Merry Christmas/519-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Winston-salem, N.C., Wake Forest University, CRBlibrary
1.Today caught ride to CRB library;Shey, aleshia brooks, shelene edwards, mayhand working today, williams was not present; On 12/21/14 walked to local church-while walking AFrican American male showed up and started walking behind me almost as if trying to pace me; long story short after altered the black male kept his pace; and shortly after no cooperation from walk; a white truck with white trailor with word "budget" on the side came from opposite direction and picked black male up; after about 5 minutes the same white truck with white trailor came back in same direction I was walking and drove past me;
2a.Heard Rush Limbough today[12/22/14]; on radio show 94.5;at 12:45pm; and Rush Limbough was steaming about the fact that the TWO authority officers had been sent 6 feet under before their time; [which to me something is wrong; for anybody to get that close to people whose very existence depends on their being aware of their surroundings]; he said that somebody had voted the top stories for 2014 was about the "KILLING of BLACK" by authority; then he said that if the current brown male in the house that is white wanted real peace and wanted to be fair that the brown man in the house that is white would come back from his vacation[hawaii] to NYC and sit witht he mayor and the gov.and go to the homegoing services of the two authorities that were taken off the earth before their time;
Which to me [after listening to segment] Rush Limbough was instigating; when the current man in brown skin in the house that is white, dropped the AFrican American churches to run for the current office that he holds; AFrican American[s] did not have radio, newspaper or television to rant about the fact that he was acting like a sell-out; and that AFrican American[s]all across the country were crying "foul" and neither could the African American[s] complain to any of the media that the current brown male in office who was running for his current office at the time was turning his back on the "church" to show total support for the white male system;
But Rush Limbough spent at least 30 minutes to an hour emphasizing that the man in brown skin in the house that is white is playing "foul" and is doing a soft instigating to incite rioting by /from and through the white male being that most of Rush Limbough listeners are white males and have and are easily able to obtain weapons -which most AFrican Americans are not able to do;
If people think that currently there is a lot of stress because people are "marching"; If Rush Limbough [who says that he KNOWS what he is doing]keeps talking the way he was today at 12:45pm on 94.5 fm and can assure you that white male will respond in a hurry;Rush Limbough also answered what the United States Supreme Court is doing when they issue "justice" which according to Rush Limbough to the United States Supreme Court-"justice" is not about the "TRUTH" but about "PEACEFUL RESOLUTION ";
which means that African American[s] will never get "justice"; African American[s] will always only get something that is the equivalent of less than human:
For example: the bastards participated in/parternship with the system that stole the "TWIN" child; "justice" to the parent of the stolen child to the United States Supreme Court according to Rush Limbough is that the bastards connected to the stealing of the TWIN child at the " the United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina";[][like Willie Kennedy; Olsteen, etc.]basically have nothing to worry about because a committee at the "United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina" name a "local law" after the stolen "twin"; so the mother of the twin should be proud of the fact that a bunch of bastards stole a child and named a law of the child that was stole; "I pray that the Devine God allows all of them to experience the same" ;that according to Rush Limbough the "LAWS" are illusionary; just as what Tavis Smiley's guest Connie Rice stated 12/20/14 on 88.5fm radio program;
Note: 2b.Will say that based upon all of the protesting and marshing[which is also illusionary] that the REAL issues of abuse, threats, robbery, stealing of/from AFrican American[s] is not being addressed];
3a.Real "JUSTICE" is an illustion and everything that AFrican American[s] are organized to do like in the article on the front page of the Winston-salem Jurnal; 12/22/14:

"Kim Porter (center), one of the protest leaders, is given a citation for walking against a red light by a Winston-Salem police officer after a protest against police treatment of minorities on Sunday, Dec. 21, 2014.[];
