515-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Wake Forest University, Winston-salem, NC,
1.Went to Salvation Army on 12/15/14 and the Salavation Army was "ready"; new white female working for white males in secret[in training] was just hired about 4 week ago-when made appointment for today[12/15/14], in which newly hired harasser was named Mikayah Thompson[case worker]-with the name "THOMPSON" being code for "KILLING"; And while at the Salvation Army seeking a ride because of no bus fare and the Salvation Army doesnot give out bus tickets?-observed the decorations and spirits of the decorations at the Salvation Army that confirm that Major Allison[commander of WS office] job is to try and streal/kill/rob/ and abuse African American[s]-based on code through employee names:
1. Rochell Taylor-code-taylor a "roach" situation;
2.Robin BROWN-code- rob African American[s][michael brown was killed in Fergurson, Mo.?-there is a connection to Michael Brown being killed and ROBin Brown at Salvation Army,Winsdton-Salem Office];
3.John GLADman-code-Only African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males are allowed to speak to Mr. GLADman in person;
4.DeeDee Caldwell-code-[Caldwell Bank]represent an African American female by the name DeeDee in African American neighborhood who would be wealthy in the African American neighborhood-based on Black Wall Street before white males destroyed "black wall street" if had not been harassed by white male authority;
5.NEW- Mi"K"ayah Thompson-code-"K" [KKK] and Thompson[killing];
Guess for African American[s]who do not want to accept white male's design of [poverty] which is "roachville" or white males "robbing" them, the white male's solution is kill;
Note: whoever put display knows about/participated in first system of stealing "TWIN" black child;
Of which the following pictures were taken to verify the above:
Note: A. Display at Salvation Army to rid whites of blacks:
Note: B. The following is a picture of part of the Salvation Army Display, which is hard to see, but the words on the white car say "COME ALIVE" and there are TWO [TWINS] "BLACK" cars parked in front of the white car:
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 2:46 PM];
[Picture taken:12/15/14; 1:11pm];
Note: C. Picture at the Salvation Army of ALL WHITE PEOPLE;and a sign -"COME ALIVE"[design to communicate and talk to "spirit"[Major Allison is a FINANCIAL minister]:
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 1:16 PM]
[Picture taken:12/15/14; 1:13pm];
Notice the "ROYAL BLUE" on top of truck which was placed beside TWO white bells[like a couple]; which was placed in front of a picture of "ALL WHITE PEOPLE" [code-robbery of African American couple associated with the color of royal blue associated with the NEW system of robbery trying to be created by the City of Winston-Salem, NC [who is partners with the Salvation Army and the United Way] through creating the royal blue recycle bin-which is code to recycle what belongs to African American couple because it belongs in the African American neighborhood/culture, not white culture][Does anybody think it strange to have a picture of ONLY ALL WHITES in a 100% African American neighborhood?];
Note:D. Statement painted on glass item:
"The Salvation Army and UNITED WAY "PARTNERS" in "CHANGING" lives for over 75 years [1923-1998]-united way"
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 1:10 PM];
[Picture Taken:12/15/14;1:05pm];
The above statement about "changing lives" is true; but the change in the people's life is not one that would produce independence and prosperity but is designed to change their lives to be dependent and help their need for the Salvation Army to grow: the above "plack" is place at the front door as a mission of the "united way" and the "salvation army" to use royal blue system to destroy black lives;
Note: E. Picture of inside the "red" bucket on top of Salvation Army display case where Salvation Army athority has put "2" cents[have blogged about had to use "2" cents to buy food]:
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 1:41 PM];
[Picture taken:12/15/14;1:45pm]
Note: Ee-Doll dresssed in "BLACK" is suppose to represent "spenster"[why name spencer used so much in media]
[Email sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 5:56 PM]
[picture taken: 12/15/14; 1:22pm]
Suppose to represent the replace of the marriage between black couple/royal blue];
Note:F. TWO figures of the "Gritch' who stole christmas" was place in each corner of the Salvation Army window[code and verification:of the Salvation Army stealing from African American[s]:
Note: G.White male put at window at Salvation Army on "Cleveland Ave" because of my appointment so white male could be in "control":
Aa. The picture of white male "placed" at the front desk at the Salvation Army:
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 12:48 PM]
[Picture taken: 12/15/14; 12:30pm];
is to send the same message and is the same as the picture of the little white boy in a "black" sweat shirt on the front pages of the Winston-Salem Journal and is communicating to the secret group the same message: start the NEW system of stealing, robbing and killing of AFrican American[s] and give what belongs to AFrican Americans to litte white boys;
Ab. White males system of stealing, robbing, killing of African American[s] is the picture on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal of the little white boy in BLACK:
[http://www.journalnow.com/gallery/news/lewisville-christmas-parade/collection_4d97ddec-83ff-11e4-ace0-0ba3038cdeb9.html];Note: Duchess "K"ate will have baby whose "name'/marking[s] will be used as code to communicate about thief of African American wealth to those in secret group;

Note:H. The picture of white male "placed" as harassment at the front desk at the Salvation Army during my appointment:
notee: Hh.White male was removed from front desk at Salvation Army and black female was put back at desk after my appointment:
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 12:34 PM]
[Picture taken: 12/15/14;12:15pm];
Note: N. Left a copy of the following with the front desk at the Salvation Army:
To: Major Allison
Winston-salwem, NC.
Re: Water partnership
Presently have no income and was toldy by the Salvation Army that "money" for "water" is unavailable and being that social agencies work in partnership, am requesting that the Salvation Army please be advocate to be allowed access to the resources like a job without being put in confinement for doing honest days work.
[signed name]
cc. Monique Freeney, John gladman
Note: Nn Picture of Rochell TAYLOR who is an African American female prostitute working for white males in secret:
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 11:42 AM]
[Picture taken:12/15/14;11:35am];
Note:O. NEWton the football player's was hurt when his [color?] SUV was turned over on
Cam NEWton
[Notee: whose accident was not an accident; his name was needed to communicate to those in secret group];
Confirmation of when one thing happens to keep in line with communicating to those in secret system-other articles have to be printed:
A. Such as with the NEWton system:
Note:n1 -The people that put drinks into the soda machines at Mazzie Woodruff put something in the "cokes"/drinks and probably the snacks[why Bell Brothers was closed to control the flow of eating in Carver School Road area][know that in the Carver Road Branch libraries the put a soap that smells like gas for about eight to nine years, in the girls bathroom, which the other public restrooms soap smells like regular soap];
1.Went to Salvation Army on 12/15/14 and the Salavation Army was "ready"; new white female working for white males in secret[in training] was just hired about 4 week ago-when made appointment for today[12/15/14], in which newly hired harasser was named Mikayah Thompson[case worker]-with the name "THOMPSON" being code for "KILLING"; And while at the Salvation Army seeking a ride because of no bus fare and the Salvation Army doesnot give out bus tickets?-observed the decorations and spirits of the decorations at the Salvation Army that confirm that Major Allison[commander of WS office] job is to try and streal/kill/rob/ and abuse African American[s]-based on code through employee names:
1. Rochell Taylor-code-taylor a "roach" situation;
2.Robin BROWN-code- rob African American[s][michael brown was killed in Fergurson, Mo.?-there is a connection to Michael Brown being killed and ROBin Brown at Salvation Army,Winsdton-Salem Office];
3.John GLADman-code-Only African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males are allowed to speak to Mr. GLADman in person;
4.DeeDee Caldwell-code-[Caldwell Bank]represent an African American female by the name DeeDee in African American neighborhood who would be wealthy in the African American neighborhood-based on Black Wall Street before white males destroyed "black wall street" if had not been harassed by white male authority;
5.NEW- Mi"K"ayah Thompson-code-"K" [KKK] and Thompson[killing];
