151-Michael Brown,Fergurson, MO, Winston-Salem, North Carolina,a Wake Forest University,Carver Road Branch library
1. Walked to the CRB library, on 12/2/14 Penny Boston in his royal blue vet [car] drove up the street as I was leaving the house; today Penny BOSTON again was driving up the street in his royal blue vet[car] but turned into the empty lot where RICHie Brooks[code for ending]. who works for the City of Winston-Salem:

1. Walked to the CRB library, on 12/2/14 Penny Boston in his royal blue vet [car] drove up the street as I was leaving the house; today Penny BOSTON again was driving up the street in his royal blue vet[car] but turned into the empty lot where RICHie Brooks[code for ending]. who works for the City of Winston-Salem:

Community and Business Development Staff
Thus RICHie BROOKS[code for ending] is the director for developing businesses and communities that end wealth for Africa American communities in the City of Winston-Salem, NC.
"Chronicles 20:16
Like the word says, "Ye shall find them at the END of the BROOK[Richie BROOKS last name] and if one would check out the city of Winston-Salem "Community and Business Development Staff
website [http://www.cityofws.org/departments/community-and-business-development/staff] where there are
36 African American[s], 1 hispanic; and 9 [number for birth] white; the "Community and Business Development Staff " website page sort of looks like Fergurson, Mo. authority where there are 3 African American[s] and 57 white male authority:
"Three troubling things exposed by the Ferguson police shooting of Michael Brown"
1..) Criminalizing and profiting from the poor through fees and fines;[note:court cost are given as the reason for the set up of being put in confinement by white male court system];
2.) Alleged bad apples in the FPD[note:-that would be in all PD's in African American neighborhoods];
3.) The militarization of the police[note: which have blogged about the fact that same force appeared because of walking from the United States Post Office to the WSFC public library on 5th Street];
Usually don't put lot of article on blog; but the article, ["Three troubling things exposed by the Ferguson police shooting of Michael Brown" by
"Attorney General Eric Holder announced Thursday that the Justice Department had “opened a civil pattern or practice investigation into allegations of unlawful policing by the City of Ferguson (Missouri) Police Department (FPD).”
In 2013, the municipal court in Ferguson — a city of 21,135 people — issued 32,975 arrest warrants for nonviolent offenses, mostly driving violations.[Note: the driving violations are where most AFrican American[s]in Winston-salem start connection from authority; then because of no money to pay court cost the African American[s] do not go to court and a warrent is issued for their arrest; which have blogged that relative[s] names are located in local offense records in forsyth county-usually associated with'driving- which is the first bill past by President Obama- the DOT to stop AFrican American[s] from driving weapons[cars] and why white male authority is in the process of developing 'poverty violations' connected with just walking in African American neighborhood:
1. MONEY Issue:
“Folks have the impression that this is a form of low-level harassment that isn’t about public safety,” Thomas Harvey, the founder of the group, told NPR. “IT'S ABOUT MONEY.” BIG MONEY". The report notes that of Ferguson’s $20 million in revenue, the $2.6 million in court fines and fees was the second-largest source of income. It also pointed out that the Ferguson Municipal Court disposed of “about 3 warrants and 1.5 cases per household” last year."
"According to ArchCity Defenders, in the nearby St. Louis County town of Florissant, one warrant was issued for every six residents “in the past year” by the municipal court. The court collected “about a quarter of [its] total revenue of $3,000,000” from warrants. If the number leaves you cold, read my colleague Radley Balko’s account of what happened in Florissant on March 20 to Nicole Bolden after she got into a car accident."
"The officer found that Bolden had four arrest warrants in three separate jurisdictions: the towns of Florissant and Hazelwood in St. Louis County and the town of Foristell in St. Charles County. All of the warrents were for failure to appear in court for traffic violations. BOULDEN hadn't appeared in court because SHE DIDN'T HAVE THE MONEY. A couple of those fines were for speeding, one was for failure to wear her seatbelt and most of the rest were for what defense attorneys in the St. Louis area have come to call “POVERTY VIOLATIONS” — driving with a suspended license, expired plates, expired registration and a failure to provide proof of insurance."
