Social Understandings

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Winston-Salem forysyth County Public Librarry Security

Presently there is an white male with beard  sitting and watching on the second floor or the  5th street public library[very intimidating[late evening] [working for security/harassment/intimidation]=anything happens 5th street public library of winston-salem know;

N. C.U. Commission


Am trying to get into yahoo account; everytime click on link to Yahoo account= it leads back to picture of male in ROYAL Blue in wheel chair that says "he earned it"=

threat that if don't do as white males want which is to tell guy who wears a lot of Royal blue/who is Duke blue devil fan; then white males system will cause the handicaps in the picture; which [white male with "security" written on t-shirt] at Winston-Salem Forsyth County 5th Street Main Public Library just left the area-code-let white male walk circle around and that is suppose to be symbolic of allowing them to  control life/relationship;

When ever tried to copy of print the entire picture statement ; only the yahoo logo would print, or only thepicture; but not both of them; so took picture on phone through email to post; when tried to go back and take close up pictures the webpage would not go back to the above picture; the ad was then of a credit card;

Let's make a deal concept; in other words make or deal or be attacked!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fourth Street Strategy?


Today is a TWO day; the 20th of May; and V. Switzer had A.Switzer to ride in front seat to take myself and LaLa[African American male that V Switzer is robbing of his natural heritage]home; except I asked to be dropped off at Walmart,which is not to far from V. Switzer; but V. Switzer drove all the way down town to dropped Lala off first which is near down town; then turned around and drove me back to Walmart which is down the street almost from his house;=because today is a TWO day; and for the last four weeks all V. Switzer talks about every other words out of his mouth seems to be his "WIFE"; he doesn't have a "WIFE" and he knows it; he has a prostitute working in secret for white males; and every time he uses the term "WIFE" he calls his self robbing me of my title as "WIFE"; may God bless Ann Switzer, but for everything V. Switzer her john does to try and block me from being a wife; I pray that God lets death sieze upon A. Switzer as a result of V. Switzer trying to block and rob me of my title as a "WIFE";

On May 2, another TWO day=V. Switzer given communication by white males that the jail/prison concept he is suppose to use and intimidate me with stopped; however; the l"WHITE" concept is to be applied?[yellow prison truck stopped at light[ohr; made right turn at red STOP light]; then white truck with writing on side stopped at light on [ohr]; while light on gmnt r turned green;

May 1,2014, V. Switzer came to the yard where I live at; knocked on the door and just started to pull leaves off of tree in front yard; he did it again today[never asked me if he could get some leaves off of the tree in my yard[because he does not respect his workers/to him they do as told;

Today he informed me that my problem was that I am not "OBEDIANT"; I thought only dogs had to be "obediant" to their masteror a "WIFE" obeidant to their husband; did not know that a worker had to be "obediant' to an employee; know a slave has to be "obediant" to a master; thought workers/employees had to "follow" instructions as related to work; but V. Switzer tries to usurp my rights to choose for myself and evoke his desires for my private life; like those that live around me; and the white males they work for[?]:


obeying or willing to obey; complying with or submissive to authority:

But either way-talking about the "WILL"

Also relative intimdiated out of city of Winston-Salem mentioned possible traveling to areas; and within the last couple of weeks=man lost son at airport when he went to go and get something to eat?-to send intimidating message to relative intimidated out of the City of Winston-Salem;which is related to the MAlaysia airplane disappearing -to send message-Ma is not with the program[?];


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Duke Energy Coal Ash


After Broadus [African American male] computer tech person for  WS Fosyth County Library who came to Carver Road Branch Library [on a spur of the notice moment=there were no signs up of computer being down on 5/8/14] and after working on comuter came to me and said "Now you can get on the computers, which I did not; he was never nice at the 5th street WS Forsyth County Library; so why nice at Carver road branch=ANSWER; in exchange for messing with computer [mood/] will hide messing around with female[Crystal](every time Broadus has come to the Carver Road Branch Library the people in/at the library is cleared out and all of a sudden only a few people are in the library; and one is a female who looks out of place based upon the norm of the people in the community];

"Intel research team experiments with mood-altering technology";Technology

"A team of engineers, anthropologists and psychologists at Intel's Oregon lab is busy developing ways of integrating human emotion and technology in ways that will, it hopes, lead the two to positively influence each other one day"

Which is a good thing to alter a persons mood to help them be better, now image the opposite effect; and being that the African American female that was sitting at the computer beside where Broadus Roseboro wanted me to sit[looked like she was 100 years old before her time, needed a bath, with bags; think the mood altering was probably not in my best interest; either way Boradus seemed kind of disappointed that I did not sit in the chair/at the compute that he had special just for me;