Guess for African American[s]who do not want to accept white male's design of [poverty] which is "roachville" or white males "robbing" them, the white male's solution is kill;
Note: whoever put display knows about/participated in first system of stealing "TWIN" black child;
Of which the following pictures were taken to verify the above:
Note: A. Display at Salvation Army to rid whites of blacks:
[Email sent: Monday, December 15,2014;12:55pm]
[Picture taken:12/15/14; 12:45pm];
A white helmet placed in the display at the entrance of the Salvation Army; that has the words "RIDdell" and signed by SAM [like in SAM'S club-ex employer whose secret club members threaten confinement if income/money obtained from honest work] CaldWELL [like in Caldwell Bankers; like in DeeDee CALDwell ];Note: B. The following is a picture of part of the Salvation Army Display, which is hard to see, but the words on the white car say "COME ALIVE" and there are TWO [TWINS] "BLACK" cars parked in front of the white car:
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 2:46 PM];
[Picture taken:12/15/14; 1:11pm];
Note: C. Picture at the Salvation Army of ALL WHITE PEOPLE;and a sign -"COME ALIVE"[design to communicate and talk to "spirit"[Major Allison is a FINANCIAL minister]:
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 1:16 PM]
[Picture taken:12/15/14; 1:13pm];
Notice the "ROYAL BLUE" on top of truck which was placed beside TWO white bells[like a couple]; which was placed in front of a picture of "ALL WHITE PEOPLE" [code-robbery of African American couple associated with the color of royal blue associated with the NEW system of robbery trying to be created by the City of Winston-Salem, NC [who is partners with the Salvation Army and the United Way] through creating the royal blue recycle bin-which is code to recycle what belongs to African American couple because it belongs in the African American neighborhood/culture, not white culture][Does anybody think it strange to have a picture of ONLY ALL WHITES in a 100% African American neighborhood?];
Note:D. Statement painted on glass item:
"The Salvation Army and UNITED WAY "PARTNERS" in "CHANGING" lives for over 75 years [1923-1998]-united way"
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 1:10 PM];
[Picture Taken:12/15/14;1:05pm];
The above statement about "changing lives" is true; but the change in the people's life is not one that would produce independence and prosperity but is designed to change their lives to be dependent and help their need for the Salvation Army to grow: the above "plack" is place at the front door as a mission of the "united way" and the "salvation army" to use royal blue system to destroy black lives;
Note: E. Picture of inside the "red" bucket on top of Salvation Army display case where Salvation Army athority has put "2" cents[have blogged about had to use "2" cents to buy food]:
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 1:41 PM];
[Picture taken:12/15/14;1:45pm]
Usually put 2 cents in offering plate in "church"-why salvation army authority have put 2 cents in bucket in lobby-[how closely local authority monitoring actions]-since I put "2" cents in sometimes-suppose to be white male robbery of Black wealth associated with the wealth that blacks are suppose to have through work in African American neighborhood[like in CLEVELANDarea but because of intimidation by local agencies-African American[s] are forced to not respond in violent fashion from being blocked from work by white males, Salvation Army and the "UNITED WAY" ;
Note: Ee-Doll dresssed in "BLACK" is suppose to represent "spenster"[why name spencer used so much in media]
[Email sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 5:56 PM]
[picture taken: 12/15/14; 1:22pm]
Suppose to represent the replace of the marriage between black couple/royal blue];
Note:F. TWO figures of the "Gritch' who stole christmas" was place in each corner of the Salvation Army window[code and verification:of the Salvation Army stealing from African American[s]:
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 1:02 PM];
[Picture taken:12/15/14; 12:54pm];
Picture is of "gritch" in far left corner and picture of African American female who was put back at desk after my appointment was over;
Note: G.White male put at window at Salvation Army on "Cleveland Ave" because of my appointment so white male could be in "control":
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 1:20 PM];
[Picture taken:12/15/14;10:10am];
Aa. The picture of white male "placed" at the front desk at the Salvation Army:
