504 Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Winston-Salem, NC,Wake Forest University,Carver Raod Branch Library
3rd posting for 12/4/14
1.Today is a TWO day:
Heard Glenn Beck this morning say that "something is wrong" speaking in reference to Eric Garner.
" NYC cop in videotaped death: No intent to harm";By TOM HAYS and COLLEEN LONG - The Associated Press; the statement"NO intent to harm " is true/coded=his intent was to kill and not harm and he did;[http://www.daily-chronicle.com/2014/12/03/nyc-cop-in-videotaped-death-no-intent-to-harm/ayrxaev/];
Posted the following at Social Understanding[http://socialnowst.blogspot.com/2014/12/151-michael-brownfergurson-mo-winston.html]:on Thursday, December 04, 2014; where Glenn Beck had a JOHNATHAN on his radio show[https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=glenn+beck+radio+show&gbv=2&oq=glenn+beck+radio+show&gs_l=heirloom-hp.3..35i39j0l8.2047.6468.0.7047.]:
Note; heard of "JOHNATHAN on the Glenn Beck radio program; figured it was an imposter and sure enough the real "Johnathan" is "JOHNATHAN" CapeHART:
Monday night on The Glenn Beck Program, Glenn introduced the audience to a man who delivered some serious truth to the protestors in Ferguson. He’s not famous. He’s not a pundit. He’s not an Al Sharpton or a Ben Carson. He’s just an everyday guy named Jonathan Gentry, but he has a message everyone needs to hear.[http://www.glennbeck.com/2014/12/02/watch-this-man-has-a-message-you-absolutely-need-to-hear];
Glenn Beck stated that Johnathan Gentry has a "MINISTRY" and his message was that black people need to "CHANGE", "You can't tell the authorities to clean up until you black people clean up your neighborhood and clean up your mindset; I am not talking about MONEY; I am talking about mindset;
Glenn Beck went on to say, "I think that God is raisingup unknown people who have nothing to lose=[ children in cities foster care-next wave of policies being developed to target/block African American children from economic/social support to put them in foster care, threaten, intimidate them to do what the white males say];[Presently the city of Winston-Salem is in the process of developing/creating a lot of new childrens programs and nephew who has relative with name of "ROB" in it is working at the "CHILDRENS HOME" who had something to do with the stealing of the "TWIN" child by Gwyndolyn Gwyn and group];
3rd posting for 12/4/14
1.Today is a TWO day:
Heard Glenn Beck this morning say that "something is wrong" speaking in reference to Eric Garner.
" NYC cop in videotaped death: No intent to harm";By TOM HAYS and COLLEEN LONG - The Associated Press; the statement"NO intent to harm " is true/coded=his intent was to kill and not harm and he did;[http://www.daily-chronicle.com/2014/12/03/nyc-cop-in-videotaped-death-no-intent-to-harm/ayrxaev/];
Posted the following at Social Understanding[http://socialnowst.blogspot.com/2014/12/151-michael-brownfergurson-mo-winston.html]:on Thursday, December 04, 2014; where Glenn Beck had a JOHNATHAN on his radio show[https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=glenn+beck+radio+show&gbv=2&oq=glenn+beck+radio+show&gs_l=heirloom-hp.3..35i39j0l8.2047.6468.0.7047.]:
Note; heard of "JOHNATHAN on the Glenn Beck radio program; figured it was an imposter and sure enough the real "Johnathan" is "JOHNATHAN" CapeHART:
Monday night on The Glenn Beck Program, Glenn introduced the audience to a man who delivered some serious truth to the protestors in Ferguson. He’s not famous. He’s not a pundit. He’s not an Al Sharpton or a Ben Carson. He’s just an everyday guy named Jonathan Gentry, but he has a message everyone needs to hear.[http://www.glennbeck.com/2014/12/02/watch-this-man-has-a-message-you-absolutely-need-to-hear];
Glenn Beck stated that Johnathan Gentry has a "MINISTRY" and his message was that black people need to "CHANGE", "You can't tell the authorities to clean up until you black people clean up your neighborhood and clean up your mindset; I am not talking about MONEY; I am talking about mindset;
Glenn Beck went on to say, "I think that God is raisingup unknown people who have nothing to lose=[ children in cities foster care-next wave of policies being developed to target/block African American children from economic/social support to put them in foster care, threaten, intimidate them to do what the white males say];[Presently the city of Winston-Salem is in the process of developing/creating a lot of new childrens programs and nephew who has relative with name of "ROB" in it is working at the "CHILDRENS HOME" who had something to do with the stealing of the "TWIN" child by Gwyndolyn Gwyn and group];
