560 gm13 Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-salem, nc, CRB library
1A.Road the WSTA to CRB library=white female wsta bus driver-=never seen before=tOOOOOOOOOO nice?;[note: white female is symbolic of robbing African American neighborhood of growth and wealth=anytime do anything that overcomes white male abuse robbery of African American[s]-to try and stop-white male[s] send white [people ] to keep it/advancement/growth on white side];
1B. CRB has NEW computers/cmputer program-but they keep the research/#67,10,13 with "PC unavailable" signs on them-which if person turned computers on; they work[?];
2. V. Switzer called-worked for about an hour; went to location where the Salvation Army was located on Stratford Road before they[SA] moved to Cleveland Avenue and tried to put up a homeless shelter;the assignment was for/with Piedmont "FEDERAL" Savings "BANK"[201 South Stratford Road, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27103] where white male driving a [black]ViceVERSA Van drove up-went in the Piedmont FEDERAL savings "Bank"; after stand was set up; and after about twenty people came out; then the white male in the Vice VERSA van came out and tried to complete a circle around stand; but went the other way when I walked out of the circle; then after about fifteen minutes, then v. Switzer went into the Piedmont "FEDERAL" Savings "BANK" and came back out with what looked like a "deposit" slip in his hand; then had me to help him unload a big black bag[which he usually does himself] and then asked me to go to Fire Subs to get a philly steak sandwich to share; after I got each half of the sandwhich in two seperate bags-V. Switzer seemed quite concern-long story short-the black bag was suppose to represent the guy who wears royal blue and the sharing of the sandwhich was suppose to be V. Switzer taking the guy[who wears royal blue and wants to date me] place in life; and the entire episode was suppose to be V. Switzer making a deal with white males at "FEDERAL Savings "BANK" to steal the wealth and relationship that belongs in my life as an African American not subservent to white males-which is exactly what V. Switzer did to C. W. and other African American males in the city of Winston-Salem, NC.-set them up for white male[s];
Also next day V. Switzer called-worked for about three hours-where V. Swizter had to go under a "PEAR"[code for "pair"] tree and plant "celery"[code for see or cell see] "seeds"in dirt that had been in old green house, for know it had to be about 8 to 9 months[being that the grass/weeds had grown up]-could tell he had not been in the green house for a long time-because white male[s] threat=time for him to die-because of "rightousness]-being that his is a crook-means that he has to move out of way of a relationship [just like God told Louise and she would not move-so God moved her-took off the face of the earth before her time] and V. Switzer does not want to move; after he had me to plant the celery "seeds"; then had me to pull the grass out from around a row of "collards"[code for "money"-like at NEW YEAR when people have green-code for "MONEY" for the rest of the year]-which was suppose to be my releasing his finances from being taken/blocked/stopped by white males; and regardless of what V. Switzer does in the spirit realm- "not cooperating with V. Switzer taking/robbing/stealing/killing anything that the Devine God has given to me"
And based upon the work done for an hour at the Piedmont "FEDERAL" Savings "BANK"-some of the white male[s] that are forcing AFrican American[s] to yield to cultural intimidation through intimidation/robbery/killing/stealing, etc. are located at/in/though/by/for the Piedmont, FEDERAL, Savings BANK=which really should be easy to find=am not interested in the "TRADE/exchange" system=a virus=constantly altering appearance to make healthy cells think that it[the virus] is normal in order that the healthy cells will accept the virus=healthy=not alterations=a natural flow=anything else=white males abuse/robbery,etc.;
The CEO at Piedmont FEDERAL Savings BANK is :
President and CEO "RIC" Wagner offers congratulations to the participants in PFSB Southpark Office 2010 Artizens competition.[https://www.piedmontfederal.com/links/community-involvement-2010Jun.php][Note: white males are now in the process of establishing "RIC" [relative name] in position at "ROLAND" Hills[where the African American population is forced to under the constant oppression/attack by white male[s] system[s]-which is where "JUDGE" Roland Haye[s] made his money off of AFrican American[s] by helping white male[s] to attack/rob AFrican American[s] of the heritage/wealth through the court system[s]-like in FERGURSON, Mo.]
