Social Understandings

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

60-llw-Pn-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis


1. Caught ride to the CR branch library; Shey[rebellion] on desk; zack in back; m----y in back;

2. Asked Shey if CRB library had replaced the law and health books melissa williams took off of the shelves during the downtown transition; Shey said, No! except for TWO medical books:


                                              Notice the ROYAL BLUE  book cover;
Two medical books; not about healing but diseases[coincidence][?]and NO LAW BOOKS[?];
Which lines up with the other elements that have been taken out of my life and have not been put back by the bastards:
Of which am posting the [computer clitch][?] Affidavit that wrote on April 26, 2015:
Being of sound mind, this is a  true statement:
That I am concerned for my mental/social/physical health and safety; beingthat
1. Cintas got a NEW bass/GREENE at REYNOLDS;
2. Cintas favorite singer pried[PRINCE]; family members called and asked Cintas if she were okay/like Cintas and PRINCE were dating[white males used "prince" to control CINTAS]; and "PRINCE" died like by brother "Charles"-nobody was around is that the V. A. hospital stated;
3. Prince got sick in TWIN city  and died a week later;
4. Have been systematically had elements in/of my life removed/closed/shut down in the City of Winston-Salem, NC/forsyth county that have shown up in Cintas[sibling] life, such as:
a.-Legal and Medical Books removed from CRB library by malissa williams;
b. Closed the main public library on 5th street and it was torn down;
c. Closed the TWO main churches that I attended; they were closed because of the members and the pastors being attacked at Living Waters Nondenominational church and Pastor Melvin Rip Wilkins church; and the threat of being made crazy[mentally] if go back to the third church that I visited at
Carver Christian church on Carver Road where Ellen Givens[ made pack with whitemale authority] and white male authority put in "hospital JAIL"  with room mate by the name of  "Ellen Sides";
d. Closed the YWCA on Glade Street downtown;
e. Closed off WSTA  bus Route 1 evening route and switched to route 1717 [through the drug route=subtraction];
f. Closed the Bell Brothers resturant which where could get a meal cheap; it was the ONLY resturant in the neighborhood;
5. Cintas kept food from me TWICE-which lead to my being in the ICU unit at hospital;
6. The proper diagnosis should have been, "MALNUTRITION" ; specifically it should have been a  magnisium deficiency instead of  "mental" which is code to white male authority to put people in "JAIL";
7. Closed the Food Lion grocery store on Hanes Mall Blvd. when I started to work at SAM'S CLUB;
8. CINTAS has been giving away a lot of stuff/acting strange/based onthemedia information/copntrol; especially the killing of family members of eight in the media-which is code to all of the people working in secret and recieve code through the media;
9.And am concerned about attending an exam where the ONLY doctor to make a decision[?] has been primed and pumped to recieve media code being that they have a daughter name "ANN" and live on a street with "ANN" in the name of the street; and who have had TWO of their closest relatives, a husband and mother to die recently, especially after no response[3rd week] from request made to "long"[fnp] to tell the doctor that I do not have to go to the exam because of the STRESS-which is allowed;
Sincerely, Signed Name;
 And am concerned about attending an exam where the ONLY doctor to make a decision[?] has been primed and pumped to recieve media code being that they have a daughter name "ANN" and live on a street with "ANN" in the name of the street; and who have had TWO of their closest relatives, a husband and mother to die recently, especially after no response[3rd week] from request made to "long"[fnp] to tell the doctor that I do not have to go to the exam because of the STRESS-which is allowed;
Which one of the things that is in a medical magazine, that "long" [fnp] office offers to patients, it states that one of the main steps to healing is to AVOID STRESS!:
which since cannot avoid stress in PUBLIC because cannot stop white male authority tactics in PUBLIC and can't even stay at home to avoid the stress of white male authority when I don't go in public because if I don't go in PUBLIC, white male authority park in front of house for whatever reason;
Or even avoid STRESS when white male authority sending black male looking like authority[ethnic intimidation] when trying to vote:
 black male authority that showed up when I went to vote; and then was gone when I did not vote;
[note this is the second time posting-the first disappeared]-which should never happen because there is a meganism that saves what a person writes almost every ten minutes, so a person should never lose no more that 5 to ten minutes of writing; I have been on the computer for close to TWO hours; with over half the pictures disappearing also];
Which think one of the SECRETS that white male authority is using is what the medical books that "long" office gives to patients concerning "health" ,"The SECRET is, the MORE DAYS YOU DO IT, the MORE of a HABIT it BECOMES"; which is why when an African American stays inside out of white authorities way-white male authority becomes upset, because that means that mental pattern of the African American is broken and the African American is moving away from being used as a commodity to make MONEY [keep a job] off of; which is based upon the United States Supreme court cases been deemed "ILLEGAL";and to KEEP the momentum going, the role of the white male authority is to make sure that the AFrican American see[s] the white male authority cars/white male authority fully dressed with weapon in uniform-it is a type of mental conditioning;
Eric Garner stated on video, "I AM TIRED OF YOU BOTHERING ME":
Which concern includes that since being forced into "hospital JAIL" by white male authority BOB Freeman, etc. at hospital who told me, "I am just following DOCTORS ORDERS; I am HELPING the DOCTORS; which is kind of scary based following statement:

