560f-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1.Today is a TWO day; and road the WSTA city bus to CRB library-ROBBIN [black female prostitute was the driver];Greater Cleveland Avenue Church has ALL hispanics doing yard work=means less work for African American males=only yard work and doing sidewalks are two official jobs that African American males can do in African American neighborhood and recently [Jefferson lawn care]forced to co-habitat with white female even though married and abuse black customers to stay in business]; Kalvin F. [whose church was forced to be renamed "LOVE" fellowship in order for him to cut grass and recently the grass was cut like a five year old cut the grass as form of punishment for not being one of the African American protsitutes for white males; and he is training his son-Cj to do the same thing-i had to go out and use sizzors to cut grass by hand so that it did not look so bad];
[note: researach computer taking twice as long to load as other computers?];
2. Went to doctor who Amanda Wright selected[J. Long] where S. "VALENTINE" is intentionally kept from being in my presence in which going through healing books came across the statement in "introduction",page 8, Doctrine & Covenants section 42:43, which states, "And whoever among you are sick, and have not faith to be healed, bu t believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness with herbs and mild food, and that not by the hand of an enemy"[ of which Lila R. has been told that is Kandy and other relatives are and Lila R. is the one who is doing the cooking-which means that if Kandy could get better-it will not be taking place with Lila R. doing the cooking and Lila R. was a cook at church were BANKS is the pastor; but they stopped her from cooking for the homeless-personally think that she was doing something to the food based upon my reactions after eating her cooking-which try and find a way around Lila R. cooking but Kandy says everybody should eat together];with the point being that based on statement [related to sayings in th bible]a person should not have to recieve food or healing from an enenmy[and that is exactly what African Americans has to suffer-because white male[s] who do not like African Americans who have done nothing to the white male[s] are in control of the food/medicine that are in or brought to the AFrican American neighborhood;
Which J. Long stated [after informed them of the stress of having no water/electricty[which interfers with maintaining good health]], "Well why don't you let the city/couty social workers come to your house to help you?" O f which I asked, "why can't they help me without coming to my house?" ; then the statement, "Then why not go to "GREEN" street and get some help there?"; which stated because became aware of "Green" street about a couple of years ago[blogged about green street] and that it is no coincidence that AFrican American[s] need "MONEY" which is "GREEN" are sent to "GREEN" street; of which J.Long replied,"Yea, all of the people your color are sent to "GREEN" street; then J. Long snickered and said that they were just kidding; but J. Long was not kidding, J. Long knows and has been a member of the white male system for a long time-that is why S. VALENTINE is their assistant-to constantly remind J. Long to stay in line with orders given; of which Amanda Wright enjoys doing her part-setting African American[s] up for white male abuse;
3. On the front cover of the Winston-Salem Journal [upper right corner] is a picture of

From left) Patrol Officer Jared Barnes, WSPD, is presented the Rufus Dalton Award by Chief B.D. Rountree during the Forsyth County Peace Officers Memorial Service, hosted by the Forsyth County Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation, at the Triad.Baptist Church, Thursday, May 14, 2015. [http://www.journalnow.com/gallery/news/forsyth-county-peace-officers-memorial- service/collection_6ac0394e-fa71-11e4-8aca-5f98d5393266.html]
All around the country there have been protests and riots; but not in the city of Winston-Salem, NC and the reason is in the picture [as they say a picture is worth a thousand words] and the black female and black male authority looking on; know the reason which is stated in the words under the picture:
Code-Peace in the city[with white male[s]] as long as the black[illusiary chief] keeps the blacks in the "BARNES"[code name for blacks in barnes like during slavery]; it is the first time have ever seen the term "PEACE" officer[which is coincidental being that close relative have sign with[Peace] in yard; while other cities in the United States are marching, protesting, etc. the chief authority in Winston-Salem, NC is and has been since the beginning of the riots- handing out honors and metal to white male[s] authority; establishing to white male[s] that he is fully aware of his "job"=attack and block black[s] access to process to address grievance who are innocent or have a verifable complaint against white male authority and cover for white male[s] that get caught doing as those across the country have been caught recently; specificially keep the blacks in the "BARN";
Under the caption of story headline in the upper "RIGHT" [like right thing to do]corner, "Service honors area officers hurt or killed in the line of duty"; there is the headline, "DUKE pleads guilty to causing illegal pollution", associated press"-which is code that white male[s] admit to doing something to blacks; which is good, but bad because African American[s]/blacks will never see the benefit; there will never be anyone knocking on their door, saying we are paying you for the abuse caused to you by white male[s] and specifically because of people like the one in the "WHITE" shirt who is there to protect and serve the white, not the AFrican American/black-who is not subserviant to white male[s];
Of which NEW store "Mast" general is being/has opened beside the URBAN LEAGUE[where the person who is suppose to make it public concerning the abuses of white male[s] to local African American[s] is instead paid to do the opposite--block the knowledge of the abuse of white male[s] to blacks] to which the new store establishes the mindset of the head person in the Urban League-because weather they come to work from the front or back the <From left) Patrol Officer Jared Barnes, WSPD, is presented the Rufus Dalton Award by Chief B.D. Rountree during the Forsyth County Peace Officers Memorial Service, hosted by the Forsyth County Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation, at the Triad.Baptist Church, Thursday, May 14, 2015."MAST" general store has entrances on both streets-the front-"TRADE" street; the back 5th street:

FILE PHOTO: The main entrance for the Mast General Store will be on Trade St. in downtown Winston-Salem, NC. The two upper floors will be residential, with the store occupying 15-16,000 sq. feet on the main and basement floors. (David Rolfe/Journal)
"WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — Mast General Store Inc. has set May for the opening of its store in downtown Winston-Salem, according to the Winston-Salem Journal."