3. The front, Business and Sports page of the Winston-Salem Journal are all codes to local white male[s] system[s] ["SOLDIERS"of the process/precedure to follow: Coach-Robinson-Gail. Robinson[relative]; BARnum's-code for BAR;overpower; TWIN 50s/bowMAN-lead article-"Drivers[code-secret group members]"ADJUST" to NEW "RULES";etc.:
Code that white male[s] getting ready to start attacking African American[s] in the church[soldier of the lord]=using attacks on health-cutting off limbs="Hanger, member of the Churchville Cavalry, of the 14th" about a "soldier was "recently " put on the webpage of the WSFC Public library;
4.The following are pictures on phone [for last couple of days have not been able to get "network" to make calls] just having time to put in email:
back of ann switzer car-TWO boxes in back-code for twins
this is picture of WHITES/blacks from Forsyth Tech walking on Carver Road-code=only blacks who walk with whites allowed to walk on Carver Road without harassment;[1/13/15; 11:52am
[Code-threat from city]
Picture of the front cover of City BEAT magazine-placed by the door of the CRB library-as threat;
[junk on porch at shirley]
This is picture of "junk" on shirely's porch that was there when ritchie brooks dept. broke through gate to take pictures of "car";[haven't seen any notices on shirley's door?;[Wednesday, July 22, 2015 9:38 PM];

[treat vaness hard]
Picture of a scene in the movie "Sea Buscuit"-which is code to white male[s] that they rob from "CHARLIE";
[White male authority-code 4 l. Rowel]
One of the few times was able to take picture of white male[s] authority that usually showed up when l. rowel took out to eat;

[Royal blue covering put in front of bin]
[Taken 6/21/15][Sent to email-Wednesday, July 22, 2015 9:43 PM]
After i moved the brown bin from off the street-chris hayes put the covering to a portable royal blue chair where the brown bin had been;
[Code-hard for vaness]
[taken2/4/15][sent to email-Wednesday, July 22, 2015 9:53 PM]
Scene in movie "Sea Buscuit" where code-to white male[s] system[s] in WS,NC to force or to punish Vaness to be gay[why the San Francisco-where a lot of open gay people live];
[Code- vaness]
[taken- 2/4/15; 5:27pm][sent to email-Wednesday, July 22, 2015 9:54 PM]
The Vaness avenue is code that Vaness is suppose to on "gay" avenue-one of the reason[s] why so much about "gays";
6. Just like the car in the picture is evidence:
"Family hopeful remains found in NC lake are missing man"
so is the car that the city of Winston-Salem, NC is trying to call "junk" ; the difference is that African American[s] are not allowed have issues addressed in the white male[s] courts-thus everything is put in the classification of "junk" to make it easier for white male[s] to hide/cover up the abuse, robbery, theft, killings of African American[s];
7. Article in the WS Chronicle about the Confederate statue in Winston-Salem, NC downtown where the old WSTA bus station use to be-and as V. Switzer said it is still as if the confederates were controlling and V. Switzer stated-if you don't believe me that blacks still at the black of the bus-go to TEXAS-in reference to black female who was killed while in white male[s] custody:
"The County sold the courthouse in 2014 and now it’s been remade into 50 West Fourth with 58 apartments that start $975 a month."-where the white male[s] apartment[s] suppose to be that are connected with controlling AFrican American[s]-based on "Mast" General store;
[ http://www.journalnow.com/news/state_region/family-hopeful-remains-found-in-nc-lake-are-missing-man/article_466c28e8-52dc-58bd-8c2c-ba8f82cca120.html]
[NOTE: To all concern-EVERYDAY you go home to your family, friends, associates-you go to work everyday,you do not have to WAIT for anyone-don't expect me to WAIT for you bastards to TAKE in the guise of "giving"-word to the wise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;
1A.Road the WSTA to CRB library=white female wsta bus driver-=never seen before=tOOOOOOOOOO nice?;[note: white female is symbolic of robbing African American neighborhood of growth and wealth=anytime do anything that overcomes white male abuse robbery of African American[s]-to try and stop-white male[s] send white [people ] to keep it/advancement/growth on white side];
