Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo. Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. Today os a TWO DAY[20TH];"stacy,mayhand, aleshia brooks, are workers at CRB library-code;TWO white males at library; one went and got the WS Journal when he saw I was going to get the newspaper[have blogged about him before and the other have seen at CRB library before];
and when asked for the WS Chronicle, there was only one and half newspaper-compliments of Melissa Williams-first she took the LAW books and Carl the security guard was sent from downtown[note: Carl the security guard kept crossing over in front of me whenever I went to the CRB front desk];and now WS Chronicle newspaper which were kept at least four to five at a time are now down to 1and1/2 newspaper-less information,etc.,
2. Heard on the local radio station [WSJS news; a.m.hours;during 12/12/14 -12/17/14]that the local "CLERGY and authorities" were to have a "WALK"; the radio commentator stated that there was to be a "walk by clergy and authority to show partnership in Winston-Salem, NC.[note: It is the same system that was set up between the ministers in Winston-Salem, NC [that has been used as a template for pastors across the United States]and the authorities during the MLK riots where the ministers and authorities go into partnership so that the pastors sell out the members of their congregation that are abused, harassed, and robbed by white males which spilled over into the lives of African American[s] regular life in Winston-Salem, NC-so much so so that after African American[s] have been abused by white males there is no where/orgainztion to go to in order to have an issue resolved; which means that all the protest and people in the street in Winston-Salem, NC mean absolutely nothing except a way to identify African American[s] who are not subservient to white male[s] to punish them later[things that they normally could do-will be quite difficult and the African American[s] will not know why]ater things cool off];Also have yet to hear or read anything about the date, time, or place of the "WALK";
3. Heard on WSJS News:
"Now there is technology that reconizes person[s] face and "EYES" and knows it is the person and the person doesn't need a password to operate the technology"; [note: which is confirmation of blog post about sibling at work on computer all day where technology is being used to condition and set their moods];
4. STEVE Hill named president of "BET"; he was the producer on the Tom Joyner Show[

Note: Stephen Hill has been trained [through "church/gospel" music]to remain behind and do not pass white "LORD" Steven "WHITEheart" in Winston-salem, NC on Patterson Ave across from NORTHSIDE Shopping CENTER-which is one of the reasons for the promotion and job is to lessen the AFrican American[s] mindset:
[Note: Reason the dutchess ["K"ate] started at the "NORTHSIDE CENTER" with "black" children in "HARLEM " was to send message to Steven whiteheart to "start" the Killing[s] of AFrican American[s] around the Northside Shopping Center/Smith Reynolds Airport area in Winston-Salem, NC];
5a.All of the articles in the Winston-Salem Journal that have "season of giving" in royal blue are codes to members of the local secret group[s]-like Gwyndolyn Gwyns, Davida Martin, Melissa Williams, Cookie at 3723 Carver School road [or the house next door]; Moores,Bostons, Picketts,Mendez; Little, Waymon Monroe, Leona Monroe,Ellen givens,
steven whiteheart,etc.:
A. Front page article of the Winston-Salem Journal:
"SAMaritan Ministries opened its new shelter on Friday, Dec. 19, 2014. With 20,00 square feet, the shelter has a sleeping capacity of 80.";[http://www.journalnow.com/];[note: The royal blue, use of part of the person name[Willie Smith]is suppose to be the bastards honoring the AFrican American male they are trying to steal from; like when they named a law after the TWIN that was stolen and it ws opened on a "10" day[1+9=10];and has a foundation of TWO[20,00 square feet];
The following statement verifies the operation of system of attacking AFrican Americans and puttting in "mental"classification to make money off of-which will basically be the AFrican American male who the slid through the cracks and the white male has not figured out how to kill:
"The new quarters will make it easier to offer more outside services, Kurosky said. The shelter is working with Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center on a program called Homeless Opportunities and Treatment [illusionary] which would connect clients with mental health services [secret system to steal, intimidate, rob, and kill][why people do not want to go and get their services]when they need them";
5b.Posted on blog on 12/19/14 that while the African American protesters and marchers were basically having their time wasted because it was preventing them from living life:

Think "Jay Jay" on WSJS radio said it best, when one of the callers asked him, "How was he doing?' and he said, "LIVING" the dream" just like the ALL WHITE Wake Forest University students in the picture below:
[pictured above: students (top row, from left) Sam Murphy, Kent Garrett, KC Barrett, James Bailey, Will Dietsche, Meredith Anderson, Tyler St. John, Charles Reuger (bottom row) Olivia Acuna, Caroline Gallalee, Katie VanderWeide, Renee Ye, Christina Baddar, Maddy Rupert, Brittany Corso, Tessa Carro, Charlotte Titcomb, Thomas Covington and Patrick Molina (on knee)[note: the darkest one is male and the one his knee[position of begging];
5c.When in actuality if African American[s] lived in a country where the rule of law was honored the African American[s] that have already been preselected for the "bed" with the royal blue covers

would probably not be in the beds but would probably be ""LIVING THE DREAM" and the WFU students or their crooked parents:
would probably be in the beds with the royal blue covers:
for having participated/for being in partnership with the white male[s] system[s] that [such as the 2008 bail outs of the big businesses] kill,steal, rob, African American[s] of their wealth and heritage;
So while African American[s] are marching trying to have the right[s]:
[Picture in Winston-Salem Chronicle newspaper; 12/18/14]
WHITE students are "LIVING THE DREAM":
"Anthony Johnson is physically and developmentally disabled. Yet, each morning the Chester, S.C. native rises determined to prove that he can what any able-bodied person can."[note:word in the sentence that is missing and is code to "Johnson"secret group[s] is that the African American male cannot "DO"
5d. The Article, "Never Again" by "T." Kevin Walker in the Winston-Salem Chronicle; front page; 12/18/14; is code that groups that all African American[s] not being subservient are to find their way on the path of "NEVER AGAIN"[meaning the path associate with the holocaust-so that white male[s] never get defeated again][note: Have blogged that the name "T" is on the back of authorities license with the letter "V"; that "T" stands for a relative[s] name; and on 12/19/14 Sw-tzer called his worker "T"; and Sw-tzer followed an unmarked authority vehicle with the letter "V" at the end of thier license plate to "new" Soul" food resturant;[notee: Tavis Smiley had a vanessa as producer on his show];
7b. Also heard on the Tavis Smily show12/19/14 where the question and statement was brought up about why is it that there are no people in the street marching and protesting over AFrican American[s] killing other African American[s]; "where 98% of the African American deaths are caused by OTHER African American[s][which is what members of Gwyndolyn Gwyn [and son[one of who works for authority] are in the processing of developing presently-how to help kill African American[s] for white males and for the "City [Winston-Salem]Beat" and get away with "murder":
Note:8. The NEW "black" trash can added at the corner of Carver School road and "Butterfield" as code to one of the"charles" that encounters the corner of CSR and Butterfield to send message that the "black" issues is "trash"[speaking of a close relative, which must be Bridget's child/son]:

[Email sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 3:51 PM]
[Picture taken:12/2/14;1:22pm];
[note: Because the bible says that the first born has certain privledges non transferable bastards];
Note:9. Code no cars-gwyns at home:
[Email sent:Tuesday, December 16, 2014 4:04 PM]
[Picture taken:12/17/14;1:24pm];
[Note:10. no cars parked =connected with killing system];
Note: [Pictures sent to emails will not post; and date sent was at least two days ago];
1. Today os a TWO DAY[20TH];"stacy,mayhand, aleshia brooks, are workers at CRB library-code;TWO white males at library; one went and got the WS Journal when he saw I was going to get the newspaper[have blogged about him before and the other have seen at CRB library before];
and when asked for the WS Chronicle, there was only one and half newspaper-compliments of Melissa Williams-first she took the LAW books and Carl the security guard was sent from downtown[note: Carl the security guard kept crossing over in front of me whenever I went to the CRB front desk];and now WS Chronicle newspaper which were kept at least four to five at a time are now down to 1and1/2 newspaper-less information,etc.,
2. Heard on the local radio station [WSJS news; a.m.hours;during 12/12/14 -12/17/14]that the local "CLERGY and authorities" were to have a "WALK"; the radio commentator stated that there was to be a "walk by clergy and authority to show partnership in Winston-Salem, NC.[note: It is the same system that was set up between the ministers in Winston-Salem, NC [that has been used as a template for pastors across the United States]and the authorities during the MLK riots where the ministers and authorities go into partnership so that the pastors sell out the members of their congregation that are abused, harassed, and robbed by white males which spilled over into the lives of African American[s] regular life in Winston-Salem, NC-so much so so that after African American[s] have been abused by white males there is no where/orgainztion to go to in order to have an issue resolved; which means that all the protest and people in the street in Winston-Salem, NC mean absolutely nothing except a way to identify African American[s] who are not subservient to white male[s] to punish them later[things that they normally could do-will be quite difficult and the African American[s] will not know why]ater things cool off];Also have yet to hear or read anything about the date, time, or place of the "WALK";
3. Heard on WSJS News:
"Now there is technology that reconizes person[s] face and "EYES" and knows it is the person and the person doesn't need a password to operate the technology"; [note: which is confirmation of blog post about sibling at work on computer all day where technology is being used to condition and set their moods];
4. STEVE Hill named president of "BET"; he was the producer on the Tom Joyner Show[
"BET Networks Names Stephen Hill President of Programming"