 And this all goes back to the article about [white males] doing research[which I have never given anybody permission to do any type of research on me] and evidence of their ability to alter a persons normal psyche=

                                                        Slvia Sprinkle Hamlin [2014]

Sylvia Sprinkle Hamil is perfect example if anyone goes back and look at her earlier pictures; its as if her mindset is in lala land[which is were Broadus Rosoborough would get the concept]compared to earlier pictures;what is meant by lala land is that she looks as if all of her decisions are made for her; like she doesn't have a care in the  world because everything is taken care of by somebody else [white males]-which is kind of strange being that she holds the title as Director of the WS Forsyth County Public Library; [];Sylvia Sprinkle Hamlin, executive producer of the festival and chair of the board of directors; yet the picture says all of my decisions are made for me:

                   Slvia Sprinkle Hamlin [2014]

Same look of Glee upon the face of a dog when "DEFERING" to their master;

If anyone took time out to compare mindset shown within the other pictures= it would be obvious

Note: Glanced at the Winston-salem Journal code to local African Americans practicing "DEFEENCE" is that "COAL ASH SPILL"  is real=African American really don't want to be white males slave;note: relative intimidated out of the city of WS stated they would never be one of the gay people;

note: message when signing into


Intel research team experiments with mood-altering technology

A team of engineers, anthropologists and psychologists at Intel's Oregon lab is busy developing ways of integrating human emotion and technology in ways that will, it hopes, lead the two to positively influence each other one day.
While the mothership has been championing low-power chips and presenting its top ten technologies of the future, Intel's Oregon team has been quietly spending its days collaborating with light technicians, musicians and artists the world over to pose one question: can powerful technology be fused with emotive media to affect peoples' moods?
The answer, Intel believes, is a definitive yes -- and we're not all that far off achieving it.
"From watching the maturity of computers, which are now powerful enough from doing things like computer fusion and machine learning, it feels like we're at this tipping point where the innate capabilities of the machine are starting to take on characteristics that could start representing humans," Doug Carmean, researcher-at-large at Intel Labs, told
"There's a great Alan Turing test that asks, can you develop a machine that could fool a human into thinking it was a person. I find that fascinating. Turing proposed that back in 1950 and it feels to me that some of the capabilities of the machines are starting to approach that. They don't just fool the humans, they can start taking on reasonable tasks for them and being a better complement than just frustrating you when you're trying to work. Part of the vision is finding ways that computers then become this entity that is doing something useful for you, something that you enjoy working with. You have a feeling for that thing like it's helping you. Like it's a friend."
Images roll past Carmean's head as he speaks. He is explaining this vision of the future while standing in front of #Creators Live, a wall-projected live Instagram feed created with Social Print Studio for the Creator's Project's 2012 tour. The project, an international arts and technology collaboration, has been introducing Intel engineers to musicians, filmmakers and artists in recent years.
According to the team behind the Creator's Project, there is a real desire in the arts for this kind of collaboration.
"When we approached the artist Doug Aiken and explained that we could put him together with Intel engineers -- the guys that literally envision the future -- his face lit up," says Hosi Simon, general manager for Vice, which co-founded the project with Intel. "He immediately said, 'yes, I've wanted to do all these things that I have in my head, but I just don't know how.'"
"The beauty of this thing is you sort of unleash the engineers and they tell the artists what is really possible, and their mind just goes crazy," adds Dave Haroldsen, marketing director at Intel. "Now, just as the young people we're talking to look up to these artists as their heroes and their inspiration, the artists that we feature look up to these engineers. That's what makes it exciting for us."
#Creators Live is the fruit of just such a collaboration. One of Intel's primary goals is to throw out the concept of computing as being about a flat screen, a keyboard and a mouse, and instead make it a "complete immersive interaction" -- hence experiments such as #Creators Live, which represents information on a huge display in a dynamic and interactive way. Installations like these are the first step towards breaking down rudimentary restrictions on standard human-device interactions.
The piece is designed for public events where visitors can post images along with a message. An algorithm -- developed in collaboration with Intel clinical psychologist Margie Morris using James W Pennebaker's linguistic analysis tool "Luke" -- decides whether that message is "high-energy" or "low-energy" according to key words used. Users can zoom in on one of the images, which then pops up in a coloured box -- the colour reflects the mood as being "high-energy" (happy, exhilarated) or "low-energy" (sad, calm). If the user disagrees with the mood reading they can drag the image to another colour sector and this action will be recorded to rectify flaws in the system.
"One of the things we're experimenting with here is whether this is an interesting way to try and capture the mood and emotion of a room of people," says Carmean. "Then various people can come up here and adjust the mood based on how the photo makes them feel."
"We're also experimenting with things like the colour of the photos -- a whole range of cues that might help us classify the photo and its message," adds Morris. "We still know there's a huge margin of error, so it's good that people can correct it."
The whole piece is designed to replicate the emotion present in a given room or at a particular event. Having seen guests at past Creator's Project events tweeting out messages saying how much they were enjoying themselves, Intel jumped on this as a way of linking up the project's international community. The idea is that someone on the other side of the world checking out the Creator's Project online could get a feel for the event happening at that very moment.