Johnathan Gentry stated, "I have read the bible for years while working in maintance, I would sometimes read the bible for six hours at a time while working"[which is the mindset and spirit of the ministers in the African American neighborhoods who are raised up by white males such as Glenn Beck; how is a person who is suppose to do the Godly thing[give employer all their attention and time and not cheat the employer-which Johnathan Gentry admitted on national radio]represent people in a Godly manner-the spirit is already one of "robbery"[of time from his employer]and Glenn Beck knows about the not robbing others because he has employees];
Through Glenn Beck's coded system it was communicated to raise up a black "Johnathan"; as Glenn Beck stated it "Johnathan Gentry" was pointed out to him;Listening on the radio he sounded as if he had major issues when he stated,"Look at my car[mercedes], I have been stopped by the pol-ce numerous time; they did not attack me; if I can be stopped and not be attack so can you; It is time for blacks to change."
A picture of "Johnathan Gentry" says it all:

Johnathan Gentry
compared to a picture of "Johnathan Capehart:

Johnathan Capehart
Johnathan Capehart is not easily used or mislead but has and is being mislead by [cultures] that if he works hard that he will achieve the American dream[reality is that unless he lets white males use him/his name/take over his life/be a slave with benefits to white male] then his counterpart Johnathan Gentry will/is an Afriacan American male who has/is recieving white males training and can/is easily used by white
male;[note: why there are so many African American[s] educated with degrees and no job- white males have the job[s] and their backup is the white male authority who secretly communicate to African American[s] who refuse slavery with benefits system that if they do anything that is legal to make MONEY the result will be confinement]
Eric Garner was/is a perfect example:
"Eric Garner Was Choked to Death for SELLING Loosies"
A grand jury has refused to indict the officer responsible for Eric Garner’s death. Now we need to change the insane POLICIES that lead to his killing.
" As cell phone footage of the incident makes clear, the police approached the 43-year-old Garner after he had helped to break up a fight on a busy street in Staten Island. The cops were less interested in the fight than in asking Garner whether he was selling loose cigarettes or “loosies,” which is illegal. “Every time you see me, you wanna arrest me,” says Garner, who had a rap sheet for selling loosies and was in fact out on bail when confronted."[http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/12/03/the-policies-behind-eric-garner-s-death.html#];
[note: Eric Garner "had a rap sheet for selling loosies and was in fact out on bail when confronted" which is part of the circle:“Every time you see me, you wanna arrest me,” says Garner" - Garner said, "EVERYTIME" the white authorities saw him they wanted to arrest him which is one of the white male authorities real job and if anybody took time out to find out-the local social agencies in FERGUSON, MO. denied him help while helping to block him from obtaining stable income/job; it would be counteractive to seek to help when an arrest meant job security; Eric Garner's bigger issue was that an African American male by the name of Eric HOLDER was in charge of a lot of white male authority and since arresting Eric HOLDER for the decisions that he made was not viable; the next best thing was to send him a message and in order to do that an African American male by the name of Eric" was needed and that was Eric Garner [and if anybody took time to check Eric Garner frequencies of encounters with white male authority increased after Eric HOLDER got into office-in fact the real "the nation's first black U.S. attorney general" may have been Eric Garner and mayhave been replaced by Eric Holder; in fact Eric Holder stepped down after Eric Garner was killed];[http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2014/09/25/351363171/eric-holder-to-step-down-as-attorney-general]
