150-Michael Brown,Fergerson, Mo., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Wake Foresest University, Carver Road Branch library
1. Today is a TWO day-"Carl" the security guard was near front door when came in; then he went and stood by where get the Newspapers from-he knows that I go and get the newspapers and read them:
Harassment from security guard at CRB library inWinsto-Salem, NC.for using the internet/having a blog:
[Email sent-Tuesday, December 2, 2014 4:46 PM]
[Picture taken:12/2/14;1:39pm];
There is also a white male in red shirt/with royal blue book bag-sitting at table closest to "Carl" the security guard; In which "Carl" was sent to the Carver Road Branch library because the "CARL" spirit[named after Carl Marx] is the system that is being operated in the house that is white by the man with the brown skin;
to harass African American[s] not working for white males in secret[which "CARL" the security guard does];[Note: it is the same everytime I come to CRB library since Milessa Williams the 'director of the CRB library pointed me out to "CARL" the security guard who was transferred from the WSFC main branch library and Melissa Williams [the director of the CRB library] took the law books out of the CRB library as harassment to keep me from accessing the legal information off the internet];
2. Picture below is of new white male with African American female and the white male was doing things to African American female that children should not see-white male "Zack" was at desk of the Carver Road Branch library=code-zack system being established-to turn heads when white males bring African American females/innocent to library to turn his/zack's head-will usually be done on day "ZACK" works:
[Email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:35 PM]
[Picture taken: 11/14/14;12:35pm]
[TWO day-14th day, 14th year and 14th is Valintine day-LOVE];
Which would be part of "ZACKS" job to not notice illegal/immoral abuse of African American females by white males;
3.Went to visit person at STITCHt Ctr. where 3rd floor was designed to communicate threats; etc. =; have blogged about the fact that the name "WANDA" is connected with sibling that was murdered; in picture below is name of person working on 3rd floor with name of "Wanda" who was intentionally assigned to floor/room of person visiting along with "2" and "83"= TWO= TWINS/ 83= the year twins were born;:
they had info posted beside the door:
[Email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:33 PM]
[Picture taken:11/23/14;5:58pm];
[23 is the number of birth]
Note: by my walking in and out of door the way the bastards think that is my accepting them abusing and stealing twin child"
3b. "Staying with persoan at sticht center-was being used to send threats-wanda is name of female who use to be with sibling who was murdered-sheen is name of charlie sheen the actor whose brushes with the law that were widely advertised on television and used with the smell factory at a and t state university to manipulate and intimidate relative out of north carolina-"LOVorn" is code to steal the love and marriage that are suppose to be in my life-prayed that all who participated,ing robbery will lead to something that will be unbeneficial to them;
[Email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:30 PM
3c.Picture of room inside of Stitcht ctr. where went to visit person:
[email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:03 PM]
[Picture taken:-11/23/14;602pm];
There was also a bulletin board with "goal" on it beside the first nurses station and one of the goals was to "BLOCK"
A. Article in the "ESSENCE" magazine of "JAMIE" FOX and little girl Quvenzhane WALLis-code to "JAMIE to build a WALL between him and ANN- or "ANNIE" [the name in the movie];
Note: have blogged about the name of "ANNIE" and "JAMIE" for years;"JAMIE" is relative[s] name who is "gay" and was raped by white males at boyscout meetings which is why all of the big publicity about "gays/and boyscouts" and weather or not gay's should be accepted in the boyscouts to send message to "GAY" "JAMIE" that white males accept him after they took his manhood and now offering to pay him to keep quiet of what white males did to him and to his relative who was at the Stitcht ctr. which includes medical "operations" that deformed their body and as one of their "white" female friends said, "They talking about person has a "rare" disease; the "rare" disease is that they [the doctors/white males] messed up their body[back]; [note: they did it intentionally to keep "GAY""JAMIE" in line to not tell of abuse by white male authority];
3d.Close up picture of what was on bulletin board of person that was visiting-which was harassment and threats/robbery of relationship concerning guy who wears blue who wants to date me:

[Email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:02 PM];
Picture taken:11/23/14; 6:01pm];
Code-message-Wanda-code for "killing"; Sheen-code for relative intimidated out of the city of winston-salem, nc and LOVorn-code= "OR" give up "LOVE" or "KILL" sheen;
Rush Limbough statement, "I have been doing this for a long time; I know what I am doing."