Essentially, the team is working on ways of making the world's obsession with their devices a completely positive thing. "We want people to engage -- instead of them looking down at their phones, we want them to say how they are feeling and to do that collectively," says Morris.
Morris envisions applications for similar installations across a variety of social environments, including restaurants. "Instead of just going in and everyone looking down, people could compose something that goes on the wall so the restaurant knows what the mood is. Then they have the opportunity to try to change the mood of the place."
"Or," Carmean interjects, "the colours outside the restaurant could express what's going on inside". No more will picky punters have to awkwardly pop in and out of a restaurant after finding that just a handful of customers are silently chowing down in an uninspiring atmosphere. A similar experiment is currently being played out in ths US, where bars in eight cities have agreed to install facial detection cameras that calculate how full a venue is and what the percentage of male versus female clientele is. This information, rather than being plastered outside the bar, is more discreetly available via the SceneTap app. The company predicts its user base will cross the 250,000 threshold later this summer after Boston, Atlanta and Phoenix join -- a sure sign that there is a market for these kinds of services on a commercial level.
Intel is also looking at transferring this technology to the home as well, with wall projections exhibiting an individual's personal photo collection. The system would enable users to sort their collection according to mood -- or possibly sort it for them one day using an algorithm, if enough signifiers are gathered -- so that they could then pull up their happy collection or even develop digital photo wallpaper to drag out across any given space.
Morris envisions user's picking a photo that makes them feel happy, then watching as the system draws up images that generate a similar emotional reaction, perhaps even drawing on the Instagram or Facebook photos from the user's circle of friends. In this way, the machine is positively affecting human emotion, having learnt what "happiness" is when the user categorised their collection. "In this way," explains Morris, "you can surround yourself with pictures that are complementary to your state rather than mirroring your state. These are the elements that we are playing with."
Outside of the home, the team has been looking at ways that lighting could be emotionally charged and used in concerts to alter the mood of a crowd. The idea stemmed from Intel's work with London-based art and design collective United Visual Artists (UVA) on Origin, a 30-square-metre light cube sculpture.
The light emitted by the Origin installation was pre-programmed to interact with passersby who could walk all around it and through it. It was hoped people would engage with the piece and be encouraged to move around it in different ways. Instead, on a sunny afternoon in New York, passersby would lay down inside it and wile away the afternoon like that.
"It inspired UVA, independently, to start looking into whether there is a way patterns can be established to get people to interact with a piece," says Morris. "One of the things that's so interesting about it is you might have a theory about how light effects mood, but then in a real life situation with all this art and social activity happening, it's less predictable how it's going to effect behaviour."
"A lot of it is like how theme music in a movie can make you feel a certain way," explains Carmean. "The obvious thing is if they had taken the equivalent of scary sounds but then put them through the lights, the chances are people wouldn't be lying there."
Intel is playing around with some pretty impressive ideas that could, potentially, generate powerful results. They are, however, very aware of this and are treading with caution. In addition to ask how powerful technology can affect peoples' moods, Intel is keen to find out what the best use would be for a "happiness algorithm", if it were possible to develop one. As Morris acknowledges, if you're going to gather huge amounts of data on how to read human emotion, "you better do something useful with it".
With engineers like Carmean -- who has spent 20 years working on core microarchitecture -- working on these questions, it's safe to say the sensitive issue is being handled with great care and attention to detail. So, hopefully, there's not much chance of them accidentally producing a rage-inducing machine at a music festival.

