503-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mol., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Wake Forest University,Carver Road Branch Library
This is the second time posting[first was blocked gave up lot of information/bastards-may Devine God do you the same;Being that pictures have not posted to email for posts below will post pictures later:
This is the second time posting[first was blocked gave up lot of information/bastards-may Devine God do you the same;Being that pictures have not posted to email for posts below will post pictures later:
1.Went to Salvation Army for help with water, and response was that was told that would give list of agencies that help with water; they did not give me a list; they put a white male at the front desk instead:
[note: they are interfering with picture of white male at front desk of Salvation Army going to email address;\
after got back from the Salvation Army-there were TWO authority vehicles[new kinds] at Carver High School parking lot and parked at the white store:
There were white male in white car[no outward markings];which is one of the original African American stores that white male system shut down to try and block African Americans from their wealth like when the stores owned by African American's in Fergurson were burned down to be replaced by blacks working for white male to block African American[s] from wealth;
And white male authority was stalking loose AFrican American people=who are not working for white male[s] in secret at/in/near the Food Lion parking lot[being that Food Lion store is a place of gathering-people automatically would go to a central location to communicate; but being that the African American[s] who are suppose to stand up for all African American[s]- ONLY standup for the other AFrican American prostitutes[male and female] working for white male in secret and the "REAL" African American[s] have no where to go and most don't know that they are being stalked]
Such as the article in the Winston-Salem Chronicle, "Ferguson outrage hits home[local leaders dismayed and encouraged to fight for change]by todd LUCK-code to African American[s] work for the advancement of white male;
Rev mendez
2. Article "Census estimates show many moves are local":

Notice who is on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal with the lead article about the "CENSUS"; which one took take to look would find out that the"CENSUS"-owned/controlled/operated by white male; thus the white male can say and do what they want-being that they all operate in PARTNERSHIP=if the white crooks say put down that African American[s] moved; then put down that blacks had moved-which based on the last time made copy of the "census" there were the same exact amount of African Americans for over two decades;
Title of article on the Winston-Salem Journal website is: "Staying put: Census estimates show many moves are local":
Posted: Thursday, December 4, 2014 12:15 am
And special message to the "KINGS" family in the Carver School Road area near Charles Mccrae[the other one] to not worry white males will be building a "wall" through "SAMS CLUB" secret club members who threaten confinement if AFrican American females do not work for white males in secret:
"Walmart to build superstore in King"
On the MAP giving 'AREA OF DETAIL instructions: the DanBURY "area if DETAIL is to take place in "KING"- not in the city "KING", NC; but in the African American neighborhood where the "KING" family[like Ellen King at Carver Road Christian church] lives in the Carver School Road area[code:- detail is to kill/bury the African American[s] where Ellen King is in charge in the Carver School road Area
Posted: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 10:45 pm | Updated: 1:40 am, Thu Dec 4, 2014.
Note: With ALL that is going on locally and nationally the lead story is about the "census" and "many moving"; does anybody think that strange?; not UNLESS they understand that it is code to white males secret club that whites who control \"census' got whites back who kill African Americans;
The coded message through the titles of the front page of the newspapers is that white males have o"K"ayed the killings of AFrican American[s] and the whites that control the "census' will adjust the "census" to reflect whatever white male do to African American[s]; in fact the white males have an entire adjustment system[MADE dvd entitled-"The Adjustment makers or the adjusters"];
The picture below is the future VIEW/VISION [why article about "census" and many moves] of white males to ensure that the African Americans [which were 98% of the daily population]dissappear:
Notice that there are no people of dark color that can be identified as African American[prayer request-may the Devine God get back African American[s] money so they can build their own library and fix it so it hards to see white];
Note: African American[s] can't walk down the street; but WHITE people in "walking" class can:
Originally[barely better] when walked from home to the CRB library white male authority in authority vehicles appeared quite often[like today at Carver High School and the little white store-because went to and came back from the Salvation Army and did not get on city bus=no white male control; thus the need to show control-white car and male parked at little white store in African American neighborhood; Obama said that the white authority are an occupying force [termed used in war]; it is not just the white male authority, it is white males period; now the bastards do not want African American[s] not working for white males to walk down their own streets;
To accomplish the above[no African American[s] walking in African American neighborhoods (being that African American[s] don't have any MONEY to MOVE) white males system to kill off/move African Americans was published on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal on November 15, 2014 in/through picture in article, "ROAD TO THE FUTURE" by Wesley YOUNG:
"Road to the future"

Governor: 'This is just the beginning'
Posted: Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:20 am
[http://www.journalnow.com/eedition/mapping/road-to-the-future/article_00cc5897-7718-5ad5-bde4-04eaa6340803.html];Note: After I had organized papers this morning and marked articles; Charlene Edwards came and just took the paper and unfolded paper and took in the meetings where Roland Hayes [who helped white males to steal from African Americans at Roland Hill] female prostitute working in secret for white males; which made me have to go back through the papers again and remark articles; after said something to Melissa Williams[as usual]attack from Melissa Williams who stated [after I asked for policies to view newspapers because everytime I get newspapers or get on computer[research] the CRB library staff have to intrude; that I needed to know what is the policy concerning using the newspapers[same situation with newspapers as what blogged about at Reynolda Library]] that the policy is only one newspaper at a time; I said fine can I get a statement that that is the policy; Melissa Williams said yes,she would give me a statement and if had any problems can call sylvia hamlin[threat of being thrown out of library] which she has yet to give me a statement-what it is all aboue harassmsent, intimidation like what is done to the African American people in Fergurson, Mo.[notee:All of the new people at Carver Road Branch library are expert at harassing, intimidating AFrican American[s] because they were trained off of African American[s] who were just about all of the patrons that came to the WSFC main public library]-I hope I don't have to be the one to kill somebody so they know to stop!; Shey/Zack[white male]/Melody all standing in the back ground laughing because Sharlene Edwards just came and took paper and unfolded, etc. without asking;[anything negative happens-shey/zack/melody/melissa williams/sharlene edwards and white male authority in Carver School road area connected];
In the Winston-Salem Journal, "Opinion" section; page A27; article, "The Rough Way Forward from Fergurson by Rev. Byron Williams, there is a quote:
"To be a Negro in this Country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a RAGE ALMOST ALL THE TIME!" James Baldwin
Which white males know- because they do things in a manner that is direct to the indiviual [that can't be seen by the naked eye-it has to be described systematically and pointed out] to ensure that the rage stays; and even if the person gets past one point they know that as some point the RAGE will show; thus if a person has been in a state of RAGE over TWO decades; it is not so hard to understand why white males security[systems]guards are sent to certain people; because they are expecting the RAGE to show and being that tracking has revealed enough anger to shut a door and break the glass in anger, surely the RAGE is far enough on the surface to be tapped into by white male[s] or those such as Sharlene Edwards[who came,took and rearranged the newspaper this morning causing me to have to remark newspapers];
Note: Sent pictures of when white male in authority vehicle pulled up to railroad track [it was the manner in which he pulled up] to communicate don't walk in African American neighborhood[like
in the article:
"Overtown Residents Systematically Arrested for Crossing Train Tracks"
In the Winston-salem Chronicle; vol.41,N0.12; 11/27/14; article, "WFUreponds to profiling complaints[black students accuse campus c-ps of bias]-by Todd LUCK-[code to African American[s] work for the advancement of white male:
"WFU responds to profiling complaints"
November 25, 2014;"Black students accuse campus cops of bias""Ebron said black fraternity and sorority parties are given more scrutiny by campus police than events held by white Greek organizations. The first town hall, where students aired their grievances to faculty, exposed those concerns and others, such as minority students’ contention that they are asked for identification on campus a disproportionate number of times."[Note; Have blogged about the fact that two security guards asked me for "ID" as a form of harassment at Wake Forrest University];
Lawson said she ordered an independent review. It found that a disproportionate number of minorities were arrested, but found no evidence that an actual or intentional bias was behind the disparity. All the arrests were justified, according to the review, which still suggested that changes be implemented. The department has a new Bias Incident Reporting and Response System, through which reports of bias will be reviewed and addressed. Unconscious bias training for WFUPD officers and staff will take place next month. Lawson also hopes to increase diversity in the department;[note: Waste of time; system is developed by WHITES, for WHITES and will always find that the arrests are justified];
"Melissa Clodfelter, associate director of the Personal Development Center, acted as the panel’s moderator and Dr. Stephen Boyd, a religion professor, also participated in the panel.:[Same coded names to create the same system/mindset];
"During the student comment period, numerous other issues were brought up, including the heated topic of “chalking.” During WFU’s recent Discovery Day, which invites perspective students to visit the campus, chalk messages warning about a hostile environment for minorities were found on the sidewalks. Rue had called the messages “cowardly” in WFU’s student newspaper, the Old Gold & Black. At the forum, Melissa Harris-Perry, an MSNBC host who recently became a WFU professor, said she agreed with Rue’s contention."
In which Melissa Harris Perry made the statement that she thought that "She felt the anonymity of the messages interfered with their ability to be effective";[note: she is half white and have covering and protection that African American[s] who do not have a WHITE parent does not have and she knows that];
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