City of Winston-Salem, NC Department of Transportation
Below is copy of post on blog at Wordpress/Deeeeanna[where for some reason can't sign on regular?;And VERIFICATION of posting below being confirmation of message of system of message to kill for white males; is also the confirmation and verification of system of ROBBERY [because I kept asking why did Gwyndolyn Gwyn cut down a good tree in front of her house; it did not make any sense; But when the City of Winston-Salem Department of Transportation showed up to collect the trees[guess they were waiting till they knew for sure that I would have lights]now I know why Gwyndolyn Gwyn cut down the tree, because there had to be a REASON for the TWO city of Winston-Salem trucks to show upon the day my ELECTRICITY was turmed back on][]; part of the State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) Program
Powell Bill allocations are made to incorporated municipalities which establish their eligibility and qualify per North Carolina General Statute 136-41.1 through 136-41.4.
Annually, State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) allocations are made to incorporated municipalities which establish their eligibility and qualify as provided by G.S. 136-41.1 through 136-41.4. The general statutes require that a sum equal to ten and four-tenths percent (10.4%) of the net amount after refunds that was produced during the fiscal year by the tax imposed be disbursed to the qualifying municipalities. The statutes also provide that funds be disbursed to the qualified municipalities on or before October 1st and January 1st, thereby allowing sufficient time after the end of the fiscal year for verification of information and to determine the proper allocations and preparation of disbursements. Powell Bill funds shall be expended only for the purposes of maintaining, repairing, constructing, reconstructing or widening of any street or public thoroughfare within the municipal limits or for planning, construction, and maintenance of bikeways, greenways or sidewalks.
Which am publically making statement of public protest of system of ROBBERY designed by white males to ROB from African Americans who don't "DEFER" [be a slave] to white males;And am submitting that EVERYTHING stolen that would be the equivalent of good and excellent in white male society that belongs to person writing this to be returned immediateley; It is my money; my choice;
Thus the WHITE males put the pickup truck in front of the PURE service station on REYNOLDA Road
are connected to the same ones who created the "State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) Program" and

who are friends with Gwyndolyn Gwyn[s] male relative who parked same type truck on the opposite side of town[that they murdered my brother in][ Gwyndolyn Gwyn male relative is standing beside the truck to intimidate][notice the black and white theme of the vehicles];
Thus the same white males[using public funding as a front] that designed the "State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) Program" [] are also connected to the white males that own the "PURE" service station on Reynolda Road/and the Tire company accross the street who probably knows STEVE WHITEhart [who owns GOODyear tire company-with GOOD being sybolic of "Shey GOODwin's last name-code; And are also connected [employment] with Gwyndolyn Gwyns male relatives who intimidate for white males=THUS they may not pull the trigger but their finger prints are on the weapon?[meaning they are all part of the "GROUP"- BASTARDS;
City of Winston-Salem, NC Department of Transportation
Today is the day that DUKE Energy is suppose to cut m y lights back on; which should have been on by May 2,2014; but someone[white male] wanted them to be turned on on May 6,2014[represents demonic]; and I requested that they be turned back on on May 7, 2014;
As preparing for the day, heard loud engine outside; looked out the window and there were TWO BIG CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM TRUCKS whocoincidentally came the same day DUKE energy is to cut my lights on to pick up tree limbs that Gwyndolyn Gwyn had cut from her yard.

Can see the back of the second truck[wondered why the drivers parked that way; both City of Winston-Salem truck are parked exactly where TWO large red big tractor trailors parked when they moved "Penny" BOSTONS house down the street;

GODwin name on the top of the City of Winston-salem trucks; with GODwin being code name for City of WS, NC winning over stealing from AFrican American[s]; SHEY’s last name at Carver Road Branch Library is GoodWIN-with “win” being the KEY issue[Shey Goodwin was sent to Carver Road Branch library because of the code her name carries-War with African Americans not practicing "DEFERENCE"];

License # on one of the trucks-ends with letter “V”-which is the name of relative’s name associated with TWIN that was stolen; like CW[my daddy's initials] was on the license plates of just about every car in OHIO when we went to visit my daddy’s relative;

Truck number on the side of the first City of WS truck; there was no number on the door of the 2nd City of WS truck;

thought that it was interesting that the trucks had white flashing lights instead of yellow caution lights;

Picture is of the view [black][white is middle is front of 2nd truck]of the back of the TWO trucks;