"[Note:3b.- That is exactly the way the authories in blue in Winston-Salem, NC had me surrounded at "Hanes Mall" and I had to mouth "HELP" and a white lady sat out front in an area till her husband came out of the restroom; in the meantime the authorities in blue were trying to hurry the white lady; but she stayed until they gave me back and id and left;[Kim Porter could be me and a whole lot of African American[s] that have experienced being surrounded by the authorities for exercising their "CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS"[like just living];And Kim porter was in open public with cameras rolling; and you can see the stress on her face; image a person by themselves in a situation with no-one around;And after the incident at Hanes Mall; then came the incidents of walking to library-except the use of authority vehicles and then "Carl" the security guard was positioned at Carver Road Branch Library;
Note:3c.- "CHARLES" "K"rauthammer" stated in article, "How to fight the lone wolf";pge.A7; in "opinion" section of the Winston-Salem Journal that :
"The still greater threat is "organized terr-r," "This is evil in its purest form";
In which the article is about the terr-rist overseas; but to many African American[s] just walking down the street in the city they grew up in is to be put in situations such as above and unlike "Kim Porter":
there will be no one around and if they are; they will hide:
Note:3d.- Posted on blog about the CRB library having "City Beat" magazine who had title, "Getting away with murder" by front entrance;
A. Communication system about "murder":
[Note:3e- Donald Trump comments about Al Sharpton?; why is Donald Trump always the ONLY white male that speaks in the public concerning issues; could it be because of what his name represents "trump"[like triumph or like trump:
B. Confirmation about Al Sharton using African American[s]:
4. Heard Anita Dean on 1340 am; in which the word of the day was "JESUS" [and the john [Jerry Arnette]thinks that Anita Dean is talking about "Jesus Christ of Nazareth" but in actucality Anita Dean is talking about "Jesus" in the picture in the Winston-Salem Chronicle newspapers[tried to send picture through email] on p age A5; Health"BEAT";article "Hospital honored for infant sleep safety; where there is a picture of hispanic "jesus" and a baby and the mother; it is a "special" to the WS Chronicle;[could not locate the picture and article on line to post picture but did locate a link that shows the picture in the WS Chronicle at
[]; and what is interesting is that the word for this week is "PEACE"-which is what part of name ""PEACEnowST" -which is still more confirmation of bastards system[s] to rob and steal the concept of "PEACE" for African American[s] neighborhoods and give it to the African American female prostitutes/male and female that work in secret for white white males to steal "PEACE" from AFrican American[s];
The following statement is a "JOKE"-when Anita "Boss Lady" is part of the reason why the African American families are in need:
"Anita “Boss Lady” Dean-Arnette, the popular deejay at The Light, a gospel station heard throughout the Triad on 1340 AM, 1400 AM and 103.5 FM, is continuing her tradition of providing Christmas toys to families in need."
Think I heard a minister-minister that God does not like gifts that are contaminated intentionally and any and all benefits, rewards, good achieved by Anita Dean helping white males to rob innoncent African American[s] is contaminated;[Prayer-hope Devine God bless Anita Dean and then do to her-her family, and everybody connected that is in partnership with the bastards and that the Devine GOD take[s] more from her, let death sieze upon her because wickedness is in and among Anita Dean, but the Devine God will save me everytime];
5. All of the talk about the "SONY" pictures being threaten by overseas-almost slipped past African American[s] suffer from what "Sony" was going to do to the overseas "LEADER"-use him, his image, etc. in movies to send special messages[probably to Dennis Rodman] to harass and intimidate people connected to him; but unlike the leader overseas; AFrican American[s] do not have anyone to stand up for their "CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS"[based upon the United States Supreme Court-if there were any "real" honest judges];
Note:n1- "Door at that white male has to buz to let clients into waiting room like they are in jail or in confinement":
[email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 4:40 PM]
Note:n2- Pictures in email read "sent" but still not in email; bastards messing with;
1.Today caught ride to CRB library;Shey, aleshia brooks, shelene edwards, mayhand working today, williams was not present; On 12/21/14 walked to local church-while walking AFrican American male showed up and started walking behind me almost as if trying to pace me; long story short after altered the black male kept his pace; and shortly after no cooperation from walk; a white truck with white trailor with word "budget" on the side came from opposite direction and picked black male up; after about 5 minutes the same white truck with white trailor came back in same direction I was walking and drove past me;
