560g-e Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB library
1. Went ot the DSS where asked for increase in food stamps[because of health/nutritional needs]-was told by clerk behind-customer care desk-will not happen-only if there is change in MONEY-which can't get lower than NO MONEY;After leaving the DSS on Highland Avenue where did not go throught the BLACK roped off area-but went around; there was an authority vehichle-#1183 parked on corner of Highland and MLk-in which third time of going to DSS and walking to Salvation Army on Cleveland Ave.; After I crossed Highland and walked to light and then crossed back over on Highland-white male in authority vehicle #1183 -immediatel sped up making a right turn onto MLK off of Highland Avenue;
2. Went to the Salvation Army/cleveland Ave.-where met Lisa Parrish for the first time in person[white middle aged female] who informed me after looking at my tennis shoes that I can go "shopping" at the Salvation Army's clothing store and that she could give me a voucher; which then asked Lisa parrish if she went shopping at the Salvation clothing store-of which she said, "Yes"; then told Lisa Parrish that even if that is the case, in reality she has a choice; and I would like to have a choice vs. being forced to shop at the Salvation clothing sstore-which is ususally clothes that other people have worn, which really is not healthy because of the hispanics bringing new type diseases to the United States; there was no response from Lisa Parrish;
Also asked Lisa parrish for copy of letter to Tina Adkins at Crisis Control of which was informed that Tina
Adkins had not gotten a letter; that Lisa parrish had called Tina Adkins and Tina Adkins said that she did not need a letter; explained to Lisa parrish; that understand; but that Tina Adkins told me that she needed a letter and understand that both had conversation[s]; but that I could only do what was communicated to me and that was that Tina Adkins stated that she needed aletter in order to help me with my water and lights of which that is what I need to do-take Tina Adkins a letter[which can be the exact letter that was given to Kim Brim at the financial dept. of the medical facicily]; Of which Lisa Parrish referred to previous conversation and asked if wanted to get "COUNSELING" and I asked why would I want "COUNSELING" the same people/organization that kept food from me; trying to keep water and electricity from me that lead to me having a health condition?-There was no response from Lisa Parrish; thus continued and asked being that have asked since 2010 for the Salvation Army to advocate for me to access the resources in the community as well as be allowed to work without confinement would appreciate the Salvation Army's response as to a yes or no; especially since the issue of JOBS has come up in the local Cleveland/Winston-Salem, NC African Ameircan neighborhoods;
Television[Dish Tv]-white male discussing techniques that are used to fight overseas-one which is to use COLOR and WORDS as codes-which confirms posts on blogs that Gwyndolyn Gwyn and son who pulled weapon on me use their cars/color of cars as codes to commuicate to bastards that are in houses around me in which Gwyndolym Gwyns other son works for authority [BROTHERHood] somewhere;[note-hood=like when clans put white hoods over head];
Televsion station [May, 2015][dish TV][documented] stated that those in authority are a Brotherhood= which includes those in their family being forced to be members whether they want to be or not; as well as weak females and males who don't have relatives in organization] and based on the picture of the thousands of authority in New York who are part of the brother hood[which is representative of a fraction of the brotherhood]-which is also a manner in which to send messages to those who are being forced to be a part of the brotherhood[off the payroll] to not think about leaving the brotherhood; in which the brother hood[controlled by white males] decide the fate of those who work orin the brotherhood-which is why Kandy's back was intentionally messed up to force Kandy to be in position to need help from only family member not working[one threaten by WS authority who are members of the secret club at Sam's Club that threaten confine if the family member earned money/income from an honest living]in order to force the family member to yield to joining the brotherhood-being that Kandy is one of the ones responsible for relative who went to A&T STATE University[of which Kandy is an alumnus] where relative is technically being held as hostiage by/through the brotherhood-which stems from Carver High school where authority had access to relative to intimidate[which would be PICKET[charged with sexaul misconduct at a high school]];
Confirmation that the effect of being in the brotherhood is the equivalent of being in a gang or as the brotherhoods overseas that knocked down TWIN TOWERS/World. TRADE Center is the recent release of a prision:
"As you can imagine, after spending several hundred days on hunger strike, and many months in solitary confinement, Mohamed's health is dire," said Hanaa.
