices, and cousins into working as secret prostitutes for white males; lets see if white males are real men=if they are there should be a civil war between good whites and bad whites because everybody knows-white[s] have weapon[s] vs. African American[s] who are shot down unarmed probably because somebody[black working in secret for white males] told the white males the African American[who probably had good reason to be upset] was thinking about going to get a weapon;
OR the women can attack the secret system of the white male[s] prostitution system of women[?]; [note: which is PROOF of the system that have blogged about at least since 2009/2010; guest because a white male says that the system exists then that validates all of blog[s] posting about the African American females in the United States/espsecially in Winston-Salem,NC who are in actuality-prostitutes in secret for white males-like Leona MONROE at Solid Rock Baptist Church; like Melissa Williams at CRB library; like Melissa Harris-Perry at Wake Forest University; like Shey [?] ex-authority female at the CRB library; and like Paula/Paulette/Pauline at the downtown Gov. Center;
[note:a- promised myself long time ago any male that tries to force systems of immorality= what would be done];
3.Also heard six other things on the Rush Limbough show[http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/stations] on 4/22/15 on 94.5 fm radio which confirm,verify posting on blog[s]:
A. "We are living a culture that attacks "patrioach"[note: b-which confirms the attack on C.W.-which because of being relative-causes a spillover effect of attack to offspring[s]];
B. At. 12:18pm-"Victims of people lkike Obama and Hillary Clinton are the people they are suppose to help"-[note:c- which confirms posts on blogs about how man in brown skin [in house that is white] actions were directed/effected situations];
C. They [Obama and Hillary Clinton]all think that equality is when everybody is suffering equally"-[note:d- which is why Obama was put in office to stop African American[s] who are wealthy based on Black Wall Street from accessing their "MONEY";
D. A Caller[white male] stated"If you have any money in your pocket-including food stamps, or any type of welfare check, then the person is considered to be in the top of the 1% of the "MONEY" in the United States"-[note:e- which confirms the intentional existance of two systems "free market"[only white male dominated-and blacks are blocked from accessing]and governmental[which is food stamps and any type of welfare] which is where white male dominated free market system intentionally push black[s] who have no other alternative-unless they want to be attacked, intimidated, abused, harassed, or worse;
E. And last but not least -Rush Limbough stated -"Myer HERbert worked for President Reagan and was very good concerning economics and that he had wrote an article that dealt with the subject matter on the "end of poverty" by 2015/2018[?]; then Rush Limbough [who knows everything-who prides himself in knowing everything-all the answers] asks-"So why is the United States going in the opposite way?";
1. Today is a TWO day;and sure enough the WSTA have the supervisor buses out on route-forcing African American[s] [that have been targeted by WSTA secret club] to ride on the supervisor bus-if they want to get to where they are going on time or wait for the next bus-if it comes;Melissa Williams/security guard-Carl[the communist] and Shey working at front desk; the research computer had been set up so that staff only from the CRB library could turn the computer on[control] before getting on the internet;
2. Heard Rush Limbough[http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/stations] today[4/22/15] at @:25pm on 94.5 fm radio state that David Letterman told one of his guest-"Treat a lady like a whore and treat a whore like a lady" after the guest had asked David Letterman for advice;which is an extension of the prostitution system that white males operate in the AFrican American neighborhoods and churches and the answer that David Letterman gave will extend into the next generation of the white female culture[just like in the African American culture] because all the good white male[s] and female[s] look at AFrican American[s] who complain about the crooked system[s] of white male[s] like it is the African American[s] problem-which they are right-in actuality if there were any real men in the African American[s] neighborhoods-white males would not be getting away with forcing their mother, sisters, aunts, neices, and cousins into working as secret prostitutes for white males; lets see if white males are real men=if they are there should be a civil war between good whites and bad whites because everybody knows-white[s] have weapon[s] vs. African American[s] who are shot down unarmed probably because somebody[black working in secret for white males] told the white males the African American[who probably had good reason to be upset] was thinking about going to get a weapon;