2a.Heard Rush Limbough today[12/22/14]; on radio show 94.5;at 12:45pm; and Rush Limbough was steaming about the fact that the TWO authority officers had been sent 6 feet under before their time; [which to me something is wrong; for anybody to get that close to people whose very existence depends on their being aware of their surroundings]; he said that somebody had voted the top stories for 2014 was about the "KILLING of BLACK" by authority; then he said that if the current brown male in the house that is white wanted real peace and wanted to be fair that the brown man in the house that is white would come back from his vacation[hawaii] to NYC and sit witht he mayor and the gov.and go to the homegoing services of the two authorities that were taken off the earth before their time;
Which to me [after listening to segment] Rush Limbough was instigating; when the current man in brown skin in the house that is white, dropped the AFrican American churches to run for the current office that he holds; AFrican American[s] did not have radio, newspaper or television to rant about the fact that he was acting like a sell-out; and that AFrican American[s]all across the country were crying "foul" and neither could the African American[s] complain to any of the media that the current brown male in office who was running for his current office at the time was turning his back on the "church" to show total support for the white male system;
But Rush Limbough spent at least 30 minutes to an hour emphasizing that the man in brown skin in the house that is white is playing "foul" and is doing a soft instigating to incite rioting by /from and through the white male being that most of Rush Limbough listeners are white males and have and are easily able to obtain weapons -which most AFrican Americans are not able to do;
If people think that currently there is a lot of stress because people are "marching"; If Rush Limbough [who says that he KNOWS what he is doing]keeps talking the way he was today at 12:45pm on 94.5 fm and can assure you that white male will respond in a hurry;Rush Limbough also answered what the United States Supreme Court is doing when they issue "justice" which according to Rush Limbough to the United States Supreme Court-"justice" is not about the "TRUTH" but about "PEACEFUL RESOLUTION ";
which means that African American[s] will never get "justice"; African American[s] will always only get something that is the equivalent of less than human:
For example: the bastards participated in/parternship with the system that stole the "TWIN" child; "justice" to the parent of the stolen child to the United States Supreme Court according to Rush Limbough is that the bastards connected to the stealing of the TWIN child at the " the United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina";[][like Willie Kennedy; Olsteen, etc.]basically have nothing to worry about because a committee at the "United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina" name a "local law" after the stolen "twin"; so the mother of the twin should be proud of the fact that a bunch of bastards stole a child and named a law of the child that was stole; "I pray that the Devine God allows all of them to experience the same" ;that according to Rush Limbough the "LAWS" are illusionary; just as what Tavis Smiley's guest Connie Rice stated 12/20/14 on 88.5fm radio program;
Note: 2b.Will say that based upon all of the protesting and marshing[which is also illusionary] that the REAL issues of abuse, threats, robbery, stealing of/from AFrican American[s] is not being addressed];
3a.Real "JUSTICE" is an illustion and everything that AFrican American[s] are organized to do like in the article on the front page of the Winston-salem Jurnal; 12/22/14:

"Three charged after “Hands Up” protest on Hanes Mall Boulevard"
[Wesley YOUNG/Journal]
"Kim Porter (center), one of the protest leaders, is given a citation for walking against a red light by a Winston-Salem police officer after a protest against police treatment of minorities on Sunday, Dec. 21, 2014.[];
"[Note:3b.- That is exactly the way the authories in blue in Winston-Salem, NC had me surrounded at "Hanes Mall" and I had to mouth "HELP" and a white lady sat out front in an area till her husband came out of the restroom; in the meantime the authorities in blue were trying to hurry the white lady; but she stayed until they gave me back and id and left;[Kim Porter could be me and a whole lot of African American[s] that have experienced being surrounded by the authorities for exercising their "CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS"[like just living];And Kim porter was in open public with cameras rolling; and you can see the stress on her face; image a person by themselves in a situation with no-one around;And after the incident at Hanes Mall; then came the incidents of walking to library-except the use of authority vehicles and then "Carl" the security guard was positioned at Carver Road Branch Library;
Note:3c.- "CHARLES" "K"rauthammer" stated in article, "How to fight the lone wolf";pge.A7; in "opinion" section of the Winston-Salem Journal that :
"The still greater threat is "organized terr-r," "This is evil in its purest form";
In which the article is about the terr-rist overseas; but to many African American[s] just walking down the street in the city they grew up in is to be put in situations such as above and unlike "Kim Porter":
