Its in the Bag?
Note: Called Duke Energy on 5/5/14[TWO day] to find out when lights would come on; and after three to four days of "sorry, we can't give you any information about your account with Duke Energy, you have to speak with the energy protection division"; and no lights turned on on 5/2/14 or by a.m. 5/5/14 as those at the S.A. and the NC Public Utilities Commison understood, so called and the conversation went to that the S.A. lady did not put down deposit; they couldn't turn on lights, so called the S.A. lady and asked if she had made a committment to pay deposit; the S.A. lady said that she had already paid the deposit for my Duke Energy Account; she would call and speak to them and that my lights should be on today [5/5/14]; thus in the evening called to verify that lights would be turned on 5/5/14 and was informed that duke Energy would turn on the lights on 5/6/14 [the number six is code of demonic;like three 6's]; thus then requested that Duke Energy turn lights on on 5/7/14;instead of 5/6/14; [punishement for not letting Duke Energy turn lights on on 5/6/14 is that the book was using disappeared from the back of the Carver Road Brach Library information desk=?; and nobody knows where it is at; Sharlene was last one at desk when it was pur on the front counter at Carver Road Branch Library];
Also called the NC Public Utitilies Commission to ask a few questions, was informed that could not speak to an analyst after case is closed; the only way is to open up the case again;
Have blogged about when worked as a substitute teacher at Mineral Springs Elememtary school and the principal asked me, "Why the African American parents in the area do not participate in the educating of theier child/ren; and in the blog I stated that I told her because the parents already know that those who control society/[with the jobs, etc.] have already decided what their child will or will not be; along with the fact that if they as parents try to intervene that not will their child be punished, but they[African American parents]would also be punished=lose the little job they have, who ever they[those operating the system] think is their favorite child would be attacked, or one of their family members attacked, etc.;
Chhildren make an easy weapon because most do what they are told-why the little boy who lived beside me was used to break out all the windows and glass out of my screen door because children can't be brought up on charges; they can do wrong and have their records cleaned/cleared; imagine having a whole country of children are authorized and who are paid to do illegal/imoral things which allows those who are innoncent to be allowed to go free; because there is no defense because they are children learning;but at the same time it is an excellent system to rob/block/attack children who would be consider the future leaders in the African American culuture who may want to develop a real "BLACK WALL STREET"[uncontrolled by white males] by establishing a record while opening a door and while legally developiing system to track African American male youth to direct/put in the school,etc. to prison pipeline;
Continuation page "B8" of the WS Chronicle for the "It's In the Bag" article-ad for Shirley Ceasar Concert[have blogged about the fact that Shirley Ceasar is practicing "DEFERENCE" to keep a "dick"[which is a "john"] that she calls a husband;

Forsyth J-il & Pr-son Ministries will present the Queen of Gospel, Shirley Caesar, in concert on Friday, May 16 at 7 p.m. at United Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church, 420 Metropolitan Rd. The concert is free, but an offering will be taken during the event to benefit the Ministries, which offers a plethora of programs for area inm-tes;[note: black males can be an inm-te; but they can't have a mate];
Ad for concert:
Friday, May 16, 2014—7:00pm Shirley Caesar Concert United Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church 420 Metropolitan Road—Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Note: Called Duke Energy on 5/5/14[TWO day] to find out when lights would come on; and after three to four days of "sorry, we can't give you any information about your account with Duke Energy, you have to speak with the energy protection division"; and no lights turned on on 5/2/14 or by a.m. 5/5/14 as those at the S.A. and the NC Public Utilities Commison understood, so called and the conversation went to that the S.A. lady did not put down deposit; they couldn't turn on lights, so called the S.A. lady and asked if she had made a committment to pay deposit; the S.A. lady said that she had already paid the deposit for my Duke Energy Account; she would call and speak to them and that my lights should be on today [5/5/14]; thus in the evening called to verify that lights would be turned on 5/5/14 and was informed that duke Energy would turn on the lights on 5/6/14 [the number six is code of demonic;like three 6's]; thus then requested that Duke Energy turn lights on on 5/7/14;instead of 5/6/14; [punishement for not letting Duke Energy turn lights on on 5/6/14 is that the book was using disappeared from the back of the Carver Road Brach Library information desk=?; and nobody knows where it is at; Sharlene was last one at desk when it was pur on the front counter at Carver Road Branch Library];
Also called the NC Public Utitilies Commission to ask a few questions, was informed that could not speak to an analyst after case is closed; the only way is to open up the case again;
Have blogged about when worked as a substitute teacher at Mineral Springs Elememtary school and the principal asked me, "Why the African American parents in the area do not participate in the educating of theier child/ren; and in the blog I stated that I told her because the parents already know that those who control society/[with the jobs, etc.] have already decided what their child will or will not be; along with the fact that if they as parents try to intervene that not will their child be punished, but they[African American parents]would also be punished=lose the little job they have, who ever they[those operating the system] think is their favorite child would be attacked, or one of their family members attacked, etc.;
Chhildren make an easy weapon because most do what they are told-why the little boy who lived beside me was used to break out all the windows and glass out of my screen door because children can't be brought up on charges; they can do wrong and have their records cleaned/cleared; imagine having a whole country of children are authorized and who are paid to do illegal/imoral things which allows those who are innoncent to be allowed to go free; because there is no defense because they are children learning;but at the same time it is an excellent system to rob/block/attack children who would be consider the future leaders in the African American culuture who may want to develop a real "BLACK WALL STREET"[uncontrolled by white males] by establishing a record while opening a door and while legally developiing system to track African American male youth to direct/put in the school,etc. to prison pipeline;
Continuation page "B8" of the WS Chronicle for the "It's In the Bag" article-ad for Shirley Ceasar Concert[have blogged about the fact that Shirley Ceasar is practicing "DEFERENCE" to keep a "dick"[which is a "john"] that she calls a husband;