[Hill was most recently president of Music Programming & Specials]
[By December 16, 2014 @ 2:16 pm];[ http://www.thewrap.com/bet-networks-stephen-hill-president-programming/];
on Note: Stephen Hill has been trained [through "church/gospel" music]to remain behind and do not pass white "LORD" Steven "WHITEheart" in Winston-salem, NC on Patterson Ave across from NORTHSIDE Shopping CENTER-which is one of the reasons for the promotion and job is to lessen the AFrican American[s] mindset:
"Duchess of Cambridge started her three-day engagements in NYC at the NORTHSIDE CENTER for Child Development"
[Note: Reason the dutchess ["K"ate] started at the "NORTHSIDE CENTER" with "black" children in "HARLEM " was to send message to Steven whiteheart to "start" the Killing[s] of AFrican American[s] around the Northside Shopping Center/Smith Reynolds Airport area in Winston-Salem, NC];
5a.All of the articles in the Winston-Salem Journal that have "season of giving" in royal blue are codes to members of the local secret group[s]-like Gwyndolyn Gwyns, Davida Martin, Melissa Williams, Cookie at 3723 Carver School road [or the house next door]; Moores,Bostons, Picketts,Mendez; Little, Waymon Monroe, Leona Monroe,Ellen givens,
steven whiteheart,etc.:
A. Front page article of the Winston-Salem Journal:
"Samaritan Ministries opens new, expanded shelter"
"SAMaritan Ministries opened its new shelter on Friday, Dec. 19, 2014. With 20,00 square feet, the shelter has a sleeping capacity of 80.";[http://www.journalnow.com/];[note: The royal blue, use of part of the person name[Willie Smith]is suppose to be the bastards honoring the AFrican American male they are trying to steal from; like when they named a law after the TWIN that was stolen and it ws opened on a "10" day[1+9=10];and has a foundation of TWO[20,00 square feet];
The following statement verifies the operation of system of attacking AFrican Americans and puttting in "mental"classification to make money off of-which will basically be the AFrican American male who the slid through the cracks and the white male has not figured out how to kill:
"The new quarters will make it easier to offer more outside services, Kurosky said. The shelter is working with Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center on a program called Homeless Opportunities and Treatment [illusionary] which would connect clients with mental health services [secret system to steal, intimidate, rob, and kill][why people do not want to go and get their services]when they need them";
5b.Posted on blog on 12/19/14 that while the African American protesters and marchers were basically having their time wasted because it was preventing them from living life:

Protestors confront the pol-ce in front of the Stevens Center on Fourth Street.
Think "Jay Jay" on WSJS radio said it best, when one of the callers asked him, "How was he doing?' and he said, "LIVING" the dream" just like the ALL WHITE Wake Forest University students in the picture below:
"WFU students will be graded for staging music festival"
[Posted On 17 Dec 2014;By : Todd Luck];[http://www.wschronicle.com/2014/12/wfu-students-will-graded-staging-music-festival/];
[pictured above: students (top row, from left) Sam Murphy, Kent Garrett, KC Barrett, James Bailey, Will Dietsche, Meredith Anderson, Tyler St. John, Charles Reuger (bottom row) Olivia Acuna, Caroline Gallalee, Katie VanderWeide, Renee Ye, Christina Baddar, Maddy Rupert, Brittany Corso, Tessa Carro, Charlotte Titcomb, Thomas Covington and Patrick Molina (on knee)[note: the darkest one is male and the one his knee[position of begging];
5c.When in actuality if African American[s] lived in a country where the rule of law was honored the African American[s] that have already been preselected for the "bed" with the royal blue covers

