560-llu-0u Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
"Sometimes, when a photo or video opportunity presents itself, it can be gone by the time you've pulled your smartphone out to capture it. A small wearable camera and video recorder named SnapCam from iON is designed to help make sure you don't miss those moments.
The SnapCam is like a cross between the Narrative Clip 2 wearable lifelogging camera and the MeCam wearable video camera. Not only can the SnapCam capture images and video like both of those devices, but it captures video in HD quality and is also able to live stream video to the internet."
The first person asked was a white clerk at the camera counter at BEST buy, who said there were no snap cam's no where in store, so asked an African American female if she would check, which the white makle clerk did not want her to help; told the African American female worker-"That is alright, I am helping her"; and after persistance that wanted the African American female worker help, then did the white male clerk back off-in actuality he was trying to ensure that a "snap cam" did not leave the store in my possession; of which the AFrican American female clerk called to some of the other stores and fortunately a shipment was on the way; and "snap cam" was on the way; so went and ate lunch, when returned back to the BEST BUY store, white male in orange shirt:
Notice the white male in orange shirt with the bald head-like Billy PLUCK-he saw me taking the picture and is the white male that tried to intimidate into walking into BEST Buy store and walking behind him at BEST Buy store and Best Buy stated that they have camera[s] up at the store:
The white male in the orange shirt tried to timed his entrance to the store so that I walked in store with him so that both he and I were suppose to walk into the store at the same time; but that did not happen -I slowed down, so after getting the "snap cam" and when was heading tothe checkout counter-again same white male in orange shirt again timed his going up to the check out, so that was suppose to walk behind him; but that did not happen either; and after purchasing the "snap cam" when walking to the route 18 WSTA bus stop-white male in all black was walking behind me;which I walked across the street the street from the route 18 WSTA bus stop because the he was walking behind me on the WSTA city bus stop side and there was a female at the WSTA route 18 bus stop and the white male in all black would have had to cross the street[which would have made it obvious] to be near me;waited til he walked pass and took his picture:
White male in all black that was walking behind me till I crossed the street/end of line for WSTA route #18, which in right conditions could be made secluded/white male driver of route #18=unusual=usualluy an African American male/female bus driver;
2. On the way to Best Buy on route 18 WSTA city bus, white couple sat in front of me-two children were with them and she kept elbowing me on left leg; and the while male sitting in the chair kept taking his arm and hitting my leg; of which I asked him if I was in his way, he said NO!, but kept hitting my right leg with his elbow and then patting the white female on the behind and the white male kept his face so could not take a picture and got off at the McDonalds bus stop-so could not get picture of his face:
3. On the corner of 5th and CHERRY [was walking across the street], just happen to look down and on the corner are the "initials" of the AFrican American couple that white male[s] system tearing up the United States to stop the relationship-because the relationship represents victory over white male[s] systems of robbery and establishment of real African American heritage/wealth;
4. Corner of CHERRY and 5th street right beside and across from white males systems of MARRIAGE/WEDDING-show at the Benton Convention center/Marriott usually where producers stay and where "W" white friend is mentally slower than "w" but has a desk job-works in accounting;
symbolic grave
symbolic grave
Of which white male authority who lived beside cousin,finished [killing]African American female cousin who worked 15+ year[s] at the downtown jail;[white male[s] system made/left a slant unconnected in her house for decade[s] as form of intimidation and threat, and she acted just like it wasn't there;white male authority who lived beside cousin,finished [killing]African American female cousin who worked 15+ year[s] at the downtown jail[they had keys to her house] after posted on :
Monday, December 28, 2015
[http://socialnowst.blogspot.com/2015/12/560-llu-0t-michael-brown-fergurson-mo.html]"3. Also picture of authority car/black and white car parked under MAXWELL's Jewelry AFTER took picture of all black car driver by white male[short with royal blue t-shirt on/shsort cut hair with part in front kind of long /sandy blonde/brown hair]=code"[note: of which the picture of black car/and sheriff's car would not poston 12/28/15]:

White male got out of all black car; drove in front of me in an intimidating manner-like I was not allowed or suppose to be at shopping center[mostly because I left CINTAS house and came out of the house "FIRST";

License plate to the car parked beside the red truck
AS kept walking then another all black vehicle driven by a white male drove past me and parked at Lowes Foods; think he was in the car when took picture of his front tags;
After the threat/intimidation system[s] through the use of the TWO all black vehicles driven by white male[s] finished, when was walking back; there was a "sheriff's" car parked at MAX WELL
Jewery- code-instead of having to dealing with the white male[s] system of being attack because you serve your God instead of white male[s] trade-you can get your husband-African American male and protection from white male[s]-you can be the SHE[iff] and will be allowed to exercise too:
Did not get close enough to get car#-know it is probably a white male driving the "sheriff" car;
And earlier that day, CINTAS put something "red" on the cover that I had been sleeping in:
STATEMENT:-white male authority controlling African American female[s]/male[s] bed is the same as the "KKK" or white males during slavery controlling African American[s] bed;
Saw on television where there were 4 white male authority that had fixed an African American female[mothers] broken door on her car instead of giving her a ticket; the four white male authority stated that they often saw the African American mother taking her children to and fro; thus on the surface appeared to be a good thingl; but look deeper and the thruth is revealed-things are moving;
African American[s] that want to escape/revolt against the white male system are doing so; thus whiter male[s] can see that eventually AFrican American female[s] who have been blocked from their men will have their men knocking on their doors[true love never dies] and to intimidated the African american male once again-[because the African American female mother needs for their "CHILDREN"]white male[s] are creating a pathway to intimidate the African American male whenever the African American male comes around;=TIRED of the BS; pray AFrican American mother[s] develope a way to tell white male[s] pimps to get lost;
"NJ police officers repair single mother's car for Christmas"
[Dec. 28, 2015 - 4:49 - NJ police officers repair single mother's car for Christmas]
The AFrican American female and all her children now belong to white male[s] system; you can see it on her face and the white male authority sitting beside her-he is not in agreement;
[ https://www.google.com/search?q=show+picture+of+black+females+car+that+four+police+repaired&biw=1024&bih=726&tbm=isch&imgil=M27Nq6gh3EuLrM%253A%253Bbr6mMJE1hsDeeM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fvideo.foxnews.com%25252Fv%25252F4677493616001%25252Fnj-police-officers-repair-single-mothers-car-for-christmas%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=M27Nq6gh3EuLrM%253A%252Cbr6mMJE1hsDeeM%252C_&usg=__bg33HhZGe3U_C1SV-6G_AcMfxUY%3D&ved=0ahUKEwi35KXKq4LKAhVG6SYKHTGIC6wQyjcILw&ei=9iaDVreRKcbSmwGxkK7gCg#imgrc=M27Nq6gh3EuLrM%3A&usg=__bg33HhZGe3U_C1SV-6G_AcMfxUY%3D]
Single Mom Gets Amazing Pre-Christmas Surprise from Local Police
[note: computer would not allow to send emails to Greensboro Human relations dept. or post pictures on 12/28/15]
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