The Salvation Army has an international Social Justice COMMISSIION and a "Social JUSTICE" page:
Yet the Winston-Salem, NC Salvation Army can't help with "WATER AND ELECTRICITY" for African American[s] and before having to go to the hospital ICU[Isee you] dept. [in 2/2015] the Salvation
Army said that didnot qualify for food-of which rochelle taylor and Robin[both African American female prostitutes working for white males in secret] laughed;
5. The article in the Crolina peacemaker newspapers sums up concern over the letter given by J. Long's doctors office that the person was "ASKING for a reference vs. the DOCTOR giving a reference to NC medical Access[?]-which was told to ask for a referral from doctor after speaking and explaining to the Novant Health business dept.what was required based on medical examination in which from the doctors at Forsyth Hospital/Novant Health to the follow up doctor/Novant Health to the female who processed request for financial assistance-all stated that as result of health diagnosis that would be able to access dental and eye care; yet not one offered to volunteer the need to apply to NC medical care access program[?] as if reserved for ONLY certain people; and think that is why clerk supervisor at J. Long's doctor office gave letter stating that the person had asked for a referral vs. a letter stating that the doctor was giving a referral=different treatment; when asked the clerk about the difference-she acted dumb founded;
1. Went ot the DSS where asked for increase in food stamps[because of health/nutritional needs]-was told by clerk behind-customer care desk-will not happen-only if there is change in MONEY-which can't get lower than NO MONEY;After leaving the DSS on Highland Avenue where did not go throught the BLACK roped off area-but went around; there was an authority vehichle-#1183 parked on corner of Highland and MLk-in which third time of going to DSS and walking to Salvation Army on Cleveland Ave.; After I crossed Highland and walked to light and then crossed back over on Highland-white male in authority vehicle #1183 -immediatel sped up making a right turn onto MLK off of Highland Avenue;
2. Went to the Salvation Army/cleveland Ave.-where met Lisa Parrish for the first time in person[white middle aged female] who informed me after looking at my tennis shoes that I can go "shopping" at the Salvation Army's clothing store and that she could give me a voucher; which then asked Lisa parrish if she went shopping at the Salvation clothing store-of which she said, "Yes"; then told Lisa Parrish that even if that is the case, in reality she has a choice; and I would like to have a choice vs. being forced to shop at the Salvation clothing sstore-which is ususally clothes that other people have worn, which really is not healthy because of the hispanics bringing new type diseases to the United States; there was no response from Lisa Parrish;
Also asked Lisa parrish for copy of letter to Tina Adkins at Crisis Control of which was informed that Tina
Adkins had not gotten a letter; that Lisa parrish had called Tina Adkins and Tina Adkins said that she did not need a letter; explained to Lisa parrish; that understand; but that Tina Adkins told me that she needed a letter and understand that both had conversation[s]; but that I could only do what was communicated to me and that was that Tina Adkins stated that she needed aletter in order to help me with my water and lights of which that is what I need to do-take Tina Adkins a letter[which can be the exact letter that was given to Kim Brim at the financial dept. of the medical facicily]; Of which Lisa Parrish referred to previous conversation and asked if wanted to get "COUNSELING" and I asked why would I want "COUNSELING" the same people/organization that kept food from me; trying to keep water and electricity from me that lead to me having a health condition?-There was no response from Lisa Parrish; thus continued and asked being that have asked since 2010 for the Salvation Army to advocate for me to access the resources in the community as well as be allowed to work without confinement would appreciate the Salvation Army's response as to a yes or no; especially since the issue of JOBS has come up in the local Cleveland/Winston-Salem, NC African Ameircan neighborhoods;
Television[Dish Tv]-white male discussing techniques that are used to fight overseas-one which is to use COLOR and WORDS as codes-which confirms posts on blogs that Gwyndolyn Gwyn and son who pulled weapon on me use their cars/color of cars as codes to commuicate to bastards that are in houses around me in which Gwyndolym Gwyns other son works for authority [BROTHERHood] somewhere;[note-hood=like when clans put white hoods over head];