Forsyth J-il & Pr-son Ministries will present the Queen of Gospel, Shirley Caesar, in concert on Friday, May 16 at 7 p.m. at United Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church, 420 Metropolitan Rd. The concert is free, but an offering will be taken during the event to benefit the Ministries, which offers a plethora of programs for area inm-tes;[note: black males can be an inm-te; but they can't have a mate];
Ad for concert:
Friday, May 16, 2014—7:00pm Shirley Caesar Concert United Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church 420 Metropolitan Road—Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Known as the Queen of Gospel Music, Shirley Caesar has received 11 Grammy Awards and 7 Dove Awards as well as induction into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame. She combines scripture, preaching and life issues with traditional gospel music to create a memorable worship experience. Shirley has performed at the White House, on Broadway, TV and in films. Shirley Ann Caesar-Williams co-pastors with her husband, Bishop Harold I. Williams in her hometown, Durham, NC.
Admission is Free A love offering will be received to support the Forsyth J-il & Pr-son Ministries work with inm-tes and families.
If you can’t attend, please consider a donation to support Forsyth J-il & Pr-son Ministries
P.O. Box 11802, Winston-Salem, NC 27116—(336) 759-0063,
Presenting Sponsor: BUDD GROUP=
code=the beginning of a "group" process; like a "BUD" opening on a flower;
The group that they are starting is to supply a "pr-son" system that has or will be built;and the location of the concert is symbolic of the "UNITY" mindset=UNITED Metroplitan MISSIONARY Baptist Church=code the African American prostitutes working in secret and their johns who practice "DEFERENCE" to white males wills are all "UNITED" in thier MISSION to make innocent children into thugs,etc. to fill white males pr-sons and j-ils;
Thus in the local newspapers[Winston-Salem Journal/winston-Salem Chronicle]there are numerous articles that have decoded that communicate that "AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILDREN" are to be used as form of harassment and intimidation to adults;then saw the article, "It's in the Bag" by Layla Garms in the Winston-Salem Chronicle on the "COMMUNITY"page :

Note: Pictures in on the Winston-Salem Chronicle website[] and the hard copy of the Winston-Salem Chronicle are not the same;
The article in the hardcopy of the WS Chronicle contues to page "B8";where codes relating to "Leadership";Shirley Ceasare Concert[by PRISON ministry];WS DASH[sports]; article[written by "special to the chronicle"-"Boone recieves honor from fraternity[picture of Ruby Boone Jr. and his [prostitute working in secret for white male]who is called a wife] over picture of Evans[African American female] and her students]
Khadija Evans and her students lead the chain.
= code put African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males over single mothers of African American children; "Residents hold celbrations at Healy Towers-[operate same system that put blacks on local welfare track; and page "B9"=life=WS CITY Page/WATER QUALITY=code-quality of life issue/to PROTECT white males lifestyle;
Front page of the Winston-salem Chronicle; May 1, 2015;[where the article "Schoools REDUCE CRIME, Suspensions"=code=reduce the school suspenisons; 'but "community page of the Winston Salem Journal, [where the article, "It's in the Bag" and the Shirley Ceasar Concert]is code to start identify through a program in the "COMMUNITY" who to attack/put in pr-son and ja-ls without the public schools being involved; that way noone can say that they schools are in partnership with the ja-ls and or-sons;
What's in the Bag-is the agreement among the African american[s] that white males have out front in the white society not representing AFrican Americans but themselves to put African American children on a track to j-il and pr-sons;
Code in picture-TWO African American males who covered private partsl but third African American male=LOCAL- did not cover his private part=left wide open=code= on DOWN LOW[Tyrone Johnson//Carver Road Church]-meaning that the local AFrican American males who participate in 'DEFERNCE"[homose-ual activity ] [and sit in the church like they are heterosexual] will not be attacked by white males;
[That is not the picture on the front page of the hard copy of Winston-Salem Chronicle]
Of Tyrone Johnson being sent message that black males[such as himself][any marriage to an African American female=a front] who in church on the "downlow'[code for gay] will not be attacked by white males=is the fact that his [aunt]
Johnson Green[Tyrone Johnsons Aunt gets the same privileges as white females [EXCEPT ?];
Article in the Winston-Salem Chronicle: ocal singer's g roup makes gospel debut;[picture of African American male [Ronald GODBEE]-
Secret about the African American churches helping the city of Winston-Salem, NC to rob/steal/intimidate/abuse/hinder African American children/parents is still a secret=why main article is "Statium STILL THE CITY'S":
Stadium still the city’s[white males]
WSSU Associate Vice Chancellor of Facilities Management
[whose picuture is not in hardcopy of the WS Chronicle=?];
but code=COOK ?
There is a picture of the FRONT of the BowMAN Gray stadium=code-the secret/the front that everybody looks at is still the city's view of African Americans;
COOK=go ahead= "Its in the Bag"; May 1, 2014]
"It’s In the Bag"
May 1, 2014
It's=white males robbing African Americans of thier "MONEY", etc. is in the bag/using white females=why white female has on a GREEN T-shirt with "COOK" elementary[African American elementary school];
black pickup truck parked by my mailbox by Gwyndolyn Gwyns male relative to harass and intimidate/threaten me;they know that is the kind of truck my brother was murdered in;
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