OR the women can attack the secret system of the white male[s] prostitution system of women[?]; [note: which is PROOF of the system that have blogged about at least since 2009/2010; guest because a white male says that the system exists then that validates all of blog[s] posting about the African American females in the United States/espsecially in Winston-Salem,NC who are in actuality-prostitutes in secret for white males-like Leona MONROE at Solid Rock Baptist Church; like Melissa Williams at CRB library; like Melissa Harris-Perry at Wake Forest University; like Shey [?] ex-authority female at the CRB library; and like Paula/Paulette/Pauline at the downtown Gov. Center;
[note:a- promised myself long time ago any male that tries to force systems of immorality= what would be done];
3.Also heard six other things on the Rush Limbough show[http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/stations] on 4/22/15 on 94.5 fm radio which confirm,verify posting on blog[s]:
A. "We are living a culture that attacks "patrioach"[note: b-which confirms the attack on C.W.-which because of being relative-causes a spillover effect of attack to offspring[s]];
B. At. 12:18pm-"Victims of people lkike Obama and Hillary Clinton are the people they are suppose to help"-[note:c- which confirms posts on blogs about how man in brown skin [in house that is white] actions were directed/effected situations];
C. They [Obama and Hillary Clinton]all think that equality is when everybody is suffering equally"-[note:d- which is why Obama was put in office to stop African American[s] who are wealthy based on Black Wall Street from accessing their "MONEY";
D. A Caller[white male] stated"If you have any money in your pocket-including food stamps, or any type of welfare check, then the person is considered to be in the top of the 1% of the "MONEY" in the United States"-[note:e- which confirms the intentional existance of two systems "free market"[only white male dominated-and blacks are blocked from accessing]and governmental[which is food stamps and any type of welfare] which is where white male dominated free market system intentionally push black[s] who have no other alternative-unless they want to be attacked, intimidated, abused, harassed, or worse;
E. And last but not least -Rush Limbough stated -"Myer HERbert worked for President Reagan and was very good concerning economics and that he had wrote an article that dealt with the subject matter on the "end of poverty" by 2015/2018[?]; then Rush Limbough [who knows everything-who prides himself in knowing everything-all the answers] asks-"So why is the United States going in the opposite way?";
[note: surely Rush Limbough knows the answer-which confirms posts on blogs about the fact that white male[s], such as Rush Limbough,Sean Hannity and the others that posted that called to get/ask for help basically laughed; which the answer to Rush Limbough[s] question is that African American[s] are suppose to be the next wave of major wealth builders in the United States and because some/main/ or who white males consider to be head of African American[s] won't yield control to white male[s];[note:ee-Caller stated that the medical profession was doing illegal things with medicine-Rush Limbough response-not interested-it is so boring; don't want to deal with topic=reason= when R. Limbough was caught/called into offices for drug/medicine abuse=and the story disappeared=was the deal made to not talk about medical abuse-which is exactly where "Obama care" came in=talk in general; not in specifics;
So the white males are doing everything they can to block African American[s][who seek their wealth based on Black Wall Street] and to create poverty in any area they can-which includes letting in hispanics, people who knocked down the World Trade Center[twin towers] to go into the African Americn neighborhoods and continue the system[s] of attacked designed by white males that have been going on for probably centuries-which is why most of them[white male[s] who are caught on camera are in shock-because they have been killing African American[s] all their life and none of them has EVER recieved any type punishment-which those white male[s] who control the system knew that the day for white males getting away with killing AFrican American[s] for no reason [based on United States Supreme Court case which stated that the origianl preamble of the United States consitution was unconstitutional]would come; therefore the need for people who society would turn their head when they kill African American[s]-thus hispanics and those who knocked down the World Trade Center[Twin Towers];
notee: A-yet with all the confirmations of blog posts-still have yet to have any of the solution[s] to delima[s] of posts on blogs to reach into situation so that harassment/threats/abuse/intimidation stop[s]=Gwydnolyn Gwyn and son who pulled weapon and surrounding group-still sending those message[s] of how to treat me, ie. abuse, intimidate, harass, etc.-right now Penny Boston property is roped off to start process of how the bastards are suppose to treat me=rob me=by communicating to the nurse who lives across the street from Penny Boston's house =if all goes well=house goes up with no problem; if somehow somebody knows/learns about their filth=the house building has to stop=code to them to stop;
And the bastards get their instructions from the "TODAY show: On 4/20/15[a TWO day] Al and Willie were not on set; but there was a segment about princess "Diana's" final will; the hosts for the day were Dyland[dieland][doing the weather]; guest white male[?]; on both show[s] -Today and Today's Take were god to Winston-salem, NC to treat females not working as prostitutes as spinsters[not to have a heterosexual African Amerian male as a romantic partner/husband];