"Medical involvement

Throughout this process doctors were involved from the earliest stage in reporting, selection, authorisation, execution, certification and research. They were not ordered, but rather empowered to participate. Leo Alexander, a psychiatrist with the Office of the Chief of Counsel for War Crimes at Nuremberg, described the process:
‘The beginnings at first were merely a subtle shift in emphasis in the basic attitude of the physicians. It started with the attitude, basic in the euthanasia movement that there is such a thing as a life not worthy to be lived. This attitude in its early stages concerned itself merely with the severely and chronically sick. Gradually the sphere of those to be included in this category was enlarged to encompass the socially unproductive, the ideologically unwanted, the racially unwanted and finally all non-Germans.’ "
The Nazi holocaust arose from small beginnings. Such a progression initially required only four factors; favourable public opinion, a handful of willing physicians, ECONOMIC PRESSURE and NO PROSECUTION FOR THOSE INVOLVED . The remaining ingredients were a eugenic social policy and war
Which all African American females have to deal with white male authority; especially after they take their husbands from them and give them to AFrican American female prostitutes working in secret for white males:
 560-llu-0u Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library ;12/29/15

560-llu1- Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library, Richland School District, Richland County, 10/27/15;
white male authority throwing an African American girl:
white male and AFrican American female[girl]-potentioal to grow up and marry and AFrican American male who would be competitor to white male;with the emphasis being on "In November 2014, Karen Beaman, the principal of Lonnie B. Nelson Elementary School, presented Fields with the Richland School District "TWO CULTURE of Excellence Award."; which have documented the TWO culture system operated by white male[s]; and the principal of the school is aware of the TWO CULTURE system, which is basically, white[s] and black students whose parents do as white male[s] tell them are allowed to live, unbothered/or a normal life; all other African American students basically in prison/jail/or slaves;
3. Upon coming to the CRB library; parked in Gwyndolyn Gwyns driveway was a white van, and acting like they were working, were TWO white males in [black t-shirts][?]:

The other white male was doing something behind the tree; and it looks like the white screen door is off=code= know they use the screen doors to being off or on as code;

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

60-llw-Pm-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis


1. Caught a ride to CR branch library; Melissa Williams/zack/clerk[black female] and Mayhand the children's library are on staff; ask melissa williams the director of CCB library if they had replaced the medical and legal books that were taken when they closed the 5th street main public library; melissa williams said that EVERYTHING IS ONLINE now=3 hours vs using a BOOK where the person can do research for eight hours vs the 3 hours; melissa williams said that the medical is up under med web; and the legal is under goverment law[?] of which she could not tell me where it was and I have to wait till zack-the white male librarian comes back[?];

2. As CONFIRMATION  of the blog about the robbery of AFrican American[s] heritage, where posted:

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

60-llw-Ph Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis

With Sheldon McCarter in the center; Mack-posted about his sister who is muscian at UNION Baptist church who chose to be a prostitute in secret to have a "JOHN"; and Macks sister the one have posted on blog about who worked at the Urban league-name Cynthia who was by white societies standards-very pretty-light skin/long hair; but after she spent about three years working in white males culture with no coverage/deals made-three years later she returned to the Urban League looking like she had been through a WAR- and looked like she was about 100 years of age; but in reality she was about maybe 35 at the time and she has not recovered since-in fact last heard she had had quite a bit of medical issues; And Mendez is the person who was communicated that if he continuted to help me whould end up LOONEY-which posted that is their system; heard over the radio las t week= "IF THEY CANNOT SAY YOU ARE WRONG; THEY WILL TRY AND SAY THAT THE PERSON IS CRAZY" and sure enough that is exactly what white males are trying to do and trying to do as quickly as possible which is what white males intend to do to the people "OVER HERE" that live on the black side of town as Marquita Wisley stated:

Is the CONFIRMATION in the article of the hard copy of the Winston-Salem Chronicle Newpaper; page A2, April 21, 2016 titled, "Local Ministers group responds to release of body camera footage" by Tevin Stinson: 

"Local ministers group responds to release of body camera footage"

"Earlier this week, The Ministers’ Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity (MCWSV) held a press conference to respond to the release of body camera footage of the incident that led to Travis Page dying while in the custody of four officers with the Winston-Salem Pol-ce Department."

"We are proud to say that this is not Ferguson,” said Fulton. “This is not like so many trends that we have seen transpire across America.”