The ONLY person who can say anything about what African Americans are going through is "CHARLES" Barkley [the basketball player];
Some may ask why "CHARLES " Barkly- the answer is because that is the name of the person that the white male African American female prostitutes who work for white males in secret took to "ROCKERFELLER Plaza and the person who is connected to relative that was intimidated out of the city of winston-salem, nc as a way to seperate from wealth based upon "BLACK WALLSTREET" in early 1900's that white males destroyed;
Thus the name of "CHARLES" is the name that have blogged about, "CHARLES" McCrae-the other one;
Saw the posting of picture of the NEW WSFC Main public library on WSFC public library website in which if one took time to notice; there are not any identifiable African Americans[all of the images look white];
[Dave RICHard]
[executive DIRECTOR]
With the name of "RICH" being used TWICE [author of article-RICHard Craver and mention and picture of "dave" RICHard [white male]; along with the PARTNERS who are to join in the [BET TAYLOR] developement of the system of killing and robbery of African American[s]; Note; BET-Black entertainment network [http://www.bet.com/]-like "BETTY WHITE;
Chris BROWN was the first act and on his back he had the word "WHITE" to act as spokesman for African American entertainers to communicate to white males that the blacks at the "BET awards" are on the white side to help white males to attack blacks; Viacom owns "BET";and am sure Viacom is white];[
"A slim majority of CenterPoint Human Services’ board of directors voted Monday to follow what they believe will be a two-step merger path to grow larger and potentially gain more negotiating leverage.
CenterPoint agreed to begin formal letter-of-intent discussions with Partners Behavioral Health Management of Gastonia that could lead to consolidation by July 1.";[Note-Gastonia because have recently been talking with relative in area-who they are trying to convince to work for white males-the concept of the "merger" would be used to communicate what is happening in relationship with relative near Gastonia being that bastards have relatives son in relationship with an African American female prostitute who works for white males in secret in "TEXAS"];
" CenterPoint board merger proponents and a top state health-care official acknowledged there is no certainty about how the step two would occur, if it does.
"MCO merger depends so much on what course the legislature takes in the long session,” Ingraham said. “We’re all kind of guessing on the direction we’re expected to go.”[Note: they are all guessing because they are in process of developing illegal/immoral system designed to rob/steal from African American[s] because they won't be subservent to white male system designed to uplift only the white male];
5.All of the names mention on blogs concerning killing of sibling, harassments, threats, etc. are listed on schedule, including "ST"-which stands for speech therapy at Stitcht ctr.-code-for robbery of "ST"-
[Email sent- Sunday, November 23, 2014 12:55 PM]
[Picture taken:11/23/14];
6.Picture of books that were put up by CRB library staff[according to CRB staff] and the titles are used to harass and intimidate and send message that African American[s] are less than which is using print media to harass and is against the United States laws:
[email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:36 PM]
[Picture taken:
6a. white male code System of robbery:
[Email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 12:52 PM][
[Picture taken:
While at sticht building visiting relative who live beside authority-schedule put up with st,st-which st is part of my blog name-white male system gave st the meaning of speech therapy for relative who worked for white male authority in jails for 11 years-st does not mean speech therapy
7. President Obama stated that the "FERGURSON,MO." race riot issues are located in people of color all around the United States:
[Email sent-
"Mr. Harvey's store: one of the origianl African American stores that was required to close through system of robbery by local officials"[note: In which people wanted to know why the "Fergurson verdict" was given at night-the answer to burn the African American stores owned by AFrican Americans not working in secret to advance white culture but working to advance African American culture; by the authorities giving the verdict at "night" nobody could identify the blacks who are working in secret for white males that started the riots to remove the little AFrican American wealth and replace business and owners with African American prostitutes[male and female] working for white males in secret;