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Duke Energy ASH SPILL/Powell Street Bill


Response to the posting about the Dept. of Transportation[s] system designed to rob African Americans of their wealth and then distribute to white males through  the guise of "JOBS" for ONLY white males and hispanic males  sometimes resulted in going home to find that the little BLUE knob on the water meter;(which have checked on regular basis since water was turned by  on to detemine if Gwyns,etc. were stealing water) was constantly running which meant that there was water running somewhere; the last time I checked and had used water within two weeks it read [7]; on 5/7/14 after DUKE energy turned my lights on, the water meter read [7]by the evening; then checked again this morning and the meter read first [70]then went out again and the meter read [5]; so walked around and checked a few things[thought it interesting that items that had been placed by a door where water was running out had  b een moved-like someone wanted me to know they had been in room[b];

KNOW it was response to the posting on the blog about DUKE Energy "ASH SPILL"; robbery of AFrican American[s]money,etc. because when coming to the Carver Road Branch Library #1-White male WSTA bus driver="cultural transfromation-important that the bus driver be white during HIGH energy/transference times[if WSTA driver were an African American male-would mean wealth stayed in African American neighborhood/but white male means taking wealth out of black neighborhood and putting in white[so they think];#2 the white male on the DUKE Energy telephone pole[symbolic of a source of insurance to ensure white male  control] waiting for me to get on route #1 bus, where the bus driver was "White"=TWO white males;


To Confirm the COMMUNITYs instructions concerning intimidation, abuse, threats, harassment messages from higher up concerning not practicing "DEFERENCE"[African Americans yielding thier will to white males]; the staff at Carver Road Branch library[along with some of the members of the Mazzie Woodruff Center periodically  use  "written communication" to communicate certain messages by the placement of books/magazines/use of marquee,etc. such as the one Sharlene Edwards put up on 5/7/14

Shey Goodwin stated that Sharlene Edwards orders most of the audio books;

The Do or Die book was placed beside the books with the name of a relative [ Vanessa Davis Grigg  ]      and  [Be Careful what you PRAY FOR];

Notice the wedding ring; lady looks white[but about African American marriage looking at the wedding ring and the title](almost as if an African American female not practicing Deference can expect to a marriage that is solid and good?;


[Have documented the use of the name of "Vanessa" by the Carver Road Branch library staff using in a negative manner to send negative message 10 to 15 times]


Wednesday, May 07, 2014

State-Street Aid Powell Bill Program


Below is copy of post on blog at Wordpress/Deeeeanna[where for some reason can't sign on regular?;
And VERIFICATION of posting below being confirmation of message of system of message to kill for white males;  is also the confirmation and verification of system of ROBBERY [because I kept asking why did Gwyndolyn Gwyn cut down a good tree in front of her house; it did not make any sense; But when the City of Winston-Salem Department of Transportation showed up to collect the trees[guess they were waiting till they knew for sure that I would have lights]now I know why Gwyndolyn Gwyn cut down the tree, because there had to be a REASON for the TWO city of Winston-Salem trucks to show upon the day my ELECTRICITY was turmed back on][]; part of the State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) Program

Powell Bill allocations are made to incorporated municipalities which establish their eligibility and qualify per North Carolina General Statute 136-41.1 through 136-41.4.

Annually, State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) allocations are made to incorporated municipalities which establish their eligibility and qualify as provided by G.S. 136-41.1 through 136-41.4. The general statutes require that a sum equal to ten and four-tenths percent (10.4%) of the net amount after refunds that was produced during the fiscal year by the tax imposed be disbursed to the qualifying municipalities. The statutes also provide that funds be disbursed to the qualified municipalities on or before October 1st and January 1st, thereby allowing sufficient time after the end of the fiscal year for verification of information and to determine the proper allocations and preparation of disbursements. Powell Bill funds shall be expended only for the purposes of maintaining, repairing, constructing, reconstructing or widening of any street or public thoroughfare within the municipal limits or for planning, construction, and maintenance of bikeways, greenways or sidewalks.
Which am publically making statement of public protest of system of ROBBERY  designed by white males to ROB from African Americans who don't "DEFER" [be a slave] to white males;And am submitting that EVERYTHING stolen that would be the equivalent of good and excellent in white male society that belongs to person writing this to be returned immediateley; It is my money; my choice;

Thus  the WHITE males put the pickup truck in front of the PURE service station on REYNOLDA Road

[Picture taken on 4/30/14];
are connected to the same ones who created the "State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) Program" and

                                                       [picture take on 5/1/14 or 4/30/14]
who are friends with Gwyndolyn Gwyn[s] male relative who parked same type truck on the opposite side of town[that they murdered my brother in][ Gwyndolyn Gwyn male relative is standing beside the truck to intimidate][notice the black and white theme of the vehicles];