"WE are busy working on the interior now,” said Sheri MOREtz[hispanic name-way of putting hispanics over African American[s], community relations manager for Mast General Store.
"Mast General Store plans to use as much of the building’s original flooring as possible. The original wood floors are stamped “Biltmore Lumber Co. Pisgah National Forest.”[Biltmore-code for Baltimore; and how many companies put in a story about what is happening with their "Flooring"-just a way to communicate about AFrican American[s]];Everybody knows what happen in Baltimore-of which lot will say but that happen after "Mast" general store announce their plans-exactly-"PLANS"-since white male[s] run the system; they know what should and shouldn't be taking place in a certain time frame; it is like if a person breed animals; it is not hard to know which animal is attracted to another animal or what that particular animial will do indivually or with a group;
As stated earlier with the chief authority officer [black] awarding white male authority while the entire country is in uproar about race and African American[s] being abuse by white male authority[?]=it is not coincidental; along with it not being coincidental about the articles on the front page where the chief authority officer awarding white male authority, such as "City getting feed back on BUS route Changes"- by WEsley YOUNG; which the bus issue have been a big thing in the news-especially after the BALTIMORE riots-reason-process to reroute buses out of African American neighborhoods to make it more difficult for the African American[s] as well as way to route buses-all of which will have to do with some form of robbery of African American[s] who ride the WSTA mostly because of a system of oppression operated by black male and female prostitues for white male[s]; nor the article about the "County BUDGET" unveiled=code of how to attack AFrican American[s]=

[Picture of Sheriff's car in "BUDGET"plan going one way and crime scene in upper right corner going in "OPPOSITE" directions, which is uder "ENVIRONMENTAL" Management[2.6million dollars for blacks who refuse to accept being robbed]which is right beside PUBLIC safety [66.2million dollars for white people's protection] and confirmation is the "COMMUNITY" and "ECONOMIC" develepoment [for black neighborhoods][white people go to BANKS and build their neighborhoods-blacks who are not subservient to WHITES denied access to MONEY from BANKS]
4. Baltimore "RIOTS" are part of system designed by white male[s] to rob African American[s] who are not subservient to white male[s] and replace with stores and business that are operated by the black prostitutes[male and female controlled by white male[s]]; it is not a coincidence that Marilyn [name of Pastor Rip Wilkins [who they just killed], wife] Mosby [baltimore city state's attorney]; the new appointment of Loretta Lynch:
"Loret"ta Lynch, U.S. attorney for N.Y., nominated to be attorney general"
And the third one is Stephanie Rawlings-Blake-Baltimore, Mayor; kind of coincidental and I bet you all three of them have rings on the left finger to identify as married=but not to a husband- but to a "JOHN";
5. Lasty but not least being that have/am asking L. Parrish of the Salvation ARmy for help with accessing necessities including a JOB= issue is on the front cover of the WS Chronicle, "Rezoning issue moves residents, "Salvation Army gets Council vote delay" by Chanel Davis; May, 7, 2015
In fact the entire front page of the Winston-Salem chronicle-yet no personal help to assist with water/lights/income of which the entire community of Cleveland Ave is presently complaining that tired of homeless people-why not create/give them "JOBS"?