there will be no one around and if they are; they will hide:
Note:3d.- Posted on blog about the CRB library having "City Beat" magazine who had title, "Getting away with murder" by front entrance;
A. Communication system about "murder":
"Trump: 'Conman' Sharpton has gotten away with murder"
[[Note:3e- Donald Trump comments about Al Sharpton?; why is Donald Trump always the ONLY white male that speaks in the public concerning issues; could it be because of what his name represents "trump"[like triumph or like trump:
B. Confirmation about Al Sharton using African American[s]:
"Killings of 2 New York officers trigger backlash"

The Rev. Al Sharpton(center), speaks about Saturday's killings in New York. He is flanked by (from left) Esaw[biblical name] Garner, widow of Eric Garner; attorney Michael hardy, GWEN " "Carr", mother of Eric Garner; and attorney Johnathan "Moore".[Rev. Al Sharpton, center, speaks about Saturday's killings of two New York City police officers];
Note:3f.- Al Sharpton is not an AFrican American-he is working for white male in secret to advance white culture by stealing what is suppose to be in the African American neighborhoods[based on "BLACK WALLSTREET] before white males destroyed "Black Wall Street" and convert [forced asimilation]what belongs in African American neighborhoods into the neighborhoods of the AFrican American[s] who work in secret to advance white culture by stealing from AFrican American[s] for white males;
4. Heard Anita Dean on 1340 am; in which the word of the day was "JESUS" [and the john [Jerry Arnette]thinks that Anita Dean is talking about "Jesus Christ of Nazareth" but in actucality Anita Dean is talking about "Jesus" in the picture in the Winston-Salem Chronicle newspapers[tried to send picture through email] on p age A5; Health"BEAT";article "Hospital honored for infant sleep safety; where there is a picture of hispanic "jesus" and a baby and the mother; it is a "special" to the WS Chronicle;[could not locate the picture and article on line to post picture but did locate a link that shows the picture in the WS Chronicle at
[]; and what is interesting is that the word for this week is "PEACE"-which is what part of name ""PEACEnowST" -which is still more confirmation of bastards system[s] to rob and steal the concept of "PEACE" for African American[s] neighborhoods and give it to the African American female prostitutes/male and female that work in secret for white white males to steal "PEACE" from AFrican American[s];
"Gospel DJ continues her gift-giving"
[Posted On 18 Dec 2014;By : WS Chronicle];[(pictured above: Anita “Boss Lady” Dean-Arnette with Santa and a young gift recipient in 2013.];[];
The following statement is a "JOKE"-when Anita "Boss Lady" is part of the reason why the African American families are in need:
Think I heard a minister-minister that God does not like gifts that are contaminated intentionally and any and all benefits, rewards, good achieved by Anita Dean helping white males to rob innoncent African American[s] is contaminated;[Prayer-hope Devine God bless Anita Dean and then do to her-her family, and everybody connected that is in partnership with the bastards and that the Devine GOD take[s] more from her, let death sieze upon her because wickedness is in and among Anita Dean, but the Devine God will save me everytime];
5. All of the talk about the "SONY" pictures being threaten by overseas-almost slipped past African American[s] suffer from what "Sony" was going to do to the overseas "LEADER"-use him, his image, etc. in movies to send special messages[probably to Dennis Rodman] to harass and intimidate people connected to him; but unlike the leader overseas; AFrican American[s] do not have anyone to stand up for their "CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS"[based upon the United States Supreme Court-if there were any "real" honest judges];
Note:n1- "Door at that white male has to buz to let clients into waiting room like they are in jail or in confinement":
[email sent:
Note: n3-some of blog post about Al Sharpton lost because computer closed blog and had to blog back in for 2nd time;
Note:n4- Everyday Aleshia Brooks keeps trying to encircle around me-[Prayer thank you Devine God for letting death sieze upon Aleshia Brooks,because wickedness is in and among her, but the Devine God will save me everytime];
Note: n-5-Desire is for "PEACE"[wny original name was "PEACEnow ST"-which am learning on white have real "PEACE"-don't like violence and technically not a violent person-25+years of documented begging and pleading verifies not a violent person];
Note:n4- Everyday Aleshia Brooks keeps trying to encircle around me-[Prayer thank you Devine God for letting death sieze upon Aleshia Brooks,because wickedness is in and among her, but the Devine God will save me everytime];
Note: n-5-Desire is for "PEACE"[wny original name was "PEACEnow ST"-which am learning on white have real "PEACE"-don't like violence and technically not a violent person-25+years of documented begging and pleading verifies not a violent person];
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