"City Council member and public safety chairman James Taylor said, although the loss of life is always a tragic event, following the death of Page, everyone involved did their job. As he stood at the podium on Tuesday afternoon, Taylor said, “Although the community has had issues with the police department and district attorney’s office in the past, moving toward the future we have nothing to worry about"

 Think we have the some of the best citizens, officers, elected officials and community in this entire country,” he said. “When it comes to protecting this community, I don’t think we have anything to worry about.”

So why are AFrican American[a] all over the city of Winston-Salem, NC having closed neighborhood meetings:

"WSSU, community frankly talk about education reform"


"Flemming El-Amin, with the microphone, a member of the Forsyth County Board of Elections, discusses the state of education in North Carolina as other panelists listen during the first Transforming Education Community Roundtable held on the campus of Winston-Salem State University Friday, April 15. Other panelists are (L-R) Kimya Dennis, Salem College;Ruth Hopkins, Carter G. Woodson School; Imam Khalid Griggs, Wake Forest University; Donna Rogers, The Chronicle; and Kenneth Simington, Winston- Salem/Forsyth County Schools. T. Sharee Fowler, Forsyth Promise is not visible"  is code confirming that TRUE AFrican American living in TRUE AFrican American neighborhoods like on PATTERSON AVE do not think as the black leaders selling out AFrican American[s]; that "When it comes to protecting this community, I don’t think we have anything to worry about.”  an odd statement in the mist of African American[s] protesting; in fact they[?] JUST name part of PATTERSON AVE. - "GASTOWN" and the ONLY concept of "GAS" that is anywhere on PATTERSON Avenue where the GASTOWN sign is, is in  Recreation Center where the NEW recreation center has pipes on the inside of the steps where all THREE doors that LOCK as if to hold a person in[?];In fact one of the first things that the white male system[s] do when they are about to rob/steal/take from African American neighborhoods is to shut off the gas pumps to keep gas from being used as a weapon and African American[s] have to start going to outside of their neighborhood to get gas for their car;

 With the closed meetings being about the abuse/robbery of AFrican American[s] and when I say closed I mean not inviting the white public; Ask ANY TRUE AFRICAN AMERICAN living in the TRUE AFrican American neighborhood if they have anything to WORRY about and their response would be the opposite of the black leaders who are selling them out and say telling the world, "moving toward the future we have nothing to worry about";and why is it that blacks have nothing to worry about NOW-when history says otherwise; for example the last time I was downtown, did not see freedom in operation; but public confinement:

 Right now process is being put into motion to bring down any TRUE AFrican American such as Marquita Wisley who was in paper about the Cleveland Avenue home[s]-project houses; where if you look at the two older females sitting on each side of Marquite Wisley, they are not looking up but they are looking DOWN, and their attitude is we are here, scared but not in agreement with what Marquitea Wisley is saying, who doesn't get it YET, that AFrican American[s] have no rights, and African American[s] are to serve white male[s] only; and one of the things that they[white males] are going to use to control Marquita Wisley is Marquita Wisley's desire for a good heterosexual African American man/husband:
 which is why under the picture of Marquita Wisley at the pow-wow talble is the picture of an good looking NORMAL African American male-to get Marquiata Wisley  ATTENTION:

To get Marquita Wisley to sell her part in hindering white male[s] from robbing AFrican American neighborhoods; and to let her know that if she STOPS with the "something is wrong with what is being done to AFrican Americans", that she can have a MALE-who will end up being a "JOHN", but Marquita Wisley does not know that, she will think she is getting a real husband; which white males do not allow;

As another CONFIRMATION that TRUE AFrican American[s] have a problem with "Moving toward the future we have nothing to worry about" is the picture  on page A8, April 21,2016; of the Winston-Salem Chronicle under the "PEOPLE in the STREET" segment with the question, "ARE YOU READY TO START DIALING 10 DIGITS TO MAKE PHONE CALLS?-most people think they are referring to the new 336 rule that 336  has to be dailed before every call; but if one considers the TWO system and the picture:

[doing the same thing-intimidating AFrican American[s] who exercise "freedom"]
Of the white male authority picture on "LIBERTY" Street [across from the WSTA bus station] then it has a different meaning[espeically to AFrican American[s];I have posted picture[s] of people standing/sitting on wall, etc. of issues where security guards started telling me I could not sit on the wall, when other people do; then white male authority started parking their cars across from the WSTA where I ususally cross to LIBERTY street and walk;which have posted pictures on line of authority vehicles parked on LIBERTY street across from the WSTA as intimidation;

If AFrican Americans have nothing to worry about like the black leaders say, "moving toward the future we have nothing to worry about"; then why is the white male that usually has on a royal blue-DUKE cap still trying to intimidate/harass;

