572-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Winston-Salem, NC, Wake Forest University, CRB Library
1.Walked to CRB library; saw tan authority vehicle-big white male in uniform on 12/19/14; on 12/18/14 Sw-tzer called offered "job" back with "pay"[?]; did not apologize; nor offer to make up for suffering when had did anything wrong; but did allow to pick some "greens"; had a worker African American male whose spiritural mindset is one that informed male relatives to stay out of because of setup, which is the spiritual set that associated with those who knocked down the "TWIN" Towers or the "World trade center";
2. Listening to the white boy radio network talk show; they are really upset to the point that if the United States cowards to the threat connected to 'sony' not showing movie of the leader overseas; then that is the end of the United States as a "super power" and if Al Sharpton can go to 'sony' and tell them what movies they can make and what/who they can put in the movies the United States as a "supser power" is over[RUSH Limbough-12/19/14][note: Rush Limbough and white boy radio network only have themselves to blame, because one of the conservative African American[s] seeking help was denied help because the conservative African American skin was the wrong color]
The white boy radio network often talks about the fact that their "republicans" followers are upset because the "republicans" are silent; completely "SILENT" :
[Protestors confront the pol-ce in front of the Stevens Center on Fourth Street]
[Note: at best it is a "staged" protest controlled by the same people who they are protesting];
And the reality of the situation is that the protesters time is being wasted; while confirmation is that while African Americans are prostesting whites are living:
Article: WFU students will be graded for staging music festival" by Todd LUCK[can't locate on WS chronicles website];
And the white boy talk radio network listeners want to know why the "republicans" are not saying anything; and they often call in and ask "WHY IS THAT?"; the answer is because the white boy radio talk show hosts are protecting the white conservative [lifestyle]-where the white male conservatie strictly follows the original "Preamble" of the United States Constitution" before the United States Supreme Court ruled the original "Preamble of the United States Constitution" illegal and before the United States Supreme Court ruled that African American[s] do not have to be subservent to white males to be prosperous or/and to progress in society[researched court cases];
3.The Headlines for the Winston-Salem Journal is to "Divida Martin" to give her the "WINNING Move":
1. The "K" in the right hand corner of the picture of the little AFrican American girl [like the little African American female baby that Gwyndolyn Gwyn and secret group stole at birth] article of
2. The "royal blue" sign, "Season of giving"[I am not giving the bastards a dam thing]-code it is okay to give away what belongs to African American[s];
3. The CP3 Foundation[Chris PAUL]-code to the Gwyndolyn Gwyn and Paulette/Paul group which Divida Martin is a member;
4. Notice the "PINK" and how it stands out; "PINK" is color code to secret group[pink pj's were new and were stolen-had since 2003 or longer];
"K"ristina Reid, 7, picks out toys with her dad, "K"enny Reid of "K"errnersville, at Toys R Us during a Holiday Shopping Spree sponsored by The CP3 Foundation Thursday, December 18, 2014. WITH HELP FROM from Josh Howard, CHARLES and ROBIN PAUL hosted the event, which provided 100 kids with $100 gift cards to spend in the store.[3k'S=311=kkk]; out front and public message to Davida Martin that she will get help from "CHARLES" [who Davida Martin helped avoid child abuse case and the male who supplied the sperm of the "TWIN]";and that Davida Martin is to use the "ROBIN"[rob,kill, steal from African American[s] of wealth, heritage] and "PAUL" system];
" Martin suggests opening floor to nonclergy as Forsyth commissioners discuss prayer policy"
[Posted: Thursday, December 18, 2014 9:31 pm; Winston-Salem Journal]
"As a result of Thursday’s discussion, County Attorney Davida Martin will now begin tweaking the board’s former written policy to take into account Beaty’s words of caution and his suggested clarifications."
[note: code-about tweaking the caution and suggested clarifications of the African American churches participation in the stealing/killing/robbery/intimidation of African American[s]];
"Commissioner "GLORIA" Whisenhunt recommended the board direct "MARTIN" to make those changes, and Chairman "DAVE" "PLYER' said O"K".[code-posted on blog about "gloria" "CAIN" who was ordered to the CRB library after person who works for authority gave me a food basket; "GLORIA" [CAIN][like herbert cain-the radio announcer]works for the CHILDRENS OUTREACH DEPT. at the Jordan-Nelson Malloy library in east winston[African American neighborhood], which the above statement is code to apply the "DAVE" system[based on the bible] where "DAVID" always gets away[which is codeoperate the white male system where whites are never charged and get away with whatever they want to do illegal/immoral];
"Forsyth County’s former policy required the invocation be delivered by “an eligible member of the clergy/religious leader.” The board clerk compiled a database of religious congregations with an “established presence” in Forsyth County and invited their clergy members to offer the invocation."[code-above statement is confirmation of the fact that the head of the African American churches[only] are and have been recognized by white male system[s], such as:

Reverend "JOHN" Mendez
1.Walked to CRB library; saw tan authority vehicle-big white male in uniform on 12/19/14; on 12/18/14 Sw-tzer called offered "job" back with "pay"[?]; did not apologize; nor offer to make up for suffering when had did anything wrong; but did allow to pick some "greens"; had a worker African American male whose spiritural mindset is one that informed male relatives to stay out of because of setup, which is the spiritual set that associated with those who knocked down the "TWIN" Towers or the "World trade center";
2. Listening to the white boy radio network talk show; they are really upset to the point that if the United States cowards to the threat connected to 'sony' not showing movie of the leader overseas; then that is the end of the United States as a "super power" and if Al Sharpton can go to 'sony' and tell them what movies they can make and what/who they can put in the movies the United States as a "supser power" is over[RUSH Limbough-12/19/14][note: Rush Limbough and white boy radio network only have themselves to blame, because one of the conservative African American[s] seeking help was denied help because the conservative African American skin was the wrong color]
The white boy radio network often talks about the fact that their "republicans" followers are upset because the "republicans" are silent; completely "SILENT" :
"Justice-seekers unrelenting"
[Posted On 17 Dec 2014;By : Todd Luck][http://www.wschronicle.com/2014/12/justice-seekers-unrelenting/];
[Protestors confront the pol-ce in front of the Stevens Center on Fourth Street]
[Note: at best it is a "staged" protest controlled by the same people who they are protesting];
And the reality of the situation is that the protesters time is being wasted; while confirmation is that while African Americans are prostesting whites are living:
Article: WFU students will be graded for staging music festival" by Todd LUCK[can't locate on WS chronicles website];
And the white boy talk radio network listeners want to know why the "republicans" are not saying anything; and they often call in and ask "WHY IS THAT?"; the answer is because the white boy radio talk show hosts are protecting the white conservative [lifestyle]-where the white male conservatie strictly follows the original "Preamble" of the United States Constitution" before the United States Supreme Court ruled the original "Preamble of the United States Constitution" illegal and before the United States Supreme Court ruled that African American[s] do not have to be subservent to white males to be prosperous or/and to progress in society[researched court cases];
3.The Headlines for the Winston-Salem Journal is to "Divida Martin" to give her the "WINNING Move":