Thus the same white males[using public funding as a front] that designed the  "State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) Program" [] are also connected to the white males that own the "PURE" service station on Reynolda Road/and the Tire company accross the street who probably knows STEVE WHITEhart [who owns GOODyear tire company-with GOOD being sybolic of "Shey GOODwin's last name-code; And are also connected [employment] with Gwyndolyn Gwyns male relatives who intimidate for white males=THUS they may not pull the trigger but their finger prints are on the weapon?[meaning they are all part of the "GROUP"- BASTARDS;

State STreet Ad Powell Bill Program-STATE/DUKE Energy "ASH SPILL"=Black person not "DEFERING" to white males what belongs to them=[SPILL];


note: And others participating:

             Hispanic girl "DARLENE"[who EVERYTIME comes and parks the  push cart beside me; then walks around me in harassing manner[notice the little hispanic girl behind the counter is Darlene's sister(other African American children not allowed behind the counter[Darlene is the hispanic girl in black [looking straight ahead and knows what she is doing ansd suppose to do to harass me];Shey supports Melissa Williams concept[kill all AFrican Americans not deferring to white males];

In this picture is of the street where people were nice enough to let me eat after threat of confinement if go and get food stampsm where after I started going on the street TWO STREET LIGHTS started to remain on?=lets me KN OW that DUKE ENERGY works[white males] are participating and connected to stealing of TWIN child;

Have to look hard but there are TWO street lights on;

After started going on street-Winston-Salem Street Department of Transportation started leaving markings in the street RED[color of relatives car and BLUE[color guy who wants to date me wears];

note: picture was trying to post on 5/6/14 of Three African American males: TWO with hands over private and local Black male with no hands on prive=represent open and fact that message was to Tyrone Johnson at Carver Road Church[cousin is JOHNSON-Greene][picutre up under the white female;


City of Winston-Salem, NC Department of Transportation

Below is copy of post on blog at Wordpress/Deeeeanna[where for some reason can't sign on regular?;
And VERIFICATION of posting below being confirmation of message of system of message to kill for white males;  is also the confirmation and verification of system of ROBBERY [because I kept asking why did Gwyndolyn Gwyn cut down a good tree in front of her house; it did not make any sense; But when the City of Winston-Salem Department of Transportation showed up to collect the trees[guess they were waiting till they knew for sure that I would have lights]now I know why Gwyndolyn Gwyn cut down the tree, because there had to be a REASON for the TWO city of Winston-Salem trucks to show upon the day my ELECTRICITY was turmed back on][]; part of the State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) Program

Powell Bill allocations are made to incorporated municipalities which establish their eligibility and qualify per North Carolina General Statute 136-41.1 through 136-41.4.

Annually, State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) allocations are made to incorporated municipalities which establish their eligibility and qualify as provided by G.S. 136-41.1 through 136-41.4. The general statutes require that a sum equal to ten and four-tenths percent (10.4%) of the net amount after refunds that was produced during the fiscal year by the tax imposed be disbursed to the qualifying municipalities. The statutes also provide that funds be disbursed to the qualified municipalities on or before October 1st and January 1st, thereby allowing sufficient time after the end of the fiscal year for verification of information and to determine the proper allocations and preparation of disbursements. Powell Bill funds shall be expended only for the purposes of maintaining, repairing, constructing, reconstructing or widening of any street or public thoroughfare within the municipal limits or for planning, construction, and maintenance of bikeways, greenways or sidewalks.

Which am publically making statement of public protest of system of ROBBERY  designed by white males to ROB from African Americans who don't "DEFER" [be a slave] to white males;And am submitting that EVERYTHING stolen that would be the equivalent of good and excellent in white male society that belongs to person writing this to be returned immediateley; It is my money; my choice;

Thus  the WHITE males put the pickup truck in front of the PURE service station on REYNOLDA Road
[Picture taken on 4/30/14];

are connected to the same ones who created the "State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) Program" and

[picture take on 5/1/14 or 4/30/14]
who are friends with Gwyndolyn Gwyn[s] male relative who parked same type truck on the opposite side of town[that they murdered my brother in][ Gwyndolyn Gwyn male relative is standing beside the truck to intimidate][notice the black and white theme of the vehicles];

Thus the same white males[using public funding as a front] that designed the  "State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) Program" [] are also connected to the white males that own the "PURE" service station on Reynolda Road/and the Tire company accross the street who probably knows STEVE WHITEhart [who owns GOODyear tire company-with GOOD being sybolic of "Shey GOODwin's last name-code; And are also connected [employment] with Gwyndolyn Gwyns male relatives who intimidate for white males=THUS they may not pull the trigger but their finger prints are on the weapon?[meaning they are all part of the "GROUP"- BASTARDS;



