Rode on bus with Willie=well got on bus and then Willie got on=but instead of sitting where he could talk to me=he sat away from me=in which he talked to me earlier that day=so observed what was going on on bus=they=????like to send subliminal messages of harassment on the bus=couldn't really pick up anything=but the next day=the Winston-Salem Journal did an article, that was the lead article, entitled, "Death Sentence"=long story short=do know that on the bus=Willie started talking to gay guy=?????know that they have told me that if I want to make money=I have to be gay=so wonder if their message to Willie is that if he pursues a relationship with me=that will be his sentence,Death and that his only way of escape is that if he is gay=???????????????????????????????????????????????
And upon going to oneof the local school libraries found a book, which explains that the forces that do not want Willie and I to have a relationship=are coming from the community=the preface of the book explains that the community punishes people who don't conform to what they tell them to do=thought this was the United States of America=??????It does establish that the community has a system of abusing=?????to the point that=???????????????????=Peacenowst
I finanlly found something that would partially express what I have been going through to the extent that, some people may seem to think that it is me and what I am doing=and it is to the extent that I do not want to be controlled or part of a group that does things that God says don't do=!!!!!!!!!!=which makes me ask=what kind of community is Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Went to the local community school library=got a lot of books on health and exercise=started with the first one=very drab looking book=????=title of the book="Awareness Through Movement";author Molshe Feldenkrais=not a very large book either=being that it was in the area about health and exercise=when I started reading the preface=?I kept wondering=what does this have to do with health and exercise=which I would like to mention=one of the key things to health=is eating right=which I basically know how to do=question becomes=income to purchase food to eat healthy=????????????
Also while reading and taking notes the thought came to me concerning African Americans and income="it isn't that they do not try to genreate their own income=it is that their ideas, etc. are stolen and when African Americans try to persue restoration for what was stolen=there are elements within the society that are suppose to assist African Americans; that help block and hinder their receiving compensation or restoration=!!!!!???????
Anyway back to the book=="Awareness Through Movement"= in which the preface started talking about the goals of education should be the production of "satisfied, capable, educated, happy, creative people=!!!! It goes on to say that"The child no longer accepts everything that training tries to IMPOSE on him"=IMPOSED education and individual propensities(intense natural inclination) together set the trend for allour habitual behavior and actions= The purpose of education is to mold to behavior to or to bring behavior into line with that of others=????=The flaw is that it is outdated, ancient and primitive; the benefit it that it helps individuals not to be social misfits=!!!!!???????????????
The author, Molshe Feldenkrais, futher states, "Many people feel that the community is more important than the individuals of which it is composed; A trend toward improvement of the community is found in almost all advanced countries, the difference being only in the methos chosen to realize this goal. From the individual's point of view=it has a different meaning=It's important to him=1st it's important for him to find a field in order to be accepted as a valuable member of society=with his value in his own eyes being influyenced by his position in society. It is also important to him to work in a field in which he may exercise his individual qualities, develop and give exporession to particular person inclinations that are ORGANIC to his personality=ORGANIC traits derive from his biological inheritance, and their expression is essential for maximal functioning of the organism. As the trend to UNIFORMITY within our sosciety creates innumerable conflicts with individual traits, adjustments to society can be solved, either by the suppression of the individual's organic needs, or by the individual's identification with the society's needs in a manner that does not appear to him to be imposed=which may go so far as to make the individual feel that he is debased (to lower in statue, esteem, quality or character;2.to reduce to intrinsic value of , to reduce the exchange value of) whenever he fails to behave in accordance with society's values.!!!!!????
Education provided by society operates in 2 directions at once=It suppresses every non conformist tendency through penalities of withdrawal of support and simultanoously imbues the individual with values that force him to overcome and discard spontaneous desire=These conditions cause a lot of people to live(majority of adults) behind a mask, a mask of personality that the individual tries to present to others and to himself=Over time a person becomes adjusted to his mask that all forms of ORGANIC nature are not sensed to the point that any forms of emptiness are stifled if they take time to listen to their heart=!!!!?????
If person doesn't get a JOB to continue living a mask life=they go from JOB to JOB, thinking they are fit for all experiences that come=confidence in their own abilities=which gives them sufficient ORGANIC satisfaction to keep trying new things=Theyacquire the habit of dispregarding their own ORGANIC needs until they can longer find a genuine interest in any activity=(the BREAKING/bible/church/man system)Unlesss they get lucky and find something that truly interests them=while at the same time they will be driven to seek success in other spheres(usually promiscous sex)=(prostitute)=because of a belief in some special gift of their own=It raises their value in their own eyes and gives them at least partial organic satisfaction, enough to make it worth their while to try again=!!!!!?????????
