560g-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-sSalem, NC,CRB library
1. Caught ride to CRB library, BILLy PLUCK mailman rode pass me at bus stop; when got to CRB library, BILLy PLUCK was in United States mail truck parked in the back of the Mazie Woodruff/CRB library parking lot[?]-got out of car that caught ride to CRB library;
1a. ERB library is giving seed away for people to have "GARDENS"; while if African American[s] puchase themselves to start garden themselves which will be attacked and airplanes flying over when they are in the garden versus the government[CRB library] supplying the seeds which is the equivalent of the government controlling development of food growth;
2.Carl [the communist] the security guard at CRB library immediately gave negative attention[even before I came into the library; he walked out-saw me-turned and went back in the CRb library-the way the usually do; thus went through the other door;[ONLT ZACK[white male on desk/working in CRBlibrary[?];
3. May 12, 2015; Tuesday Winston-Salem Journal; article, "Some water; sewer rates to go up in October"-"Increases needed to finance capital projects, officials say" by Megahann Evans;
"Posted: Monday, May 11, 2015 3:22 pm; Winston-Salem Journal;
May 7,2015, The WS Chronicle; article "Rezoning issue moves residents" SALVATION ARMY gets Council vote delay; by Chanel Davis:1. Caught ride to CRB library, BILLy PLUCK mailman rode pass me at bus stop; when got to CRB library, BILLy PLUCK was in United States mail truck parked in the back of the Mazie Woodruff/CRB library parking lot[?]-got out of car that caught ride to CRB library;
1a. ERB library is giving seed away for people to have "GARDENS"; while if African American[s] puchase themselves to start garden themselves which will be attacked and airplanes flying over when they are in the garden versus the government[CRB library] supplying the seeds which is the equivalent of the government controlling development of food growth;
2.Carl [the communist] the security guard at CRB library immediately gave negative attention[even before I came into the library; he walked out-saw me-turned and went back in the CRb library-the way the usually do; thus went through the other door;[ONLT ZACK[white male on desk/working in CRBlibrary[?];
3. May 12, 2015; Tuesday Winston-Salem Journal; article, "Some water; sewer rates to go up in October"-"Increases needed to finance capital projects, officials say" by Megahann Evans;
"Some water, sewer rates to go up"
"Posted: Monday, May 11, 2015 3:22 pm; Winston-Salem Journal;
"Utilities customers will see higher bills this fall. The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Utility Commission unanimously approved rate increases on Monday that will go into effect Oct. 1;
[Note1: reason for the INCREASE in "WATER" BILLS is to provide a path to reach white male[s] robbing AFrican American[s]; white people covered with access to local water;remember the black man who had a water bill in the thousands of dollars and the city and the landlord both stated it was not their problem-till the issue was put in the newspaper[s]; then the black man got help with his water issue-in which he represented the path to rob African American[s] through jacked up "WATER BILLS" which was not possible since the isse became public; now that the public[s] attention is turned to so many other things-now is the time to use the path of "WATER BILLS" again-legally INCREASE the WATER BILLS-which will not interfere with white people acessing water; however for the average African American it will be next to impossible to get and keep water because of being blocked from "JOBS" which is why 'Major James Allison' who has a FINANCE Ministry was put in
For example:
"Utilities customers will see higher bills this fall. The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Utility Commission unanimously approved rate increases on Monday that will go into effect Oct. 1;
[Note1: reason for the INCREASE in "WATER" BILLS is to provide a path to reach white male[s] robbing AFrican American[s]; white people covered with access to local water;remember the black man who had a water bill in the thousands of dollars and the city and the landlord both stated it was not their problem-till the issue was put in the newspaper[s]; then the black man got help with his water issue-in which he represented the path to rob African American[s] through jacked up "WATER BILLS" which was not possible since the isse became public; now that the public[s] attention is turned to so many other things-now is the time to use the path of "WATER BILLS" again-legally INCREASE the WATER BILLS-which will not interfere with white people acessing water; however for the average African American it will be next to impossible to get and keep water because of being blocked from "JOBS" which is why 'Major James Allison' who has a FINANCE Ministry was put in
For example:
Rezoning issue moves residents Salvation Army gets Council vote delay
Posted On 06 May 2015;By : Chanel Davis;[http://www.wschronicle.com/2015/05/rezoning-issue-moves-residents-salvation-army-gets-council-vote-delay/];
Above: Photo by Erin Mizelle for the Winston-Salem Chronicle- The City Council meeting on Monday, May 4, in downtown Winston-Salem draws a large crowd of the community with a vested interest in the placement of the homeless shelter.)[Note2: 70% of the people in the picture are of African American heritage; yet the Winston-Salem Journal coverage of the issue displayed a foreigner[new to the area versus the black residents that have stayed there most of their lives]:
May 11, 2015; Winston-Salem Journal; artilce; Proposed homeless shelter "TAking a STAND"-"Project generates neighborhood resistence"[note:-cannot get the article to come up on internet[?] where the feature person that is lifted up in the article is of a"foreign" "FEMALE"[prostitute in secret for white males in the African American neighborhood]Shraddaha Modi-the OWNWE of the MLK pharmacy in the EASTway Plaza Shopping Center:

"A proposed rezoning request at the corner of TENTH Street and Cleveland Avenue would allow a homeless shelter to be put in near the emergency assistance office of the Salvation Army"[note: 4-TEN is a MONEY number-there is another black church at the opposite end on the other corner of TENTH Street-whose pastor is serving white male[s]-Why is that church not speaking up=the pastor has already been bought and paid for;[https://tl-ph.facebook.com/winstonsalemjournal/posts/10155475902205562]
