Social Understandings

Monday, August 06, 2007

Could Mr. Right be white=Because Mr.Black is not allowed to be in Sight=??????


Saw headlines on CNN="'Could Mr. Right be white?' More black women consider 'dating out' which included "Story Highlights"=Black women around the country are reconsidering interracial relationships;They're taking cues from their favorite stars, as well as blogs and books;Statistics suggest American black women are among the least likely to marry;Some say they are frustrated by the narrow field of marriageable black men"= My interpretation of the last statement is that there are very few African American males that qualify marriageable black men meaning that there are few that resemble real MAN; I did not say they were not being a male; but a MAN, being a MAN is different; they are not allowed to be men(wrote about it on my blog before); the females have to be head in the African American family or the African American male and their family stay in constant negative situations, especially if the male thinks that he is allowed to be the head; most of the African American males who are pretend head of their houses; don't have a clue; And the ones who are really TRYING to be a man=just keep asking why they keep going through stuff and wanting it to stop.

Being that African Americans are beginning to understand that if they do mate that they are punished a lot of African American females are probably chosing to opt outor are being forced to opt out for white males, so that they can at least have a male in their presence and not have to worry about them being put in confinement every other month, etc.= Neither do either the African American male or female have the communications tools necessary to communicate over/beyond the system that has been devised to keep them from communicating with each other. For example, with Willie, when THEY=????figured out that he was interested in me; they immediately began to punish him by cutting his pay, giving him more hours, stressed him that he started having seziures, provoked to become physical, moved him from the store that he was working at and put him on the other side of town, continously will not assist in making it easier for him to work because of his health condiditon;only to mention but a few of the things they have put Willie through=so "YES", African American females are probably considering 'dating out'=meaning that "Mr. Right could be white"; but if he is Mr. Right",it is probably because of a system that denys African American females and males PERMISSION to date each other without being punished if they are lucky or it is that Mr. Black is not in sight or allowed to be in sight= sort of like the system that they have operating in the African American family in which the family members are punished if they help their family members because for them to help their family members means that takes away the opportunity for social service to make money off of them=?????? Willie has been trained so well; that it is scary=!!!!!!!!!! or I should say;that he still goes to THEM for EKG's which means they are using mind control to tell him what to do=like how to respond to me=why he doesn't repond to me as he first did=their intention is to teach him to be abusive to me=God told me, don't accept it=.

In other words, their response to Willie and I wanting a relationship=is that fine=as long as he knows he has to be abusive to me or that I know that I have to be abusive to him; the other day=their offer was that Willie would have to be a drunk if I want to have a relationship with him=meaning that if an African American male and female want a relationship without it being controlled by the white male system; then one of the partners has to be a misfit/invalid/handicapped, etc.= because two African Americans that would not be helping the white male system, would mean there would be two people that they would not be controlling and for the white male system that would not be good=????God said to not accept anything for Willie except him being whole and normal and healthy for him and that Willie is not to accept anything except what is whole and normal and healthy for me=???which because of their dam system of abuse for African American females and males that desire a relationship= trust me the couple will not look like a normal couple anyway=because abuse has a way of being seeing on a person, as well as a couple=!!!!!!!!!!!!

And to verify their system=where I work, one of the lady's made a statement=because she understands their system=being that she is one of them that is suppose to help them control me=when I wouldn't agree to be controlled through Willie=she made the statement and she doesn't know Willie but she knows their system=she said, "They are going to K_LL him". I started praying, all I can do!!!!!!!!!! and have to trust God for deliverance=????

For example, one of the ministers that I listen to sometime=who I knew before his current wife knew him=use to date an African American female=who was not in the church, but had had almost six children for him=the African American male had a legal situation in which he would win hands down=but his money/legal situation were tied up until he agreed switch partners=Another African American female, who probably through one of her relatives, is allowed to flow in the White society=meaning that one of her relatives is somewhere along the line=helping the white male system; therefore she got one of the males that is promised out=being that there are so few African American males available=don't think that he has figured it out yet=????=but I have talked to his ex=girlfriend, in which she has spoken to me and asked me=how can he serve God, and not take care of his children=???which I did not answer=in fact that was my situation=my exhusband=married one of the women who agreed to help the white male system=and he was told by the Child Support Agency that he did not have to pay child support=?????=because I would not help the white male system=??????In other words and they STOLE my ex-husband from me=because I thought that things worked one way=????Now that I think about it, they stole, my first boyfriend=my earthly mother wasn't cooperating; they stole the first husband=guy I use to date has told me for over forty years EVERYTIME he saw me that I was suppose to be his wife=I finally got it after a few incidents with Willie; they didn't want him dating me because of who my earthly father was,etc.=;they stole my first husband to be because I nor my earthly mother at the time was cooperating=gave him to the daughter of an African American family that was cooperating; then they stole my ex-husband as I mentioned earlier=which after some decades gave me time to put it all together; now they inform me that if me and Willie have a relationship, he will have to be a drunk=?????God said not so=!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess it could be worse; Mr. Right could be white=Because Mr.Black is not allowed to be in Sight=??????=as least Willie is allowed to be in sight every now and then???????????????????

The URL address for CNN article:
'Could Mr. Right be white?' More black women consider 'dating out'



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