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 12:48 PM]
[Picture taken: 12/15/14; 12:30pm];
is to send the same message and is the same as the picture of the little white boy in a "black" sweat shirt on the front pages of the Winston-Salem Journal and is communicating to the secret group the same message: start the NEW system of stealing, robbing and killing of AFrican American[s] and give what belongs to AFrican Americans to litte white boys;
Ab. White males system of stealing, robbing, killing of African American[s] is the picture on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal of the little white boy in BLACK:
"Lewisville Christmas Parade"
[http://www.journalnow.com/gallery/news/lewisville-christmas-parade/collection_4d97ddec-83ff-11e4-ace0-0ba3038cdeb9.html];Note: Duchess "K"ate will have baby whose "name'/marking[s] will be used as code to communicate about thief of African American wealth to those in secret group;

Note:H. The picture of white male "placed" as harassment at the front desk at the Salvation Army during my appointment:
Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 12:48 PM]
[Picture taken: 12/15/14; 12:30pm];
[Picture taken: 12/15/14; 12:30pm];
notee: Hh.White male was removed from front desk at Salvation Army and black female was put back at desk after my appointment:

[Picture taken: 12/15/14;12:15pm];
Note: N. Left a copy of the following with the front desk at the Salvation Army:
To: Major Allison
Winston-salwem, NC.
Re: Water partnership
Presently have no income and was toldy by the Salvation Army that "money" for "water" is unavailable and being that social agencies work in partnership, am requesting that the Salvation Army please be advocate to be allowed access to the resources like a job without being put in confinement for doing honest days work.
[signed name]
cc. Monique Freeney, John gladman
Note: Nn Picture of Rochell TAYLOR who is an African American female prostitute working for white males in secret:
[Email sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 11:42 AM]
[Picture taken:12/15/14;11:35am];
White male who was put on front desk to communicate white males rule and control to create what rochelle taylor at front desk of salvation army represents -white males creating roach enviroments for blacks or white males controlling the doors of black people that lead to white males doing like white male at desk at s.army -who is controlling door to waiting room where no blacks get through unless white male buzz the door -like person in prison-to open the door;[note:could not get picture of robin Brown];
Note:O. NEWton the football player's was hurt when his [color?] SUV was turned over on
Cam Newton: I feel great, could be much worse
[Posted by Michael David Smith on December 11, 2014, 3:00 PM EST];Cam NEWton
[Notee: whose accident was not an accident; his name was needed to communicate to those in secret group];
Confirmation of when one thing happens to keep in line with communicating to those in secret system-other articles have to be printed:
A. Such as with the NEWton system:
"Families of NEWtown victims sue rifle manufacturer"
[By PAT EATON-ROBB and DAVE COLLINS][http://news.yahoo.com/families-newtown-victims-sue-gunmaker-seller-141435892.html];
Note:n1 -The people that put drinks into the soda machines at Mazzie Woodruff put something in the "cokes"/drinks and probably the snacks[why Bell Brothers was closed to control the flow of eating in Carver School Road area][know that in the Carver Road Branch libraries the put a soap that smells like gas for about eight to nine years, in the girls bathroom, which the other public restrooms soap smells like regular soap];
Note:n2- Where eat dinner on Sunday; an African American female whose child is a D. A. in greensboro, nc [so she said] stated that she had just come out of the "Stitcht center] because she had been put in there because of mental problems and in prior life had did 10 years in prison, and that they said that the "stitch" center was being closed because one of the doctors had been there hand in a girls private in a sexual manner;and before leaving she stated her experiences of abuse by the local "churches";
Note:n3- Have had a few people to tell me, I am not acting like myself-and to that I say as the female who ate dinner with who spent 10years in prison," will do as God tells me, allow you to hit my face twice but the third time I am swinging"-which means I am at least 20+ years over due[tried to tell people];
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