571-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Winston-Salem, NC,Wake Forest University, Carver Road branch Library
1. On 16/14, person associated with element of authority brought me a 'food' basket which was in a white clothes basket; this afternoon when walked to the CRB library-TWO white male authority in all black vehicle[no identification marks] drove past going south while walking north; white male authority in white authority vehicle with red and blue stripes parked in Mazzie Woodruff parking lot on Carver school road side;
At the top of the stairs at CRB library the garbage can had been knocked down [where white males had made a symbolic grave for guy who wears royal blue who wanted to date me] and white pieces of cotton that lead to the CBR library had been strown over the ground;
Upon entering the CRB library there was a NEW African American prostitute working for white males in secret at the front desK by the name of "GLORIA"- code from white male authority that there will be no glory to any African American female who is not a prostitute for white male authority in secret; "Gloria" was spacifically "ordered/sent from east winston[[black neighborhood]to CRB library[because they track African American females who are not prostitutes that closely] to send message that there is to be NO! Glory for African American females who are not prositutes for white males:
[Note:notice that the 2nd little girl is in PINK and that the WSForysth County code name to save picture on computer is "FEMALE PRINCESS PARTY"];
Why the picture of the three little girls [children]on the page of the east winston branch library to use the concept to communicate concerning the "princess" robbery based on "Prince William" and duchess "K"ate system that is being raised in the United States;
All based on the fact[s] that African American females who are not prostitutes to white males are not allowed to experience a "normal" heterosexual" dating, engagements or marriage; but are attacked by the white male[s] system[s] to break AFrican American intimate "personal" relationships up; to divert the AFrican American male to the AFrican American female prostitute working for white males:
Note:Front page of the Winston-Salem Journal is message to the AFrican American female who is working as a secret prostitute to white males:
That "If it is to be, it is up to them"[specifically to "WILLIAMS", "JOHN's" and Gwyndolyn Gwyn groups]:

[When Tammy Arias, a former foster child, was struggling she to turned for help to Youth in Transition, which serves young adults between the ages of 18 and 26 who spent time in foster care after the age of 14.]
"A nonprofit under the umbrella of Goodwill Industries, Youth in Transition"[means that the "Youth in Transition" is in parntership with "UNITED WAY"];[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/group-offers-help-to-former-foster-kids/article_21e520f0-8590-11e4-84bb-ef16baafba52.html];
[note: the foster child system is where the upcoming prostitutes [male and female] in secret will come from because they have no family backup-in which a lot is done through family members being told to abuse/not associate with the person[like during slavery];
And the above children will be raised to carry out the instructions of the next dictatorship illegally being created in the United States.":
"Arias is one of 55 young adults in the program"
A. Fact of new white system based on duchess ["K"ate] is as someone told me"put everything up front, such as the picture of local ["K"ate] to communicate that the "KKK" system is still in operation:
["K"athleen Wheeless]
[note: Kathleeen Wheeless has worked for the WSFCL as least since 2005or more years and KNOWS her job-to harass and attack blacks-commit ethnic intimidation on African American[s]];
"America's pop and political royalty roll out the red carpet for William and ["K"ate] as they meet Obama and Hillary Clinton - before bumping into Beyoncé and Jay-Z courtside at basketball game"
"Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were sat courtside for Monday's Brooklyn Nets vs CLEVLAND Cavaliers game"
[note: "K"ate was at "CLEVELAND" as code to Major James Allison at the Salvation Army [who just moved on "CLEVELAND AVENUE" in the old city housing building]; B. Of the FACT that NEW system of robbery is begin created by white male system:
[Posted: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 8:00 pm
"Turns out the Rock and Roll HALL of Fame is going to do that for him."
