560-llu-0m Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. Road to the CRB library on the WSTA city "ALLEN TATE real estate bus";white male on ladder at the CRB library, ZACK-white male on desk; Shey[rebellion] inthe back office/Sharelene walking around; and MAYhand just came from children[s] dept.
2. PICTURES taken, 12/2015:
a. Posted on 12/12/15:
Saturday, December 12, 2015
"560-llu-0L Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library" [http://socialnowst.blogspot.com/2015/12/560-llu-0l-michael-brown-fergurson-mo.html];
that "No muslim in the pictures as usual":
African American ministers have been using the musl-ms/and their force for a long time to deflect the intimidation of white male authority;most AFrican American Christian[s] are not and usually do not associate with musl-ms and have yet to detect the system:
No musl-ms in picture [early 1960's]
NO musl-ms in picture[early 1960's];
[however there are TWO white males in the upper right hand corner];
being that:
" African American ministers have been using the musl-ms/and their force for a long time to deflect the intimidation of white male authority;most AFrican American Christian[s] are not and usually do not associate with musl-ms and have yet to detect the system"
Mayors across the United States and African American ministers are responding in such an uproar,
and why the backlash from mayors and black male[s] prostitutes acting as ministers who made secret deals with white male[s] pimps to rob from African American[s]; of their "wealth/hertigate" based on Black Wallstreet; and everytime Trump or anybody else says run the musl-ms out of the United States, the mayors and black male who are secret black male prostitutes acting as ministers think-all African American/white male relationships and fronts, will be null and void, which will put white/black relationship back to that of “Klansville”;After watching DVD “Klansville”found out that North Carolina use to be called “Klansville” because of the large number of “Klan” members that resided in North Carolina, which explains why the city of Winston-Salem city link, uses 311[3-11[s]][kkk] as the city link phone number-to ensure the local “klans” that the “klans” are in control of the city;
DVD "Klansville" USA
Of which DVD "Klansville" also confirm posts on blog about "Glen Beck" and his "Black Robe" group; right before "racial" issues were in the media;
Which, the article in Sunday’s, [12/13/5] Winston-Salem Journal newspaper headline on the front page, “Building trust one small group at a time” by scott SEXton[[of coarse][code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn and secret group][13 is code for 13thAdmentment/freedom for black people]] confirms system of “Klan” in control of city; which the article is also “INSTRUCTIONS” to the Gwyndolyn Gwyn“small groups” in Winston-Salem/thoughout NC/country:
"Scott Sexton: Trying to build trust one small group at a time"
[Posted: Saturday, December 12, 2015 11:45 pm;

4.Posted on blog on Saturday, December 12, 2015 , "560-llu-0L Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library";
"Pictures put on the WSFC public library website=code to local secret group[s]at the WSFC public library that "CHILDREN" will be the next code of communication":