[doing the same thing-intimidating AFrican American[s] who exercise "freedom"]
While sitting at computer, white male in royal blue jacket came and sat down at computer; then another white mile came and tried to walk around both of us; I got up; that kind of intangible harassment will increase because Obama help them set up situation so that they can do so; to the point that the white boy radio talk show network is talking about it;

[doing the same [out of uniform]intimidating AFrican American[s] who exercise "freedom" at PUBLIC library];
    [doing the same [in uniform] intimidating AFrican American[s] who exercise "freedom" on a "PUBLIC" street];
CONFIRMATION of the above is the picture on the front of the "Triad CITY BEAT" magazine:
Young black male trying to find his "LIBERTY"; with the message being-any path the young African American chooses based on the picture of the white male authority on "LIBERTY" Street; the young AFrican American male will always be wrong becuase he is NOT WHITE; and the young AFrican American male will ALWAYS be WRONG till he does like Obama-be raised by a white mama or a white granddaddy=in house slave;which fits into the category of as heard a white male say,"DIFFERENT METHOD! SAME RESULTS!"; meaning deteriation/robbery/blockage of AFrican American[s] accessing their WEALTH-like Chris Rock was talking about-Black people do not have WEALTH! 

Which is why am posting information concerning the doctor that am suppose to EXAMINE me based on the "hospital JAIL" diagnois" where the doctor was CERTIFIED  by Dr. REYNOLDS  and has already been Preped and primed to follow orders:

The Board of Medical Examiners of the State of North Carolina met at the

Radisson Plaza, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 18-21, 1982, for the purpose

of interviewing applicants for license by endorsement of credentials and conducting other business.


Board members present were Joyce H. Reynolds, M. D. , President; Bruce B. Black-

mon, M. D. , Secretary; Thomas Edmunds Fitz, M. D. ; Jack A. Koontz, M. D. ; A. T. Pagter, Jr. , M. D. ; and Frank Noble Sullivan, M. D


Mark Williams Roberts, M. D. , La Jolla, California

The Board adopted a motion made by Dr. Reynolds that the proper procedures be

instituted to prefer charges against Mark Williams Roberts, M. D. , that he be so noti-

fied in writing, and that he be advised he will be given a hearing on such charges

that will be presented against him.

The following physicians applied for license by endorsement of credentials; were interviewed individually by the Board, a Board member, or by the Executive Secretary; and were approved for licensure on March 20, 1982.

Carla Gresian Duszlak

The following physicians were issued temporary licenses:
Anne Cecilia Dibala,Jacob Alexander Orbock,Richard Gaylord Stuelke

The Board adopted a motion that the actions of the two groups of Board

Members who interviewed applicants for license by endorsement of credentials be approved by the full Board.


With names  and numbers being CODE and the Doctor being certified with TWO groups and TWO boards involved, am sure that the doctor is WHITE; know that they lost their mother and husband not to long ago; and live on street with "ANN" in it and graduated from "HERsy" and has already recieved threat of having her family killed/along with all the other AFrican American prostitutes who work for white males in secret;

3. Also am posting that  "steven sands" white male-who calls himself a doctor] and "Obinna IKwechegh"[african-who calls himself a doctor, along with "erica hermann" [white female-who calls herself a doctor]are all using their medical positions to run a scam on African American[s];based on the Social Security disability Blue book, where person who is suffering from malnutrition, or high glucose levels qualifies for disability income; but instead the bastards at the "hospital jail" put the diagnois as "mental" to open avenue for white male authority to put in "JAIL"=another path to "JAIL"; all by design;

The other AFRICANs were a female name "Patricia" and "MANUEL"; there was a "Vanessa" [who was the janitor]; there was a Patricia Ford-[Black female prostitute in secret for white males who called herself a nurse]; there was a "LARRY"-white male [whose wife was name "PAULA" who touched me on my behind while I was in bed]; and "RICK" [white male-who called himself a nurse-was suppose to represent a threat to "Ryck"-a close relative and whose marriage is presently being attacked by the white male system];PAULA [african from Africa] was hired by "White" in the Winston-Salem City human resources dept and who participated in the harassment/intimidation-when
walter marshall-city representative came to investigate why melissa williams staff put me out of the library for no reason and after going into a meeting and finding one of the people name involved was named "PAULA"; walter marshall whole attitude changed[bastard];

4. Thus if concepts/words,etc. start going haywire in writing; it is because of something they[white male system] has done; to the point that the person who calls themselves a doctor that lives on street with "ANN" in it and graduated from "HERsy" school, is the ONLY person that is suppose to be in room when doing an examine that determines a person path in life based on their observation/etc.=scary;

5.. There has been a loud ringing since I have been at library at 10:00pm; at apprx. 2:15pm while I was taking a break- TWO white males went in side room[slim]; thenone of the lwhite males went to the stool at the back table where I was sitting and sat in it; then went back into the side room;