This is part of the harrowing opening vignette in Balko’s extensive and excellent look at how municipalities in St. Louis County, Mo., profit from poverty. “If you were tasked with designing a regional system of government guaranteed to produce racial conflict, anger, and resentment,” he writes, “you’d be hard pressed to do better than St. Louis County.”
A sure-fire way to change this is for the majority-black population to vote out its current municipal leadership in favor of officials committed to reforming the grossly unfair status quo.[Note: The issue of white males profitting from poverty is NOT just in Fergurson, Mo. it is an issue throughout the United States in ALL African American neighborhoods where a system of poverty is only allowed to operate in the AFrican American neighborhoods and if any African American seeks to develope/create anything that produces a profit; that person, their ideals are attacked;
And Barack Obama is why minorities voted for a man of color they thought would/had committed to reforming the grossly UNFAIR statys quo[white male system[s] of abuse, robbery, killing and stealing; which will never happen because white male allows no one to produce to advace their family, race, culture or nothing else];
Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson, center. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters)
Note: Confirmation of the beginning of the African American female prostitute working for white males in secret to help destroy/block/kill/steal/rob African American[s] of their wealth;Thomas[code name for killing];Jackson[code name associated Jackson Street- which is associated with the murder of sibling in Winston-Salem, NC][two "Jackson" names-Thomas Jackson and Lucas Jackson];
"One officer has faced three internal affairs probes and two lawsuits over claims he violated civil rights and used excessive force while working at a previous police department in the mid-2000s. That department demoted him after finding credible evidence to support one of the complaints, and he subsequently was hired by the Ferguson force.
I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that a former officer involved in one of those cases is now a member of the Ferguson city council."[note: blogged about the fact that concerning the African American female prostitute who was hired by the WSTA bus company from up state who told lie to white male authority and was rewarded with a position on the WSFC PD; which the above statement confirms blogg post that they reward the members of their secret club such as:
Davida Martin[http://www.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/Page/81654]
[Pictured with young children: part of what she does/ help to set up African American children to be abused and how she got her job[she was rewarded for helping CHARLES McCrae[the other one]to get off of child abuse charge] and working for the 3-k's[kkk] and there are a lot of other African American[s] who she has rail roaded/robbed/and helped white males to separate AFrican American[s] from their wealth and health through the white male system[s] of robbery, killing, stealing, etc.];
The coded names in the court case at [http://www.adfmedia.org/files/ForsythCountyLiftInjMotion.pdf] verifies that she is an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males:
David A. Cortman*[note: have blogged about the name of DAVID] and CORTman];
Alliance Defending FreedomNote: The court system[s] have secret codes and when in court people are responding to the secret coded message versus the obvious [like when the man in the brown skin says things and regular white people don't understand; it is because he is talking in code to secret group; of which Davida Martin is one of them];
Of which court case for "SAMS Club" secret club members threats of confinement if honest work is done to earn MONEY was transfered to the :
where Davida Martin heard/saw/it was communicated concerning name where Willie "K"ENNEDY and Judge Osteen committed
note: the man in the brown skin in the house that is white cannot address the issue of African American[s] being intimidated by white male authority when he is in the same position; just being paid to be in the position;
note: United Nations first ambassdor to New York is from country associated with terr-rist; which city in Michigan whose African American residents filed complaint because of no MONEY to pay water bills and the United Nations had the city in Michigan to turn water back on;[thus African American will/ have been put in group connected with concept of terr-rist];
Instead of "CARL" the security guard, there was magazine "IPHONE life"[note: everybody can't get an iphone]:
[Email sent-Wednesday, December 3, 2014 5:36 PM]
[Picture taken:12/3/14;3:25pm];
Picture of royal blue car parked at the end of the street-join group get guy who wears royal blue who wants to date me;
[Email sent-Wednesday, December 3, 2014 5:39 PM]
[Picture taken-12/3/14;2:30pm];
Note; heard of "JOHNATHAN on the Glenn Beck radio program; figured it was an imposter and sure enough the real Johnathan is name
email sent to member of Salvation Army in Correctional/social service Dept.