1.Today is a TWO day; and road the WSTA city bus to CRB library-ROBBIN [black female prostitute was the driver];Greater Cleveland Avenue Church has ALL hispanics doing yard work=means less work for African American males=only yard work and doing sidewalks are two official jobs that African American males can do in African American neighborhood and recently [Jefferson lawn care]forced to co-habitat with white female even though married and abuse black customers to stay in business]; Kalvin F. [whose church was forced to be renamed "LOVE" fellowship in order for him to cut grass and recently the grass was cut like a five year old cut the grass as form of punishment for not being one of the African American protsitutes for white males; and he is training his son-Cj to do the same thing-i had to go out and use sizzors to cut grass by hand so that it did not look so bad];
[note: researach computer taking twice as long to load as other computers?];
2. Went to doctor who Amanda Wright selected[J. Long] where S. "VALENTINE" is intentionally kept from being in my presence in which going through healing books came across the statement in "introduction",page 8, Doctrine & Covenants section 42:43, which states, "And whoever among you are sick, and have not faith to be healed, bu t believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness with herbs and mild food, and that not by the hand of an enemy"[ of which Lila R. has been told that is Kandy and other relatives are and Lila R. is the one who is doing the cooking-which means that if Kandy could get better-it will not be taking place with Lila R. doing the cooking and Lila R. was a cook at church were BANKS is the pastor; but they stopped her from cooking for the homeless-personally think that she was doing something to the food based upon my reactions after eating her cooking-which try and find a way around Lila R. cooking but Kandy says everybody should eat together];with the point being that based on statement [related to sayings in th bible]a person should not have to recieve food or healing from an enenmy[and that is exactly what African Americans has to suffer-because white male[s] who do not like African Americans who have done nothing to the white male[s] are in control of the food/medicine that are in or brought to the AFrican American neighborhood;
Which J. Long stated [after informed them of the stress of having no water/electricty[which interfers with maintaining good health]], "Well why don't you let the city/couty social workers come to your house to help you?" O f which I asked, "why can't they help me without coming to my house?" ; then the statement, "Then why not go to "GREEN" street and get some help there?"; which stated because became aware of "Green" street about a couple of years ago[blogged about green street] and that it is no coincidence that AFrican American[s] need "MONEY" which is "GREEN" are sent to "GREEN" street; of which J.Long replied,"Yea, all of the people your color are sent to "GREEN" street; then J. Long snickered and said that they were just kidding; but J. Long was not kidding, J. Long knows and has been a member of the white male system for a long time-that is why S. VALENTINE is their assistant-to constantly remind J. Long to stay in line with orders given; of which Amanda Wright enjoys doing her part-setting African American[s] up for white male abuse;
3. On the front cover of the Winston-Salem Journal [upper right corner] is a picture of

"2015 Forsyth County Peace Officers Memorial Service"
From left) Patrol Officer Jared Barnes, WSPD, is presented the Rufus Dalton Award by Chief B.D. Rountree during the Forsyth County Peace Officers Memorial Service, hosted by the Forsyth County Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation, at the Triad.Baptist Church, Thursday, May 14, 2015. [http://www.journalnow.com/gallery/news/forsyth-county-peace-officers-memorial- service/collection_6ac0394e-fa71-11e4-8aca-5f98d5393266.html]
All around the country there have been protests and riots; but not in the city of Winston-Salem, NC and the reason is in the picture [as they say a picture is worth a thousand words] and the black female and black male authority looking on; know the reason which is stated in the words under the picture:
Code-Peace in the city[with white male[s]] as long as the black[illusiary chief] keeps the blacks in the "BARNES"[code name for blacks in barnes like during slavery]; it is the first time have ever seen the term "PEACE" officer[which is coincidental being that close relative have sign with[Peace] in yard; while other cities in the United States are marching, protesting, etc. the chief authority in Winston-Salem, NC is and has been since the beginning of the riots- handing out honors and metal to white male[s] authority; establishing to white male[s] that he is fully aware of his "job"=attack and block black[s] access to process to address grievance who are innocent or have a verifable complaint against white male authority and cover for white male[s] that get caught doing as those across the country have been caught recently; specificially keep the blacks in the "BARN";
Under the caption of story headline in the upper "RIGHT" [like right thing to do]corner, "Service honors area officers hurt or killed in the line of duty"; there is the headline, "DUKE pleads guilty to causing illegal pollution", associated press"-which is code that white male[s] admit to doing something to blacks; which is good, but bad because African American[s]/blacks will never see the benefit; there will never be anyone knocking on their door, saying we are paying you for the abuse caused to you by white male[s] and specifically because of people like the one in the "WHITE" shirt who is there to protect and serve the white, not the AFrican American/black-who is not subserviant to white male[s];
Of which NEW store "Mast" general is being/has opened beside the URBAN LEAGUE[where the person who is suppose to make it public concerning the abuses of white male[s] to local African American[s] is instead paid to do the opposite--block the knowledge of the abuse of white male[s] to blacks] to which the new store establishes the mindset of the head person in the Urban League-because weather they come to work from the front or back the <From left) Patrol Officer Jared Barnes, WSPD, is presented the Rufus Dalton Award by Chief B.D. Rountree during the Forsyth County Peace Officers Memorial Service, hosted by the Forsyth County Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation, at the Triad.Baptist Church, Thursday, May 14, 2015."MAST" general store has entrances on both streets-the front-"TRADE" street; the back 5th street:

FILE PHOTO: The main entrance for the Mast General Store will be on Trade St. in downtown Winston-Salem, NC. The two upper floors will be residential, with the store occupying 15-16,000 sq. feet on the main and basement floors. (David Rolfe/Journal)
"WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — Mast General Store Inc. has set May for the opening of its store in downtown Winston-Salem, according to the Winston-Salem Journal."