REAL African American[s] understand that what is going on is concerning "Johnathan Gentry" is that he is probably connected to one of the African American female prostitutes working for white males in secret and the white males owe the AFrican American female prostitute working for white males in secret a payoff for helping them to block/stop/rob/kill African Americans in some manner and the payoff is for "Johnathan Gentry" to be raised up and Glenn Beck was the one selected;[note: looking at the picture it is understandable why "Johnathan Gentry" does not connect admitting he stole from his boss while on the clock for years" mostly out of ignorance;and Glenn Beck and white males are exploiting "Johnathan Gentry" ignorance so that white males can have their own "JOHNATHAN" in white culture, while attacking and forcing the REAL African American "JOHNATHAN Capehart" to suffer by constantly keeping negative pressure and oppression in his life-that way the REAL AFrican American "JOHNATHAN Capehart" can't focus to achieve what is/should be rightly his; and the REAL AFrican American "JOHNATHAN Capehart" will be wondering why he is not rising but another "JOHNATHAN" with his name [Johnathan Gentry] is rising, in the news and being uplifted with all the good material stuff/like "MONEY" ];
A. National system of AFrican American female prostitutes working for white males in secret;
"Fatal arrest of Eric Garner was conducted by BLACK FEMALE sargeant"
At no time during the arrest, or in the police report, does she express any disapproval of the actions of any other officers.[which is why African American female prostitutes working in secret are hired to never express disapproval regardless of what white males do-the African American female prostitute working in secret for white males are to be front people only[like B.O.]and defend whatever illegal/immoral action white males do;
In Fergurson, Mo, the African American female prostitute working in secret for white males is name "KIZZy" ---n- [which is a code name for 'kiss' and an African slave name]
[ http://topconservativenews.com/2014/12/fatal-arrest-of-eric-garner-was-conducted-by-black-female-sargeant/] note: it is also confirmation of the post on blogg about WSTA hiring an AFrican American female prositute as the bus driver of WSTA route 13 to harass me and the city of Winston-Salem rewarded her with a job in an authority position]
In Furgerson, MO, the African American female prostitute working in secret for white males is not known but a picture is worth a thousand words:
Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson, center. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters)
There are TWO African American males that have been killed by white male authority who keep an African American female prostitute who work for white males in secret on their payroll;
Could you imagine an African American female/male who seeks to serve the Devine God in the mist of a society that is control by white males who only allow African American female prostitutes who work in secret for white males to have jobs:?; in Winston-Salem, NC the path is soup kictchens, harassment, intimdation, threats, isolation,killings of family members, robbery and theft of their life-like with white mailman [BILLy PLUCK] who was put on mail route to harass, intimidate, etc. through mail system;
[note: of which the CRB library is closed today because they are having a "staff meeting" today[12/5/14], which instructions being that since could not convince person to join illegal activities that the CRB and Carver School Road area are to continue harassment to the point of "ASH" [being that "haggeling"[Hagel]did not work;
"But Hagel's time in the top slot did not go as PLANNED"
"Obama's Pentagon Pick, ASHton Carter, KNOWN EXPERTISE"
ASHton Carter
[knows how his name is used to communicate]
A. Carter has served under "11" Defense secretaries."[CODE- "911"; September 11,2001;
B. "The name "ASHton Carter lines up with DUKE "ASH" spill and negative plans for African American[s] in Winston-Salem, NC[which would include Melissa Williams and staff at CRB library trying to block/throw me out of the CRB library after the 14/5/14 "staff meeting"
Violations issued agains DUKE for coal "ASH" spill
Posted: Friday, February 28, 2014 5:51 pm
[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/violations-issued-against-duke-for-coal-ash-spill/article_cf22ffae-a0ca-11e3-9ba0-0017a43b2370.html]C. "ASH" Carter seems poised for an EASY confirmation process" [with Loretta Lynch in the background]
Which all of the above summerizes why African Americans stay in a "rage" because they are constantly having to out TWO systems of survival-one of which always wants to put them in confinement as Eric Garner stated, everytime they saw him they wanted to arrest him;
While "Johnathan Gentry is being raised and held up as the most wise intelligent African American male ever by white male like Glenn Beck, the real "JOHNATHAN CapeHART"- who wrote the article
"Three troubling things exposed by the Ferguson police shooting of Michael Brown"
is being ignored and consequently a lot of the questions asked by white people that would have been answered will not be answered[update: heard this morning 11/5/14 on 94.5 fm news that MISINFORMATION will mess you up[imagine a whole country who is operating off of MISINFORMATION]; because the "FAKE" Johnathan[gentry] will give misinformation];