To: M------ F------
Social Service/Correctional Dept.
Salvation Army
Winston-Salem, NC
Re: RE: Local environmental factors that are beyond local citizens control
Via conversation overphone; found article about the Fergurson, Mo. situation that identified issues related to why the Salvation Army is needed to advocate for me;which incluced the main issue which is money; specifically the treat from local employer who threaten confinement if income is obtain from honest work and the issue of partnership through local agencies who view the Salvation Army as the head social agency and follow the lead of the Salvation Army;
The name of the article is,"Three troubling things exposed by the Ferguson police shooting of Michael Brown" by By Jonathan Capehart September 5,2014;
In the article asks about the issue of "civil pattern or practice" in Fergurson, Mo., which the local pattern and practice by social agencies are that person is re-directed back to a circle of seeking the Salvation Army;
The statement below identifies why keep asking the Salavtion Army to act as advocate:
"In 2013, the municipal court in Ferguson — a city of 21,135 people — issued 32,975 arrest warrants for nonviolent offenses, mostly driving violations."
Since ex-employer threaten with confinement if income is obtained from honest work have had to seek manner in which not to be one of the people suffering from actions associated with nonviolent offenses[even walking], which will not stop if there is no advocate[and because of income and being that legal aid has stated[one of numerous times] that they do not address such issues], the Salvation Army is known as a nationally advocacy agency;
As stated in prior conversations the issue is money, and that assessing money legally can be done easily; but not when they threat of confinement for earning a honest income from honest work exists; the statement below verifies the concept of [making] honest money being an issue:
“Folks have the impression that this is a form of low-level harassment that isn’t about public safety,” Thomas Harvey, the founder of the group, told NPR. “It’s about money.” Big money. The report notes that of Ferguson’s $20 million in revenue, the $2.6 million in court fines and fees was the second-largest source of income. It also pointed out that the Ferguson Municipal Court disposed of “about 3 warrants and 1.5 cases per household” last year.
Being that the social agencies in the city of Winston-Salem, NC operate based on partnership; there is no where for me to go which is why the presence of the Salvation Army as an advocate concerning work, water, food is necessary;
As stated in phone conversation, local social agencies send people back to Salvation Army and the Salvation Army sends people back to socal agencies for water, which leaves person without water and a person cannot survive without water, it is almost as if being told to be nonexistant; which the residents in a city could not pay water bill and it was found that not being allowed to have water violates a person[s] human rights;
Presently food/water/income are an issue and would appreciate the Salvatioin Army's intervention;
Thank you,
RE: Local environmental factors that are beyond local citizens control
Friday, August 1, 2014 2:10 PM
Mark as Unread Flag this message
"Randy Britton" <randallb@cityofws.org>
"Social Killer" <friendseeeee@yahoo.com>
"monique.freeney@uss.salvationarmy.org" <monique.freeney@uss.salvationarmy.org>
Contact Us
City Link 311
311 or (336) 727-8000
101 N. Main Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
PO Box 2511
Winston-Salem, NC 27102
Where it is evident that the City of Winston-Salem, NC is using and encouraging the use of technology; is there a specific reason why it is necessary for me to speak directly to you, it is more convenient for me to communicate through email.
P.S. Being that on Wednesday[7/30/14], the WSTA city buses have been rearranged[based on advertisements], which in inflow with employer suddenly rearranging their schedule, which for 7/30/14, the ad was WSTA was for hospice, would appreciate me or my family members not being harmed;
Thank You
cc. M. D., M.F.