Of which I must still say=that I did not get a chance to get any futher than the preface of the book=because first of all I was stunned that someone had actucally put into words just about everything that I have been experiencing=the author verified that the community punishes a person when they don't go along with what the community is doing=so much so to the extent that this morning (after being on the bus with Willie last night=in which Willie was acting different)=on the front cover of the Winston=Salem Journal Newspaper were the words "DEATH SENTENCE"= my question is whose=?????=being that I have not read the article=just the local headlines=and to verify that all the locals in the know=who are operating their system=this morning upon going to the periodicals desk=white male had taken the front page of the newpaper that had "DEATH SENTENCE" on it and had placed it on the counter, so that when anyone came to get assistance from the librarian=most people touch the counters when they talk to people=(in the spirit realm)=that was the white male librarian's way of sentencing them to death=being that 90% of the people who go to the 5th street public library are African American males, low income=most of them have nowhere else to go=sort of like the author said=part of their continuing educatiion=when they do not conform=their penalty is the withdrawal of support (usually their family)=which means they cannot go to family members for food, bath, or the necessities.=!!!!!=?????[TOP STORY]=State officials reject judge's ruling on N.C. execution policy=in which it takes the edge away from the statement=DEATH SENTENCE= which is the only thing seen on the front the the newsprint paper=and it is folded in such a way as that it does not show the entire words= "DEATH SENTENCE ON HOLD"=the "ON HOLD" is folded so that it can't be seen=(wonder if the community=??? are talking about=?????but in the local Winston-Salem Journal in print newspaper it does show only the words= DEATH SENTENCE on the front cover=and being that I glanced at the article in which it appears to be talking about wheather doctors should be involved in the execution of people= brings to mind the news report/think it was CNN=in which they were talking about that there may be cells of doctors that may be operating in the capacity/extension of those that the USA is at war against (Iraq)and told the people to be on the look out for them=Only thing they have to do is go to the hospitals where African Americans usually don't recover=but how would they know=since they probably=get rid of the records=sort of like they=(Winston-Salem State Univeristy, The Forsyth County public health departent; and Winston-Salem States' student infirmory dept=makes me wonder=how many students records/students have been lost=?????but because the parents were African Americans, the community agreed that it was okay to deny the parents their consitutional rights=which means they would not have access to anyone who would or could do something=?????also wonder if that is why they have had local health fairs in Winston-Salem, North Carolina recently=?????those African Americans who are denying their ORGANIC needs and yielding to the group/community will not have any problems with getting their organic needs fulfilled=but those who do not know that in order to get good services, to be recognized as a person worthy of being treated as a human, or not ignored=to be allowed to exercise their consitutional rights will/may not want to go to those health fairs=!!!!!!?????????
I still don't see the connection bewteen the author's preface and the movements of the body=???taught me to start reading prefaces=which I ususally don't=but something kept telling me to read it=???? in which the author did state something about in the future it would be possible to have units=which I made a quick note=to the extent that I keep reading about concept of units being used in various ways, education, etc.=
The author's preface was basically confirmation of the postings on my blog=to the extent that as I said, I do not want to be controlled by a group=or forced to be in a group=???and based upon the author's summation the group is the community=????=which lead me (in order to really get a clear understanding of what I was reading) to look up the definitions of some words within the preface (in which I will just list the words in the order that I looked them up and then give summation=Definitions coming from the Wesbters Collegiate Dictionary=????
1.Essential=(essence-a.the most significant element, quality or aspect of a thing or person)of the utmost importance; BASIC indispensable, necessary;b.something basic, necessary, indispensable, or unavoaidable.
2. Essential=implies belonging and the very nature of a thing and therefore being INCAPABLE of removal without destroying the thing itself or its character.
3.fundamental=implies to something that is a foundation without which an entire system or complex whole would collapse.
4. vital=suggests something that is necessary to a things continued existance or operation.
5.cardinal=means so important as to be indispensable.
6.indispensable=not subject to being set aside or neglected, abosolutely necessary, essential
Debase=implies a loss of position, worth,value, or dignity
Vitiate=a. implies destruction of purity, validity or effectivenss by allowing entrance of a fault or defect;b.to make faulty or defective, impair, to make in effective,to debase in moral or aesthetic status
Deprave imples more deterioratioin by evil thoughts or influences
Corrupt implies loss of soundness, purity or integrity
Defacto=actual, being such ineffect, though not formmally recognized
Debauch= implies a debasing through sensual indulgence
Pervert=a. implies a twisting or distoring from what is natural or normal;b. to cause to turn aside from or away from what is good or true or morally right;corrupt; b. to cause to turn aside from lwhat is generally done or accepted; MISDIRECT.
Regard=to pay attention , heed, to consider, to pay attention to, show respect, hold in high esteem.
Disregard=to pay no attention to; treat as unworthy of regard or notice; neglect
Admire=means to recognize the worth of a person or thing.
Heed=to give attention or consideration to; attention; notice.
Acknowledge=a. to recognize the rights authority or status of; b. to disclose knowledge of or agreement with; to recognize as genuine or valid; well grounded or justibiable; being at once relevent and meaningful.
Invalid=without foundation,fact, truth or law.
Neglect=a. implies giving insufficient attention to something that merits one's attention;b. to leave undone or unattended to; esp, through carelessness.
Disregard=voluntary inattention
Ignore=a. implies a failure to regard somethin OBVIOUS; b. to refuse to take notice of .
Overlook=disregard trhough lace of care of haste
Slight=implies contemptous or disdainful regarding or omitting