[Email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:37 PM];
[Picture taken:
8. The ROYAL BLUE expansion [vehicle] at the "TURNERS" house:
[Email sent:Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:37 PM]
[Picture taken:11/5/14; 2:50pm];
Code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn's group that to keep harassing, white male system of harassment of person who guy who wears royal blue clothes wants to date];
And since relative brought me home in "black" vehicle, Gwyndolyn Gwyn's group has kept a 2nd "black" car parked by Gwyndolyn Gwyn's as code to white males that they are still working for white males [being that person connected to "CHARLES"[like Charles Mccrae/but the other one]chose to advance the"black" culture and even thought the African American male is to go to the AFrican American female not working for white male in secret-the Gwyndolyn Gwyn group is using the "black" vehicle t6 communicate that the Gwyn group will continue working for white males through "blocking" the African American female that the Gwyn group is surrounding and harassing]:

[Email sent-Tuesday, December 2, 2014 5:53 PM]
[Picture taken:12/2/14;1:13pm];
[note: there is another 'black" car parked in front of the "black' car inpciture];
In the City of Winstin-Salem, N.C. where the issues concerning the riots orginate:[CHARLES] Barkly -a 'Black" garbage can is placed on the corner where the real "CHARLES" may turn the corner; in which the city of Winston-Salem, NC put the "black" trash can there as representation of what the city of Winston-Salem thinks of any African American not working in spirit of prostitution for white males;[note: in which on local radio station it was stated by white male that people of color will not and do not advance economically];
1. Today is a TWO day-"Carl" the security guard was near front door when came in; then he went and stood by where get the Newspapers from-he knows that I go and get the newspapers and read them:
[Email sent-Tuesday, December 2, 2014 4:46 PM]
[Picture taken:12/2/14;1:39pm];
There is also a white male in red shirt/with royal blue book bag-sitting at table closest to "Carl" the security guard; In which "Carl" was sent to the Carver Road Branch library because the "CARL" spirit[named after Carl Marx] is the system that is being operated in the house that is white by the man with the brown skin;
to harass African American[s] not working for white males in secret[which "CARL" the security guard does];[Note: it is the same everytime I come to CRB library since Milessa Williams the 'director of the CRB library pointed me out to "CARL" the security guard who was transferred from the WSFC main branch library and Melissa Williams [the director of the CRB library] took the law books out of the CRB library as harassment to keep me from accessing the legal information off the internet];
2. Picture below is of new white male with African American female and the white male was doing things to African American female that children should not see-white male "Zack" was at desk of the Carver Road Branch library=code-zack system being established-to turn heads when white males bring African American females/innocent to library to turn his/zack's head-will usually be done on day "ZACK" works:
[Email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:35 PM]
[Picture taken: 11/14/14;12:35pm]
[TWO day-14th day, 14th year and 14th is Valintine day-LOVE];
Which would be part of "ZACKS" job to not notice illegal/immoral abuse of African American females by white males;
3.Went to visit person at STITCHt Ctr. where 3rd floor was designed to communicate threats; etc. =; have blogged about the fact that the name "WANDA" is connected with sibling that was murdered; in picture below is name of person working on 3rd floor with name of "Wanda" who was intentionally assigned to floor/room of person visiting along with "2" and "83"= TWO= TWINS/ 83= the year twins were born;:
they had info posted beside the door:
[Email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:33 PM]
[Picture taken:11/23/14;5:58pm];
[23 is the number of birth]
Note: by my walking in and out of door the way the bastards think that is my accepting them abusing and stealing twin child"