F. On 4/21/15 at apprx. 2:30pm on 94.5 fm Rush Limbough stated, "They got a crooked judge and the crooked authories went and attacked just a normal family-the authorities used a ramming pole to knock down their doors and the people who had their doors knocked down were told to shut up about the abuse or they would have more difficulty; It is called the "Scott Walker investiagation"-the John Doe investigation-it all started with a knock at the door and the gamilies could not get lawyers because they could not tell anybody and they had to assume a "public role of guilt"[chisolm[sp] is the name to remember]; imagine operatives of the state using the law to abuse; and I think that the abuse is every law abiding citizen[s] fear- to be stopped by the pol-ce and there is nothing that they can do about it that they are innoncent and would be targeted regardless of the fact that there were no violation of the law"
4. Michael Salvage radio show[the salvage nation][ http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/] stated on 4/22/15 on 980 am radi, "Will not voe for another "bush" that includes "JEB-barack Bush", I live in the United States, not in England and will not vote for another bush to keep the bush dynasty growing."[note:f- which confirms posts on blogs about ["K"athy[at WSFC library/gov. center] Kate/Katherine] system designed to rob/American[s][especially African American[s] of their citizenship
5. Read in Oprah Magazine; page 35-36, March, 2015 issue, article titled, "May We help you-all the RAGE" by Martha Beck, which stated "Learn to turn RAGE into fuel, observe the anger and tell self it isn't just okay, its healthy and use the compassionate attention as an insulated tank that takes the edge off of the anger and make it available as fuel";[note:g- long story short- Oprah knows she has help to create "RAGE" in a lot of African American[s] who know[s] what she did and is doing];[http://www.magastack.com/issue/5569-the-oprah-magazine-usa-march-2015];
6. Redi Radio program on 4/21/15 at 4:00pm radio host stated, "California gov. intentionlly not supplying people with water to ensure that the people die as poart of global warming system where there is too much carbon in air-which is man made system to kill people and basically operating a system that tells people to "NOT MOVE";[note:h-which confirms blog about African American[s]being blocked from access to water
in winston-Salem, N.C. ];
7. Was watching channel 2231 on dish tv on 4/18/15 or 4/19/15 show about cooking-the all star academy [http://www.locatetv.com/tv/all-star-academy/season-1/9129739]where two of the contestants name were "Vanessa" and Michael and the judge was name "curt";

[http://blog.foodnetwork.com/fn-dish/2015/04/interview-with-the-winner-of-all-star-academy-joseph-harris/][female name Vanessa; think michael is the coach chef];
"Vanessa" and the contestant Michael kept winning the contest/cook off=code-harassment=based on movie "Chef":
[Chef (2014) ];
Movie made in 2014 to communicate what white male system doing to harass African American or what white males telling relative of person to do to harass African American[Vanessa like in TV cook off]=suppose to be that "james" and "Kandy"[who worked at jail for authorities and whose back white male doctors intentionally messed up-and who they really were trying to kill if they could get away with it being that she is a witness to confirm the harassment/intimidation of BILLy[the white male authority neighbor] suppose to get back together like the couple in the movie-if they help white males to attack/abuse the African American [like girl Vanessa in the tv cook off];
The movie is also verification of the tracking system used by white males=they made movie about "FOOD"-which lack of proper food is what caused hospital/medical issue;[food stamps, etc.]-which is why the movie "Chef" was made to communicate what they were doing;[also confirmation of the fact that they[white males use movies to exploit African American[s];
8. Exploitation is book about the exploitation of images of African American[s] in early movies; in which the author of "Blaxploitation Films" [https://www.google.com/search?q=blaxploitation+films+book&hl=en&gbv=2&nfpr=&spell=1&oq=&gs_l= ]stated, "Blaxploitation is a fusion of two different words-"BLACK" and "Exploitation"; blaxploitation films are by definition, black exploitation films. But the problem comes when it is asked "Who is being "EXPLOITED";[note:i The answer is that African American[s] who are rich based on Black Wall Street before white males destroyed Black Wall Street;which would include all of the AFrican American[s] singers who all of a sudden are not doing the African American/black thang but are all of a sudden on white male tv show[s] which are negative,etc. or that include people like Al Sharpton and Oprah Winfrey who chose to be slaves instead of denouncing the white male system[s] of abuse; who is being exploited?:
The people who are being exploited are the AFrican American people who are responding to thier AFrican American relatives being killed; everytime one of them show up to protest abuse-they are unknowingly agreeing to give white males their economic/ and social heritage as well as their citizenship-which is how Al Sharpton is being used and paid and he knows that is what white males are doing, even through they[African American[s] are seeking justice and are not aware of their citizenship and heritage being taken away; all they[African American[s]] know is that something begins to change-what they could do-all of a sudden they can't do-or they have to fight to have/get anything done;it is like one radio talk show host stated today between 12:00pm and 5:00pm," if the people[AFrican American] really knew what was being done to them-they would be rioting instead of marching";
Notee: and people like Marc Morial[guest columinist of the WS chronicle[ who position as CEo of the National urban League helps to expoit African American[s]- which is what a lot of Fergurson,Mo.the killing of the black male in S. C.-to instill fear in AFrican American[s]; Sharpton and the authority that killed the black male both on the same side;
Notee: L. Rowell[relative had two boxes of dishes in back seat of car[like when Vern Switz-er had two boxes in back of his car]; she said she was not washing the dishes, was not atkaing to other relatives hous, or her own house or goodwill=2 boxes =like 2 packages of paper bags she kept on floor of car whenever she came to pick me up=TWO=twins; and if =L. Rowell takes way to long to cook meal[s];
So the white males are doing everything they can to block African American[s][who seek their wealth based on Black Wall Street] and to create poverty in any area they can-which includes letting in hispanics, people who knocked down the World Trade Center[twin towers] to go into the African Americn neighborhoods and continue the system[s] of attacked designed by white males that have been going on for probably centuries-which is why most of them[white male[s] who are caught on camera are in shock-because they have been killing African American[s] all their life and none of them has EVER recieved any type punishment-which those white male[s] who control the system knew that the day for white males getting away with killing AFrican American[s] for no reason [based on United States Supreme Court case which stated that the origianl preamble of the United States consitution was unconstitutional]would come; therefore the need for people who society would turn their head when they kill African American[s]-thus hispanics and those who knocked down the World Trade Center[Twin Towers];
notee: A-yet with all the confirmations of blog posts-still have yet to have any of the solution[s] to delima[s] of posts on blogs to reach into situation so that harassment/threats/abuse/intimidation stop[s]=Gwydnolyn Gwyn and son who pulled weapon and surrounding group-still sending those message[s] of how to treat me, ie. abuse, intimidate, harass, etc.-right now Penny Boston property is roped off to start process of how the bastards are suppose to treat me=rob me=by communicating to the nurse who lives across the street from Penny Boston's house =if all goes well=house goes up with no problem; if somehow somebody knows/learns about their filth=the house building has to stop=code to them to stop;
And the bastards get their instructions from the "TODAY show: On 4/20/15[a TWO day] Al and Willie were not on set; but there was a segment about princess "Diana's" final will; the hosts for the day were Dyland[dieland][doing the weather]; guest white male[?]; on both show[s] -Today and Today's Take were god to Winston-salem, NC to treat females not working as prostitutes as spinsters[not to have a heterosexual African Amerian male as a romantic partner/husband];
F. On 4/21/15 at apprx. 2:30pm on 94.5 fm Rush Limbough stated, "They got a crooked judge and the crooked authories went and attacked just a normal family-the authorities used a ramming pole to knock down their doors and the people who had their doors knocked down were told to shut up about the abuse or they would have more difficulty; It is called the "Scott Walker investiagation"-the John Doe investigation-it all started with a knock at the door and the gamilies could not get lawyers because they could not tell anybody and they had to assume a "public role of guilt"[chisolm[sp] is the name to remember]; imagine operatives of the state using the law to abuse; and I think that the abuse is every law abiding citizen[s] fear- to be stopped by the pol-ce and there is nothing that they can do about it that they are innoncent and would be targeted regardless of the fact that there were no violation of the law"
4. Michael Salvage radio show[the salvage nation][ http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/] stated on 4/22/15 on 980 am radi, "Will not voe for another "bush" that includes "JEB-barack Bush", I live in the United States, not in England and will not vote for another bush to keep the bush dynasty growing."[note:f- which confirms posts on blogs about ["K"athy[at WSFC library/gov. center] Kate/Katherine] system designed to rob/American[s][especially African American[s] of their citizenship
