560-llu-0q Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. Caught ride to the CRB library[2nd time/said they were Gwyn's distant relative/was very nice];
[note:Posted on 12/18/15 that couold not send email; think part of the reason was because of Harwido Coe-[picture of Hawido9 Co/library computer technician in back room of CRB library who was looking at me;Carl the communist security guard is seated to the far right beside reference desk];
2. Stayed on the phone all morning long trying to get knowledge from t-mobile reps on how to get phone call off of phone on to sd card on to computetr; which started with speaking to rep. at T -mobile in United Sttes, which lead to call to four[+] other calls to the Philippines; All day long the phone calls went to the Philippines with names like "PAUL" with a foreign accent[?]; then noticed when checking into email about Stee "harvey" crowning the wrong female/country=code= whoever prompter was, they intentionaly messed up Steve Harvey presentation to send messages to secret groups throughout the country:
"Steve Harvey’s Miss Universe Blunder: Why He Needs to Do Damage Control in the Next 24 Hours"
[[December 21, 2015;Suzy Byrne;Editor;[ https://www.yahoo.com/celebrity/steve-harvey-s-miss-universe-1326150459326518.html]

comedian/talk show personality/game show host STEVE "HARVEY" botched his one job as emcee of the Miss Universe pageant by incorrectly naming Miss Colombia the winner when the title actually went to Miss Philippines.
Thus the fact that Steve "Harvey"=[coded name=Steve=Steve WHITEheart [white male]at BF GoodRICH tires and coded name="harvey"=Mr. Harvey[African American] who has a store that he was forced to close by medical people to get medical care] messed up=big message to the local Gwyndolyn Gwen secret gorup;
3. Of which Gwyndolyn Gwyns son who pulled weapon on me stood by the window [that I look out of]for about five or more minutes[suppose to be intimidation]
Gwyndolyn Gwyns son just standing in front of window with dog/coming from 3713 ;
1219/15[appx]; Also made small video[disappeared/have to locate on phone];
Gwyndolyn Gwens relatiave [white] car-usually parked as code to white male[s] Gwyn family working for white male[s]-why it is parked out front;
4. Of which made post about the question of the use of "children", first at the doctor[s] office; of which do know that there are no little children by any of the next generation in my family[?]-which is strange:
Cynthia the hispanic who started coming to the doctors office;p after I started to go; never saw any hispanics before=code=doctor reducing/taking the care/appointments/knowledge that should be going towards my health care and transfering to "hispanic" female cynthia as [code] that they are working with white male[s] to take from me, so Cintas can rise/being that Cintas is helping white male[s] to take from me;[note: Of which system has/is using mind control on CINTAS];[reference: ]
Which Confirmation iof the "children" issue is associated with the WSFC public library=Reynold[s] co. giving a grant to CRB library "children's" dept.; of which posted issue./picture about "children" and the big elephant trunk [symbol for "dick" for Mayhand] as well as posted that the WSFC library was to use "children" based on their post on the WSFC public loibrary main website page:
10. Pictures below are codes to CINTAS through local shopping center; in which the white male[s] in area re-arrange stores to send CINTAS message=how they did with the guy who wears Royal blue who wants to date me[they built a "IHOP" store[where first ate a meal together]on University after they transferred him from Peters Creek Prkwy area to9 University Plaza;
Code of stores to CINTAS= "Handpicked" by white males:
Do not know how long the KFC business has been in area
14. NEW Harris TEETER=code to CINTAS=if don't do as white ma;e[s] say-attack relatives=white male[s] wiollo make CINTAS "gay"= HARRIS";
15.Pictures of hispanics at Salvation Army where female hispanic [works] whiloe AFrican American[s] have to go in and beg for help with food/water/heat;
16. Relative took me to some stores over the weekend and every where they took me/white male[s] systems showed to intimidate relative:
Also suppose to be a white hispanic in picture who lives at 3725 Carver school Rd. "Cookie" lives in the second house beside the hispanic[s]-both of who would be helping white male[s] to rob African American[s];
19. Heard on 600 WSJS or 94.5 fm radio on 12/20/15 that Obama said, Have to use data and intelligence, do not just start shooting, told the person[?] that they have to "AIM"= why know that if anything negative happens to me or family/friends=not coincidental;
1. Caught ride to the CRB library[2nd time/said they were Gwyn's distant relative/was very nice];
[note:Posted on 12/18/15 that couold not send email; think part of the reason was because of Harwido Coe-[picture of Hawido9 Co/library computer technician in back room of CRB library who was looking at me;Carl the communist security guard is seated to the far right beside reference desk];
2. Stayed on the phone all morning long trying to get knowledge from t-mobile reps on how to get phone call off of phone on to sd card on to computetr; which started with speaking to rep. at T -mobile in United Sttes, which lead to call to four[+] other calls to the Philippines; All day long the phone calls went to the Philippines with names like "PAUL" with a foreign accent[?]; then noticed when checking into email about Stee "harvey" crowning the wrong female/country=code= whoever prompter was, they intentionaly messed up Steve Harvey presentation to send messages to secret groups throughout the country:
"Steve Harvey’s Miss Universe Blunder: Why He Needs to Do Damage Control in the Next 24 Hours"
[[December 21, 2015;Suzy Byrne;Editor;[ https://www.yahoo.com/celebrity/steve-harvey-s-miss-universe-1326150459326518.html]

comedian/talk show personality/game show host STEVE "HARVEY" botched his one job as emcee of the Miss Universe pageant by incorrectly naming Miss Colombia the winner when the title actually went to Miss Philippines.