would probably not be in the beds but would probably be ""LIVING THE DREAM" and the WFU students or their crooked parents:
would probably be in the beds with the royal blue covers:
for having participated/for being in partnership with the white male[s] system[s] that [such as the 2008 bail outs of the big businesses] kill,steal, rob, African American[s] of their wealth and heritage;
So while African American[s] are marching trying to have the right[s]:
[Picture in Winston-Salem Chronicle newspaper; 12/18/14]
WHITE students are "LIVING THE DREAM":
Disabled small business-owner defies odds
[Anthony "Johnson"]
[note: the male in the picture above is the "goal" of the white male for the "healthy" African American male who is not subservient; have blogged about the guy why wears royal blue who wanted to date me; how white males went to where he worked at [local restrurant] and intimidated, harassed him so much because he "just wanted to date me" that they caused him to have a heart attack-which is why I stop going to the library where he would come to see me];
"Anthony Johnson is physically and developmentally disabled. Yet, each morning the Chester, S.C. native rises determined to prove that he can what any able-bodied person can."[note:word in the sentence that is missing and is code to "Johnson"secret group[s] is that the African American male cannot "DO"
which are their instructions of what to do to the African American male who is not subservient to white male; person like Anthony Johnson technically poses no challenge to confront white male; and do not be fooled-If Anthony Johnson does not get in line and be subervient white male[s] do have other alternatives such as:
5d. The Article, "Never Again" by "T." Kevin Walker in the Winston-Salem Chronicle; front page; 12/18/14; is code that groups that all African American[s] not being subservient are to find their way on the path of "NEVER AGAIN"[meaning the path associate with the holocaust-so that white male[s] never get defeated again][note: Have blogged that the name "T" is on the back of authorities license with the letter "V"; that "T" stands for a relative[s] name; and on 12/19/14 Sw-tzer called his worker "T"; and Sw-tzer followed an unmarked authority vehicle with the letter "V" at the end of thier license plate to "new" Soul" food resturant;[notee: Tavis Smiley had a vanessa as producer on his show];
"Never Again"
"Holocaust survivor entreats STUDENTS to remember his story"
7a. Heard on the Tavis Smiley show[88.5fm][12/19/14] the discussion of the issues for the United States for the year 2014; ""Final Year in Review"[which verifies why white males have tried to put African American[s] in the category of being a terr-rist]where Tavis Smiley stated, "I have never seen the "rich" punished; and Connie Rice stated,"You will never see the "rich: punished because they are the "rish" and the "rule of law" does not apply to the "rich"; the "rule of law" is for everybody else; except the rich";[note:white male[s] economice, social, financial, legal, health care abuse of AFrican American[s] is a known phenomina; along with the above statement that white males are never and will never be punished for nothing because they are "rich" and all their "data" verifies the above statement[s] of which white males are "proud" of; which is why Obama has no problem breaking any law- he knows he is working for white males in secret and the white males control the "United States Courts"];7b. Also heard on the Tavis Smily show12/19/14 where the question and statement was brought up about why is it that there are no people in the street marching and protesting over AFrican American[s] killing other African American[s]; "where 98% of the African American deaths are caused by OTHER African American[s][which is what members of Gwyndolyn Gwyn [and son[one of who works for authority] are in the processing of developing presently-how to help kill African American[s] for white males and for the "City [Winston-Salem]Beat" and get away with "murder":
Note:8. The NEW "black" trash can added at the corner of Carver School road and "Butterfield" as code to one of the"charles" that encounters the corner of CSR and Butterfield to send message that the "black" issues is "trash"[speaking of a close relative, which must be Bridget's child/son]:

[Email sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 3:51 PM]
[Picture taken:12/2/14;1:22pm];
[note: Because the bible says that the first born has certain privledges non transferable bastards];
Note:9. Code no cars-gwyns at home:
[Email sent:Tuesday, December 16, 2014 4:04 PM]
[Picture taken:12/17/14;1:24pm];
[Note:10. no cars parked =connected with killing system];
Note: [Pictures sent to emails will not post; and date sent was at least two days ago];
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