 6. Am writing an Affadavit concerning concern about the exam of which have documentation/notorized about the medical profession using their positions as weapons to try and hinder/stop the effects/results of someone believing documention about the white male[s] system of abuse;

Thus Stevie Wonder said of "Prince", He did not allow his dream to be put to sleep"[4/22/16];11:00am; wsja]; what Stevie wonder did not say was, so the killed him;at least that is the word that people are saying;

Monday, April 18, 2016


60-llw-Pl-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis


1. Contacted the Justice and Accountability Center;Mr. HARVEY getting NEW makeover-by the white male[s] habitat for humanity who has a "JOHN" out in front of Mr. Harvey's house and a royal blue cover beside Mr. HARVEY's store=code for Mr. HARVEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE ADVANTAGES OF THE VICTORIES THAT have been obtained in the United States through the  publicity of  "Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University black students protest over being targeted for ID[identification harassment], Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis where a whole city of African American[s] have been forced to drink defiled water":

A.Evidently in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Mr. HARVEY must be the leader of African Americans citizens born in the United States, which is why white males are making the white male[s] system[s] dominance evident to their black slaves in the Carver School Road area-code white male[s] controlling/robbing head black male[using HEALTH needs to do it]:

   [Picture taken 4/18/16]
Picture of writing put on the side of the store when white males put the royal blue blanket on the other side of the [empty] store building;
 There are at least three to four other pictures that cannot locate on the phone; one is a picture of the brown john outside Mr. HARVEY"S front door[even though the white males from habitant humanity are working on the back of the house];
                                                               picture taken 4/16/17
                         [note: posted after I wrote the above about picture not posting]
one is picture of three signs out in front of the yard on the sidewalk[so African Americans can't walk on the sidewalk-white male[s] way of saying they are taking a over; blacks can't walk on the sidewalk-the first race riot in Winston-Salem was over a black man not moving out of the way on a sidewalk so a white woman cold walk past
Picture taken 4/16/16
and the 3d picture is of the royal blue cover that looks like a BODY [not moving];

Picture taken 4/16/17
[note: posted after I wrote the above about picture not posting]
the picture of the royal blue blanket is symbolic of the KILLING of the AFrican American male of which evidently based upon how white male[s]/white people constantly in MR. HARVEY"S yard where MR. HARVEY is the one who was responsible for AFrican American children who went to Carver High School who got off of the failure grade list and started getting on the dean's list and granduating with honors; now the store is closed[?] and nobody else is allowed to use the building to make MONEY;
However another VERIFICATION/PROOF of robbery of AFrican American[s] is the front cover story for the Winston-Salem Chronicle, "WINSTON LAKE PROTEST YMCA $400,000 IN DEBT" by Tevin  Stinson, April 14, 2016 

Winston Lake protest; YMCA $400,000 in debt

Notice the advanced years of those who are angry=because  the are the VERY ONES that have been helping white male[s] to rob from those other black people; and their reward is that the white male system[s] is now going to rob from them [close place/less stress to travel to EXERCISE and stay healthy] and then recycle[royal blue recycle bin infront of Mr. HARVEY's yard];
Which the other articles about the CDC and the HB2 headline titles basically are codes to knocked down heterosexual AFrican American[s] give them diseases/force them to be gay in order to WORK  or live in white male culture/system; 
THUS the Hospital JAIL; those that the white male system[s] can't stop; are set up or eventually will be set up and classified as have "Psychological" "MENTAL" problems[ which white male authority will use as the foundation to attack AFrican American[s] ] to KEEP A JOB; which is why the stealing of  the AFrican American culture "YMCA" is occuring when all of the ANGRY people can do nothing BUT speak loud; not get in the street or get VIOLENT like the DONALD TRUMP followers who are basically white males; what the DONALD TRUMP followers are doing/threating violence is what AFRICAN American[s] should have been doing when Obama was elected office; but Obama is not AFrican  American-He is an African who was allowed to stay in the United STates with a white woman-those he helped his people-AFRICANS and WHITES, not AFrican American[s]; and again the ignorant BLACKS sold out the AFrican American culture by not crying FILE!!!
B. And VERIFICATION of the hospital JAIL system used to rob African American[s] of wealth is the NEW "COMMITTED"  sign as a person enters the ALDI's store off of University Parkway in Winston-Salem, North Carolina where there is always an authority vehicle parked out in front beside the entrance to the ALDI's store: 
Picture taken 4/17/16
 Where EVERYTIME I go into the Aldi's store off of Univeristy Parkway;EVERYTIME a fully dressed/armed white male authority make an obvious effort to make their presence known; 

Picture taken 4/17/16 
 Where in the picture above the white male authority  had just walked past grocery cart, and at the time no one else was on the isle; Aldi's does have camera[s]; usually the white male authority follows me around the store in an harassing manner and if I go to the bathroom, whenever I come out the white male authority  has moved my grocery cart and is standing within the parimeter of the bathroom door; 