City of Winston-Salem, NC Department of Transportation

Today is the day that DUKE Energy is suppose to cut m y lights back on; which should have been on by May 2,2014; but someone[white male] wanted them to be turned on on May 6,2014[represents demonic]; and I requested that they be turned back on on May 7, 2014;
As preparing for the day, heard loud engine outside; looked out the window and there were TWO BIG CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM TRUCKS whocoincidentally  came the same day DUKE energy is to cut my lights on to pick up tree limbs that Gwyndolyn Gwyn had cut from her yard.
Can see the back of the second truck[wondered why the drivers parked that way; both City of Winston-Salem truck are parked exactly where TWO large red big tractor trailors parked when they moved "Penny" BOSTONS house down the street;
GODwin name on the top of the City of Winston-salem trucks; with GODwin being code name for City of WS, NC winning over stealing from AFrican American[s]; SHEY’s last name at Carver Road Branch Library is GoodWIN-with “win” being the KEY issue[Shey Goodwin was sent to Carver Road Branch library because of the code her name carries-War with African Americans not practicing "DEFERENCE"];
License # on one of the trucks-ends with letter “V”-which is the name of relative’s name associated with TWIN that was stolen; like CW[my daddy's initials] was on the license plates of just about every car in OHIO when we went to visit my daddy’s relative;
Truck number on the side of the first City of WS truck; there was no number on the door of the 2nd City of WS truck;
thought that it was interesting that the trucks had white flashing lights instead of yellow caution lights;
Picture is of the view [black][white is middle is front of 2nd truck]of the back of the TWO trucks;
After city workers saw me taking pictures they called their supervisor diving white city car/license # 43200 [ and man getting in grey car came from somewhere; they [all African American males] stood by the two trucks for ab out ten minutes having a pow-wow;
Then road WSTA bus to the Carver Road Branch Library-to make sure white males had everything covered[controlling activity in African American neighborhood]for 5/7/14[day DUKE ENERGY turned my electricity back on] white males had a white male driver of route 1;
After got off of route 1WSTA; there greeted me TWO gov. vehicles: one from WSTA[supervisor bus and city of Winston-Salem vehicle[couldn't get id#]; and upon walking up to the Carver Road Branch library/Mazzie Woodruff center there was greeted by TWO WHITE males driving a PENske truck-[association]
Not evident in the picture but the concept of “Go PEN”was evident on the writing on the Penske truck;
“Go PENske” was written all over the truck[subliminal message;shortly after two white males left; then the African American female prostitute working in secret for white males who said she is a mortician pulled up:
This is the grey van that the African American female prositute that works in secret for white males as a  WSTA bus driver who is a mortician was driving before going into the Carver Road Branch Library[she pulled up shortly after the PEN  [two WHITE males] pulled off;
Once went inside the Carver Road Branch Library; Melissa Williams, Shey Goodwin and Sherlene Edwards were all at the front desk-looking at me; the African American female prostitute that works in secret for white males and another WSTA bus driver? were both at the front desk talking to the three library worker behind the Carver Road Branch front desk;[They all acted scared to me];
After getting settled asked for books on hold,etc. Shey Goodwin acted liked she was scared to hand them to me; then got some magazines and  went to “The Journal of the Forsyth County Genealogical Society Vl. 32No.1-Fall 2013 about “CLEMMONS SCHOOL CLASS OF 1913″ and also got volume 31 No. 3-Spring 2013[which should have been put up] about ROBINa Mickle,ca.1910; which thought it strange that TWO of the magazines were out[note-in fact lot of the magazines had TWO out[left by staff];
Growing up CLEMMONS was talked about as the place where a lot of the African American problems came from[white males that lived in that area]; have blogged numeous times about the name [ROBINa]and upon opening the magazine[whose editorial board is JOHN h. REYNOLDS, Jerry Loafman, DARLA MORGAN JOHNSON] on page 70 the title reads “Liberia, MOORE’s field or HAPPY HILL and Happy Hill Cemetery”;  The fourth entry on page 70 is indented and reads:
One Death by Freesing, Old “RICH” Siewers, Colored, Found in the Mill RACE[?]:A sad tragedy was brought to light this morning. “RICH” Siewers, a well though of colored man, was found cold in death about 10 o’clock yesterday morning in the mill “race” in “Salem near the end of “Church” Street by D. L. Sjore, of Salem.  He had evidently been lying in the mill race for several hours, and probably all night. Rich was about 63 years of age and has been a afamiliar character on the Ssalem Streets for many years.  In the good old “slave” times he was owned by Mrs. EMANual Lemly and JOHN D. siewers, TWO well known people, all the older residents of Salem know “RICH” well.  He was an inoffensive old man, but of late years had been drinking heavily. His home was on HAPPY Hill [where Ben Picket was director of the recretion center], a colored settlement EAST of Salem and is survived by a large family.  Amon other things “RICH” formerly carried the mails between the Salem POST OFFICE and the depot and his death will revove a familiar sight on the streets of the TWIN City.  The remains were turned over to the bereaved family for the funeral.7
Above message=code of what is to take place next  to WIN in “Salem”[winston-salem][coincides with message in the Winston-Salem Journal and Winston-Salem Chronicle to kill in order for white males to WIN; fact that the 2nd journal is about ROBBING is no coincidence.
Note : the magazines books are not online according Sharlene Edwards;
The above thus far is the witnessing of a system used to communicate death to someone; starting with Gwyndolyn Gwyn male relative putting the truck by mailbox,etc.];


Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Its in the Bag?


Note: Called Duke Energy on 5/5/14[TWO day] to find out when lights would come on; and after three to four days of "sorry, we can't give you any information about your account with Duke Energy, you have to speak with the energy protection division"; and no lights turned on on 5/2/14 or by a.m. 5/5/14 as those at the S.A. and the NC Public Utilities Commison understood, so called and the conversation went to that the S.A. lady did not put down deposit; they couldn't turn on lights, so called the S.A. lady and asked if she had made a committment to pay deposit; the S.A. lady said that she had already paid the deposit for my Duke Energy Account; she would call  and speak to them and that my lights should be on today [5/5/14]; thus in the evening called to verify that lights would be turned on 5/5/14 and was informed that duke Energy would turn on the lights on 5/6/14 [the number six is code of demonic;like three 6's]; thus then requested that Duke Energy turn lights on on 5/7/14;instead of 5/6/14; [punishement for not letting Duke Energy turn lights on on 5/6/14 is that the book was using disappeared from the back of the Carver Road Brach Library information desk=?; and nobody knows where it is at; Sharlene was last one at desk when it was pur on the front counter at Carver Road Branch Library];
Also called the NC Public Utitilies Commission to ask a few questions, was informed that could not speak to an analyst after case is closed; the only way is to open up the case again;

Have blogged about when worked as a substitute teacher at Mineral Springs Elememtary school and the principal asked me, "Why the African American parents in the area do not participate in the educating of theier child/ren; and in the blog I stated that I told her because the parents already know that those who control society/[with the jobs, etc.] have already decided what their child will or will not be; along with the fact that if they as parents try to intervene that not will their child be punished, but they[African American parents]would also be punished=lose the little job they have, who ever they[those operating the system] think is their favorite child would be attacked, or one of their family members attacked, etc.;

Chhildren make an easy weapon because most do what they are told-why the little boy who lived beside me was used to break out all the windows and glass out of my screen door because children can't be brought up on charges; they can do wrong and have their records cleaned/cleared; imagine having a whole country of children are authorized and who are paid to do illegal/imoral things which allows those who are innoncent to be allowed to go free; because there is no defense because they are children learning;but at the same time it is an excellent system to rob/block/attack children who would be consider the future leaders in the African American culuture who may want to develop a real "BLACK WALL STREET"[uncontrolled by white males] by establishing a record while opening a door and while legally developiing system to track African American male youth to direct/put in the school,etc. to prison pipeline;


Continuation page "B8" of the WS Chronicle for the "It's In the Bag" article-ad for Shirley Ceasar Concert[have blogged about the fact that Shirley Ceasar is practicing "DEFERENCE" to keep a "dick"[which is a "john"] that she calls a husband;

                                                       SHIRELY CEASAR

Forsyth J-il & Pr-son Ministries will present the Queen of Gospel, Shirley Caesar, in concert on Friday, May 16 at 7 p.m. at United Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church, 420 Metropolitan Rd. The concert is free, but an offering will be taken during the event to benefit the Ministries, which offers a plethora of programs for area inm-tes;[note: black males can be an inm-te; but they can't have a mate];

Ad for concert:

Friday, May 16, 2014—7:00pm Shirley Caesar Concert United Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church 420 Metropolitan Road—Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Known as the Queen of Gospel Music, Shirley Caesar has received 11 Grammy Awards and 7 Dove Awards as well as induction into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame. She combines scripture, preaching and life issues with traditional gospel music to create a memorable worship experience. Shirley has performed at the White House, on Broadway, TV and in films. Shirley Ann Caesar-Williams co-pastors with her husband, Bishop Harold I. Williams in her hometown, Durham, NC.
Admission is Free A love offering will be received to support the Forsyth J-il & Pr-son Ministries work with inm-tes and families.
If you can’t attend, please consider a donation to support Forsyth J-il & Pr-son Ministries
P.O. Box 11802, Winston
-Salem, NC 27116—(336) 759-0063,