"The Hall announced Monday that Darryl’s father, "LOWman", and the rest of the “5” ROYALes are members of its class of 2015, along with "LOU"Lou Reed, Ringo "STARR", "BILL" Withers and Joan "JETT", among others.";[note: Lou is the basis of the first system of robbery of African Americans that lasted for decades-why the Louisnana Spill
[Note:The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is/has been used as secret code through the "names" of the "winners" of the Hall of Fame rewards]
"If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured— They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death." [http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/241][note:which an employer who threatens a person if they obtain honest work fit into the category of :
Beyonce and Jay Z'z[code for company that was "black" "water"] visit to cuba was illegal-yet they were never charged?;and Beyonce's focus was children;
[note: also blogged about Beyonce being connected to and working with thieves from cuba]:
Note: Picture of book on the counter of the CRB library:RICH and PAUL:
[Email sent:Tuesday, December 16, 2014 2:58 PM];
[Picture taken: 12/16/14;2:30pm];
1. On 16/14, person associated with element of authority brought me a 'food' basket which was in a white clothes basket; this afternoon when walked to the CRB library-TWO white male authority in all black vehicle[no identification marks] drove past going south while walking north; white male authority in white authority vehicle with red and blue stripes parked in Mazzie Woodruff parking lot on Carver school road side;
At the top of the stairs at CRB library the garbage can had been knocked down [where white males had made a symbolic grave for guy who wears royal blue who wanted to date me] and white pieces of cotton that lead to the CBR library had been strown over the ground;
Upon entering the CRB library there was a NEW African American prostitute working for white males in secret at the front desK by the name of "GLORIA"- code from white male authority that there will be no glory to any African American female who is not a prostitute for white male authority in secret; "Gloria" was spacifically "ordered/sent from east winston[[black neighborhood]to CRB library[because they track African American females who are not prostitutes that closely] to send message that there is to be NO! Glory for African American females who are not prositutes for white males:
[Note:notice that the 2nd little girl is in PINK and that the WSForysth County code name to save picture on computer is "FEMALE PRINCESS PARTY"];
Why the picture of the three little girls [children]on the page of the east winston branch library to use the concept to communicate concerning the "princess" robbery based on "Prince William" and duchess "K"ate system that is being raised in the United States;
All based on the fact[s] that African American females who are not prostitutes to white males are not allowed to experience a "normal" heterosexual" dating, engagements or marriage; but are attacked by the white male[s] system[s] to break AFrican American intimate "personal" relationships up; to divert the AFrican American male to the AFrican American female prostitute working for white males:
Note:Front page of the Winston-Salem Journal is message to the AFrican American female who is working as a secret prostitute to white males:
That "If it is to be, it is up to them"[specifically to "WILLIAMS", "JOHN's" and Gwyndolyn Gwyn groups]:

[When Tammy Arias, a former foster child, was struggling she to turned for help to Youth in Transition, which serves young adults between the ages of 18 and 26 who spent time in foster care after the age of 14.]
"A nonprofit under the umbrella of Goodwill Industries, Youth in Transition"[means that the "Youth in Transition" is in parntership with "UNITED WAY"];[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/group-offers-help-to-former-foster-kids/article_21e520f0-8590-11e4-84bb-ef16baafba52.html];
[note: the foster child system is where the upcoming prostitutes [male and female] in secret will come from because they have no family backup-in which a lot is done through family members being told to abuse/not associate with the person[like during slavery];
"Arias is one of 55 young adults in the program"
2. After Alan Gross release, Obama seeks to resume full diplomatic ties with Cuba
18 months of secret talks in Canada and at the Vatican, an Obama-Castro phone call
[By Olivier Knox;[http://news.yahoo.com/after-alan-gross-release--obama-seeks-to-resume-full-diplomatic-ties-with-cuba-152343480.html];CONFIRMATION:
A. Fact of new white system based on duchess ["K"ate] is as someone told me"put everything up front, such as the picture of local ["K"ate] to communicate that the "KKK" system is still in operation:
["K"athleen Wheeless]
[note: Kathleeen Wheeless has worked for the WSFCL as least since 2005or more years and KNOWS her job-to harass and attack blacks-commit ethnic intimidation on African American[s]];
"America's pop and political royalty roll out the red carpet for William and ["K"ate] as they meet Obama and Hillary Clinton - before bumping into Beyoncé and Jay-Z courtside at basketball game"
"Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were sat courtside for Monday's Brooklyn Nets vs CLEVLAND Cavaliers game"
[note: "K"ate was at "CLEVELAND" as code to Major James Allison at the Salvation Army [who just moved on "CLEVELAND AVENUE" in the old city housing building]; B. Of the FACT that NEW system of robbery is begin created by white male system:
"Winston-Salem band '5' Royales to be inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame"
[Posted: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 8:00 pm
"Turns out the Rock and Roll HALL of Fame is going to do that for him."