1B. CRB has NEW computers/cmputer program-but they keep the research/#67,10,13 with "PC unavailable" signs on them-which if person turned computers on; they work[?];
2. V. Switzer called-worked for about an hour; went to location where the Salvation Army was located on Stratford Road before they[SA] moved to Cleveland Avenue and tried to put up a homeless shelter;the assignment was for/with Piedmont "FEDERAL" Savings "BANK"[201 South Stratford Road, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27103] where white male driving a [black]ViceVERSA Van drove up-went in the Piedmont FEDERAL savings "Bank"; after stand was set up; and after about twenty people came out; then the white male in the Vice VERSA van came out and tried to complete a circle around stand; but went the other way when I walked out of the circle; then after about fifteen minutes, then v. Switzer went into the Piedmont "FEDERAL" Savings "BANK" and came back out with what looked like a "deposit" slip in his hand; then had me to help him unload a big black bag[which he usually does himself] and then asked me to go to Fire Subs to get a philly steak sandwich to share; after I got each half of the sandwhich in two seperate bags-V. Switzer seemed quite concern-long story short-the black bag was suppose to represent the guy who wears royal blue and the sharing of the sandwhich was suppose to be V. Switzer taking the guy[who wears royal blue and wants to date me] place in life; and the entire episode was suppose to be V. Switzer making a deal with white males at "FEDERAL Savings "BANK" to steal the wealth and relationship that belongs in my life as an African American not subservent to white males-which is exactly what V. Switzer did to C. W. and other African American males in the city of Winston-Salem, NC.-set them up for white male[s];
Also next day V. Switzer called-worked for about three hours-where V. Swizter had to go under a "PEAR"[code for "pair"] tree and plant "celery"[code for see or cell see] "seeds"in dirt that had been in old green house, for know it had to be about 8 to 9 months[being that the grass/weeds had grown up]-could tell he had not been in the green house for a long time-because white male[s] threat=time for him to die-because of "rightousness]-being that his is a crook-means that he has to move out of way of a relationship [just like God told Louise and she would not move-so God moved her-took off the face of the earth before her time] and V. Switzer does not want to move; after he had me to plant the celery "seeds"; then had me to pull the grass out from around a row of "collards"[code for "money"-like at NEW YEAR when people have green-code for "MONEY" for the rest of the year]-which was suppose to be my releasing his finances from being taken/blocked/stopped by white males; and regardless of what V. Switzer does in the spirit realm- "not cooperating with V. Switzer taking/robbing/stealing/killing anything that the Devine God has given to me"
And based upon the work done for an hour at the Piedmont "FEDERAL" Savings "BANK"-some of the white male[s] that are forcing AFrican American[s] to yield to cultural intimidation through intimidation/robbery/killing/stealing, etc. are located at/in/though/by/for the Piedmont, FEDERAL, Savings BANK=which really should be easy to find=am not interested in the "TRADE/exchange" system=a virus=constantly altering appearance to make healthy cells think that it[the virus] is normal in order that the healthy cells will accept the virus=healthy=not alterations=a natural flow=anything else=white males abuse/robbery,etc.;
The CEO at Piedmont FEDERAL Savings BANK is :
President and CEO "RIC" Wagner offers congratulations to the participants in PFSB Southpark Office 2010 Artizens competition.[https://www.piedmontfederal.com/links/community-involvement-2010Jun.php][Note: white males are now in the process of establishing "RIC" [relative name] in position at "ROLAND" Hills[where the African American population is forced to under the constant oppression/attack by white male[s] system[s]-which is where "JUDGE" Roland Haye[s] made his money off of AFrican American[s] by helping white male[s] to attack/rob AFrican American[s] of the heritage/wealth through the court system[s]-like in FERGURSON, Mo.]