                                                               Picture taken 4/17/16

Picture taken to show that after I left the first isle at Aldi's that the white  male authroity moved off of the isle;
 C.  And today[4/17/16] TWO white male[s] showed up and took something out of the fire hydrian; then walked up the street;
Picture taken 4/17/16

Picture taken 4/17/16
 City TRUCK parked in front of house; while that truck was parked in front of the house, a white city samll truck was going down the street;

D. Picture of hispanic male[new to area] who came in with a big fat black prostitute in secret and thought he saw another victim; informed the library staff that am not interested in hispanice males;
 Picture taken 4/17/16
 People saying they can't locate hispanics-all they have to do is get a copy of the CLEMMONS food pantry list; that list all the organizations participaing with illegal hispanics;

 E. AS CONFIRMATION of the constant robbery/intimidation by white males[systems] is the posting of specific messages that appear to be to the general public, which they are; but if certain people have messages that say that the doors or computers that they usually use are closed of not allowed to do what all the other computers do;those become direct specific messages; such as the research computer that usually use; It had stopped working, now it is working BUT there is NO FREE printing, which ensures that the person will have to use TWO computers; one to post and have to go to another to print
Picture taken 4/16/17
The ONLY computer in the library that DOES NOT PRINT-the one I ususally use;
 just like the BOTH of the DOORS at the WSTA that I usually use, has been closed and signs posted "DO NOT USE"; reminds me of  all of ST. Petersburg church 8 to 10 doors being shut, and their telling me that I could only go through one door, the door that they choose; which is a CONTROL issue; white male[s] system of CONTROL- so do not go in the bus station;
 Picture taken 4-2016
 Gurantee that African American[s] are encountering a LOT of DOORS CLOSED and DO NOT USE,etc. and it is NOT coincidental; 
F. Even while waiting for the WSTA white male drove his dump truck[EXTREMELY LOUD NOISE]and parked where I was standing; the entire parking lot was empty:
 Picture taken 4/16
Cars and black truck parked as CODE- at Gwyndolyn Gwyns

                                           Picture inside WSTA city bus[4/2016]


Thursday, April 14, 2016

60-llw-Pl Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis



TO:  The Center for Justice & Accountability
One Hallidie Plaza, Suite 406
San Francisco, CA 94102

Tel 415. 544. 0444
Fax 415. 544. 0456


Re:  Starvation

 After sending fax concerning starvation[---- -------- -----, Winston-Salem, N.C., ------Deanna[communication name]; on 4/13/16 authority vehicle parked at corner of property next door]for about five minutes] and male [ART] that drives a silver station wagon[who does not live on -------- ----- was parked down the street] has been hanging from house to house for about a year;[ tried to come to ---- -------- -----; which did not work];which have had a brother murdered and no one has been identified; Arts license plate number is "DBJ-8645"; and every time a new email account is created,  suddenly can't send or receive emails;


Thank You,



Tuesday, April 12, 2016

60-llw-Pj Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis


1. Road the WSTA to CR Branch library and ROBIN was the driver; thus based on the van that had WHITE written on the side before Robin [the African American secret prositute working for white males] had driven the WSTA bus to the bus stop and white male on the wsta bus=Robin is robbing white males;

2. At the CRB library Melody, ZACK[]white male] and melissa williams working; zack was on desk when walked in; while looking at the newspapers; AFrican American female[in early 20's][looked like she was a student from Mazzie Woodruff Forsyth Tech] came in an empty library and immediately ignored all the other places that offered privacy and went and sat in the chair beside the ONLY other white male in the library:

[note:can't locate photo on computer; now can only get to photo through numbers and have to guess which one is the right picture; will have to post later] 

3. Posted on blog last week []; that the Triad CITY Beat magazine had white male in royal blue on front cover and African American male[muscular on back cover] as code; but could not get picture to post from cell phone; which did today after asked one of CRB library staff to inquire as to why my pictures all of sudden stop posting; but anyway, the picture of the African American male[muscular] on the back of the Triad city beat magazine is as follows:



5. The SUNDAY Winston-Salem Journal; lead  code story was about "PAULA" Wilkins[last name of the African American pastor that did not sell out African Americans [Melvin Rip Wilkins] who is the NEW porinicipal at COOK elementary school=JOKE=why is it Blacks always fall for the same thing over and over again; BECAUSE they keep getting NEW African American prostitutes to work for them; again CONFIRMATION that PAULA Wilkins working for white male[s] for a "DICK" is the article under it: "RESILIENCE", written by scott SEXton; not to mention that did speak to Burr's office last month-and the article is by a person with hispanic name=coincidence=NO!;