Miss Colombia’s tiara was unceremoniously removed and given to Miss Philippines. (YouTube)
[note: notice the [one] and the [two] concept of which Steve Harvey KNOWS what the mixup is all about;as it relates to African American females[?]
Thus the fact that Steve "Harvey"=[coded name=Steve=Steve WHITEheart [white male]at BF GoodRICH tires and coded name="harvey"=Mr. Harvey[African American] who has a store that he was forced to close by medical people to get medical care] messed up=big message to the local Gwyndolyn Gwen secret gorup;
3. Of which Gwyndolyn Gwyns son who pulled weapon on me stood by the window [that I look out of]for about five or more minutes[suppose to be intimidation]

Gwyndolyn Gwyns son just standing in front of window with dog/coming from 3713 ;
1219/15[appx]; Also made small video[disappeared/have to locate on phone];
Picture of Chris Hayes coming from 3713;[Appr. 10/2015]
ART[?] hangs with Chris/Gwyndolyn Gwyns son Pokie; all three started going to 3713 and sitting/;standing in front of window as harassmnent/intimidation

Gwyndolyn Gwens relatiave [white] car-usually parked as code to white male[s] Gwyn family working for white male[s]-why it is parked out front;
4. Of which made post about the question of the use of "children", first at the doctor[s] office; of which do know that there are no little children by any of the next generation in my family[?]-which is strange:
Cynthia the hispanic who started coming to the doctors office;p after I started to go; never saw any hispanics before=code=doctor reducing/taking the care/appointments/knowledge that should be going towards my health care and transfering to "hispanic" female cynthia as [code] that they are working with white male[s] to take from me, so Cintas can rise/being that Cintas is helping white male[s] to take from me;[note: Of which system has/is using mind control on CINTAS];[reference: ]
Which Confirmation iof the "children" issue is associated with the WSFC public library=Reynold[s] co. giving a grant to CRB library "children's" dept.; of which posted issue./picture about "children" and the big elephant trunk [symbol for "dick" for Mayhand] as well as posted that the WSFC library was to use "children" based on their post on the WSFC public loibrary main website page:
5. Pictures that follow are of the area where the RJR tobaco plant use to be where CW vworked and at the end of the week, he and LOU would put all of the children in the car for CW to get his pay
check; and CW wuld be upset because the whiter males had ROBBED him of his MONEY; which CW being a big dutiful male, seeking to protect/feed his family[original intentions-like white males who provided for their family]would work 60 to 80 hours[heard LOU talking about it];but CW's pay would not be what he expected, white males at RJR tobacco stole over 1/2 to 2/3rds of CW's money and CW would get made/.curse/etc. , till he got mad and quit/then white males did CW the way they are doing me[threatening confinement for doing honest work to earn honest money]; but CW did not read ther codes and worked for himself anyway=which lead to white male[s] consistantly finding reason[s][real and created reason[s]to put CW behind bars];In fact bet CW saw what is in the national media now[ African American male[s] being shot by white male[s] for no apparent reason];
This is a picture of the psychological intimidation by city of WS/DOT/white male[s] systems; have posted on blog about how white males use the box image to intimidate African American[s], with a repair job on the street/that looks like a box being a subliminl message of intimidation:
6.Notice how the "RIGHT" side of ther street has been worked on; person can't walk down the right side of the street UNLESS they walk on the symbolic "grave" of which most 99.99% of people who walk on street/going to local social agencies/Crisis Control, etc. off of 9/10th and PATTERSON Ave.