3. The front, Business and Sports page of the Winston-Salem Journal are all codes to local white male[s] system[s] ["SOLDIERS"of the process/precedure to follow: Coach-Robinson-Gail. Robinson[relative]; BARnum's-code for BAR;overpower; TWIN 50s/bowMAN-lead article-"Drivers[code-secret group members]"ADJUST" to NEW "RULES";etc.:
Code that white male[s] getting ready to start attacking African American[s] in the church[soldier of the lord]=using attacks on health-cutting off limbs="Hanger, member of the Churchville Cavalry, of the 14th" about a "soldier was "recently " put on the webpage of the WSFC Public library;
4.The following are pictures on phone [for last couple of days have not been able to get "network" to make calls] just having time to put in email:
back of ann switzer car-TWO boxes in back-code for twins
[ Wednesday, July 22, 2015 10:03 PM];taken 6/18/14;7:30pm];
[Code-threat from city]
Picture of the front cover of City BEAT magazine-placed by the door of the CRB library-as threat;
[junk on porch at shirley]
This is picture of "junk" on shirely's porch that was there when ritchie brooks dept. broke through gate to take pictures of "car";[haven't seen any notices on shirley's door?;[Wednesday, July 22, 2015 9:38 PM];

[treat vaness hard]
Picture of a scene in the movie "Sea Buscuit"-which is code to white male[s] that they rob from "CHARLIE";
[TWO paperbags-code for TWINs placed in the floor of l. Rowel's car everytime road in car]
One of the few times was able to take picture of white male[s] authority that usually showed up when l. rowel took out to eat;

[Royal blue covering put in front of bin]
[Taken 6/21/15][Sent to email-Wednesday, July 22, 2015 9:43 PM]
After i moved the brown bin from off the street-chris hayes put the covering to a portable royal blue chair where the brown bin had been;
[Code-hard for vaness]
[Code- vaness]
6. Just like the car in the picture is evidence:
"Family hopeful remains found in NC lake are missing man"
so is the car that the city of Winston-Salem, NC is trying to call "junk" ; the difference is that African American[s] are not allowed have issues addressed in the white male[s] courts-thus everything is put in the classification of "junk" to make it easier for white male[s] to hide/cover up the abuse, robbery, theft, killings of African American[s];
7. Article in the WS Chronicle about the Confederate statue in Winston-Salem, NC downtown where the old WSTA bus station use to be-and as V. Switzer said it is still as if the confederates were controlling and V. Switzer stated-if you don't believe me that blacks still at the black of the bus-go to TEXAS-in reference to black female who was killed while in white male[s] custody:
Who owns this statue?
In above photo: The Confederate statue stands beside the former Forsyth County courthouse, which is now an apartment complex. (Photo by Todd Luck) [note: the picture above that is online is not the same picture that is on the front page of the hard copy of the WS Chronicle-code to white male[s];
"Deputy County Manager Damon Sanders-Pratt said as far as he can tell, James B. Gordon Chapter, who erected the statue more than a century ago, still owns it."[note: DAMON[code for satan-and witchcraft] also who tried to intimidate out of the CRB library with Sylvia Hamlin];
[ http://www.journalnow.com/news/state_region/family-hopeful-remains-found-in-nc-lake-are-missing-man/article_466c28e8-52dc-58bd-8c2c-ba8f82cca120.html]
[NOTE: To all concern-EVERYDAY you go home to your family, friends, associates-you go to work everyday,you do not have to WAIT for anyone-don't expect me to WAIT for you bastards to TAKE in the guise of "giving"-word to the wise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;
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