Picture from the Carver Road branch library where Reynolds co.[where CINTAS works] GRANT DOLLARS is at work; to the right is a BIG elephant whose trunk looks like a BIG "dick";
Below is a picture of the BIG elephant whose trunk looks like a BIG "dick" to CONFIRM post:
CODE=Big SnowMAN is to communicate that Mayhand and group are in with having the "BIG" "dick"= why snow MAN is placed beside the door=like hurry up;
5. Article in the, Sunday, Winston-Salem Journal Newspaper. "SHIFT in UNITED WAY "PRIORITIES" by Wesley "YOUNG"/front page=CODE to local Paula/Gwyndolyn Gwyn secret groups;
The title of the article on the WS Journal website:
"Shift in United Way priorities reduces some agencies' funding"
Posted: Sunday, December 13, 2015 12:15 am;
Where as the hardcopy positioning of article=code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn and secret groups, especially to one of lead groups, which is located in the POLO road area[polo road is around the corner from Reynolda Road and Country "CLUB" road of which [phone bill recently stareted and keeps coming to my phone that Sham-ra and Rik suppose to be paying to help me out[?] of which they know I do not have any INCOME-V. Switzer has not called[instructions=[?];;
"This particular small-group discussion Thursday morning at the Polo Road Rec Center was part of a series of meetings around town billed as “Trust Talks” between citizens and police launched by the city’s human relations commission"
6. Hispanic sitting beside me at the CRB libary, there was a larger one sitting on the other side, he moved before could take picture:
1. Road to the CRB library on the WSTA city "ALLEN TATE real estate bus";white male on ladder at the CRB library, ZACK-white male on desk; Shey[rebellion] inthe back office/Sharelene walking around; and MAYhand just came from children[s] dept.
2. PICTURES taken, 12/2015:
a. Posted on 12/12/15:
Saturday, December 12, 2015
"560-llu-0L Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library" [http://socialnowst.blogspot.com/2015/12/560-llu-0l-michael-brown-fergurson-mo.html];
that "No muslim in the pictures as usual":
No musl-m in the pictures as usual;not
in the Winston-Salem Journal, nor in the Winston-SalemChronicle, all the
pictures are of just AFrican American Christian ministers:
Where are the musl-ms that
ususally stand with the African American ministers?such as in the picture below that standing behind MLK[?];
African American ministers have been using the musl-ms/and their force for a long time to deflect the intimidation of white male authority;most AFrican American Christian[s] are not and usually do not associate with musl-ms and have yet to detect the system:
NO musl-ms in picture[early 1960's];
[however there are TWO white males in the upper right hand corner];
being that:
" African American ministers have been using the musl-ms/and their force for a long time to deflect the intimidation of white male authority;most AFrican American Christian[s] are not and usually do not associate with musl-ms and have yet to detect the system"
Mayors across the United States and African American ministers are responding in such an uproar,
and why the backlash from mayors and black male[s] prostitutes acting as ministers who made secret deals with white male[s] pimps to rob from African American[s]; of their "wealth/hertigate" based on Black Wallstreet; and everytime Trump or anybody else says run the musl-ms out of the United States, the mayors and black male who are secret black male prostitutes acting as ministers think-all African American/white male relationships and fronts, will be null and void, which will put white/black relationship back to that of “Klansville”;After watching DVD “Klansville”found out that North Carolina use to be called “Klansville” because of the large number of “Klan” members that resided in North Carolina, which explains why the city of Winston-Salem city link, uses 311[3-11[s]][kkk] as the city link phone number-to ensure the local “klans” that the “klans” are in control of the city;
BOB Jones the gran dragon wizard;[note: white male that the Salvation Army hired to handle all "reporting" to the "media" a week after Tashina [new AFRICAN prostitute in secret employee]said S. A. would do article on social agencies abuses];
The Black Robe Regiment
674&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi__aL3mNzJAhWMOCYKHSYYCZkQ7AkINQ];Which, the article in Sunday’s, [12/13/5] Winston-Salem Journal newspaper headline on the front page, “Building trust one small group at a time” by scott SEXton[[of coarse][code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn and secret group][13 is code for 13thAdmentment/freedom for black people]] confirms system of “Klan” in control of city; which the article is also “INSTRUCTIONS” to the Gwyndolyn Gwyn“small groups” in Winston-Salem/thoughout NC/country:
"Scott Sexton: Trying to build trust one small group at a time"
[Posted: Saturday, December 12, 2015 11:45 pm;

4.Posted on blog on Saturday, December 12, 2015 , "560-llu-0L Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library";
"Pictures put on the WSFC public library website=code to local secret group[s]at the WSFC public library that "CHILDREN" will be the next code of communication":

Picture from the Carver Road branch library where Reynolds co.[where CINTAS works] GRANT DOLLARS is at work; to the right is a BIG elephant whose trunk looks like a BIG "dick";
Below is a picture of the BIG elephant whose trunk looks like a BIG "dick" to CONFIRM post:
[note:Everytime Mayhand goes to or from the kindergarden/children[s] office, she is being mentally condition to cooperate with white male[s][specifically from Bab"cock" reynolds F.] to get access to a "john's" "dick"-like CINTAS;[correction-Elephant is under the giraffe/not to the right of giraffe];
CODE=Big SnowMAN is to communicate that Mayhand and group are in with having the "BIG" "dick"= why snow MAN is placed beside the door=like hurry up;
Royal BLUE childrens rug=color CODE;
5. Article in the, Sunday, Winston-Salem Journal Newspaper. "SHIFT in UNITED WAY "PRIORITIES" by Wesley "YOUNG"/front page=CODE to local Paula/Gwyndolyn Gwyn secret groups;
Notice in the picture it is NOT:
"Shift in United Way priorities reduces some agencies' funding"
But the title in the article in the hard copy of the WS Journal is:
The title of the article on the WS Journal website:
"Shift in United Way priorities reduces some agencies' funding"
Posted: Sunday, December 13, 2015 12:15 am;
Where as the hardcopy positioning of article=code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn and secret groups, especially to one of lead groups, which is located in the POLO road area[polo road is around the corner from Reynolda Road and Country "CLUB" road of which [phone bill recently stareted and keeps coming to my phone that Sham-ra and Rik suppose to be paying to help me out[?] of which they know I do not have any INCOME-V. Switzer has not called[instructions=[?];;
"This particular small-group discussion Thursday morning at the Polo Road Rec Center was part of a series of meetings around town billed as “Trust Talks” between citizens and police launched by the city’s human relations commission"
6. Hispanic sitting beside me at the CRB libary, there was a larger one sitting on the other side, he moved before could take picture:
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