3b. "Staying with persoan at sticht center-was being used to send threats-wanda is name of female who use to be with sibling who was murdered-sheen is name of charlie sheen the actor whose brushes with the law that were widely advertised on television and used with the smell factory at a and t state university to manipulate and intimidate relative out of north carolina-"LOVorn" is code to steal the love and marriage that are suppose to be in my life-prayed that all who participated,ing robbery will lead to something that will be unbeneficial to them;
[Email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:30 PM
3c.Picture of room inside of Stitcht ctr. where went to visit person:
[email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:03 PM]
[Picture taken:-11/23/14;602pm];
There was also a bulletin board with "goal" on it beside the first nurses station and one of the goals was to "BLOCK"
A. Article in the "ESSENCE" magazine of "JAMIE" FOX and little girl Quvenzhane WALLis-code to "JAMIE to build a WALL between him and ANN- or "ANNIE" [the name in the movie];
Note: have blogged about the name of "ANNIE" and "JAMIE" for years;"JAMIE" is relative[s] name who is "gay" and was raped by white males at boyscout meetings which is why all of the big publicity about "gays/and boyscouts" and weather or not gay's should be accepted in the boyscouts to send message to "GAY" "JAMIE" that white males accept him after they took his manhood and now offering to pay him to keep quiet of what white males did to him and to his relative who was at the Stitcht ctr. which includes medical "operations" that deformed their body and as one of their "white" female friends said, "They talking about person has a "rare" disease; the "rare" disease is that they [the doctors/white males] messed up their body[back]; [note: they did it intentionally to keep "GAY""JAMIE" in line to not tell of abuse by white male authority];
3d.Close up picture of what was on bulletin board of person that was visiting-which was harassment and threats/robbery of relationship concerning guy who wears blue who wants to date me:

[Email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:02 PM];
Picture taken:11/23/14; 6:01pm];
Code-message-Wanda-code for "killing"; Sheen-code for relative intimidated out of the city of winston-salem, nc and LOVorn-code= "OR" give up "LOVE" or "KILL" sheen;
Rush Limbough statement, "I have been doing this for a long time; I know what I am doing."
The ONLY person who can say anything about what African Americans are going through is "CHARLES" Barkley [the basketball player];
Some may ask why "CHARLES " Barkly- the answer is because that is the name of the person that the white male African American female prostitutes who work for white males in secret took to "ROCKERFELLER Plaza and the person who is connected to relative that was intimidated out of the city of winston-salem, nc as a way to seperate from wealth based upon "BLACK WALLSTREET" in early 1900's that white males destroyed;
Thus the name of "CHARLES" is the name that have blogged about, "CHARLES" McCrae-the other one;
Saw the posting of picture of the NEW WSFC Main public library on WSFC public library website in which if one took time to notice; there are not any identifiable African Americans[all of the images look white];

Why is that?; because the "FERGURSON" MO. RIOTS are designed to keep America busy while white males create and design system to ensure the killing of African Americans in a systematic huge manner;
Front page article:
"CenterPoint gives tentative OK to Partners merger"
[executive DIRECTOR]
[Posted: Monday, December 1, 2014 8:30 pm
With the name of "RICH" being used TWICE [author of article-RICHard Craver and mention and picture of "dave" RICHard [white male]; along with the PARTNERS who are to join in the [BET TAYLOR] developement of the system of killing and robbery of African American[s]; Note; BET-Black entertainment network [http://www.bet.com/]-like "BETTY WHITE;
Chris BROWN was the first act and on his back he had the word "WHITE" to act as spokesman for African American entertainers to communicate to white males that the blacks at the "BET awards" are on the white side to help white males to attack blacks; Viacom owns "BET";and am sure Viacom is white];[
"A slim majority of CenterPoint Human Services’ board of directors voted Monday to follow what they believe will be a two-step merger path to grow larger and potentially gain more negotiating leverage.
