560-llu-0p Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. Caught a ride to the CRB library; got a call from PP-Joyner who asked for face to face meeting anywhere I wanted[why would she not say in her office?]; told PP-Joyner would call her back; which did; but PP-Joyner's phone was on voicemail; so am waiting for PP-Joyner to call back;
2. The new star "WARS" movie, the "FORCE" Awakens has been released, oddly or coincidently about the same time that the Mayors thought "FORCE", not "thought committee", not committee on poverty; but the thought "FORCE" started;most ot the radio talk show host know that star "WARS" is code for white male[s] to release their force on innocent African American[s] not working in secret as prostitutes for white males;
1. Caught a ride to the CRB library; got a call from PP-Joyner who asked for face to face meeting anywhere I wanted[why would she not say in her office?]; told PP-Joyner would call her back; which did; but PP-Joyner's phone was on voicemail; so am waiting for PP-Joyner to call back;
2. The new star "WARS" movie, the "FORCE" Awakens has been released, oddly or coincidently about the same time that the Mayors thought "FORCE", not "thought committee", not committee on poverty; but the thought "FORCE" started;most ot the radio talk show host know that star "WARS" is code for white male[s] to release their force on innocent African American[s] not working in secret as prostitutes for white males;
Star Wars: The FORCE Awakens
3.Tried to send email to Marion.Davis@greensboro-nc.gov but email would not go; sent last email on 10/10/15


Close up of the subject/date emails sent
Part of theissue of why can't end email now is what heardon the 88fm radio station news, where in Cuba, the gove keeps one out of four people on the gov. controlled "INTRAnet, instead of the "INTERNET"; thus WSFC public library and those connected have been blocking blog from appearing on the "internet"; guess they decided to block email[s] also;
Thus am concerned for safety;
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