7. Picture of a ROYAL Blue drink in a bottle; left on the Mazzie Woodruff Forsyth TEch building as harassment;
Picture of the top of the chimney that the WS Housing Dept.[through city grant] put on chimney; which fell off or somebody took off;RICHie BROOKS was in charge of the grants program at the time;
9. African American female[s] who have to gro through the hispanic male [COLON] at Crisis Control; of which 99.99% of them get NO HELP from the hispanic male [COLON-who helps Cynthia [black female prostitute in secret]who is in control of the food;
10. Pictures below are codes to CINTAS through local shopping center; in which the white male[s] in area re-arrange stores to send CINTAS message=how they did with the guy who wears Royal blue who wants to date me[they built a "IHOP" store[where first ate a meal together]on University after they transferred him from Peters Creek Prkwy area to9 University Plaza;
Code of stores to CINTAS= "Handpicked" by white males:
11. CINTAS joined TIMS [Verizon]plan and two to three weeks later a Verizon store was put up in area where CINTAS relatives stays;
13. Kentucky Fried Chicken=threat=where Cintas brother curt worked while in high school for about three years and was promised a management position when he graduated, but after Curt graduated, Kentucky Fried management kept having him to train other people to move up in management, but told Curt he would have to wait; so Curt did like CW, he quit and started doing his own thing; except like CW, they communicated to Curt that if he worked/earn an honest living/earn honest MONEY, it would result in white male[s] attacking his freedom[s] and like CW,Curt thought, this is the United States of America, I CAN MAKE MY OWN money; of which lead to white male[s] system[s]-like Gwyndlyn Gwyn secret groups killing Curt for white male[s]=Curt being "murdered;
Do not know how long the KFC business has been in area
14. NEW Harris TEETER=code to CINTAS=if don't do as white ma;e[s] say-attack relatives=white male[s] wiollo make CINTAS "gay"= HARRIS";
15.Pictures of hispanics at Salvation Army where female hispanic [works] whiloe AFrican American[s] have to go in and beg for help with food/water/heat;
Salvation Army lobby/appx.Sept.,2015
hispanic that works/volunteer at the CRB library=code=to CRB libary to steal/help steal what belongs to AFrican American[s] in area and transfer to hispanics;
16. Relative took me to some stores over the weekend and every where they took me/white male[s] systems showed to intimidate relative:
After came back from store; ALL BLACK care with weird license plate number 1234[/] BACKED into car space in front of car; white male driver/early to mid 20's]-hurried up and moved car when thought was taking picture; so took picture in front of store;
At another store, if you look close can see where something was poured on the ground, EXACTLY where car's trunk would be opened to put purchased items=code to relative that was taking me around=the result of what would happen if they keep taking me around to stores/grocery=harassment of which am sure the store has whoever did it on camera=not a crime=but if occurances continue=relative will stop taking me to store because of the intimidation;
Picture of a "car" with two flat tires on the passengers side, parked with a white rag on the driver side;Also suppose to be a white hispanic in picture who lives at 3725 Carver school Rd. "Cookie" lives in the second house beside the hispanic[s]-both of who would be helping white male[s] to rob African American[s];
19. Heard on 600 WSJS or 94.5 fm radio on 12/20/15 that Obama said, Have to use data and intelligence, do not just start shooting, told the person[?] that they have to "AIM"= why know that if anything negative happens to me or family/friends=not coincidental;
‘It’s Best That We Don’t Shoot First and Aim Later’
President Obama pushed back forcefully against questions of America’s strategy to counter the Islamic State in the wake of the Paris attacks.
http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/11/its-best-that-we-dont-shoot-first-and-aim-later/416223/]; [note: that is the picture of a person who knows what white male[s] getting ready to do to African American[s] and knows he better not say anything if he values his life;
20. Article in the WS Chronicle CONFIRMDS above picture:
Posted On 17 Dec 2015;By : Todd Luck;[https://www.wschronicle.com/2015/12/new-bus-routes-going-city-council/]
The biggest overhaul of bus routes in Winston-Salem Transit Authority history is close to becoming reality.The new routes were approved by the Public Works Committee during its Tuesday, Dec. 15 meeting and will go before the City Council for consideration on Monday. If approved it will take six months to a year to roll out the new routes, as it will require reprograming WSTA’s computer systems, training its employees, moving bus stops and a massive campaign to let riders know about the new routes. [note: all the time behind the scenes African American[s] being removed from the earth way before their time;different type article in the WS Chronicle-picture of ART barnes on the FRONT page=slavery system=Liberty St. at 5th and liberty St. in Winston Salem has tempoirarily been anmed ARTS BLVD for ARTS sake=those in/at/work at/in WSTA and City of Winston-Salem been propositioned to help white male[s] attack/kill African Americans;
Also picture of man who failed at convincing AFrican American[s] who do not want to sell out their African American heritage;
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