CenterPoint agreed to begin formal letter-of-intent discussions with Partners Behavioral Health Management of Gastonia that could lead to consolidation by July 1.";[Note-Gastonia because have recently been talking with relative in area-who they are trying to convince to work for white males-the concept of the "merger" would be used to communicate what is happening in relationship with relative near Gastonia being that bastards have relatives son in relationship with an African American female prostitute who works for white males in secret in "TEXAS"];
" CenterPoint board merger proponents and a top state health-care official acknowledged there is no certainty about how the step two would occur, if it does.
The initial third merger partner, Smoky Mountain Center of Asheville, is deep in pursuit of a “whole body” regional care organization initiative with Asheville hospital Mission Health, a move that appears to in line with what state health officials and legislators say they want from Medicaid reform".
"MCO merger depends so much on what course the legislature takes in the long session,” Ingraham said. “We’re all kind of guessing on the direction we’re expected to go.”[Note: they are all guessing because they are in process of developing illegal/immoral system designed to rob/steal from African American[s] because they won't be subservent to white male system designed to uplift only the white male];
5.All of the names mention on blogs concerning killing of sibling, harassments, threats, etc. are listed on schedule, including "ST"-which stands for speech therapy at Stitcht ctr.-code-for robbery of "ST"-
[Email sent- Sunday, November 23, 2014 12:55 PM]
[Picture taken:11/23/14];
6.Picture of books that were put up by CRB library staff[according to CRB staff] and the titles are used to harass and intimidate and send message that African American[s] are less than which is using print media to harass and is against the United States laws:
[email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:36 PM]
[Picture taken:
6a. white male code System of robbery:
[Email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 12:52 PM][
[Picture taken:
While at sticht building visiting relative who live beside authority-schedule put up with st,st-which st is part of my blog name-white male system gave st the meaning of speech therapy for relative who worked for white male authority in jails for 11 years-st does not mean speech therapy
7. President Obama stated that the "FERGURSON,MO." race riot issues are located in people of color all around the United States:
[Email sent-
"Mr. Harvey's store: one of the origianl African American stores that was required to close through system of robbery by local officials"[note: In which people wanted to know why the "Fergurson verdict" was given at night-the answer to burn the African American stores owned by AFrican Americans not working in secret to advance white culture but working to advance African American culture; by the authorities giving the verdict at "night" nobody could identify the blacks who are working in secret for white males that started the riots to remove the little AFrican American wealth and replace business and owners with African American prostitutes[male and female] working for white males in secret;
[Email sent-Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:37 PM];
[Picture taken:
8. The ROYAL BLUE expansion [vehicle] at the "TURNERS" house:
[Email sent:Sunday, November 23, 2014 6:37 PM]
[Picture taken:11/5/14; 2:50pm];
Code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn's group that to keep harassing, white male system of harassment of person who guy who wears royal blue clothes wants to date];
And since relative brought me home in "black" vehicle, Gwyndolyn Gwyn's group has kept a 2nd "black" car parked by Gwyndolyn Gwyn's as code to white males that they are still working for white males [being that person connected to "CHARLES"[like Charles Mccrae/but the other one]chose to advance the"black" culture and even thought the African American male is to go to the AFrican American female not working for white male in secret-the Gwyndolyn Gwyn group is using the "black" vehicle t6 communicate that the Gwyn group will continue working for white males through "blocking" the African American female that the Gwyn group is surrounding and harassing]:

[Email sent-Tuesday, December 2, 2014 5:53 PM]
[Picture taken:12/2/14;1:13pm];
[note: there is another 'black" car parked in front of the "black' car inpciture];
In the City of Winstin-Salem, N.C. where the issues concerning the riots orginate:[CHARLES] Barkly -a 'Black" garbage can is placed on the corner where the real "CHARLES" may turn the corner; in which the city of Winston-Salem, NC put the "black" trash can there as representation of what the city of Winston-Salem thinks of any African American not working in spirit of prostitution for white males;[note: in which on local radio station it was stated by white male that people of color will not and do not advance economically];
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