5. Read in Oprah Magazine; page 35-36, March, 2015 issue, article titled, "May We help you-all the RAGE" by Martha Beck, which stated "Learn to turn RAGE into fuel, observe the anger and tell self it isn't just okay, its healthy and use the compassionate attention as an insulated tank that takes the edge off of the anger and make it available as fuel";[note:g- long story short- Oprah knows she has help to create "RAGE" in a lot of African American[s] who know[s] what she did and is doing];[http://www.magastack.com/issue/5569-the-oprah-magazine-usa-march-2015];
6. Redi Radio program on 4/21/15 at 4:00pm radio host stated, "California gov. intentionlly not supplying people with water to ensure that the people die as poart of global warming system where there is too much carbon in air-which is man made system to kill people and basically operating a system that tells people to "NOT MOVE";[note:h-which confirms blog about African American[s]being blocked from access to water
in winston-Salem, N.C. ];
7. Was watching channel 2231 on dish tv on 4/18/15 or 4/19/15 show about cooking-the all star academy [http://www.locatetv.com/tv/all-star-academy/season-1/9129739]where two of the contestants name were "Vanessa" and Michael and the judge was name "curt";

[http://blog.foodnetwork.com/fn-dish/2015/04/interview-with-the-winner-of-all-star-academy-joseph-harris/][female name Vanessa; think michael is the coach chef];
"Vanessa" and the contestant Michael kept winning the contest/cook off=code-harassment=based on movie "Chef":
[Chef (2014) ];
Movie made in 2014 to communicate what white male system doing to harass African American or what white males telling relative of person to do to harass African American[Vanessa like in TV cook off]=suppose to be that "james" and "Kandy"[who worked at jail for authorities and whose back white male doctors intentionally messed up-and who they really were trying to kill if they could get away with it being that she is a witness to confirm the harassment/intimidation of BILLy[the white male authority neighbor] suppose to get back together like the couple in the movie-if they help white males to attack/abuse the African American [like girl Vanessa in the tv cook off];
The movie is also verification of the tracking system used by white males=they made movie about "FOOD"-which lack of proper food is what caused hospital/medical issue;[food stamps, etc.]-which is why the movie "Chef" was made to communicate what they were doing;[also confirmation of the fact that they[white males use movies to exploit African American[s];
8. Exploitation is book about the exploitation of images of African American[s] in early movies; in which the author of "Blaxploitation Films" [https://www.google.com/search?q=blaxploitation+films+book&hl=en&gbv=2&nfpr=&spell=1&oq=&gs_l= ]stated, "Blaxploitation is a fusion of two different words-"BLACK" and "Exploitation"; blaxploitation films are by definition, black exploitation films. But the problem comes when it is asked "Who is being "EXPLOITED";[note:i The answer is that African American[s] who are rich based on Black Wall Street before white males destroyed Black Wall Street;which would include all of the AFrican American[s] singers who all of a sudden are not doing the African American/black thang but are all of a sudden on white male tv show[s] which are negative,etc. or that include people like Al Sharpton and Oprah Winfrey who chose to be slaves instead of denouncing the white male system[s] of abuse; who is being exploited?:
Sharpton praises response to fatal SC pol-ce shooting
[Posted On 15 Apr 2015;By : WS Chronicle];[http://www.wschronicle.com/2015/04/sharpton-praises-response-fatal-sc-police-shooting/][female in picture looks like a relative[s] friend[threat?];The people who are being exploited are the AFrican American people who are responding to thier AFrican American relatives being killed; everytime one of them show up to protest abuse-they are unknowingly agreeing to give white males their economic/ and social heritage as well as their citizenship-which is how Al Sharpton is being used and paid and he knows that is what white males are doing, even through they[African American[s] are seeking justice and are not aware of their citizenship and heritage being taken away; all they[African American[s]] know is that something begins to change-what they could do-all of a sudden they can't do-or they have to fight to have/get anything done;it is like one radio talk show host stated today between 12:00pm and 5:00pm," if the people[AFrican American] really knew what was being done to them-they would be rioting instead of marching";
Notee: and people like Marc Morial[guest columinist of the WS chronicle[ who position as CEo of the National urban League helps to expoit African American[s]- which is what a lot of Fergurson,Mo.the killing of the black male in S. C.-to instill fear in AFrican American[s]; Sharpton and the authority that killed the black male both on the same side;
Notee: L. Rowell[relative had two boxes of dishes in back seat of car[like when Vern Switz-er had two boxes in back of his car]; she said she was not washing the dishes, was not atkaing to other relatives hous, or her own house or goodwill=2 boxes =like 2 packages of paper bags she kept on floor of car whenever she came to pick me up=TWO=twins; and if =L. Rowell takes way to long to cook meal[s];
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