Televsion station [May, 2015][dish TV][documented] stated that those in authority are a Brotherhood= which includes those in their family being forced to be members whether they want to be or not; as well as weak females and males who don't have relatives in organization] and based on the picture of the thousands of authority in New York who are part of the brother hood[which is representative of a fraction of the brotherhood]-which is also a manner in which to send messages to those who are being forced to be a part of the brotherhood[off the payroll] to not think about leaving the brotherhood; in which the brother hood[controlled by white males] decide the fate of those who work orin the brotherhood-which is why Kandy's back was intentionally messed up to force Kandy to be in position to need help from only family member not working[one threaten by WS authority who are members of the secret club at Sam's Club that threaten confine if the family member earned money/income from an honest living]in order to force the family member to yield to joining the brotherhood-being that Kandy is one of the ones responsible for relative who went to A&T STATE University[of which Kandy is an alumnus] where relative is technically being held as hostiage by/through the brotherhood-which stems from Carver High school where authority had access to relative to intimidate[which would be PICKET[charged with sexaul misconduct at a high school]];
Confirmation that the effect of being in the brotherhood is the equivalent of being in a gang or as the brotherhoods overseas that knocked down TWIN TOWERS/World. TRADE Center is the recent release of a prision:
"US citizen released from Egyptian prison"
"Mo-ham-ed [Sol~tan] was among thousands detained after Muslim Brotherhood president Mo-ham-ed [Mor~si] was toppled in 2013"
"The family has run a campaign to free the 27-year-old, who had been on hunger strike in detention and has appeared emaciated in photographs. U.S. officials had called for an end to his detention, CITING CONCERNS ABOUT HIS HEALTH". [NOTE: but was told today that issues concerning health and nurtrition are not a concern to the Winston-Salem DSS located in NC];
Summarof televison program that did segment: on musl-im Brother hood was that the male resecured and his family were very greatful to the United States and looked forward to form relationship based on thanks[from observation-relationship of brotherhood[?];
[Note:based on article-Egyptian maled rescured based on HEALTH needs yet African American[s] living in the United States in Winston-Salem, NC health needs ignored or are not an issue][African American[s] wake up-based on conversation with driver who stated [AFrican American female] after retiring applied for SSI and was told that the 20 plus years that she had work were not applied and do not apply to her money in retirement; that white male[s] had changed the laws; and she said the same thing had happen to one of her relatives who is also got money based on last job of working part-time
Letter given to Ann Paul at Winston-Salem DSS, in North Crolina:
To: Ann Paul Dept. of DSS; WS NC
Re: Food Stamps
This is a request for an incease in food stamps due to specific NUTRIONAL and HEALTH needs related to health diagnois which reqires three meals a day plus three snacks[all of which are to be healthy, which is difficult based on the cost of food connected with food stamps given;
Thus this is a request for a hearing if necessary for an increse in food stams(which a hearing would be very stressful which doctors orders are to say away from stress).
Thank you
letter signed;
Also a copy of article about the Egyptian rescured due to "HEALTH" issues;
3. 6/3/15-at the Nelson Malloy East winston library-African american male security guard-older-there were TWO sent of of way to approach;
4. As verification that the salvation army is at "WAR" is the name of their inhouse magazine; "WAR Cry" magazine http://www.thewarcry.org/ ]in which the letter from the editor read:
"The CONNECTION between the body, mental health and spititual wellbeing is well established. Although each are not dependent upon theother for optimal helath and performance, there is interplay" and beside the editors comments are the Salvation Army's mission statement:
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal CHRISTIAN church. Its message is based on the bible; Itsmission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ[which is based on rightousnness] Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to MEET HUMAN NEEDS in his name whithout discriminiation[which the Salvation Army in the city of Winston-salem, NC is discriminating against African Americans in terms of helping them be delivered from systems that try to bind African American[s] financially which is why Major James Allison who has a finance ministry does not help African American[s] find/locate honest work to help African American[s] to establish their financial foundation to become stable financially[his prior records[whereever he has had an office preceeds him-African American neighborhoods went down economically];
And verification of the CONNECTION to Winston-Salem,,NC is the NEW NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD CHARIMAN-Mr. William J. BURKE [P35] with an emphasis on the real issue in Winston-salem, NC which is based on the ad "American BEDDING" = which is based on prostitution for white males[s] associated with "BURKE"
To: Ann Paul Dept. of DSS; WS NC
Re: Food Stamps
This is a request for an incease in food stamps due to specific NUTRIONAL and HEALTH needs related to health diagnois which reqires three meals a day plus three snacks[all of which are to be healthy, which is difficult based on the cost of food connected with food stamps given;
Thus this is a request for a hearing if necessary for an increse in food stams(which a hearing would be very stressful which doctors orders are to say away from stress).