"WE are busy working on the interior now,” said Sheri MOREtz[hispanic name-way of putting hispanics over African American[s], community relations manager for Mast General Store.
"Mast General Store plans to use as much of the building’s original flooring as possible. The original wood floors are stamped “Biltmore Lumber Co. Pisgah National Forest.”[Biltmore-code for Baltimore; and how many companies put in a story about what is happening with their "Flooring"-just a way to communicate about AFrican American[s]];Everybody knows what happen in Baltimore-of which lot will say but that happen after "Mast" general store announce their plans-exactly-"PLANS"-since white male[s] run the system; they know what should and shouldn't be taking place in a certain time frame; it is like if a person breed animals; it is not hard to know which animal is attracted to another animal or what that particular animial will do indivually or with a group;
As stated earlier with the chief authority officer [black] awarding white male authority while the entire country is in uproar about race and African American[s] being abuse by white male authority[?]=it is not coincidental; along with it not being coincidental about the articles on the front page where the chief authority officer awarding white male authority, such as "City getting feed back on BUS route Changes"- by WEsley YOUNG; which the bus issue have been a big thing in the news-especially after the BALTIMORE riots-reason-process to reroute buses out of African American neighborhoods to make it more difficult for the African American[s] as well as way to route buses-all of which will have to do with some form of robbery of African American[s] who ride the WSTA mostly because of a system of oppression operated by black male and female prostitues for white male[s]; nor the article about the "County BUDGET" unveiled=code of how to attack AFrican American[s]=
"Proposed budget includes tax increase, enhanced services"

[Picture of Sheriff's car in "BUDGET"plan going one way and crime scene in upper right corner going in "OPPOSITE" directions, which is uder "ENVIRONMENTAL" Management[2.6million dollars for blacks who refuse to accept being robbed]which is right beside PUBLIC safety [66.2million dollars for white people's protection] and confirmation is the "COMMUNITY" and "ECONOMIC" develepoment [for black neighborhoods][white people go to BANKS and build their neighborhoods-blacks who are not subservient to WHITES denied access to MONEY from BANKS]
4. Baltimore "RIOTS" are part of system designed by white male[s] to rob African American[s] who are not subservient to white male[s] and replace with stores and business that are operated by the black prostitutes[male and female controlled by white male[s]]; it is not a coincidence that Marilyn [name of Pastor Rip Wilkins [who they just killed], wife] Mosby [baltimore city state's attorney]; the new appointment of Loretta Lynch:
"Loret"ta Lynch, U.S. attorney for N.Y., nominated to be attorney general"
And the third one is Stephanie Rawlings-Blake-Baltimore, Mayor; kind of coincidental and I bet you all three of them have rings on the left finger to identify as married=but not to a husband- but to a "JOHN";
5. Lasty but not least being that have/am asking L. Parrish of the Salvation ARmy for help with accessing necessities including a JOB= issue is on the front cover of the WS Chronicle, "Rezoning issue moves residents, "Salvation Army gets Council vote delay" by Chanel Davis; May, 7, 2015
In fact the entire front page of the Winston-Salem chronicle-yet no personal help to assist with water/lights/income of which the entire community of Cleveland Ave is presently complaining that tired of homeless people-why not create/give them "JOBS"?
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