"The Hall announced Monday that Darryl’s father, "LOWman", and the rest of the “5” ROYALes are members of its class of 2015, along with "LOU"Lou Reed, Ringo "STARR", "BILL" Withers and Joan "JETT", among others.";[note: Lou is the basis of the first system of robbery of African Americans that lasted for decades-why the Louisnana Spill
[Note:The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is/has been used as secret code through the "names" of the "winners" of the Hall of Fame rewards]
4. "BlackBerry launches Classic in last-ditch effort"
"BlackBerry CEO John Chen introduces the company's new phone, the BlackBerry Classic, during a news conference, Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2014, in New York. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)"[Associated Press;BARBARA ORTUTAY and ROB GILLIES
"NEW YORK (AP) — BlackBerry is returning to its roots"[note: heard a talk radio commentator [12/17/14][doc.]mention the the fact that the "black" "bury" came out with a new design to attract the core of the "black berry" users from the FIRST BLACK BERRY design-[which why when call the KCM a new -black female with a "japaneese" [maker of black berry]name is a prayer partner; goes hand in hand with new white female-M. Thompson [code for kill]at the Salavation army in Winston-Salem, N.C. because a new system of robbery, stealing, killing of African American[s] is in the process of being developed];[note: the black berry phone was/is the japanese way/code to the white males that the japanese are working for white males goals-based on the "preamble" of the United States Constitution:
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America," [http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/preamble];[note: which means that everybody watching and participating as a new dictatorship is being created by the United States is guilty of a "conspiracy against the people." because everybody knows that African American[s] are the race of people who are not working more than any other race and being that the bastards are pattern their systems off of African American[s] who is not subserviant to white males and the current system of robbery by the cubans and those in the United States that are participating.]:
18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights"
"Two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured— "
Why as Rush Limbough stated on 94.5 fm today that he was not even going to put the media's announcement of Obama speaking because he does not want to hear what Obama has to say because he is in the process of proping up "ANOTHER" " DICKTATORSHIP in the United States;
[Note-meaning he is selling African American[s] citizenship to labor for thieves in "cuba"]";:
[Note not one AFrican American in the room:including the man in brown skin[who was trained and raised by white male[s] to rob, steal and Kill African American[s] who do not have the mindset of being subservent to white males; which the man in the brown skin was trained to do];
Rush Limbaugh stated that in the next TWO years, he is going to do every thing he wants[for white male[s] who he is working in secret for]-[why nobody is yelling "foul"] to do by ignoring the United States Constitution; and one of the things is that the D. O. J. is beginning right now to elimiate shootings by authoritites having to go to "grand Juries" and having to go before the state; which means that the African American shootings will increase and the "state" will ignore the shootings-goes in line with "DUKE" coal[black] ASH spill-somebody has got to clean it up; grand jury trials take to long and are to public;
The cuban being used to rob African American[s] has been done once before[about 10 to 12 years ago] that is what was taking place when "Nuns were taking VAN camp porking BEANS[ code- put "VAN" in prison camp[beans code based on Star Spangle banner song where prisoner was named "Beans" and why "Switzer" had me to plant "beans" all summer;
"Factbox: How Obama will relax U.S. Cuba policy"
A car drives past the building of the the U.S. diplomatic mission in Cuba, The U.S. Interests Section, (USINT), in Havana;[code-"ana"-rob from "ANNA" for not being a "slave to white males-because the black "anna" can't do anything being that white males own and contoll everything except "The DEVINE GOD"][http://news.yahoo.com/factbox-obama-relax-u-cuba-policy-170547688--sector.html];
Beyonce and Jay Z'z[code for company that was "black" "water"] visit to cuba was illegal-yet they were never charged?;and Beyonce's focus was children;
[note: also blogged about Beyonce being connected to and working with thieves from cuba]:
Note: Picture of book on the counter of the CRB library:RICH and PAUL:
[Email sent:Tuesday, December 16, 2014 2:58 PM];
[Picture taken: 12/16/14;2:30pm];
Which coincides with what "GLENN BECK" stated today when one of his white male callers who was in serious distress stated his plight; Glenn Beck's response was for him to wait[which is what Rush Limbough stated also]TWO years and his caller would know who he was and what his purpose was; but in the meantime Glenn Beck told his caller," To should read[and Glenn Beck and crew were laughing as Glenn Beck stated] the book of "PAUL in "acts in the bible and "every question is answered there";
Note: "BILL" board with name of "BATES" at the entrance of Carver School Road and "311" [3-K's][KKK] which is across the street from Solid "ROCK" missionary Baptist church where "WAYmon Monroe" is the pastor and told the congregation of AFrican American[s] that they would have to "die" for him and some other people[notee-mental conditioning when doctors gives them bad news];
[email sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 3:18 PM]
[Picture taken:12/14/14;12:16pm];
"Bates" is code name used to communicate to secret group;last week heard radio talk show host use code[racebate];
[email sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 3:18 PM]
[Picture taken:12/14/14;12:16pm];
"Bates" is code name used to communicate to secret group;last week heard radio talk show host use code[racebate];
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