1. The "K" in the right hand corner of the picture of the little AFrican American girl [like the little African American female baby that Gwyndolyn Gwyn and secret group stole at birth] article of
2. The "royal blue" sign, "Season of giving"[I am not giving the bastards a dam thing]-code it is okay to give away what belongs to African American[s];
3. The CP3 Foundation[Chris PAUL]-code to the Gwyndolyn Gwyn and Paulette/Paul group which Divida Martin is a member;
4. Notice the "PINK" and how it stands out; "PINK" is color code to secret group[pink pj's were new and were stolen-had since 2003 or longer];
"K"ristina Reid, 7, picks out toys with her dad, "K"enny Reid of "K"errnersville, at Toys R Us during a Holiday Shopping Spree sponsored by The CP3 Foundation Thursday, December 18, 2014. WITH HELP FROM from Josh Howard, CHARLES and ROBIN PAUL hosted the event, which provided 100 kids with $100 gift cards to spend in the store.[3k'S=311=kkk]; out front and public message to Davida Martin that she will get help from "CHARLES" [who Davida Martin helped avoid child abuse case and the male who supplied the sperm of the "TWIN]";and that Davida Martin is to use the "ROBIN"[rob,kill, steal from African American[s] of wealth, heritage] and "PAUL" system];
" Martin suggests opening floor to nonclergy as Forsyth commissioners discuss prayer policy"
[Posted: Thursday, December 18, 2014 9:31 pm; Winston-Salem Journal]
"As a result of Thursday’s discussion, County Attorney Davida Martin will now begin tweaking the board’s former written policy to take into account Beaty’s words of caution and his suggested clarifications."
[note: code-about tweaking the caution and suggested clarifications of the African American churches participation in the stealing/killing/robbery/intimidation of African American[s]];
"Commissioner "GLORIA" Whisenhunt recommended the board direct "MARTIN" to make those changes, and Chairman "DAVE" "PLYER' said O"K".[code-posted on blog about "gloria" "CAIN" who was ordered to the CRB library after person who works for authority gave me a food basket; "GLORIA" [CAIN][like herbert cain-the radio announcer]works for the CHILDRENS OUTREACH DEPT. at the Jordan-Nelson Malloy library in east winston[African American neighborhood], which the above statement is code to apply the "DAVE" system[based on the bible] where "DAVID" always gets away[which is codeoperate the white male system where whites are never charged and get away with whatever they want to do illegal/immoral];
"Forsyth County’s former policy required the invocation be delivered by “an eligible member of the clergy/religious leader.” The board clerk compiled a database of religious congregations with an “established presence” in Forsyth County and invited their clergy members to offer the invocation."[code-above statement is confirmation of the fact that the head of the African American churches[only] are and have been recognized by white male system[s], such as:

Reverend "JOHN" Mendez
“Forty years ago, Larry and I stood where you stood. We’ve gotten older now, but it looks good for us to see all of you young people standing for the kinds of things we stood for more than 40 years ago,” he said."[Note:Revend "JOHN"Mendez who as one of the black males who stated that they go to Rev. Mendez church and that Rev. Mendez'z greates aspirations presently is to stay "YOUNG"];
Larry Little addresses the crowd
Larry Little, a Winston-Salem State University professor said he and other civil rights fighters of yesterday left much unfinished business.“I have to apologize for my generation because we should not have bequeathed this sort of nonsense to your generation,” he said.[note: Larry Little is who WSSU staged scenrio and presented the situation dealing with to him; where they showed him that if he sided with person who was being done wrong -what the white male system would do to African Amerian[s];and if I went to Larry Little or any other African American leader that is in the public-I would get the same response-an illusiion-of "CHANGE"-only blacks who work[conform to] for white males wishes are allowed to experience anytype of "tangible change";And the same goes for Reverend "JOHN" Mendez:
Linda "Sutton" speaks.
[http://www.wschronicle.com/2014/12/justice-seekers-unrelenting/]The name "sutton" is name of the AFrican American male authority who pulled out a weapon and put on his book shelf as threat because of being a student at WSSU who was serving the Devine GOD and not white males; a lot of the AFrican American students at WSSU are being harassed, targeted ,etc. for not being subservent to white males:
Which is why if anything happens to me; Gwyndolyn Gwyn [whose has one son who works as authority], sutton, norris, little, mendez, davida martin,charles,etc. all the local African American black leaders plus the white male authority who controls the Carver School Road African American neighborhood[s] are well aware/cameras, etc. and are participants;
Dec.17;Author:Jordan Green