[note4: the church above is the original home of "GREATER CLEVELAND AVE. CHURCH who was suppose to be the church to stand up for the African American[s] in the neighborhood and request "JOBS" and request that white male[s] be blocked from robbing African American[s]-but the BISHOP Sheldon McCarter[who got a huge LOAN[money] to build the massive big church on Lansing Drive] sold the African American[s] out-and in return-somebody in his family got paid; which left the AFrican American[s] in the Cleveland area easy prey to the white male[s] systematic abuse and robbery of AFrican American[s];
"Maj. James Allison, commander of the local Salvation Army, said the property is being sold to the organization by Greater Cleveland Christian Church"[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/proposed-homeless-shelter-for-families-sparks-resistance-in-east-winston/article_fea18e6a-f760-11e4-97d7-97fa7b6aa424.html][Note5:-Of which have begged Maj. James Allison to help with tilities/water/lights/food and to help address the issue of the threat of confinement for earning income in an honest manner by local members of authority in the secret Sam's club-which Major James Allison strongly stated,"Monique Freeney" [in charge of prisoners on probation from prison] is your "CONTACT"; also begged "Sheldon McCarter" as pastor[which joined the church] to help address the issue of some of the local members of the secret Sam's club threats of confinement if income was earned in an honest way-which Sheldon McCarter's response was a $25.00 gift card-which I think I paid back while there -but Sheldon McCarter basically helped the abusers versus the one[s] who were being abused];
Note 7: It is no surprise that Major James Allison/Bishop Sheldon McCarter are business partners which confirms that Major James Allison[ who has a FINANCE ministry is working for white male authority in secret to block African American[s] from progressing and prospering FINANCIALLY]especially since hispanics cut the grass at Greater Cleveland Ave. Church and being that the original Cleveland Ave. church has hispanics in it-with Sheldon McCarter still owning the church, which is message to white male authority that Greater Cleveland Avenue church is in full compliance with robbing the financial and social progress from African American[s] in which the desires of the African American neighborhood will be ignored versus white male authority goals:
“There were an overwhelming number of ‘no’ votes from the community,” Reid said. “I don’t understand why you have the majority of the community saying no and it’s still a debate.”
"Shraddha Modi, the owner of MLK Pharmacy in the Eastway Plaza Shopping Center near the intersection of New Walkertown Road and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and about two blocks from the proposed shelter, said she doesn’t think the shelter would be good for the neighborhood."
“I’ve been in this neighborhood for nine years, and it’s getting better,” Modi said. “The neighborhood is finally starting to come together, so to me it’s not a good idea.”
Note8: Modi states that the neighborhood is finally starting to come together-but if 99./99% of the AFrican American[s] were polled they would ask, how?, where? and when? because they don't have income or any j"JOBS"-Modi has a business in an African American neighborhood where white male authority who are members of the secret Sam's club on Stratford Road,WS, NC threaten if not arrest AFrican American[s] if they do not do something illegal to make their money-which by the way insures that white male authority who are members of the secret SAM's club on Stratford Road,WS, NC have JOBS-the more illegal activity done-the more arrests generated and the MORE white males in authority have JOBS;
In reference to Modi[the foreign female prostitute working in secret for white male authority in the AFrican American neighborhood]-on route 1[WSTA] black male driver would not let the AFrican American passengers out of the front door; they went to the front door and he would not open the front door-made them go out the back door-to give a mindset of being less than-and having to go out the back door[filed a complaint because when it was time to go out the front door the black male driver would not open the door, I nicely stated, that based on PREVIOUS discussing[posted on blog] that I have a right to go out the front door and told him to open the door-his response was, nothing at first till he saw I was not going to go out the back door-then it was, "Mam, I am not going to argue with you"-which led to whenever I got off of bus-and did not get off at the back door-a tan car[older model][license tag- ] with a WHITE male was sitting on corner who got out and crossed the street to where hispanics just moved at 3720 Carver School Road- which is where Modi[NEW BUSINESS]-comes in- to TAKE LEAD [which is why the Winston-Salem Journal showcased a foreigner[new to area] versus an African American[s] that are attacked and who are/have been suffering from white male[s] abusive systems for DECADES]to increase the number of foreigners/hispanics[who follow white male[s] instructions to attack/harass African American[s] at bus stop[s], etc.;
If one thinks that issue of goreign-born is not an issue-check the May 7, 2015 issue of the WS Chronicle[Vol.41, Number 34] where directly under the Headline article, "Rezoning issue moves residents"/Salvation Army gets Council vote delay; by Chanel Davis is the article, IMMIGRANTS IN FORYSTH COUNTY by todd "LUCK" which is code to those operating the white male[s] system[s] that they already have immigrants in place who are taking root[means white males killed off some of the Blacks who wouldn't cooperate and have placed them with hispanics]-article, "Taking Root: CCommunity "Gardens" grow across the city" by Chanel Davis;
[note10: Which Winston-salem Journal in May, 2015[Sunday issue[?]had a full page[s] ad dedicated to Doctors/nurses/pharmacies=code that medical will be used to block/stop/abuse African American[s]];
"Russell Smith, a board member of Simon G. Atkins Community Development Center and a certified city planner, said a homeless shelter should be near such services as the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Social Services and job services."[ATKINS is the last name of Tina ATKINS at the Crisis Control Ministry where[article was done on the Crisis Control ministry recently and where went to get help with water and utilities and it was stated-You do not have an "JOB" and the Crisis control ministry does not help people who do not have "MONEY"[foodstamps do not count]=all in group to block African American[s] who should do like "STOSSEL" said and commit "CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE" and tell bastard groups that they[African American's] will not take it anymore;
"Allison said the reaction to the Salvation Army’s proposal was somewhat unexpected.