After city workers saw me taking pictures they called their supervisor diving white city car/license # 43200 [ and man getting in grey car came from somewhere; they [all African American males] stood by the two trucks for ab out ten minutes having a pow-wow;
Then road WSTA bus to the Carver Road Branch Library-to make sure white males had everything covered[controlling activity in African American neighborhood]for 5/7/14[day DUKE ENERGY turned my electricity back on] white males had a white male driver of route 1;
After got off of route 1WSTA; there greeted me TWO gov. vehicles: one from WSTA[supervisor bus and city of Winston-Salem vehicle[couldn't get id#]; and upon walking up to the Carver Road Branch library/Mazzie Woodruff center there was greeted by TWO WHITE males driving a PENske truck-[association]

Not evident in the picture but the concept of “Go PEN”was evident on the writing on the Penske truck;

“Go PENske” was written all over the truck[subliminal message;shortly after two white males left; then the African American female prostitute working in secret for white males who said she is a mortician pulled up:

This is the grey van that the African American female prositute that works in secret for white males as a WSTA bus driver who is a mortician was driving before going into the Carver Road Branch Library[she pulled up shortly after the PEN [two WHITE males] pulled off;
Once went inside the Carver Road Branch Library; Melissa Williams, Shey Goodwin and Sherlene Edwards were all at the front desk-looking at me; the African American female prostitute that works in secret for white males and another WSTA bus driver? were both at the front desk talking to the three library worker behind the Carver Road Branch front desk;[They all acted scared to me];
After getting settled asked for books on hold,etc. Shey Goodwin acted liked she was scared to hand them to me; then got some magazines and went to “The Journal of the Forsyth County Genealogical Society Vl. 32No.1-Fall 2013 about “CLEMMONS SCHOOL CLASS OF 1913″ and also got volume 31 No. 3-Spring 2013[which should have been put up] about ROBINa Mickle,ca.1910; which thought it strange that TWO of the magazines were out[note-in fact lot of the magazines had TWO out[left by staff];
Growing up CLEMMONS was talked about as the place where a lot of the African American problems came from[white males that lived in that area]; have blogged numeous times about the name [ROBINa]and upon opening the magazine[whose editorial board is JOHN h. REYNOLDS, Jerry Loafman, DARLA MORGAN JOHNSON] on page 70 the title reads “Liberia, MOORE’s field or HAPPY HILL and Happy Hill Cemetery”; The fourth entry on page 70 is indented and reads:
One Death by Freesing, Old “RICH” Siewers, Colored, Found in the Mill RACE[?]:A sad tragedy was brought to light this morning. “RICH” Siewers, a well though of colored man, was found cold in death about 10 o’clock yesterday morning in the mill “race” in “Salem near the end of “Church” Street by D. L. Sjore, of Salem. He had evidently been lying in the mill race for several hours, and probably all night. Rich was about 63 years of age and has been a afamiliar character on the Ssalem Streets for many years. In the good old “slave” times he was owned by Mrs. EMANual Lemly and JOHN D. siewers, TWO well known people, all the older residents of Salem know “RICH” well. He was an inoffensive old man, but of late years had been drinking heavily. His home was on HAPPY Hill [where Ben Picket was director of the recretion center], a colored settlement EAST of Salem and is survived by a large family. Amon other things “RICH” formerly carried the mails between the Salem POST OFFICE and the depot and his death will revove a familiar sight on the streets of the TWIN City. The remains were turned over to the bereaved family for the funeral.7
Above message=code of what is to take place next to WIN in “Salem”[winston-salem][coincides with message in the Winston-Salem Journal and Winston-Salem Chronicle to kill in order for white males to WIN; fact that the 2nd journal is about ROBBING is no coincidence.
Note : the magazines books are not online according Sharlene Edwards;
The above thus far is the witnessing of a system used to communicate death to someone; starting with Gwyndolyn Gwyn male relative putting the truck by mailbox,etc.];
Today is the day that DUKE Energy is suppose to cut m y lights back on; which should have been on by May 2,2014; but someone[white male] wanted them to be turned on on May 6,2014[represents demonic]; and I requested that they be turned back on on May 7, 2014;
As preparing for the day, heard loud engine outside; looked out the window and there were TWO BIG CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM TRUCKS whocoincidentally came the same day DUKE energy is to cut my lights on to pick up tree limbs that Gwyndolyn Gwyn had cut from her yard.