This is the picture on the cover of the City Beat magazine which took picture sent to email -has yet to get to email so went to "City beat" website; the magazine "City Beat" and the front page are code to secret group of what to do to person/situation;[http://triad-city-beat.com/];
A. Posted on blog when went to the Salvation army that they had a gritch up to communicate and as code that the Salvation Army and staff[who are in partnership with the City of Winston-Salem where my sibling "curtis" was murder] and on the "City Beat" website is a cover of the "gritch"that stole Christmas:
"The Weekender, Dec. 19-21, 2014: The Other Grinch edition"
Note: Did not see that cover at the CRB library]
Which the cover of the "gritch" is the same color as the WSTA[winston-salem transit authority city buses]; and also coincides with the Salvation Army's theme of robbery, stealing, killing of AFrican American[s];
"Commissioner Walter Marshall expressed concerns that the written policy had been crafted by the Alliance Defense Fund, now the Alliance Defending Freedom, and that some of the people who fought for prayer do not even believe in government."[note: Walter Marshall wife name "PAULETTE" now seems a little concern: translation of his words are that some of the people who fought for prayer do not even believe in government is his way of saying that a lot of the people connected with the illusionary prayer issue really are about killing people openly with no problem-with the illusion of gov. at least they have to give the illusion or hide the fact of killing people; without the government there would be no stopping them;
5. Connecting the "dots" ; what the bastards take from young African American females as they grow up; they are suppose to give to and stay connected to the "Salvation Army":

That is part of the Salvation Army's "gritch who stole Christmas" from African American[s] system
Note:Have blogged about the fact that subliminal messages sent to destroy the AFrican American marriage and romantic relationships scene in movie of coded message to crush African American relationships:
[email sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 3:35 PM]
[Picture taken:12/12/14;8:11pm];
[docemented the name of the movie and the above picture is why Al Sharpton is at 'sony' to negotiate what message is sent out about African American[s] relationships-which am concern because Al Sharpton has a white female prostitue working for white males in secret, so how is he going to negotiate what is seen in African American marriages and relationships?];
Which is why the white male authority presence in unmarked cars on Carver School Road,Gwyndolyn Gwyn group and son, and shirely's male relative who goes in and out of confinement who today parked a car behind shirley's house[which coincidently[is not a coinicidence] as a threat; as well as communication to white male authority that Gwydolyn Gwyn, Boston[s] and group are working for white males; which communication is only negativty is allowed; which includes the threat that if don't stop blogging/going to the CRB library that shirly's male relative and Gwyndolyn Gwyn's son who pulled a weapon on me will do what the front pages of the "CITY BEAT" paper state:
Note:Intereing that the name is name of relative/berlin[gemany] and smith reynolds:[code]:
'Candy Bomber' re-enacts famous Berlin air drop at Smith Reynolds Airport

Note:hispanic left "royal blue"bin on street as code to city of winston-salem,NC;
[Email sent-Tuesday, December 16, 2014 3:33 PM];
[Picture taken:12/14/14;11:02am];
Note:No cars parked at Gwyns for a couple of days; but Gwyndolyn Gwyn/member of group is in house:
[Email sent:Tuesday, December 16, 2014 3:23 PM]
[Picture taken:12/14/14;11:00am];
Note:Picture is of an empty water package -which have blogged about putting water in empty water bottles and back in their package so that can have water; and think it too coincidental that there is an empty water package on sidewalk near where the "BILL" is located in which in the AFrican American neighborhood the white male has made "BILL" is code to mean "charge" in secret[like being charged for a crime downtown]
- so that every time an African American walks through the signs and walks on the word "bill" to the white male authority that gives them permission to :
[Email sent:Tuesday, December 16, 2014 3:39 PM]
[Picture taken:12/17/14;4:45pm];
Note: DVD Christmas Star-Coded with message to Winston-salem secret group:
[The Christmas Star]
Note: DVD The Christmas Caper confirms and is code about the duchess ["K"ate] using children in system of "robbery" in Winston-Salem, NC and the United States:

The Christmas Caper
Note: Sent picture to email of the "City Beat" magazine with the "headlines-"Getting away with "MURDER" which has been placed at the front door of the CRB library, but even though it says "sent" ; nothing has showed up in email address [friendseeeee@yahoo.com];
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