The title in the  hard copy of the Winston-Salem Journal is

"Burr, Ross divided on suit"

and on the Winston-Salem Journal's webpage  the title is:

"Immigration policy splits U.S. Senate candidates Burr and Ross"

Posted: Saturday, April 9, 2016 11:00 pm


Which did see movie/dvd titled, NOAH!=were the mother of TWINS was name LILA and in the movie, the grandfather-NOAH said he was going to kill the TWINS for GOD; but in the end; NOAH did not kill the TWINS=CODE-in real life; the TWINS belonging to LILA has a lot to do with the TWO concept[?] and the real messsage is LILA said NO! to the mother of the real TWINS having access to the both  of the TWINS; which did communicate to Burr's office; along with some other things;

6. Also when went to Clemmons Food Pantry[feeding the white man's hope]; people say they can't locate the illegal hispanics-it is easy; Clemmons Food Pantry put out a listing of  at least 34 organizations that are serving the illegal hispanics in the TRIAD area; [note: took a picture of the pamplet but can't locate because of the numbers and the picture is not posted on the computer in sequence];


Wednesday, April 06, 2016

60-llw-Pi Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis


1. Today is a TWO day; and first of all, the bastards took all my pictures off of my phone and sd card?]; then put symbolic cloths/cover-royal blue as form of harassment as code that city has already killed  African American male-royal blue;

 where two white females[from a church] went and got me food from grocery store; one driving a blue car; wearing all royal blue clothes; and today-there are no pictures on phone[?];

CONFIRMATION of above-black male and royal blue=Triad City BEAT magazine:

Front  cover is posted by the exit door that I ususally enter through and on the back cover is a picture of a masculine African American male[my pictures will not post]:

                                      [update:-did get picture to upload on 4/12/16]

Could not locate picture of illustration of black male by Jorage Maturino[sounds hispanic]; but did google:illustration of  black male by Jorge[code for george=money] Maturino and there were two links associated with Jorge Maturino; 3 Becoming a Pol-ce Off-cer;2 Levels of Law Enforcement;

And confirmation about CLEMMONS[which disappeared on blog last week-like the pictures] which had posted that Clemmons is [WHITE]- where posted on blog appx. 2012, that the white males in  Clemmons was connected with working to set up black males with local black ministers;where when went to the Clemmons food pantry white male-JOHN stood at entrance to get get food; and had posted bet you they have a person name victoria,etc.; Of which am posting that the bread turned into mold about three days after they gave the bread:
            [note: They can put whatever they want in food/BREAD=code for MONEY and the bastards took all my pictures off of my phone and sd card? as punishment for the two white females bring me food and the two white females were well aware];  ;

And that all the people in the picture of pamhlet waiting to recieve food were African American;

where posted on blog appx. 2012, that the white males in Clemmons was connected with working to set up black males with local black ministers;

                           ALL WHITE:

Pictured left to right:Mike Combest - Rotarian and
Clemmons Councilman,
Ron Davis - Rotarian,Rick Sylvester - Rotarian and
co-owner Sylvester and
Rebecca Howorka - Rotarian
and co-owner Express Oil
Dan Greer - President Rotary
Club of Clemmons,
Scott Smith - President
Clemmons Food Pantry
[note: They can put whatever they want in food/BREAD=code for MONEY];

Howorka = CODE-for African American females seeking food or help [because of white male[s] secret system[s] of seperating black husband[jail] and wives[threaten and intimidated]] to be put into prostitute category, automatically, which means white male[s] think they can do whatever they want to the African American females and children and nothing will ever be done about it; 

2.There is only one copy of the Winston-Salem Cronicle-March 24, 2016= just like the clothes being placed-think that they removed/hiding copies of the WS Chronicle- to interfere with access to information[because of limited schedule and income=not hard to figure person[s] schedule;

3. Heard something on the radio this week of 4/2/16 that the EFFECT of some medications don't appear until MUCH LATER- where am concerned because when went to the emergency room to get help with high glucose level, the bastards [Steven Sands and Erica HERman] used their medical positions to perform psychological abuse by forcing into a psychiatric ward, where was placed at the end of a hall beside a locked door-which also was a way for people to slip in and out during the night and do not know what they did to my body; of which if anybody reading this cares-if there starts to be changes in thought pattern[s] it is because of something they put in my system to cause behavior; of which just paying attention-knowing that there is nothing wrong with my mind=do know am angry [which exercise to deflect effects]=do know that they can give a person something to cause their body to react as if they are diabetic-cause a high glucose leve and do know that there are synthetic drugs that they can have a person touch without the person knowing that they are touching it-like putting it on a door knob or keep board or any public place to make the person act psychotic;thus the concern; along with concern for MUCH LATER side effects were a lot of people would not make the connection; for the most part have been healthy just about all my life-till healthy food was intentionlly kept from me;