Thank you
letter signed;
Also a copy of article about the Egyptian rescured due to "HEALTH" issues;
3. 6/3/15-at the Nelson Malloy East winston library-African american male security guard-older-there were TWO sent of of way to approach;
4. As verification that the salvation army is at "WAR" is the name of their inhouse magazine; "WAR Cry" magazine http://www.thewarcry.org/ ]in which the letter from the editor read:
"The CONNECTION between the body, mental health and spititual wellbeing is well established. Although each are not dependent upon theother for optimal helath and performance, there is interplay" and beside the editors comments are the Salvation Army's mission statement:
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal CHRISTIAN church. Its message is based on the bible; Itsmission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ[which is based on rightousnness] Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to MEET HUMAN NEEDS in his name whithout discriminiation[which the Salvation Army in the city of Winston-salem, NC is discriminating against African Americans in terms of helping them be delivered from systems that try to bind African American[s] financially which is why Major James Allison who has a finance ministry does not help African American[s] find/locate honest work to help African American[s] to establish their financial foundation to become stable financially[his prior records[whereever he has had an office preceeds him-African American neighborhoods went down economically];
And verification of the CONNECTION to Winston-Salem,,NC is the NEW NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD CHARIMAN-Mr. William J. BURKE [P35] with an emphasis on the real issue in Winston-salem, NC which is based on the ad "American BEDDING" = which is based on prostitution for white males[s] associated with "BURKE"
The Salvation Army has an international Social Justice COMMISSIION and a "Social JUSTICE" page:
Yet the Winston-Salem, NC Salvation Army can't help with "WATER AND ELECTRICITY" for African American[s] and before having to go to the hospital ICU[Isee you] dept. [in 2/2015] the Salvation
Army said that didnot qualify for food-of which rochelle taylor and Robin[both African American female prostitutes working for white males in secret] laughed;
5. The article in the Crolina peacemaker newspapers sums up concern over the letter given by J. Long's doctors office that the person was "ASKING for a reference vs. the DOCTOR giving a reference to NC medical Access[?]-which was told to ask for a referral from doctor after speaking and explaining to the Novant Health business dept.what was required based on medical examination in which from the doctors at Forsyth Hospital/Novant Health to the follow up doctor/Novant Health to the female who processed request for financial assistance-all stated that as result of health diagnosis that would be able to access dental and eye care; yet not one offered to volunteer the need to apply to NC medical care access program[?] as if reserved for ONLY certain people; and think that is why clerk supervisor at J. Long's doctor office gave letter stating that the person had asked for a referral vs. a letter stating that the doctor was giving a referral=different treatment; when asked the clerk about the difference-she acted dumb founded;
Parents upset over diploma endorsements
Yasmine Regester | 5/28/2015, 8:54 p.m. ;[http://peacemakeronline.com/news/2015/may/28/parents-upset-over-diploma-endorsements/];
In the article the parents are upset becuase the dimploma their children in different catagories that could eliminate them from opportunities; which is what the letter for J. Long's doctor office does concerning access to proper health care;
[Note:presently based upon observation=concern from the bastards of attacking based on being aware of those operating participating in robbery of blockage of rights that have based on research are to have a MORBID; GRUSOME; GRISLEY AND GHASTLY results due to extreme stress created from not accessing resouces in a NORMAL manner]
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