Can see the back of the second truck[wondered why the drivers parked that way; both City of Winston-Salem truck are parked exactly where TWO large red big tractor trailors parked when they moved "Penny" BOSTONS house down the street;

GODwin name on the top of the City of Winston-salem trucks; with GODwin being code name for City of WS, NC winning over stealing from AFrican American[s]; SHEY’s last name at Carver Road Branch Library is GoodWIN-with “win” being the KEY issue[Shey Goodwin was sent to Carver Road Branch library because of the code her name carries-War with African Americans not practicing "DEFERENCE"];

License # on one of the trucks-ends with letter “V”-which is the name of relative’s name associated with TWIN that was stolen; like CW[my daddy's initials] was on the license plates of just about every car in OHIO when we went to visit my daddy’s relative;

Truck number on the side of the first City of WS truck; there was no number on the door of the 2nd City of WS truck;

thought that it was interesting that the trucks had white flashing lights instead of yellow caution lights;

Picture is of the view [black][white is middle is front of 2nd truck]of the back of the TWO trucks;

After city workers saw me taking pictures they called their supervisor diving white city car/license # 43200 [ and man getting in grey car came from somewhere; they [all African American males] stood by the two trucks for ab out ten minutes having a pow-wow;
Then road WSTA bus to the Carver Road Branch Library-to make sure white males had everything covered[controlling activity in African American neighborhood]for 5/7/14[day DUKE ENERGY turned my electricity back on] white males had a white male driver of route 1;
After got off of route 1WSTA; there greeted me TWO gov. vehicles: one from WSTA[supervisor bus and city of Winston-Salem vehicle[couldn't get id#]; and upon walking up to the Carver Road Branch library/Mazzie Woodruff center there was greeted by TWO WHITE males driving a PENske truck-[association]

Not evident in the picture but the concept of “Go PEN”was evident on the writing on the Penske truck;

“Go PENske” was written all over the truck[subliminal message;shortly after two white males left; then the African American female prostitute working in secret for white males who said she is a mortician pulled up:

This is the grey van that the African American female prositute that works in secret for white males as a WSTA bus driver who is a mortician was driving before going into the Carver Road Branch Library[she pulled up shortly after the PEN [two WHITE males] pulled off;
Once went inside the Carver Road Branch Library; Melissa Williams, Shey Goodwin and Sherlene Edwards were all at the front desk-looking at me; the African American female prostitute that works in secret for white males and another WSTA bus driver? were both at the front desk talking to the three library worker behind the Carver Road Branch front desk;[They all acted scared to me];
After getting settled asked for books on hold,etc. Shey Goodwin acted liked she was scared to hand them to me; then got some magazines and went to “The Journal of the Forsyth County Genealogical Society Vl. 32No.1-Fall 2013 about “CLEMMONS SCHOOL CLASS OF 1913″ and also got volume 31 No. 3-Spring 2013[which should have been put up] about ROBINa Mickle,ca.1910; which thought it strange that TWO of the magazines were out[note-in fact lot of the magazines had TWO out[left by staff];
Growing up CLEMMONS was talked about as the place where a lot of the African American problems came from[white males that lived in that area]; have blogged numeous times about the name [ROBINa]and upon opening the magazine[whose editorial board is JOHN h. REYNOLDS, Jerry Loafman, DARLA MORGAN JOHNSON] on page 70 the title reads “Liberia, MOORE’s field or HAPPY HILL and Happy Hill Cemetery”; The fourth entry on page 70 is indented and reads:
One Death by Freesing, Old “RICH” Siewers, Colored, Found in the Mill RACE[?]:A sad tragedy was brought to light this morning. “RICH” Siewers, a well though of colored man, was found cold in death about 10 o’clock yesterday morning in the mill “race” in “Salem near the end of “Church” Street by D. L. Sjore, of Salem. He had evidently been lying in the mill race for several hours, and probably all night. Rich was about 63 years of age and has been a afamiliar character on the Ssalem Streets for many years. In the good old “slave” times he was owned by Mrs. EMANual Lemly and JOHN D. siewers, TWO well known people, all the older residents of Salem know “RICH” well. He was an inoffensive old man, but of late years had been drinking heavily. His home was on HAPPY Hill [where Ben Picket was director of the recretion center], a colored settlement EAST of Salem and is survived by a large family. Amon other things “RICH” formerly carried the mails between the Salem POST OFFICE and the depot and his death will revove a familiar sight on the streets of the TWIN City. The remains were turned over to the bereaved family for the funeral.7
Above message=code of what is to take place next to WIN in “Salem”[winston-salem][coincides with message in the Winston-Salem Journal and Winston-Salem Chronicle to kill in order for white males to WIN; fact that the 2nd journal is about ROBBING is no coincidence.
Note : the magazines books are not online according Sharlene Edwards;
The above thus far is the witnessing of a system used to communicate death to someone; starting with Gwyndolyn Gwyn male relative putting the truck by mailbox,etc.];
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