Instead of "CARL" the security guard, there was magazine "IPHONE life"[note: everybody can't get an iphone]:
[Email sent-Wednesday, December 3, 2014 5:36 PM]
[Picture taken:12/3/14;3:25pm];
Picture of royal blue car parked at the end of the street-join group get guy who wears royal blue who wants to date me;
[Email sent-Wednesday, December 3, 2014 5:39 PM]
[Picture taken-12/3/14;2:30pm];
Note; heard of "JOHNATHAN on the Glenn Beck radio program; figured it was an imposter and sure enough the real Johnathan is name
Monday night on The Glenn Beck Program, Glenn introduced the audience to a man who delivered some serious truth to the protestors in Ferguson. He’s not famous. He’s not a pundit. He’s not an Al Sharpton or a Ben Carson. He’s just an everyday guy named Jonathan Gentry, but he has a message everyone needs to hear.[http://www.glennbeck.com/2014/12/02/watch-this-man-has-a-message-you-absolutely-need-to-hear/]
*************email sent to member of Salvation Army in Correctional/social service Dept.
To: M------ F------
Social Service/Correctional Dept.
Salvation Army
Winston-Salem, NC
Re: RE: Local environmental factors that are beyond local citizens control
Via conversation overphone; found article about the Fergurson, Mo. situation that identified issues related to why the Salvation Army is needed to advocate for me;which incluced the main issue which is money; specifically the treat from local employer who threaten confinement if income is obtain from honest work and the issue of partnership through local agencies who view the Salvation Army as the head social agency and follow the lead of the Salvation Army;
The name of the article is,"Three troubling things exposed by the Ferguson police shooting of Michael Brown" by By Jonathan Capehart September 5,2014;
In the article asks about the issue of "civil pattern or practice" in Fergurson, Mo., which the local pattern and practice by social agencies are that person is re-directed back to a circle of seeking the Salvation Army;
The statement below identifies why keep asking the Salavtion Army to act as advocate:
"In 2013, the municipal court in Ferguson — a city of 21,135 people — issued 32,975 arrest warrants for nonviolent offenses, mostly driving violations."
Since ex-employer threaten with confinement if income is obtained from honest work have had to seek manner in which not to be one of the people suffering from actions associated with nonviolent offenses[even walking], which will not stop if there is no advocate[and because of income and being that legal aid has stated[one of numerous times] that they do not address such issues], the Salvation Army is known as a nationally advocacy agency;
As stated in prior conversations the issue is money, and that assessing money legally can be done easily; but not when they threat of confinement for earning a honest income from honest work exists; the statement below verifies the concept of [making] honest money being an issue:
“Folks have the impression that this is a form of low-level harassment that isn’t about public safety,” Thomas Harvey, the founder of the group, told NPR. “It’s about money.” Big money. The report notes that of Ferguson’s $20 million in revenue, the $2.6 million in court fines and fees was the second-largest source of income. It also pointed out that the Ferguson Municipal Court disposed of “about 3 warrants and 1.5 cases per household” last year.
Being that the social agencies in the city of Winston-Salem, NC operate based on partnership; there is no where for me to go which is why the presence of the Salvation Army as an advocate concerning work, water, food is necessary;
As stated in phone conversation, local social agencies send people back to Salvation Army and the Salvation Army sends people back to socal agencies for water, which leaves person without water and a person cannot survive without water, it is almost as if being told to be nonexistant; which the residents in a city could not pay water bill and it was found that not being allowed to have water violates a person[s] human rights;
Presently food/water/income are an issue and would appreciate the Salvatioin Army's intervention;
Thank you,
RE: Local environmental factors that are beyond local citizens control
Friday, August 1, 2014 2:10 PM
Mark as Unread Flag this message
"Randy Britton" <randallb@cityofws.org>
"Social Killer" <friendseeeee@yahoo.com>
"monique.freeney@uss.salvationarmy.org" <monique.freeney@uss.salvationarmy.org>
Contact Us
City Link 311
311 or (336) 727-8000
101 N. Main Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
PO Box 2511
Winston-Salem, NC 27102
Where it is evident that the City of Winston-Salem, NC is using and encouraging the use of technology; is there a specific reason why it is necessary for me to speak directly to you, it is more convenient for me to communicate through email.
P.S. Being that on Wednesday[7/30/14], the WSTA city buses have been rearranged[based on advertisements], which in inflow with employer suddenly rearranging their schedule, which for 7/30/14, the ad was WSTA was for hospice, would appreciate me or my family members not being harmed;
Thank You
cc. M. D., M.F.
Friday, August 1, 2014 2:10 PM
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