4. [Note:Was forced to sign out and back in again[twice];
Which the WARNING came up :




5. Of which heard on the radio the statement on 8.5 fm radio[news] that Harnet[?] was in the process or had been accused of "CRASHING"  an old website and REPLACING it wit a NEW sit; in which  have sat and watched for at least a year now of having added posts and the number of posts NEVER change; have been posting on blog since 2005 almost daily-that is eleven years=365 days x 11years equals 4,015 daily posts=probably not 4,015; cause of going to church, etc. but at least 3,000 or more; do KNOW that it is more than 557 or 604

                                                             Picture taken 4/6/16
                                                              Picture taken 4/6/16
 6. Posted on blog about the fact that AFrican Americans not allowed to be outside in neighborhoods= epecially concerning growing food heard n the radio 88.5 fm; Diane Rehm show where guest were talking about the importance of being outside-which is when a lot of the current issues dealing with started- when Chris Hayes [car wash business in a residental area=illegal]customers started calling me "bitch" and telling me NOT TO COME OUTSIDE along with the garden suddenly to stop growing; Diane Rehm guest stated:

                           "People are dying because of not going outside";
                            "Being outside if good for a persons HEALTH"
"Solution to helping with Diabetes ,etc.[all health conditions  is wending more time outside"

 one of them wrote a book titled, ""The vitamin "N"  deficiency"; googled the title of the book and there were =no results;

Then went to Diane Rehm website:
                                                                       Diane Rehm
 And the show was titled:
Wednesday, Apr 06 11 a.m. (ET)

Environmental Outlook: New Reasons To Get Kids Outdoors

                                                    Black BOYS in the BACK
Of which a person can go to and listen to the show;picture-

To verify and confirm that blog post from Diane Rehm show is not coincidental; on the front of the website for the Winston-Salem Forsyth County  LIBRARY-which is where coded instructions for  African American who work as secret prostitutes for white males is posted are TWO pictures of "children"[BOYS]:

And just like in  the picture posted on Diane Rehm show is a black boy and a white girl; so there is a black boy with a white girl;

And the hispanic boy in picture with future or present hispanic prostitute working in secret for white males;

And to really CONFIRM is that the Carver Road Branch Library today 4/6/16 is holding it's  Girls with a PURPOSE program and SHEY[rebellionion is in charge]:

7.   And coded instructions for the abused adults by white males to be heard on:

Monday, Apr 11 11 a.m. (ET)

David Kessler: “Capture: Unraveling The Mystery of Mental Suffering”

David Kessler, a former commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, argues that there is a neurological process underlying all mental suffering, from depression to addiction. A conversation about his new theory on the root cause of behavioral and emotional problems and what can be done about it.[]

8. Of which concerning being able to go outside without harassment and intimidation- Gwydolyn Gwyn's son who pulled the weapon on me is still trying to intimidate me to stop coming outside:

taken 4/5/16
The car in the above picture[silver grey] stayed parked in the middle o street in front of house for about six to 10 minutes vs being parked in front of Gwyndolyn Gwyns house, like someone was trying to look through my windows;after about 10 minutes "Pookie"[Gwyndolyn Gwyn's son
got out of the car and walked up the hill to Gwyndolyn Gwyn's house-form of intimidation;

9. Called t-moblile and hispanic female and white male answered and tried to give the run-around[?];

10.  One of the reasons for the blockage of African American[s] prosperity-having to be subserviant  to white males is the PAYOFF[such as what is in the process of being developed]=
 State lawmaker Evelyn Terry is engaging preservation experts to push forward a plan to restore the house and brickyard where her distinguished grandfather operated a successful brickmaking business in Winston-Salem’s Dreamland Park neighborhood
the big payoff=have to have an AVENUE=relative who went to AFrica to teach African[s] how to make bricks; especially if person has sat on just about every BOARD in Winston-Salem, usually as the only AFrican American and also was one of Earline Parman's [who was just killed] running partners.

11. The guy who drives the silver grey station wagon that goes to gwyndolyn gwyn son's house, to where chris hayes stays and to 3713 name is "ART"=code for ART BARNES=BARN=blacks still in the BARN like in slavery=why ART is constantly on street; one would think that he lived on the street-he is code to the black bastards that they are still white male[s] slaves; and this week on phone took picture of ART being parked at "Pookie"s"; of which ART has tried to intimidate by calling me by name; of which I did not respond-because he does not know me;

12.  However since pictures will not post; will post names of  one of the public safety white males[of which there were five of them in all that excorted me to the psyhic ward; one was name BOB FREEMAN=bob-code for clansman BOB CLARK[grand drangon of the "KKK"]=suppose to be code that that "KKK" free cause of white male authority illegal hospital arrest; if they had hoods and and was dragging an African American female off without her permission-people would cry file; but policies are/have been developed so that society okays such abuse;