“The community has an opportunity to better themselves through their plan. I don’t think that this homeless shelter will take that plan off track, but neither do I know that to be fact,” he said. “They have deep feelings about their needs. (This reaction) maybe wasn’t expected to that level, but they have the opportunity to express themselves and they did. I’m not upset with them, and I hope they aren’t upset with me or with Salvation Army.”[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/proposed-homeless-shelter-for-families-sparks-resistance-in-east-winston/article_fea18e6a-f760-11e4-97d7-97fa7b6aa424.html];[ Note 8: The Major Allison was not expecting a negative response to their building a homeless shelter in area because he is paying attention to secret codes given to him by some of the members of the white male authority in the secret Sam's club on Stratford Road, WS, NC];
"While both the Housing Authority of Winston-Salem and The Salvation Army will have to wait to hear City Council’s decision on the rezoning of 939 Cleveland Ave., all three parties heard the voices of those who live in the Cleveland Avenue community as they filled council chamber Tuesday night to capacity."
"Shalik Marion, a resident of the Cleveland Avenue area, said that although she wasn’t aware of the proposal, she doesn’t support it.
“It’s not a great idea (to bring a shelter here),” she said. “Some of us (are) already in poverty over here ourselves."[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/proposed-homeless-shelter-for-families-sparks-resistance-in-east-winston/article_fea18e6a-f760-11e4-97d7-97fa7b6aa424.html];[note 12: and that is the reason why Major James Allison/Salvation Army moved to the area to ensure that the poverty stays for African American[s] and the wealth of African American[s] is blocked]; noted that some of the people who had been trying to help me after the health crisis stated that "they did not understand why the Salvation Army[largest Social Agency in the city of WS,NC] was not trying to help me find a job/income?];
"While both the Housing Authority of Winston-Salem and The Salvation Army will have to wait to hear City Council’s decision on the rezoning of 939 Cleveland Ave., all three parties heard the voices of those who live in the Cleveland Avenue community as they filled council chamber Tuesday night to capacity."
[Note aa: Big white heman female pharmacist at Crisis Control harasses African American[s] who come to get their medicine];
4. Watched the movie, "Selma" with Oprah Winfrey[the prostitute in secret] in it and again she played the same type roll[code] where she hit a white male authority and again she was put in jail; the movie should not have won an award-it was not that good; however it was coded greated in which a lot of the codes are being put into operation now-especially with the name DAVID "CLARK":
Clark who is an African American by color is being put out front by white male[s] authority to in response to counter act white male[s] authority[s] being seen in the media as typically abusive to AFrican American[s]; message-how can that be if there is a black male authority who stands in defense of white male[s] authority to say that white male[s] being abusive to African American[s] is not true= One WORD=BROTHERHOOD-which [based on the scenes in New York City where one of the members had been knocked down and they showed up in the thousands]extends to their family members-so when looking at the pictures of the "BROTHERHOOD" one is not looking at just the thousands; they may be looking at hundreds of thousands-which is scary because most of the family members included have the mindset of "belonging to the "BROTHERHOOD" and unlike the trained members, the family members like Gwyndolyn Gwyn son who pulled the weapon on me-think they can do anything illegal and the "BROTHERHOOD" will cover and protect them which means a lot of people-minding their own business are being intimidated/abused/threaten and have no where to go because the 'BROTHERHOOD" is blocking their having access to "justice" through the normal channels";
"Every US High School to Get Free DVD of Selma"
Paramount Home Media Distribution will give a free copy of the Martin Luther King Jr. biopic to every high school in the country.
5. New posting on the CRB library page-code of next phase="FRANK'= code of Ann Frank Diary-during the days of "Hitler"=lot of killing:
"Dorothea Benton Frank Author Visit"
[Posted on 5/1/2015 by Reynolda Manor Library][note jj: notice the date=MAY 1st=code= like giving permission];Do "FRANK"
Code for: The Diary of ANNE FRANK:
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