What Glenn Beck went on to say on his morning radio program on 12/4/14 is that the authority white male should have been charged with something based on his review of the video;and because he wasn't something must have gone wrong with the system-which is interesting because as Glenn Beck talks about something being wrong with the system-he is helping the [wrong system to exit and to be wrong to AFrican American[s], which he knows[reason for the black hooded ministry that BILLy Graham would not join]:
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Glenn Beck's Black Robe Brigade and the Plight of the Local Pastor
During Glenn Beck's August 28 rally at the Lincoln Memorial he introduced a group of 240 pastors, priests, rabbis, and imams that he calls the "Black Robe Brigade." (Despite the promotion of this group as ecumenical, I think most of them were Protestant evangelicals). The group is named after the so-called "Black Regiment," a term employed by eighteenth-century Tories and Anglicans to describe dissenting clergy who supported the American Revolution and took part in the rebellion against England. Peter Oliver, one of the first Tory historians of the American Revolution, devoted several pages to the Black Regiment in his 1781 work The Origin & Progress of the American Rebellion. Beck has received help in mobilizing his brigade from an all-star cast of evangelical leaders that includes James Dobson, John Hagee, Richard Land, Jerry Falwell Jr., and James Robison[note: notice the coded names ROB, RICH, and when one move-ALL move-sort of like a national hambuger chain and all of them have people with the same names around them, and what happens to one person with a name-happens to all with the same name in some manner]; the name of "ROB" is all in the African American neighborhoods;just about everybody who works is or is connected to somebody with the name of "ROB" in it;
With Glenn Beck one of the ones being the reason why African American[s] have the wrong mindset though white males such as Glenn Beck giving/raising up preselected ignorant African American[s] who give misleading information;
Which is why the riots in Fergurson, Mo. will NOT change anything relating to the REAL African American[s] except just make it more difficult to achieve nomacy while the "FAKE" African American[s] are raised up by white male system that is blocking the "REAL" African American[s] from accessing "MONEY" which is part of what Fergurson, Mo. riots are about, which
is what the REAL "JOHNATHAN"**** wrote about in his article:
"Folks have the impression that this is a form of low-level harassment that isn’t about public safety,” Thomas Harvey, the founder of the group, told NPR. “ITS ABOUT MONEY.” BIG MONEY. The report notes that of Ferguson’s $20 million in revenue, the $2.6 million in court fines and fees was the second-largest source of income. It also pointed out that the Ferguson Municipal Court disposed of “about 3 warrants and 1.5 cases per household” last year."
One of the radio talk show hosts stated, "that they[white male] are using/creating the riots to advance their own agenda[advancing white culture by destroying the business of the "REAL" African American[s] and replacing the businesses with "FAKE" African American[s] who white males will supply with "MONEY" while the "REAL" African American[s] are sent in a circle seeking the basic necessities like at the Winston-Salem Salvation Army location which JUST moved to Cleveland Avenue[black neighborhood]where major Allison was moved to because he has a finance degree and has been trained to rob AFrican American[s] of their wealth;
Note: Glenn Beck and crew did point out that Hillary Clinton is a great supporter of the lady who started Family planning whose objective was to kill blacks[12/2014]];
Note: Rush Limbough again confirmed that he KNOWS what he is doing!
[note:lot of information posted today on blog was added/have copy of orignal post];
[note: at 2:00pm Berverly at the Carl Russell Recreation Center came in with another female and started laughing and said, "We are so happy because we are so in lOVE with out boyfriends", which she kept up same type enviornment of harassment for about 5 minutes-because she is an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males and knows that African American females who don't work as a prostitute not allowed to have males around them]
[note: Machael Brown and Eric Garner are the reasons why guy in blue went to the WSFC 5th Street main library to be in my presence-to keep white male from attacking him or me];
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