Presenting Sponsor: BUDD GROUP=
code=the beginning of a "group" process; like a "BUD" opening on a flower;

The group that they are starting is to supply a "pr-son" system that has or will be built;and the location of the concert is symbolic of the "UNITY" mindset=UNITED Metroplitan MISSIONARY Baptist Church=code the African American prostitutes working in secret and their johns who practice "DEFERENCE" to white males wills are all "UNITED"  in thier MISSION  to make innocent children into thugs,etc. to fill white males pr-sons and j-ils;

Thus  in the local newspapers[Winston-Salem Journal/winston-Salem Chronicle]there are numerous articles that have decoded that communicate that "AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILDREN" are to be used as form of harassment and intimidation to adults;then saw the article, "It's in the Bag" by Layla Garms in the Winston-Salem Chronicle on the "COMMUNITY"page :


[                                    ]



Note: Pictures in on the Winston-Salem Chronicle website[] and the hard copy of the Winston-Salem Chronicle are not the same;

The article in the hardcopy of the WS Chronicle contues to page "B8";where codes relating to "Leadership";Shirley Ceasare Concert[by PRISON ministry];WS DASH[sports]; article[written by "special to the chronicle"-"Boone recieves honor from fraternity[picture of Ruby Boone Jr. and his [prostitute working in secret for white male]who is called a wife] over picture of Evans[African American female] and her students]

                                            Khadija Evans and her students lead the chain.

= code put African American female prostitutes working in secret for white males over single mothers of African American children; "Residents hold celbrations at Healy Towers-[operate same system that put blacks on local welfare track; and page "B9"=life=WS CITY Page/WATER QUALITY=code-quality of life issue/to PROTECT white males lifestyle;

 Front page of the Winston-salem Chronicle; May 1, 2015;[where the article "Schoools REDUCE CRIME, Suspensions"=code=reduce the school suspenisons; 'but "community page of the Winston Salem Journal, [where the article, "It's in the Bag" and the Shirley Ceasar Concert]is code to start identify through a program in the "COMMUNITY" who to attack/put in pr-son and ja-ls without the public schools being involved; that way noone can say that they schools are in partnership with the ja-ls and or-sons;

What's in the Bag-is the agreement among the African american[s] that white males have out front in the white society not representing AFrican Americans but themselves to  put African American children on a track to j-il and pr-sons;


Code in picture-TWO African American males who covered private partsl but third African American male=LOCAL- did not cover his private part=left wide open=code= on DOWN LOW[Tyrone Johnson//Carver Road Church]-meaning that the local AFrican American males who participate in 'DEFERNCE"[homose-ual activity ] [and sit in the church like they are heterosexual] will not be attacked by white males;

                          [That is not the picture on the front page of the hard copy of Winston-Salem Chronicle]

Of Tyrone Johnson being sent message that black males[such as himself][any marriage to an African American female=a front] who in church on the "downlow'[code for gay] will not be attacked by white males=is the fact that his [aunt]

Johnson Green[Tyrone Johnsons Aunt gets the same privileges as white females [EXCEPT ?];


Article in the Winston-Salem Chronicle: ocal singer's g roup makes gospel debut;[picture of African American male [Ronald GODBEE]-

                                              RONALD GODBEE

Secret about the African American churches helping the city of Winston-Salem, NC to rob/steal/intimidate/abuse/hinder African American children/parents is still a secret=why main article is "Statium STILL THE CITY'S":

Stadium still the city’s[white males]

WSSU Associate Vice Chancellor of Facilities Management
[whose picuture is not in hardcopy of the WS Chronicle=?];
but code=COOK ?

There is a picture of the FRONT of the BowMAN  Gray stadium=code-the secret/the front that everybody looks at is still the city's view of African Americans;

COOK=go ahead= "Its in the Bag";Layla Garms May 1, 2014]

"It’s In the Bag"

 Layla Garms May 1, 2014

It's=white males robbing African Americans of thier "MONEY", etc. is in the bag/using white females=why white female has on a GREEN T-shirt  with  "COOK" elementary[African American elementary school];



black pickup truck parked by my mailbox by Gwyndolyn Gwyns male relative to harass and intimidate/threaten me;they know that is the kind of truck my brother was murdered in;


A hedge fund manager just made the biggest home purchase in U.S. history